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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Too many crimes + 4 more


Too many crimes


In society, there are countless sins committed each and every day. Sinful dealings are rampant. As we all know, in Ananda Marga philosophy, a crime is different from a sin. A crime is an action that contravenes the legal code, whereas a sin is that which goes against cardinal human values. For more about this distinction please see section appended below.

Here, our primary concern is that we live in an era where sinful actions are quite prevalent. There is a diverse array of sinful dealings, and those misdeeds lead to a lot of harm, pain, and suffering. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, all such sins can be reduced to three essential causes. And, once the cause of a particular sin is identified and resolved, then all sins that stem from that cause can be eliminated. Step by step, in this manner, we can effectively eradicate all sinful actions from society by understanding and applying Baba's special guideline.

The first cause of sin

Here we examine the first cause of sin: Shortage of physical and psychic pabula. To best understand Baba's above mandate outlining the causes of sin, we must understand what is meant by the term pabula. In the physical sphere, pabula refers to the requirements of life needed to support your existence: Housing, clothing, food, medicine, etc. Thus a shortage of physical pabula occurs when one lacks the necessities of life.

And in the mental realm, pabula refers to proper ideological education. A shortage of psychic pabula occurs where one suffers from a lack of ideological understanding; that is if their thoughts and ideas are not consistent with logic and reasoning and are not based on the cause of universal welfare.

Note: The Saḿskrta term for pabula is abhoga. There is both physical and psychic abhoga.

Here we shall apply Baba's guideline about the first cause of sin. The first cause of sin can be divided into two specific sections: Physical and psychic. This letter addresses the physical aspect.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The first cause [of sin] is shortage of physical and psychic pabula." (1)

Due to a shortage or dearth of (a) physical necessities (i.e. shortage of food, housing, medical care, clothing etc), and (b) proper ideological education (i.e. not knowing right from wrong, suffering from a shortage of proper knowledge etc), people commit sins. By examining a few case examples, we can better understand what this means.

Is the robber / killer guilty?

Let's say a person has no food to eat and in that desperate circumstance he opts to rob someone's home in order to steal valuables so he can then buy food and provide for his family. During that robbery he kills all the residents of that household. Here the shortage of physical requirements is a distinct lack of food. Because the man did not have food, he broke into someone's home and then he committed sin by murdering that family. If the man had had an ample amount of food he would not have committed this sinful deed. So his distinct shortage of physical necessities (i.e. no food) was the cause of his killing, i.e. sin.

Unfortunately, the current laws do not address the root cause of this sin and crime, i.e. committing murder. Those legal authorities and judges merely put the assailant in jail, and then watch that crime / sin be repeated again in the future by another person. As those social conditions remain the same, then invariably due to pressure of circumstances the same crime is repeated.

In contrast, in His teachings, Baba does identify the root cause of such sins. And when that cause is addressed, that sinful deed and criminal behaviour is permanently eliminated. That is the critical and remarkable difference between Baba's dynamic response to the situation versus the static way today's authorities try to address the matter. And this defect of the legal system applies to the below cases as well.

That has led some to proclaim that the current justice system is similar to allopathic treatment wherein those allopathic physicians wholly overlook the cause and superficially address the symptoms.

Incident: Why breaking & entry into home

Here is another example. Suppose a person lacks a proper domicile - he does not have a place to live. Then when the weather is bad he decides to secretly force himself into a seemingly unoccupied house and in that process of breaking and entering into that house, he sees someone inside and smashes their head open. Thus the person commits a sin - i.e. inflicting terrible harm on someone. And the root cause is a shortage of physical pabulum, i.e. he had no shelter of his own so he entered someone else's dwelling. If the man had proper shelter and would not have been exposed to the natural elements like cold rain etc, then he would not have committed this sinful deed of smashing someone's head. So here again a shortage of physical objects / necessities led to his committing sin - i.e. attacking someone and smashing their head.

Lastly, when a mother finds that her sick son is denied medical treatment then she herself resorts to selling vices to cover her son's ongoing medical needs. In this case the shortage of physical wealth takes the shape of no medical care; and, in result, the mother turns to the sinful act of selling vices to try and pay the medical bills of her sick and diseased son.

Indeed, in all these case studies, the negative deed is perpetuated over and over again. People continue to fall into crime and sin because the civil authorities do not address the root cause of the problem. They do not look deeper into the issue. Only they penalise and convict the so-called guilty party without going beneath the surface to examine the preliminary cause.

In Ananda Marga the situation is entirely different as Baba has specifically identified the root cause and given plans and programs to eliminate the problem(s), thereby eradicating sin.

How communism has tended towards brutality

Another very significant aspect of the cause of sin relates to one's lack of food, want of clothing and shelter in severe cold, and a dearth of medicine when encumbered by disease. At that point one will be prone to behaving in an abnormal manner and one may commit sin, i.e. harm others. This is another key aspect of Baba's evaluation of this topic.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If human beings lack the basic physical necessities of life they will not be able to follow higher pursuits. You will find that a person’s sense of discrimination is disturbed if he or she is confronted with only a little physical hardship. If an intellectual becomes angry, he or she may utter insentient words. Hence, the shortage of physical wealth results in restlessness and causes the loss of people’s sense of discrimination, and then people naturally tend towards brutality. It is because of this that communism has tended towards brutality. This is the underlying psychic reason." (2)

How to eradicate shortage of physical pabula

Nowadays, many sins are related with a shortage of physical requirements (pabula). People lack the financial means to have even the most basic of necessities, so they resort to sin. This has become a common predicament in this era. By identifying and addressing this problem - shortage of physical pabula i.e. material needs - a component of the first cause of sin - so many sinful acts can be eliminated from the society.

The ultimate solution is a Proutistic social order where all are guaranteed the minimum requirements of life - food, shelter, clothing, medical care, and education. When all are covered and protected in this way, all the sinful dealings associated with shortage of physical necessities will be eradicated.

Solution to 1st cause of sin

Here below Baba points out the key solution for preventing and eradicating the first cause of sin.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "What is the solution to the first of the three causes of sin? For those who lack physical pabulum, minimum requirements will have to be guaranteed to everyone. If you do not supply people with the minimum requirements you will meet your Waterloo. If your neighbor’s house is on fire, your house will also catch fire. To supply the minimum requirements to everyone, both a strong administration and an intellectual approach are necessary. Those capable of providing these things to humanity will be called sadvipras. In the absence of sadvipras, society cannot survive." (3)

As we explore the first cause of sin - shortage of physical requirements - we can understand that it is a vast point that plagues society on so many levels. This cause is related with the existence of so much sin on this earth.

Unfortunately, nowadays the legal authorities do not address these problems in a holistic manner. They do not identify the real cause, i.e. shortage of physical pabula. They do not ensure that people have the minimum requirements of life or a proper neo-humanistic outlook. This is not their concern. Those legal authorities only see whether a person's action was against the legal code. Then the guilty is sentenced to jail etc. In that case, in failing to address the greater social conditions, the same wrongdoing and sin is committed over and over again. That is the chief problem.

Whereas, Baba has keenly marked the root cause and given the solution. In that case, those wrongdoings and sins will be effectively eliminated. As we identify and address this first cause according to Baba's guidelines, the earth will be lightened, having been relieved of so much sin.

in Him,

Difference between sin & crime

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings are social beings, hence, they have to follow certain social codes. But they must follow some spiritual codes as well. Because of illusion or some other reasons, if people break these codes, these “dos” and “don’ts”, sometimes we call it “sin” or Pápa and at other times, “crime” or Aparádha. If the violation is in the spiritual code, rather the religious code, it is termed as “sin”. If the violation is against the legal code it is known as “crime”. Sin is sometimes based entirely on dogmas and not on cardinal human values. Wise people will never entertain a conception of sin based on religious dogma. Rather, they will judge with discrimination the correctness of the code according to cardinal human values. The concept of sin has been given by people on the basis of religion, religious dogmas and cardinal human values. As intellectuals and developed people of the second half of the 20th century, we should keep away from religious dogma and attach the highest importance to cardinal human values."

Long ago Vyása said the following about sin:

    Aśtádashapuráneśu Vyásasya vacanádvayam
    Paropakárah puńyáya pápáya parapiid́anam.

"That is, that action which checks the progress of the society is sin, and that action which accelerates social progress is Punya or virtue. This is a fact. But what is crime? Any action which goes against the different legal codes made by the different nations, according to their spatial, personal and collective differences, is crime. In Saḿskrta crime is known as Aparádha. Sin or Pápa should be formulated on the basis of cardinal human values. This was also supported by Vyasa."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Criminal codes are generally framed by politicians according to their own standards. Sometimes they include a tinge of humanity and sometimes they do not. Thus the present-day legal codes are not necessarily humanitarian. Rational people may defy a legal code but they should never violate cardinal human values. I would never tell the people of a country to follow their legal codes blindly, but would tell them to always follow cardinal human values. The cardinal human values are the silver lining between the psycho-spiritual world and the spiritual world. They are at the meeting-point of these two strata – the spiritual stratum on one side and the psycho-spiritual stratum on the other."

"In Saḿskrta there are two words for sin – that which should be done but is not done is called “Pratyaváya”, and that which should not be done but is done is “Pápa”. The combined name of Pápa and Pratyaváya is “Pátaka”. Here I will make use of the word Pápa because it is more popular."

"Wherever we mention cardinal human values, we are not referring to any religious code, for that is based on religious dogmas. Again I repeat, why should the people of the second half of the 20th century follow religious dogmas? I advise you not to follow them but to revolt."

"As far as possible the gap between cardinal human values and crime should be lessened. The smaller the gap the better it is. Cardinal human values are mostly unchangeable. They may change after a long time as they remain associated with the physical world, but it is natural that they will not have frequent changes because of their subjective approach. Crime will undergo transformation according to changes in time, space and the collective body. Hence, both the conceptions cannot be exactly the same – difference between them will remain. But efforts should be made to lessen the differences. This task will be the duty of Sadvipras or spiritual revolutionaries. " (4)

Three causes of sin

Here is the full list of the three causes of sin as given by Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji:
1. Shortage of physical and psychic pabula.
2. Non-utilization of over-accumulated physical and psychic pabula.
3. Stagnancy in the psychic and physical strata.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin
3. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin
4. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Three Causes of Sin

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Mind is ensconced in bliss

"Tomári kathá bheve mármik anubhave..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3006)


Parama Purusa, by thinking of You with all the feelings of my heart, my thrilled mind is ensconced in bliss and floats towards the godly realm. Tthe Controller of the eternal and mortal worlds, the hope of the hopeless, even a wee-bit of Your mercy and love is enough to overfill my core with spiritual bliss and give me goosebumps, horripilation, throughout my being. Baba, is it You who brings that deep spiritual surge of bhakti within me.

Supreme Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

Baba, You are incomparable in rhythm and most pleasant in aroma. You have no comparison. In all vibrations, in the quintessence, deep down, You are the Dearest One to all and the nucleus of all the vibrations. In the garland, You are the flower; and in the necklace, the jewel. In everything, You are the best in all things. Remaining in viitara'ga, You smile with the beauty of prema, heavenly love like flowers.

Divine Entity, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

My Eternal Friend, in the severe heat, You are those first, cool showers that bring relief and respite. In the space between the monsoon clouds, You are the refulgent polestar. In the darkness, You are the beauty of the moon's enchantment. Under the hot sun, You are cool shade beneath the trees. In each and every circumstance, You are the Saviour. Baba, even staying afar, You remain in my mind’s precious haven.

Prabhu, thinking about You, my mind is ensconced in bliss.

Parama Purusa, keep me eternally at Your lotus feet...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3006:

[1] Ba'ndha-bha'unga' mana: This is when the mind is overwhelmed with joy. Such as when one is extremely happy and bursts into tears or when one jumps for joy or exclaims or dances. In actuality though it is more than the joy experienced in worldly circumstances. It is that inexpressible bliss from the spiritual flow. It happens in the spiritual realm when one's mind is fully ensconced in His bliss and one starts crying uncontrollably. This is a state wherein one completely loses their composure.

[2] Viitara'ga: This is the state of being beyond any worldly attachment or attraction - i.e. perfect equanimity in all circumstances. One of the qualities of Parama Purus'a is vaera'gya.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Chief hurdle for creating a world government

Prout states, "The more time is passing by, the more the glare of casteism, provincialism, communalism and nationalism is fading away. The human beings of today must understand that in the near future they will definitely have to accept universalism. So those who seek to promote social welfare will have to mobilize all their vitality and intellect in the endeavour to establish a world organization, abandoning all plans to form communal or national organizations. They will have to engage themselves in constructive activities in a straight-forward manner, instead of resorting to duplicity and deceitfulness."

"Many people say that divergent national interests are the only impediments to the formation of a world organization, or a world government. But I say this is not the only obstacle, rather it is just a minor impediment. The main obstacle is the apprehension of local leaders that they will lose their leadership. With the establishment of a world government, the total domination which they exercise today in their respective countries, societies and nations will cease to exist." (1)

1. Problems of the Day #19

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

The light of new ideas

“Those who introduce new ideas are invariably subjected to the trammels, tyranny and lure of sinful temporality. But people must not yield, people must not stop. Remember that light, not darkness is veritably the truth of life. The light of new ideas shall certainly illumine every nook and corner of human habitation, in spite of the inroads of countless forces of denunciation, denigration and contempt.” (Ananda Vanii #37)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

The light of new ideas

“Those who introduce new ideas are invariably subjected to the trammels, tyranny and lure of sinful temporality. But people must not yield, people must not stop. Remember that light, not darkness is veritably the truth of life. The light of new ideas shall certainly illumine every nook and corner of human habitation, in spite of the inroads of countless forces of denunciation, denigration and contempt.” (Ananda Vanii #37)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==