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Thursday, March 5, 2015

How prakrti decides the gender of fetus...+ 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. End Quote: How prakrti decides the gender of fetus...
2. PS #365: Why are you engrossed in blind attachment
3. Links

How prakrti decides the gender of fetus:

male, female, or hermaphrodite

"Jiivátmá is neither a male nor a female, nor a hermaphrodite. For the proper expression of one's latent samskáras [reactive momenta] one gets reborn into the body of a woman or a man or sometimes a hermaphrodite. There is no question of high or low, superior or inferior, noble or ignoble because whatever might be the sex of the body, the jiivátmá is just the witnessing faculty of the mind it is attached to. It is unassailed by the sexual differences of the quinquelemental bodies. The unexpressed psychic reactions (samskáras) of the disembodied soul are guided by the Cosmic Mind and adjusted with a proper structure, at a proper time and a proper place, providing a congenial environment for the expression of the unrequited samskáras. Depending upon the nature of the samskáras there is either the predominance of the tendency to attract (samyojanii shakti) or the predominance of the tendency to be attracted (vibhájanii shakti). The nature of the force of attraction is to draw the object of enjoyment towards itself, and the nature of the force which is attracted is to move towards the object of enjoyment. When there is dominance of samyojanii shakti in one's latent saḿskáras, the disembodied soul attains a female body for its outward expression, and conversely where there is a dominance of vibhájanii shakti, it attains a male body. Where there is an approximate balance between the two, the disembodied soul attains the body of a hermaphrodite. Of course, even in the hermaphrodite the balance between saḿyojanii and vibhájanii shaktis is not perfect; there is a slight tilt in favour of one or the other. That's why some hermaphrodites are more inclined towards masculinity, and some, femininity." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section 2 ==

~ Why are you engrossed in blind attachment ~

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Throughout Baba's vast gift of Prabhat Samgiita, in most songs the devotee and Parama Purusa are communicating with one another. In some of the songs the style of conversation is direct while others are indirect. When the style of expression is indirect, no one should conclude that the sadhaka is having a conversation with another sadhaka. That is not the case. Rather, the bhakta is communicating with Parama Purusa - using indirect language.

Here in this song, in the first stanza, Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta; whereas in the second and third stanzas, the bhakta is addressing Parama Purusa. This following song describes the start of creation and how Parama Purusa plays His divine liila, as well as how a sadhaka can become one with Him - by His grace.

“Arúp devatá rúper deule, kár lági tumi tithi gono…” (PS #365)


O' devotee, the formless Nirguna Brahma has come in the temple of form. He has manifested Himself in a charming array of forms, like flora and fauna, valleys and mountains, oceans and deserts, animals and plants, that surround you. The Entity for whom You are longing has already arrived. So now, for which Divine Entity are you counting the days? For Whose auspicious advent are you waiting in longing for? O' bhakta, why are you unnecessarily weaving your dreams about those things which are not going to remain for forever. Why are you putting all your hopes in this temporary, ephemeral world? Why are you fully engaged - day and night - in toiling in mundane activities. This world is transitory - today it is and tomorrow it is no more.

O' Parama Purusa, by Your grace, this world of forms goes on merging into the formless Nirguna Brahma. In due course, step by step all the entities of this creation become one with Him. He is the final Goal and desideratum of all. Then why are You fully engaged in Your divine liila of creating this colourful universe of forms and figures - when there is no lasting benefit of doing this.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, I know that Your creation is not just an illusion. And by Your grace, at the same time, I also know that Your flow of imagination - i.e. this creation - is not permanent either. You have graced me with the understanding that this world is a relative reality - that is always undergoing change. Baba, O' Lord, in this creation of Yours, everything is a passing phenomena, a moving panorama. Then why do You infuse blind attachment in the minds of living beings towards this created world? Due to this blind attachment, people forget that they have to leave this world one day and that they have come here for spiritual practice. Everything else is for objective adjustment. The main goal is Parama Purusa. Due to moha, people get attached with power, post, money, and beauty, and forget the purpose of their arrival on this earth. They waste their time and die one day without moving even one step closer to Parama Purusa.

O' Parama Purusa, please shower Your grace so I can always remember this divine truth...

Note: If you would like the audio file of PS #365 let us know.

== Section 3 ==
