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Sunday, November 6, 2022

About “ghost” + 3 more

About “ghost”


The belief in ghosts is a pervasive phenomenon. There are a number of reasons why it is important to solve this matter as soon as possible.

Most people in society do not study philosophy - that includes those within and without AMPS. Instead, people get most of their information from personal experiences, stories, and human interactions. Hence, even though Baba has stated very clearly in His teachings that ghosts do not exist, that domain of knowledge is not accessible to most people. Instead, they form their ideas based on stories etc. So it is very important that the full breadth of Baba's books are written properly and put forth the right teaching - i.e. that ghosts do not exist. Otherwise readers will be led astray.

Imaginary ghosts are a common problem

So many around the globe already believe in so-called ghosts - in some form or another. Indeed most are absolutely terrified of them. In some corner of their mind or more, people are afraid. That is why they are scared to walk in the dark or are fearful of entering an empty house. They may or may not wish to admit this publicly, but many, many people suffer from a fear of ghosts.

From the most simple, rural communities to the most technologically advanced places on earth - and all points in between - there is a long history of false and imaginary things like haunted houses, witches, goblins, and all kinds of apparitions that people label as being ghosts. Even in the materially advanced land of the US, there is a day dedicated to acknowledge so-called ghosts known as Halloween. On this day, children's subconscious fear of ghosts is born, and this phobia will remain with them their entire life. This leads to so many problems.

Discourses need proper printing

The rational teachings of Ananda Marga have been given to dispel these fears and myths - not legitimize them. So this is a very key point for why our AM discourses should be clear on this matter and the requisite corrections must be made. The wrongful printing of Baba's discourses should not serve to reinforce harmful dogmas - like the existence of ghosts - that plague humanity.

The main thing is that due to errors in publication, we should not spread wrong teachings; other sadhakas and members of the public should not get exposed to those mistaken ideas. That will only lead to confusion and more problems. That is why it is absolutely necessary to update the books as quickly as possible. In no place should the existence of ghosts be affirmed.

Weak-minded people see imaginary ghost

Those who do kiirtan and sadhana regularly have a healthy mind. In that case, their conscious mind, subconscious mind, and unconscious mind function well. Such persons never see so-called ghosts because their mind is not defective. As Baba states, a so-called ghost only "exists" for weak-minded people, i.e. those whose thought processes are not proper. Their mind is filled with all kinds of complexes and dogmas etc. In that case, most certainly, they will suffer from psychic diseases like the existence of ghosts. The one way to save oneself is to do sadhana and kiirtan etc.

Unfortunately, in the west health-care professionals do not know how to treat those suffering from psychic diseases, so they administer only drugs. But that only creates another type of problem. In that case, patients may imagine that some inner dark soul is commanding them. Such psychiatric institutions are filled with people suffering from this very problem - and this is prevalent everywhere. And the root cause is faulty thinking and the mistreatment / misdiagnosis thereof. Again the main solution is to clean the subconscious mind by feeding it dharmic ideas - not dogmas. Then the person will develop right thinking and a healthy outlook. For this, sadhana and 16 Points are needed, along with crude medicine.

All in all, through the vast gamut of His philosophy, Baba employs this main teaching for ridding people of their irrational fear of ghosts. In His discourses, He refutes the existence of ghosts by explaining that ghosts are merely a play of one's own mind or a figment of the imagination. In this context, Baba references topics like the philosophy of mind and bio-psychology etc. We should all have a clear understanding about this.

Tainted books

Sadguru Baba's teachings are clear, concise, and conclusive. There is no ambiguity - not on any point. That is why it is strange and misleading the way certain publishers have printed Baba's books - specifically with regards to the use of the term ghost. Every Ananda Margii knows that Baba has clearly refuted the existence of so-called ghosts. Yet in so many discourses AMPS publishers have printed Baba's books in such a way that it looks like Baba gives credence to the existence of  so-called ghosts.

For example:
(a) Ananda Marga books state, "I have attempted to explain things in some of my ghost stories. Try to find time to read them." (1)
(b) Ananda Marga books state, "Some people say that if mustard seeds are sprinkled over any person possessed by a ghost, the ghost takes to its heels." (2)
(c) Ananda Marga books state, "When someone constantly thinks of a ghost, he actually becomes a ghost one day." (3)

By reading the above the publishers make it look like Baba truly believes in the existence of so-called ghosts. Many new and future sadhakas will think in this way upon reading these above chapters. And verily there are several chapters that were printed in the same way: Where it looks like Baba advocates the existence of so-called ghosts. Yet we know Baba is wholly against illogical dogmas like the existence of ghosts; He clearly states that so-called ghosts do not exist - they are a figment of one's imagination.


If we ignore this problem then the purity of our Ananda Marga teachings will be lost. Baba has given something dharmic yet because of the improper rendering of His books, something else is going on - like validating and believing in the existence of ghosts. We should be vigilant.

In Him,
(Mark Rossberg)

~ In-depth study ~

Baba rejects the existence of so-called ghosts

In the preface to His book, "Strange Experiences", Baba clearly tells that He does not believe in ghosts and refutes their existence entirely.

Sadguru Baba says, "Let me state at the very outset that I am not a believer in ghosts and spirits, demons and devils, or heaven and hell, because I have found no logic behind their existence. I know that whether ghosts and spirits or demons and devils, everything which bears the imprint of the supernatural is only the play of the mind. The appearance and disappearance of such things takes place in the various kos’as [layers] of the mind due to variations or possible variations in physical or mental circumstances." (4)

In His above teaching, Baba further explains that the entire "ghost" phenomenon occurs within one's own psyche. As Baba says, it is just a "play of [one's own] mind". Then in the Q & A discourse, "Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Section B", Baba directly asks and answers this question about ghosts.

"Q. 56 Do ghosts really exist?"
"Ans.: – Those strange figures which we call ghosts are mainly figments of the imagination. When the mind is in a weak or vulnerable state, what was previously created in the imagination now appears to be real." (5)

So in the above query, Baba tells that not only are ghosts imagined by one's own mind but that such so-called apparitions tend to occur with unit minds that are "weak" and "vulnerable". Those people who see "ghosts" are not lying per se. They are correctly stating what they see in their mind, but what is in their mind is not reality. So there really is no such thing as a "ghost." And finally, Baba issues this most conclusive statement.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ghosts do not exist." (6)

Therefore, under no circumstances should anyone be led to believe or think that Baba or His philosophy supports the existence of ghosts. Yet, that is how certain publishers printed Baba's divine discourses.

More refutations of so-called ghosts

In order to make the point perfectly clear and to ensure all sadhakas have access to Baba's exact words, here are more of Baba's refutations about the existence of so-called ghosts.

[A] In this first teaching Baba is contrasting the projection of Cosmic Mind with that of unit mind wherein He furthermore states that ghosts are merely a creation of the unit mind (i.e. one's imagination) and are not part of this practical world.

Baba says, "You know, philosophically, whatever we see in this universe is, we may say, a positive hallucination created by the Supreme Consciousness (Parama Purus'a). Whatever He thinks is seen by the nerve cells of the individual mind. The difference between this practical world and ghosts is that in the case of ghosts the suggestion comes from the individual mind; one’s own thought is projected outside." (7)

Let's examine it this way: If people start thinking again and again in their own mind that there is a ghost which has a big tooth and eats people, then because of that reinforcement in their subconscious mind, that dogmatic idea overpowers their conscious mind. It is just like when we dream - then during sleep that dream appears to be real because the conscious mind is not active. Similarly, in an awakened state, when the subconscious mind controls the conscious mind, then the thought of a ghost becomes real. That is the idea Baba is conveying in His above teaching.

[B] In this next guideline, Baba scientifically explains how due to glandular defects one will suffer from various psychic hallucinations like ghosts. Although people see ghosts due to their own defective psychic imagination, in some rare cases that imagination is caused by their physical deficiency. In the following paragraph Baba explains how this happens.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If there is under-secretion of the hormones from the prostate gland, a person will develop a fearful nature and suffer from psychic hallucinations. One may even see a ghost in broad daylight. Under-secretion, or low secretion, from the prostate gland creates this psychology." (8)

[C] Finally, Baba states that the existence of ghosts is utterly "baseless".

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When people say that there is a ghost in such-and-such tree, it is totally baseless." (9)

Baba's lucid explanation on seeing so-called ghosts

How is it then that people claim to see so-called ghosts? The following is Baba's beautiful explanation for how people get obsessed by their own personal, defective thoughts. Tragically, they end up seeing the things which do not exist, such as ghosts - all because of their faulty thinking.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose in daytime you are in a lonely place. It may or may not be a lonely place. Suppose in daytime you are alone in a big house, and some people told you that there is a ghost – ghost…ghost.” You heard it. The acoustic wave touched your mind, touched the subconscious portion of your mind, and after that you are told, “You know, Mr. X, there is a ghost in this house.” And you are Mr. X. “There is a ghost in this house.” All the nerve fibres fail to function. What will happen then? Just touch the conscious level of your mind, and as an extro-objective creation, as an external reflection of your very ectoplasmic stuff, you will see a ghost. And what sort of ghost will you see? The description of a ghost that you read in your books or you heard from your granny, “A ghost is like this.” In broad daylight you will see the ghost." (10)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 6, Vashiikára – 2
2. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Dialectical Materialism and Democracy
3. Ananda Vacanamratm - 12, Dances and the Path of Vidyá
4. Strange Experiences, 'Preface'
5. Tattva Kaomudii - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 5, Matter and Spirit
7. Yoga Psychology, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?
8. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
9. Discourses on Tantra - 2, The Real Culprit
10. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Select Your Object Very Carefully

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Human-animal distinction

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Animals are guided by instincts. They do not know the why and the how of things. Human beings, on the other hand, are led by the mind. Animals cannot go beyond their instincts. In case of [great] intellectual clash, however, the animal mind, like the human, gets more subtle. This is generally found to occur with those animals who remain in contact with humans. But the development that is discernible in this case is not spiritual, it is simply intellectual. Dogs and monkeys who are trained, for instance, can be made a bit [more intelligent] than other ones."

"Human beings, on the other hand, have the capacity to develop even in the spiritual realm. Those who do not pay heed to this special gift are animals, nay, even worse than animals. Animals are unable to make efforts for their spiritual development, whereas humans do have this ability." (1)

Note: Here above Baba is pointing out some of the basic differences between humans and animals. Animals are dominated by instinct, whereas humans are mind dominated and have the capacity to grow spiritually. Even then, tragically, some degenerated human beings surrender this cherished human quality and foolishly submit their existence at the altar of instinct. Even though they possess a human mind they live like animals - always in the grip of their baser propensities. Verily, they are worse than animals. By Baba's causeless grace, we are fortunate to have been blessed with a human body and mind, as well as the tools of spiritual sadhana, so we can progress and become divine.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! तुमने मेरे मन का सब अंधकार हटा दिया

प्रभात संगीत 3359:- एइ शुभ  अरुणोदये एले,आलो झराले...


हे  परमपुरुष बाबा! इस सुंदर शुभ अरुणोदय के समय तुम मेरे निकट आये। तुमने मेरे ऊपर कृपा वृष्टि की। तुमने मेरे मन का सब अंधकार हटा दिया जो कि अमावस्या   की कालिमा के पहाड़ जैसा लगता था। मेरे मन में अब केवल तुम्हारी मधुर मुस्कान है।

बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं अपने साॅंसारिक कष्टों को भूल गया हॅूं। भक्ति का आशीष देकर तुमने मेरा मन चुरा लिया है। मेरी आध्यात्मिकता बीज रूपमें थी जिसे तुमने कृपा कर बृक्ष बना दिया है।

बाबा! इस भव्य नव अरुणोदय के समय जब मैं उदास और दुखी था तब तुमने मेरे निकट आकर अपनी कृपा से नहला दिया... 

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