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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Really, chant omnkara? + 3 more

Really, chant omnkara?


All sincere Ananda Margiis know that:
(a) Omnkara is the sound of the creation, sustenance, and withdrawal of this entire universe.
(b) When the mind reaches to satyaloka in sadhana, then one can hear the omnkara sound (coming from nowhere).
(c) Omnkara cannot be pronounced with one’s vocal cords.
(d) Trying to pronounce the omnkara is a waste of time so Baba has warned us not to do this.
(e) Baba warns us that omnkara is not a mantra; doing the japa, dhyana etc of omnkara is useless and a misuse of one’s precious moments.

Omnkara dogma 

(f) The omnkara symbol should not be worshiped in meditation as an idol or as a photo on the puja table etc. Nor should it be used as a locket or necklace. This is a dogma.
(g) The omnkara has no image or symbol. The way it is written now is Hindi Devanagari script. It is a sound and cannot be depicted by an image. This figure was created by dogmatic Hindu fundamentalists who want to propagate their dogma across the planet. That is why they spread it all around.
(h) You will not find an omnkara figure / symbol in Ananda Marga philosophy. It is a sound not an image etc. And you know that sound is sound and it does not have an image.
(i) Since omnkara does not have an image, then English readers will use their roman script and Japanese speakers will use their own script etc. Baba’s guideline is to write about omnkara in your own language, not Devanagari script.
(j) Every sincere Ananda Margii knows all these above points. New margiis may not know these things so they should consult Ananda Marga philosophy.

Nowadays, there is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding the onmkara sound. This is a very prevalent dogma in India. As Ananda Margiis, we should be aware of Guru’s teachings about this so that we can dispel all such myths and dogmas, and guide others along the right path. Here are some of Sadguru Baba’s guidelines.

[A] Ananda Marga ideology states, “Here one should bear in mind that when Oṋḿkára stands for sound, to know it then is to hear or pronounce it. When Oṋḿkára is pronounced or sounded in the Brahmic Mind itself, it is then meaningless for the sádhaka to pronounce it during his meditation of oṋḿkára. The sádhaná of oṋḿkára means the endeavour to hear that sound.”  (1)

[B] Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “In Ananda Marga oṋḿkára is not a mantra (an incantation of invocation) for chanting but for listening.” (2)

This onmkara  dogma is spreading all around the globe. As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji we should guide the common people about the truth behind the onmkara sound. Oṋḿkára is not for chanting but for listening.

What oṋḿkára really is?

   Ananda Marga ideology states, “Wherever there is an action, certain vibrations are created. For each and every action, there is a corresponding vibration, a corresponding sound. You are walking – a khat́-khat́-khat́-khat́, t́ap-t́ap-t́ap-t́ap sound is created. That sound is the vibrational sound of that action of walking. You are laughing – the sound há-há-há-há will be created, so the sound há-há-há-há is the vibrational representation of the action of laughing. So the vibrational sound of an action is called the acoustic root. So há-há-há-há is the acoustic root of the action of laughing, and khat́-khat́-khat́-khat́ is the acoustic root of the action of walking. This acoustic root is called a biija mantra in Sanskrit. Now, when this universe was created by the Macrocosmic Self, a particular wave came in the Macropsychic body – “I’ll create something” – this desire was created – and this psychic action certainly came from a psychic sound within the mind of the Supreme Self. So the acoustic root of the desire of creation within the mind of the Macrocosm created the sound aaaa-a-a-a-a-a. A is the acoustic root of creation. A is the acoustic root of the action of creation – do you follow? Wherever there is an action, there is some vibration, and wherever there is vibration there is sound. When that Macrocosmic Self created this universe, during the phase of creation a certain vibration was created in His mind, and that vibration created a certain sound. That sound of creation is a. A is the acoustic root of creation, a is the biija mantra of creation.”
   “And the first sound of creation, a, is the first letter of the Tántrika varńamálá. A. Then after creation, you are to preserve that creation, you are to keep up the creation. After the birth of a child, you have to preserve it; so this preservation is the second phase, and the vibrational sound of this action of preservation is u. Uuuu. So u is the acoustic root of preservation.
   “And after creation, in the last phase of this psychic order, comes the phase of destruction. After creation and preservation there will be destruction. And the acoustic root of destruction is ma. Ma is the biija mantra of destruction, ma is the biija mantra of sarvalaya, ma is the biija mantra of prańásha. So ma is the biija mantra of destruction.So the entire functional business of the Supreme Self is represented by three sounds, a, u and ma – a-u-mmm. Hence the activated Consciousness is represented by the sound oooṋm.” (3)

And that is our Oṋḿkára. The oṋḿkára sound is resonating eternally from the cosmic hub. So oṋḿkára is not for chanting but for listening.

How you can hear the sound of oṋḿkára

The A-U-M sound occurs in the Cosmic hub. So when one does sadhana and thinks about Parama Purusa, then due to one’s proximity to Parama Purusa, that sadhaka can hear the omnkara sound resounding in the Cosmic hub. Altogether, this onmkara sound can be heard in various stages as the mind becomes elevated, by His grace, and experiences different stages of realisation.

So those doing sadhana sincerely can hear this. There are hundreds of Ananda Marga sadhakas still walking this earth who hear this in their sadhana. And often even after they have completed their sadhana that sound continues on in their mind.

The key point to remember is that nobody can produce or pronounce this sound with their own mouth and limited voice box / larynx. It is baseless and ignorant to think one can replicate or make this sound. Yet so many dogmatic yogis attempt this in their meditation practice. As dharmikas, as Ananda Margiis, we know however that this is a sound meant to be heard, not spoken. So oṋḿkára is not for chanting but for listening.

Why onmkara is not for chanting

1. One cannot replicate the onmkara sound that is emanating from Cosmic hub with one’s own voice or larynx. Attempting to do so is a gross waste of time.
2. The onmkara sound can only be heard when the mind is in an exalted state. So it is silly to waste the time using crude organs to emulate that sound, which no human being can create - ever.
3. If you chant onmkara then there is absolutely no spiritual benefit. The repetition of onmkara is akin to repeating some useless noise. The mind will remain crude. Regardless of one’s desire, by this approach one will never hear the real onmkara.
4. It is senseless and stupid to do that which has no use; it is similar to chanting xyz type of words - just a fruitless endeavour.
5. Trying to formulate the sound of onmkara using one’s mouth is not even close to what the scriptures are talking about - it is not even a shadow of a shadow of a shadow.
6. Repeating the onmkara sound in meditation is like jumping into a pond in hopes of grabbing and eating the reflection of a mango - all the while thinking that one’s hunger will be satiated.

Even then, in various aspects of the Hindu religion, they use omnkara in a variety of ways.

List of oṋḿkára dogmas

Here is a brief listing of the many ways Hindu followers employ onmkara.
(a) loud call onmkara
(b) song of onmkara
(c) kiirtan onmkara
(d) mala japa onmkara
(e) mental japa onmkara
(f) figure of onmkara

So in all these ways they chant onm as their slogan or mantra. Not only that, they wear the onmkara lockets or necklaces, they use it as an insignia on their flag or wall, and they carve it into stone etc.


As Ananda Margiis, we do sadhana to please Parama Purusa, not to hear the onmkara sound. Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that the onmkara is the cosmic sound of (i) creation, (ii) preservation, and (iii) destruction. When one vidya tantrika (an Ananda Margii) does sadhana, the mind becomes apexed and then he hears onmkara - the sound of God / the sound of silence.

In Him,

~ Below is Hindu omnkara symbol in Devanagari script ~

~ Above is Hindu omnkara symbol in Devanagari script ~

About the below photo

In the below photo, there is an orange, triangular flag and on that flag the onmkara symbol is written in Hindi / Devanagari script. These are Hindu believers marching in the street, and in this procession they are chanting ”Onm” as a slogan. This is dogma. Why? Please go on reading.

These are Hindu believers marching in the street, and in this procession they are chanting ”Onm” as a slogan. This is dogma. Why? Please go on reading. In the above photo, there is an orange, triangular flag and on that flag the onmkara symbol is written in Hindi / Devanagari script.

This onmkara  dogma is spreading all around the globe. As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji we should guide the common people about the truth behind the onmkara sound. Oṋḿkára is not for chanting but for listening.

Now see here how in this Ananda Yuga magazine Dada Guniindrananda is propagating the very dogma by glorifying and worshiping this omnkara symbol. And that is why he put this image in the magazine which is not approved by Baba. Verily every Ananda Margii knows should not be done.

Again, here above is the Ananda Yuga magazine where Dada Guniindrananda is propagating the very dogma by glorifying and worshiping this omnkara symbol. And that is why he put this image in the magazine which is not approved by Baba. Verily every Ananda Margii knows should not be done.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3 Desire and Detachment
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3 Desire and Detachment
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Gáyattrii Rhythm and the “Gáyattrii Mantra”

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Respect whom?

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Tadekaḿ jagatsákśiirupaḿ namámah – “If I am to pay respect to anybody, I am to pay respect to You only.”" (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Tadekam’ jagatsa’ks’iiru’pam’ nama’mah. “If there is anyone to whom spiritual aspirants should surrender, if there is anyone to whom they should pay salutations, it is Parama Purus’a.” The system behind salutations is to look for the Supreme Being that is the inner essence of a person, and to pay salutations to that Parama Purus’a.” (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, What Are You?
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

== Section 3: Links ==