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Monday, March 23, 2015

Watch out: carcinogenic herbicide Glyphosate used on genetically modified crops + 3 more


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Watch out: carcinogenic herbicide Glyphosate used on...
2. News: At least 20,000 farm workers have died....
3. Letter: Ranchi sold AM properties in Davao?
4. Links

Watch out: 

carcinogenic herbicide Glyphosate used on genetically modified crops

One of the most dangerous and disturbing elements in today’s food chain is the presence of GMO’s, or genetically modified organisms.

"Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms bacterium also can be used. The best known example of this is the use of Bt genes in corn and other crops. Bt, or Bacillus thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium." (Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences, OSU)

Why are companies so interested in using genes in this way? Because by this process, they can make those crops resistant to herbicides and pesticides – and hence easily increase profits.

How this affects Ananda Margiis

What does the presence of GMO’s in food mean for Ananda Margiis? It means that certain foods we consider to be “sentient” may in fact be tamasik.

Here are more concerns in bulleted format:

* This GMO approach is still quite new and has not been well-researched nor critically tested. There remains many unknowns along with the possibility of public health issues.

* Vegetarian foods made from transferring the genes of one plant to a separate plant's gene pool should be avoided because those products may be a health hazard (carcinogenic etc) for the short and long term, and they may be tamasik.

* Foods and GMO crops made from a plant gene pool that contains threads from an animal gene pool(s) are outrightly tamasik, plus they may have other health hazards.

* For meat-eating communities all this may not be concern; for Ananda Margiis, this is a huge issue: If vegetable or grain crops have been formed from animal genes. So every margii should know about this.

This is an all-pervasive issue

Irrespective of which part of the globe you live, you must be critically aware about this hot issue. If the food you buy does not specifically say “Non-GMO”, or if you are not 100% sure about the origin of your grain and vegetable seeds, then it is possible that your food has been genetically affected. This is especially true with name-brand, “natural”, company food products. One of the below articles offers critical information about this.

Baba’s guideline:

science and civilisation

Here is a clear-cut warning from Baba.

Baba says, “Where scientific progress supersedes civilization, there civilization meets its Waterloo.” (A Few Problems Solved Part 6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress)

That means when science take precedence and is used irresponsibly in ways that harms humanity, then that society will meet its demise. And the root cause is the misuse of science.

Today, with the use of GMO’s, we see the terrible misuse of science in our fruit, vegetable and grain food supply. Genetically modified crops are spreading around the globe in order to heighten corporate profits. Big food companies are eager to keep this fact hidden regarding the deadly effect of such carcinogens. They want to use science at the cost of human health and our overall well-being. We should all be aware about this.

Thousands of farmers and their employees died in various countries due to the toxic effect of those herbicides / GMO for growing certain crops. Those chemicals had a long-term effect. The area where those GMO crops were grown became completely polluted and toxic. Everything polluted - river, ponds air etc - because of the use of those harmful genetically-modified herbicides etc. Those locals living in that region are suffering. it is especially deadly for those directly dealing with this chemical - such as those farmers and laborers. That is what below article says.

Who can forget how agent orange was used by the US forces in Vietnam to destroy the forces. Still today, 45+ years later, birth defects continue to happen in those regions.

          Courtesy of Google Images

Courtesy of Google Images

Now please see the below article about GMO’s in section 2.

Shiva Kumar
(Steve Watkins)

== Section 2 ==

At least 20,000 farm workers have died

of chronic kidney disease in Nicaragua

The most widely used herbicide in the world, glyphosate, the active ingredient in the Monsanto product Roundup, was classified as "probably carcinogenic to humans,” in a report released Friday by     cancer researchers affiliated with the World Health Organization.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced its assessment of glyphosate after convening a meeting this month of 17 cancer experts from 11 countries. They looked at the available scientific evidence on five different pesticides, including glyphosate, to determine whether to classify them as carcinogens. Carcinogens are substances that can lead to cancer under certain levels of exposure.

Glyphosate caused DNA and chromosomal damage in mammals, and in human and animal cells studied in laboratories, the report said. Studies of workers who had been exposed to the chemical in the U.S. Canada, and Sweden found “increased risks for non-Hodgkin lymphoma that persisted after adjustment for other pesticides,” the report said.

Glyphosate is usually used on crops, including corn and soybeans, that are genetically modified to survive it. The herbicide has been detected in food water, and in the air after it has been sprayed, according to the IARC report. “Its use has increased sharply with the development of genetically modified glyphosate-resistant crop varieties,” the report said.

WHO's based its classification of glyphosate on evidence from studies of exposure, mostly agricultural, in the United States, Canada, and Sweden that were published since 2001.

Glyphosate was originally used as a descaling agent to clean out mineral deposits from pipes because of its ability to avidly bind to heavy metals. The chemical bonds to arsenic, cadmium and other heavy     metals found in groundwater.

Scientists and farmers elsewhere have raised other concerns over glyphosate and tried to ban its use.

Channa Jayasumana, with Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, published a study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2014 on a possible link between glyphosate and chronic kidney disease in farmworkers. His research found that excessive heat and dehydration may weaken the workers' bodies, making them more susceptible to pesticides and heavy metals, which can lead to kidney disease.

Based on that research, the Sri Lankan government moved to ban glyphosate in spring of 2014. But Monsanto raised objections to the report's findings, and the ban was lifted. The chemical was, and continues to be, widely used on farms in the country.

The research also suggested a link between glyphosate and a mysterious kidney disease that has killed thousands of farmworkers in Central America. At least 20,000 farm workers have died of chronic kidney disease in Nicaragua in the last two decades, The Guardian reported in February. Researchers who have studied the disease in Central America say that it mainly affects agricultural laborers working under conditions of excessive heat and dehydration, but other factors, including pesticides, may play a role. (With wire services)

"Not only can genes be transferred from one plant to another, but genes from non-plant organisms bacterium also can be used. The best known example of this is the use of Bt genes in corn and other crops. Bt, or Bacillus thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium. that produces crystal proteins that are lethal to insect larvae. Bt crystal protein genes have been transferred into corn, enabling the corn to produce its own pesticides against insects such as the European corn borer." (Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences, OSU) (Courtesy of america. aljazeera (dot) com)

== Section 3 ==

HELP!!! - Ranchi Sold AM Properties in Davao?

(Courtesy of Ananda Marga Google Groups)


If anyone has  Margiis or WTs contact in Davao to find out which property/properties Ranchi sold or in line to sell? Kapalong MU or rice fields near Kapalong MU or .... ???

All should know that all establishment in Davao city (Bhuhangin) and various Master Units (Kapantian, Kapalong, ...) are all the achievement of late Dada Cidanandaji and other WTs/Margiis .....

How long we want to keep silent to see Rudrananda swallowing Ananda Marga bite by bite, step by step with the help of his loyal agent like Vimalananda in NY and Mantrajapananda in Davao and others in different places doing the same sinful acts?


In Him

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Uncivilised habit + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. End Quote: Uncivilised habit
2. PS #619: O' Parama Purusa, You came here to give love and hope...
3. Links

Uncivilised habit


“We may call those human acts and behaviours “civilized” that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure.” (AFPS-6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress)

Smoking is not healthy. Medical research has proven that cigarettes are carcinogenic and toxic. They are poisonous and cause disease and premature death. So the habit of smoking cigarettes is not supported by logic and reasoning.

According Ananda Marga philosophy, when one acts in a way that is not based on rationality, then that action is uncivilised. Thus smoking itself is uncivilised - whether one is aware about the dangers of smoking or not. Those who do not smoke are civilised - in this particular aspect of life.

It does not matter that he was Pope Benedict XVI; his habit of smoking is uncivilised. In other avenues of life, he may be civilised; but on this particular act of smoking he is not civilised. This is just one example.

The overarching rule is that if any behaviour is not supported by rationality then that action is uncivilised. If the majority of one’s actions are uncivilised, then that individual is an uncivilised human being.

In Him,
Jesse Reynolds

Note: And persistent reports over the last few years indicate that Pope Benedict XVI enjoys an occasional cigarette – Marlboro Red, it is claimed – in quiet moments, away from prying cameras. For this reason I am reproducing the distasteful photograph above, which I found on the internet: I apologise if it causes offence to anybody. During World Youth Day in Australia in 2008, a bodyguard claimed that the Holy Father had smoked three cigarettes in quick succession. To think of the Pope enjoying a relaxing draw on a King Size cigarette packed with smooth Virginia tobaccos… it only makes me admire him more. (Courtesy of Telegraph)

== Section 2 ==

~ O' Parama Purusa, You came here to give love and hope
to the depressed, the forlorn, the desperate, and the hopeless ~

"Esechile álor srote, hatásháy áshá bhálobásá dite..." (PS 619)


O' Parama Purusa, You came here from the source of effulgence to give love and hope to the depressed, the forlorn, the desperate, and the hopeless. O' my Lord, You have come to caress, soothe, and inspire suffering humanity. O' Divine Entity, it is Your grace: I am floating in the divine world of blissful ideation - thinking of You; I am spiritually intoxicated in Your love and affection. You have made me Yours.

O' Parama Purusa, in cimmerian darkness, I was looking for You; I sought “Your help”. I was drowned in misery and nightmares. In the pool of sorrow, I found You very close to me. In my hour of dire need, You were there by my side - to help me. O' Parama Purusa, I have seen You in a musical residue of melody. I have seen You in Your most attractive and intoxicating form - and also in formless rhythms.  You are the most attractive Entity in the entire universe. Having fallen in love with You, I am not attracted towards anything else. It is Your grace.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, in storms and cyclones, I was completely desperate for Your help; then by Your grace, I found You in the soft gentle breeze. After overcoming my drowsiness, I have listened to the mystical sounds of Your captivating flute. My mind was completely ensconced in Your divine tunes - in Your various transcendental melodies. I have found You in various forms - in happiness as well as in sorrow.

Baba, You are always with me - it is Your causeless grace...

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How prakrti decides the gender of fetus...+ 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. End Quote: How prakrti decides the gender of fetus...
2. PS #365: Why are you engrossed in blind attachment
3. Links

How prakrti decides the gender of fetus:

male, female, or hermaphrodite

"Jiivátmá is neither a male nor a female, nor a hermaphrodite. For the proper expression of one's latent samskáras [reactive momenta] one gets reborn into the body of a woman or a man or sometimes a hermaphrodite. There is no question of high or low, superior or inferior, noble or ignoble because whatever might be the sex of the body, the jiivátmá is just the witnessing faculty of the mind it is attached to. It is unassailed by the sexual differences of the quinquelemental bodies. The unexpressed psychic reactions (samskáras) of the disembodied soul are guided by the Cosmic Mind and adjusted with a proper structure, at a proper time and a proper place, providing a congenial environment for the expression of the unrequited samskáras. Depending upon the nature of the samskáras there is either the predominance of the tendency to attract (samyojanii shakti) or the predominance of the tendency to be attracted (vibhájanii shakti). The nature of the force of attraction is to draw the object of enjoyment towards itself, and the nature of the force which is attracted is to move towards the object of enjoyment. When there is dominance of samyojanii shakti in one's latent saḿskáras, the disembodied soul attains a female body for its outward expression, and conversely where there is a dominance of vibhájanii shakti, it attains a male body. Where there is an approximate balance between the two, the disembodied soul attains the body of a hermaphrodite. Of course, even in the hermaphrodite the balance between saḿyojanii and vibhájanii shaktis is not perfect; there is a slight tilt in favour of one or the other. That's why some hermaphrodites are more inclined towards masculinity, and some, femininity." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section 2 ==

~ Why are you engrossed in blind attachment ~

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Throughout Baba's vast gift of Prabhat Samgiita, in most songs the devotee and Parama Purusa are communicating with one another. In some of the songs the style of conversation is direct while others are indirect. When the style of expression is indirect, no one should conclude that the sadhaka is having a conversation with another sadhaka. That is not the case. Rather, the bhakta is communicating with Parama Purusa - using indirect language.

Here in this song, in the first stanza, Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta; whereas in the second and third stanzas, the bhakta is addressing Parama Purusa. This following song describes the start of creation and how Parama Purusa plays His divine liila, as well as how a sadhaka can become one with Him - by His grace.

“Arúp devatá rúper deule, kár lági tumi tithi gono…” (PS #365)


O' devotee, the formless Nirguna Brahma has come in the temple of form. He has manifested Himself in a charming array of forms, like flora and fauna, valleys and mountains, oceans and deserts, animals and plants, that surround you. The Entity for whom You are longing has already arrived. So now, for which Divine Entity are you counting the days? For Whose auspicious advent are you waiting in longing for? O' bhakta, why are you unnecessarily weaving your dreams about those things which are not going to remain for forever. Why are you putting all your hopes in this temporary, ephemeral world? Why are you fully engaged - day and night - in toiling in mundane activities. This world is transitory - today it is and tomorrow it is no more.

O' Parama Purusa, by Your grace, this world of forms goes on merging into the formless Nirguna Brahma. In due course, step by step all the entities of this creation become one with Him. He is the final Goal and desideratum of all. Then why are You fully engaged in Your divine liila of creating this colourful universe of forms and figures - when there is no lasting benefit of doing this.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, I know that Your creation is not just an illusion. And by Your grace, at the same time, I also know that Your flow of imagination - i.e. this creation - is not permanent either. You have graced me with the understanding that this world is a relative reality - that is always undergoing change. Baba, O' Lord, in this creation of Yours, everything is a passing phenomena, a moving panorama. Then why do You infuse blind attachment in the minds of living beings towards this created world? Due to this blind attachment, people forget that they have to leave this world one day and that they have come here for spiritual practice. Everything else is for objective adjustment. The main goal is Parama Purusa. Due to moha, people get attached with power, post, money, and beauty, and forget the purpose of their arrival on this earth. They waste their time and die one day without moving even one step closer to Parama Purusa.

O' Parama Purusa, please shower Your grace so I can always remember this divine truth...

Note: If you would like the audio file of PS #365 let us know.

== Section 3 ==


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Unknown history: So-called upper caste Indians & "native demons" + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. PS #3658: Hari of Goloka has come in Gokul
2. Posting: Unknown history: So-called upper caste Indians & "native demons"
3. Links

So-called upper caste Indians came from central Asia

treated indigenous as demons: unknown history


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the Vedic era, the Aryans used to steal food grains and animals from the non-Aryans to perform their sacrifices and rituals (yajinas). In retaliation, groups of non-Aryans used to attack the Aryans to recover their possessions while they were performing their rituals. These attacks were grossly distorted in the Vedas, which gives the impression that the Aryans were good while the non-Aryans were evil. In fact, the non-Aryans were forced to attack the Aryans to recover their food to ensure their survival. Did the non-Aryans do anything bad? No, they did the right thing." (1)

In India, even today, the common public has been indoctrinated into the dogma that evil asuras were destroying the religious rituals and yajinas of aryans. They think that asuras are some type of nasty creatures that have very long teeth, dangerous claws like lions, horns on their head, and a very terrible face. That is how it is propagated in Indian mythology.

So Baba's above teaching is eye-opening. The truth about the aryans and non-aryans (i.e. the indigenous people of India) is a previously unknown aspect of history. No one was aware about this. Genealogy studies have since come to know that the so-called highest caste of Indians came from central Asia. When those aryans entered into India they treated the indigenous population as demons and created all kinds of stories and myths about them. So many false things were propagated.

Looting food of native population and

throwing in their fire rituals

Verily those aryans created an entire mythology about such so-called asuras. The aryans claimed that demons were coming and ruining their ritualistic offerings and sacrifices of food and animals etc. But now the truth has been revealed. Those war-like aryans were looting the food of the native population and throwing that food in their sacrificial fires. In turn, the indigenous people were protesting and fighting back.

So actually, the so-called asuras were none other than the indigenous people of India. They were the original inhabitants of India, living here prior to the invasion of the aryans. Still nowadays, however they are condemned as so-called, low-caste creatures, by so-called upper-caste people. These asuras are treated unjustly and known as harijans which are regarded by upper caste people as despicable and low. But actually, these are the indigenous people of India.

Fake purodhas present themselves

as demigods & exploit masses

It is very important to accurately depict history and keep records that properly portray what transpired. Bad people always try to distort history and befool the future generations. But the truth invariably comes to the surface.

This same type of drama has unfolded in our Ananda Marga as well. Hypocrites and cheats are projecting themselves as divine; such fake purodhas present themselves as demigods as they exploit the mass of common margiis. Now is the crucial period - a proper historical record must be made. If we are not careful, our grand-grandsons and daughters and all future generations will be taught false things and indoctrinated into the narrow agenda of the various groups. This is the wrong way forward. 

in Him,

1. PNS-16, p.56

== Section 2 ==

~ Hari of Goloka has come in Gokul ~ 

"Bánsharii bájiye jáy sahás nayane cáy, goloker hari áji gokule liilá racáy..." (P.S. 3658)


Today, the Hari of the divine world has manifested His liila in the land of devotees. With His sweet grace He is moving all around playing His divine flute, (omnkara sound) - showering His charming smile and gracious eyes upon all. With reddish lips, He is beckoning each and everyone. He is saying: "Come close, come to Me - quickly, as soon as possible, come running, so we can play together." Today that Hari of the divine world is showering bliss on everyone. We are so graced.  

Everyone is His kith and kin; all are His own; nobody is alien. No one is far; everyone is close. All are His most intimate ones. By His grace every bhakta gets Him in their thinking, japa, and meditation. Every bhakta resides in His mind; everyone has a place in His heart. By His causeless grace, now the current of the yamuná river of devotion is very high and strong. His divine rasa is overflowing & splashing in ecstasy. With His fathomless grace, the garland of waves is swaying to and fro. All are ensconced in His bliss.

For crushing the dus't'a (demonic people), for saving & nurturing the virtuous & dharmic people, and for destroying the nefarious and deadly demons, He takes advent again and again on this earth. With the rumble, twang, and beating of His kettle drum, He challenges demons. He comes as Mahasambhuti. There is no one else in this universe who has such infinite and countless qualities like He. That Hari of the divine world is the abode of all heavenly attributions. Today, that Hari of the divine world has taken advent on this earth. He is with us.

The Lord of the universe has come today with gracious splendour, and He is showering His divine liila upon all devotees. He is most loving and ever-gracious. That divine Hari is calling, "Come one, come all..."

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3658:

[1] What is liila

"There is a subtle difference between liilá and kriid́a. When the cause of an effect is easily discernible it is called kriid́a, but when the cause is unknown and only the effect is easily discernible it is called liilá. This creation is the liilá of Parama Puruśa because human beings do not know why He has created it. With the help of their intellect they are eager to know the cause of creation, but will they ever be successful in this quest? They want to solve the riddle of creation, but they have no notion about the cause. So whatever Parama Puruśa does is all His liilá, It cannot be called His kriid́á. I have already said that when one discovers the relation between the cause and effect it is called kriid́á, but when one can see only the effect and not the cause, it is called liilá. For human beings having only a small unit mind the creation is the liilá of Parama Puruśa, but to Him it is His kriid́á." (1)

[2] Who is hari

"In Sanskrit, one name of Parama Puruśa is Hari. Hari means "who steals", "who takes away all your sin without your knowledge". In Sanskrit, the root verb hr means "to steal". Now the relationship between the Lord and His devotee is very sweet, and extremely, purely, personal. Parama Puruśa loves His devotee, and the devotee also loves His Lord. Now the accumulated mountain of sin attached to the devotee is unbearable for the Lord. He wants to remove that mountain of sin from His devotees. He may say: "Oh, devotee, give your sins to Me." The devotee will say: "No, Lord, I am ready to give You everything, I am ready to give You my soul, my spirit, everything, but how can I give my sins to You? I cannot." But Parama Puruśa loves His devotee, so without the knowledge of the devotee, He takes away his sin. Now to take something from a man without his knowledge is stealing. So Parama Puruśa steals – that is, He takes away sin from His devotee. And that’s why He is called Hari." (2)

[3] This does not mean that someone is actually playing a flute

and all the humans and cows are dancing around him

"There is another expression of bhakti which occurs when devotees realize that all beings are created from ánanda, exist in ánanda and return to ánanda. This realization causes a radical change in their outlook – no longer can they differentiate between rich and poor, highborn and low-born. They observe an ocean of ánanda flowing within and around all created beings. "Rasa vae sah" – all are flowing in the same rasa, the same ocean of bliss. In that divine flow the devotees see Parama Puruśa dancing with each entity. In philosophy, this dance is called "rásaliilá" [divine play in the flow of bliss]. It does not mean that someone is actually playing a flute with all the humans and cows dancing around him. Rather, it means that all the entities of this beginningless and endless universe are floating in the ocean of cosmic bliss. There is no place for sorrow since sorrow only exists where petty interests clash and vie with each other. When the devotees clearly understand this they become established in "bhaktiránanda rupáca"." (3)

[4] Next you will hear the sound of flutes

"Then in the next phase, as if somebody is dancing with ghuṋghur [ankle bells]. (You know, ghuṋghur – you use it during the táńd́ava dance. In Sanskrit it is called nupur.) Next you will hear the sound of flutes – as if somebody is playing a flute. Then the sound of the ocean, you know? A particular sound is created by the sea. And then, in the fifth phase, taḿ, taḿ, just like bells, the sound of bells. And finally, the sound is just like ooṋṋṋ – the oṋḿkára in pure form. And after that there remains no sound, because after that there ends the realm, the scope, of Saguńa. After that there is the scope of Nirguńa. In the realm of Nirguńa there cannot be any sound, because there cannot be any expression. Not even divine expression, not even supra-psychic expression." (4)

[5] In devotional field what is Yamuná

"Yamuná. Just as there is a Yamuna River in the physical sphere, in the subtle psychic sphere also there is a certain flow which leads microcosms towards Parama Puruśa."(5)

1. AMIWL-11, To Know Him Is to Be Free from All Fetters
2. AV-34, The Best Mental Engagement
3. AV-7, Devotion Is the Life-Force of a Devotee
4. AV-30, The Sound of God
5. AV-30, Appendix