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Friday, June 14, 2024

Change AM terminology? + 5 more

Change AM terminology?


During the Emergency, many margiis were having a hard time starting and carrying out new social service programs because the public had a very poor regard for Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. They were thinking that we were terrorists and cannibals etc. Those days, the name and reputation of Ananda Marga was very bad due to the false propaganda by Mrs. Indira Gandhi's despotic regime. In turn, the margiis made a motion and asked Baba for permission to change the name of Ananda Marga. Baba's reply was very straightforward: "No."

Hence, even though the name "Ananda Marga" was misunderstood, controversial, and poorly received in the general society, Baba was adamant that the name must not be changed. We should keep Baba's above example in mind in light of a suggestion to change any term of Ananda Marga philosophy simply because the public has a prior misconception or poor opinion of the term.

Various examples

Here are some terms that changed in meaning due to their social context.

(a) Cult: This was looked upon as a dharmic term in the past, but now, due to fanatic religious groups in the west known as “cults”, the term cult is looked upon as radical and dangerous. And verily those in power used this term as a weapon against us in the 1970’s to show that Ananda Marga was a terrorist organisation. For more see note 1.

(b) Ideology: In the past ideology was viewed as a positive or neutral term, but now with the political rhetoric around the globe, ideology is looked upon as one's own self-serving agenda. In politics, calling someone an “ideologue” is akin to branding them as a nefarious fellow. 

(c) Yoga: The term yoga used to be related with Lord Shiva, Lord Krsna, and the great Himalayan sages etc; now it refers to skinny females in tight clothing doing stretching exercises.

(d) Avadhuta: The term avadhuta is a renunciate of the highest order, but now it refers to dogmatic Hindu sannyasis who move naked on the street in India.

By our good deeds negative will change to positive

We have to keep Baba's aforementioned example in mind. Baba outrightly told the margiis not to change the name of Ananda Marga just because the general public held a poor opinion of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. So by Guru's example alone it is quite evident that we are not to change His given terms simply because the public holds a poor opinion of those words.

Time to time, one point comes to the fore: Should we change our Ananda Marga terminology and cast aside particular terms given by Sadguru Baba simply because those words, in select circumstances, hold a negative connotation in the general society? The answer is no.

Nindantu niitinipunah yadi va stuvantu

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If I am too concerned with those who praise or censure me, I will not find time to do my real work. As I have come to this world only for a short period, my only concern should be to keep on doing the duty the Lord has assigned to me. And while doing this allotted duty, I should remember that I belong to Parama Puruśa. I have come from Him, and I will have to return to Him – and to do that, I must complete my allotted duty." (1)


As His disciples we are also to safeguard the authenticity and veracity of His discourses. That means we are to keep them as is, and not change even one word. Only cowards - affected by public opinion - will be tempted to change Baba's teachings. Whereas true dharmikas will stand firm on Baba's teachings and guidelines.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totally flawless." (2)

in Him,

Should we change all "controversial" terms

If we are going to change our term "cult" simply because the general society holds a poor opinion of the term "cult", then so many other words in our Ananda Marga philosophy will have to be changed. We will have to change the name of the swastika in the pratik because people have a negative view of the swastika symbol. We will have to change our Supreme Command as people do not like the phrase: "To throw oneself into the tortures of animal life for crores of years." And there are countless aspects of our Ananda Marga philosophy and terminology which we will have to change.

For instance, the term "revolutionary" strikes fear in the hearts of many as they associate revolution with blood and battle, but in Ananda Marga we use revolutionary in a 100% dharmic and positive manner. But since the term revolutionary is controversial in the general society, under this pretext we will have to banish it from our Ananda Marga books and vocabulary as well.

Or take the case of the word dharma. Baba uses the term "dharma" in Ananda Marga to refer to bhagavad dharma, i.e. living in a righteous manner, doing sadhana for one's own liberation and serving the society. Yet the Hindus also refer to their Hindu dharma which means to base one's life on the ritualistic approach of Hinduism, i.e. following the dogmatic caste system etc. Should we therefore remove dharma from our books / vocabulary as well.

If we were to adopt this protocol with each and every word that is potentially controversial, then there would be countless books and discourses given by Baba that would need to be changed and His divine ideas would be lost. Baba's teachings are unparalleled and He uses words and symbols in a new way. We should be ready to strictly stand by His chosen terminology, lest His every discourse be changed.

The central notion is that Sadguru Baba has given His terms and definitions, and we should abide by His teachings and not get swayed by public opinion.

Note 1: Mass suicide by cult followers

Here is one example how the term cult became something really bad.

Families Learning of 39 Cultists Who Died Willingly

By B. Drummond Ayres Jr. - Published: March 29, 1997

RANCHO SANTA FE, Calif., March 28— After fielding more than 1,500 telephone calls from anguished relatives across the country in the last 24 hours, investigators said today that they had identified 30 of the 39 members of a millennialist cult who had committed mass suicide in a hillside house here. (Courtesy of New York Times)

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Occult power & degeneration

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Videhaliina: those who run after occult powers and think, “I will attain such great occult power that with it, I will move from place to place.” These are all luminous bodies; they are not ghosts, nor are they positive or negative hallucinations...After death, when the mind dissociates from the body, the accumulation of unfulfilled saḿskáras or reactive momenta remains, although the body with the five fundamental factors no longer exists. Thus, the mind cannot function, but it remains in potential form." (1)

Note: Videhaliina is one type of microvita that is under punishment. Such types of unfortunate beings get degenerated and become microvita. They could not be reborn as human beings made up of five fundamental factors. Instead, due to their desire for occult powers, they are cast off as beings with only a few factors - they lack the solid and liquid portions. So they are suffering and wish to once again get human life. But this will come only after they escape from the noose of the long-term bondage and state of punishment etc.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Hence the spiritual aspirant must not run after these inconsequential occult powers, although while prasticing spiritual cult they may develop. You must not forget that all your achievements must maintain adjustment with the main propensities of the mind, and in the process of adjustment, all these eight types of occult powers present themselves to the spiritual aspirant.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “While practising spiritual cult, it should be remembered that spiritual aspirants must not practise in order to acquire these occult powers. The goal of spiritual practice is to realize the Supreme Entity. To search for any other thing is wrong. Occult powers are just like the dust on the roadside. The attraction for Parama Puruśa is the most valuable object – all else is only the dust of the earth.” (3)

How people address feared enemies

Those who do not know Ananda Marga philosophy think that certain micovita like devayonis are something great. In the past, with fear, people used to give a respectful name to those who terrified them. So when common folks see devayonis they could not understand anything - just they were terrified of them. Just like villagers do not like to call a snake a snake - they call it a creeper, i.e. as if it is the same as any vine that grows by creeping along the earth and bears fruit and flowers. Similarly, people do not call hitmen hitmen, rather they call them sir. This does not mean they have deep reverence for them rather based on fear. That is the same way how the term devayoni was formed.

1. Yoga Psychology, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Cult, Inference and Propensity

== Section: Current Affairs of 2018 ==

Facts of Four AMURT's


*🚩"अथ श्री AMURT कथा........🚩"*

*AMPS has been divided in to three but don't get surprised that Anand Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) has been divided into four (4). After AMPS division in 2003, Kolkata registered a new NGO namely AMURT in 2004 or 2005 which was not challenged by Ranchi, hence two AMURTs in running. After the death of Ramanandji, who was SG and Chairman, Sri SS Goenka chose his nephew (भगिना) Sri Vijay Agarwal of Mumbai as new chairman. AMURT is registered at Sri Goenkaji's company office address at Lower Parel, Mumbai. Sri Goenkaji continued as secretary of AMURT.*

After demise of Ramanandji, AMURT gone out of hands of Ranchi. They were compelled to form another NGO in the name of AMURT from the address of Sri Subodh Sinha, Pune making him Vice-Chairman.

AMURT International is operated from Switzerland and controlled by a Margii Bro. Bhola.

Original AMURT- with Sri Vijay Agarwal & Sri SS Goenka, mostly inactive.

2nd AMURT- Registered and operated by Kolkata

3rd AMURT- formed and operated by Ranchi

4th AMURT- run by Bro. Bhola from Switzerland

Regards, Rajesh

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unnecessarily overwhelmed

Generally when Ananda Marga philosophy is compared with the theology of other religions, even in a respectful manner, then some uninformed people get overwhelmed.  They forget that Baba encourages respectfully pointing out the defects of various religions. See Baba’s teaching below.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Read any so-called religious book: one will seldom find anything resembling tolerance of the religious beliefs of others...If necessary, different views can be compared and presented in philosophical books. The philosophical and psychological loopholes in an argument may be pointed out without being disrespectful.” (1)

Due to their unawareness they think, “Do not point out any harmful things practiced by other religions.” They believe Baba forbids this. To remove their confusion, the above yellow highlighted quote may help.

Without bringing the logical point and respectful discussion of loopholes of various religions, it is not possible to open the eyes of the common people that what they are doing is wrong and harmful to them. That is why religious loopholes should be highlighted in a respectful manner.

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism

== Section: History of 7/28/16 ==

Re: History: Prout Revolution

Namaskar brothers and sisters.

The latest information according to the margis of New Delhi and Patna is that Ac Vimalananda Avt the new SG of PU who was transferred from USA will establish PROUT in India with help of Paramanand now the CS of PU, Delhi Sector. Bihar margiis are saying that they need huge funds for PROUT work in Bihar. They all are waiting for the funds that Ac  Vimalananda will give them. Margiis are waiting for that auspicious moment when Ac  Vimalananda will sell or mortgage the PROUT building of Patna.

V. Gupta

- Here is a link to the original letter on this topic - History: Prout Revolution from Tadbhavananda to Burkina Faso to Pappu Yadav

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why and what in sadhana

Ananda Marga ideology states, "First stage being getting over the small 'i'. After getting above the small 'i' to some extent, in the second stage, humans should fight against their mental defects. For example, if one is afflicted by some kind of superiority complex, or inferiority complex, one has to fight with that.  Some may be afflicted with attachment (moha). So, all these mental defects one is to fight against in the second stage. Humans may possess some willpower to fight against these defects but that alone is not enough. One need to constantly make endeavor to overcome the mental defects. This require additional strength or power. This power will come from Parama Purusha's grace alone."

"Sa'dhana' does not provide us with anything. All Sa'dhana' does is to facilitate the grace of Parama Purusha. So, one is to ask for the power to fight against his/her mental defects from Parama Purusha. One should earnestly say, "Parama Purusha, I would like to march towards you but I do not have strength in my knees. You provide me power and I'll walk towards you." (1)

और, दूसरा स्तर यह है कि जब मनुष्य आपने छोटापन के ऊपर कुछ हद तक उठे हैं, किन्तु उसके बाद जो दूसरा {तर} स्तर आएगा, उसमें उन्हें क्या करना है ? जो उनमें जो मानसिक त्रुटियाँ हैं, ख़ामियाँ हैं, उनके विरुद्ध उन्हें लड़ाई करनी है | {वह} मनुष्य में वह शक्ति कुछ हद तक तो अवश्य ही रहती है | मगर उस शक्ति से पूरा काम नहीं हो सकता है | और, यह जो {काम} काम को पूरा के लिए, उन्हें अधिक से अधिक प्रयास जारी रखना है | इसके लिए और अधिक शक्ति की भी ज़रूरत है | यह शक्ति कहाँ से पाएँगे ? पाएँगे परमपुरुष से ही | पहले कहा गया है कि मनुष्य साधना करते हैं | मगर साधना की बदौलत कुछ पाते नहीं है | पाते हैं परमपुरुष की मेहरबानी की {कृप} बदौलत | उन्हीं की कृपा से पाते हैं | इसलिए यह काम करने के लिए, परमपुरुष से शक्ति माँगनी है, क़ुव्वत माँगनी है | कहना है--- "परमपुरुष ! मैं तुम्हारी ओर चलना चाहता हूँ | मगर चलने की शक्ति ठेहुना में है नहीं | तुम मुझे शक्ति दो, मैं चलूँगा" |

1. The Path Unto The Abode of Beatitude, DMC 31 May 1987 Ananda Nagar

== Section 3: Links ==