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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Spiritual force of DC + 3 more

Spiritual force of DC


In our Ananda Marga, spirituality is the highest pursuit and most meaningful engagement in life.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Spirituality is the summum bonum of life in all its aspects.” (1)

So every sadhaka knows well that doing proper sadhana is essential. But even then, often times, life just passes and getting ample scope for deep sadhana is difficult. Participating in the local dharmacakra can counteract this and help boost sadhana.

Indomitable force of collective meditation

In some of His special guidelines, Sadguru Baba has told that collective spiritual gatherings like dharmacakra help each and every sadhaka to advance on the path. This collective practice of everyone sincerely chanting their Is't'a mantra helps arouse a unique spiritual force that propels sadhakas further ahead on the path of progress - towards the Cosmic Purusa. Baba has discussed the importance of the 'collective mind' which gets generated as a result of sadhakas gathering together for meditation. And this applies primarily to first lesson, as other lessons are to be practiced individually.

For this reason Baba guides us that we should be vigilant to do sadhana with other sadhakas. The first lesson of Ananda Marga meditation is the only lesson that is meant to be done collectively. All other lessons should be practiced alone.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Do not miss the opportunity of collective Iishvara pran'idha'na whenever some of you conveniently meet together. The indomitable mental force aroused as a result of collective Iishvara pran'idha'na will help you solve any problem, great or small, on this earth. It is for this reason that you should always be zealous to attend weekly dharmacakra regularly." (2)

So collective meditation of the first lesson of Ananda Marga sadhana creates a special force that brings welfare to one and all. As we know, dharmacakra is one of the requirements of our Ananda Marga way of life.

Baba says, "Regular participation in the weekly dharmacakra at the local ja'grti should be considered mandatory." (3)

Avidya maya & sleep

The below are ways to recognise and combat sleeping in sadana. Be aware: sleep comes due  to the influence of avidya maya which does not want her captives to become free. So to prevent your elevation in sadhana, avidya maya tries to entrap you with sleep. As a sadhaka, you must fight back. If you are brave and your fight is sustained then avidya maya will retreat and stop blocking your path. Then success will be easily attained.

Control sleep in sadhana

Here are some key points and strategies for overcoming sleep in sadhana. Remember, the tendency to sleep is a natural outcome in the initial period of sadhana when the mind becomes calm and quiet. But it is necessary to cross this chasm in order to ensconce the mind in the deeper aspects of meditation and experience true bliss. Otherwise, sadhana is just a waste of time.

#1: If one has a lot of thick hair on top of the head, one can loosely tie portions of one’s hair to a fixture in the ceiling so that when the head bobs in the initial moments of sleep then one will be alerted.

#2: One can sit for sadhana facing a padded wall, or cushioned chair or couch. That way if they fall asleep and tilt forward they will gently bump into that cushioned object and get awakened. 

#3: Be sure to keep the stomach empty and not eat during the hours directly leading up to sadhana. 

#4: If the room is warm then that is a conducive environment for sleep. So one should always do sadhana in a cool environment - in particular the head should be kept cool. 

#5: Don’t do asanas prior to starting sadhana as that can make one fatigued and prone to sleep in sadhana, as asanas can have a soporific effect.

#6: While doing sadhana if you are cognizant of the fact that you are falling asleep, then do not try and manage this mentally; best is to physically get up and do half-bath. This same rule applies when one is very drowsy or experiencing symptoms of pre-sleep in sadhana.

#7: Carbon-dioxide build-up in the room can make one drowsy. This especially happens when the door is closed for a long time, or if the room is crowded. To prevent or counteract this, ensure there is plenty of fresh air and oxygen; best is to keep the windows open or go outside for sadhana.

#8: When doing sadhana avoid these following circumstances as they create a negative vibration: (a) people sleeping beside you, (b) people gossiping around you, (c) a very warm room (d) keeping pets or infants in your lap. In any of the aforementioned instances, the best solution is to get up and do sadhana elsewhere.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

If you are still having problems

If a sadhaka is in denial about sleeping in sadhana, then they can video themselves and see if really they are focused or sleeping in sadhana.

Few more solutions: motion detectors & monitor

In this day and age certain technological devices can work very well as a ‘monitor.’ There are inexpensive - very affordable - motion detectors that can alert a person if they are sleeping etc. Some of these devices make noise and some vibrate. The ones that make noise are not appropriate for dharmacakra so better to use the ones that simply vibrate. Then the unit secretary of the bhukti can make a general announcement about how some are falling asleep in dharmacakra and distribute these units to those who are most prone to sleeping during collective meditation. 

Or to prevent such mishaps, we might want to consider having a 'monitor' during our dharmacakra programs. That way if anyone's eyes start fluttering or if their body starts weaving and bobbing then the "monitor" can intervene and awaken that sadhaka from their stupor, and gently get their attention and have them go do half-bath.

Generate greater force

As a general guideline, spiritual gain means feeling closeness with Parama Purusa; and spiritual achievement means having oneness with Parama Purusa. But attaining either of these blissful states on one's own is not easy. That is why Baba guides us that at certain times on fixed days we must partake in collective spiritual sadhana - as this brings a special force or momentum into one's life.

It is just like in the physical sphere, when human beings gather together then they can naturally generate greater physical force. That is why before the invention of so many machines, to build any structure or do any tough physical job, the entire community would work together collectively. For example in the old days the whole town would gather to help in larger-scale activities - such as to dig a large pond, clear a road, erect a barn, or build a school etc. Likewise when building the railroad hoards of strong men would assemble together to lay down the track. Without that collective physical energy, these laborious tasks were not feasible. There is added muscle strength in our collective movement which helps people get the job done and achieve the goal.

Disturbance in dharmacakra

In all realms of life, collective energy helps to achieve great things. And especially in the psycho-spiritual realm, dharmacakra helps immensely, as we engage in both collective kiirtan and sadhana. This is one direct boon in the life of each and every sadhaka.

At the same time Baba warns us to be vigilant not to let the time get wasted. Because just as repeating one's mantra helps add to the collective flow, in the opposite direction if anyone is sleeping during dharmacakra then that impedes the collective mental flow. It pulls everyone backward as other sadhakas will certainly start sleeping also.

This we have all seen in our various Ananda Marga gatherings etc. One person falls asleep and then step by step others in the dharmacakra hall start sleeping - and some even start snoring. And sometimes one or two people start sleeping so deeply that they start to bend forward and in those crowded DC halls their nose will smack up against the back of the person in front of them.

Example of collective psychic strength

Here below Baba gives the classic example of how together good people can overcome a very wicked person and thereby create a positive environment due to their collective psychic strength.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If a person is a durjana, someone who may cause your downfall if you come in contact with them, who you think is not a good person, you should keep away from that person. Wicked people should always be avoided, because under their influence an ordinary person may go bad. People of this type are durjanas to ordinary people. But if it is absolutely necessary to be in contact with such a person, then what should you do? Suppose your good qualities are four per cent, while the bad qualities of the durjana are ten per cent. What do you do? Well, when you contact that person you take two or three other persons with you. As a result, the combined good qualities of you and your companions will come to twelve or thirteen per cent. The bad qualities of the wicked person being only ten, the influence of those bad qualities can be overcome. The effect will be like that of satsanga [good company]. That is why all sa'dhakas should assemble for dharmacakra [collective meditation]." (4)

In all our pracara activities wherever the situation is unfavourable then all we need to do is collect more A'nanda Ma'rgiis, then that negative circumstance will become positive. This is the natural law per Ananda Marga ideology guideline.

Here the whole point is that good people can add up or multiply their individual energy by assembling together and then they can create a sentient flow wherever they go. And Sadguru Baba furthermore says that one special tool or practice for this is our weekly dharmacakra program.

When people collectively chant kiirtan

Just as collective sadhana (first lesson) has a riveting effect on the collective mind, similarly kiirtan also helps immeasurably when done together - with more and more people.

Ananda Marga spiritual philosophy states, "At the time of kiirtan...their collective psychic energies are flowing in the same channel under the inspiration of Parama Purusa. So many minds are being loved by Parama Purusa, so many minds are being guided and inspired by that Supra-Celestial Entity. So at the place of kiirtan...there will be a huge concentration of psychic energy which will remove collective accumulated miseries of this material, quinquelemental world." (5)

Next Baba guides us that collective kiirtan will absolutely avert disasters and bring a soothing balm to any natural calamity which does strike.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "If people collectively chant kiirtan, then calamities are dispelled then and there. In case of natural calamities like flood, famine, drought, or epidemic, or man-made calamities, miseries, and tortures-- if [collective] kiirtan is chanted with maximum sincerity, it will bring direct relief in no time." (6)

Transcend bondages of pleasure & pain

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The perfect sa'dhana' is the sustained effort to completely identify every kos'a with the inner self, thus the more sa'dhakas progress on the path of sa'dhana', the more their cakras and propensities (vrttis) are gradually controlled by the higher and higher kos'as. But the sa'dhakas must not stop here. At the final stage of their sa'dhana' even the stance of a'jina cakra, even their entire mind entity -- has to be taken to a higher state of existence, the Brahmaloka, and merged in the Purus'a Bha'va or Cognitive Bearing. It is in the sahasra'ra cakra ( pineal plexus) that sa'dhakas establish themselves in the true blissful state and transcend the bondages of pleasure and pain. That state is the ultimate state of attainment for microcosms, it is the original stance of Brahma. There exists neither you nor He, the two become One. It is by means of sa'dhana' that this supreme rank is attainable." (7)

Sitting with bent spine

If one's spine is bent or curved, as shown in the below photo, then the pathway of the kundalinii is blocked and sadhana is useless. Sadly, the below Dada is setting a very bad example and not even trying to sit properly in sadhana. Dadaji’s hands are not in the correct position; he is not sitting in padmasana, but rather bhojanasana, i.e. a posture used when eating. And Dadaji is sleeping so his spine is completely bent and his head has fallen to his chest.

1. Idea & Ideology, The Cosmic Brotherhood
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, Iishvara Prańidhána
3. Sixteen Points, Point #15
4. Discourses on Krsna and the Giita, 'Even the Greatest Sinners'
5. 'Kiirtana Dispels Calamities', 16 May 1982, Kolkata
6. ‘Kiirtana Dispels Calamities’, 16 May 1982, Kolkata
7. Subhasita Samgraha - 4, 'This World and the Next'

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Baba’s Dedication in NH book

The Propounder of neo-humanism states:

“To those who think for all . . .
who offer others seats of honour and respect . . .
who venerate others, instead of waiting to be venerated –
to them I dedicate this book with humble esteem and deepest salutations.” (1)

- Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Note: In the above lines, it is obvious we should give first priority to honouring those whom nobody honours.

1. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Dedication page

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why “love marriages” don’t hold up

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Now when a man gets the chance to enjoy the physico-psychic pleasures, he doesn’t find any interest in physical pleasure, because physical pleasure is not only crude in quality, but also of very temporary nature. It lasts for a short span. On the psychic level, man is the dominating living being. He does something new, he wants to do something new, to get more psychic pleasures, and he invents so many things and engages himself in psychic pursuits. These things cannot be done by animals or even by other developed creatures, and here lies the speciality of human beings.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Beyond Temporary Experience

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Matrimony: union of a man & a woman

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Another Sanskrit equivalent for “woman” is nárii, which is feminine gender. But Shiva used the term kalatra, in the neuter; for to her husband a woman is a wife, but to her children and other members of the society, she is as dignified as her male counterpart. So by declaring a married lady to be kalatra, Shiva gave her special status, and addressed her in neuter terms."
   "The liberal meaning of the term viváha is “live one’s life in a new way with a special type of responsibility”. This is the underlying significance of the Shaeva system of marriage."
   "In His life, Shiva Himself married with this commitment. We can say without the least hesitation that Shiva was the first person in this world to marry in the proper sense of the term. He was eager to see that the married women did their duties properly towards their husbands, that is, that they always took care to remove the difficulties of their husbands."
   "Thus it was His strict instruction, Yad bharttureva hitamicchati tad kalatram [“If in the mind of the wife, there is the sincere desire for the welfare of her husband, the family will be blissful and a thatched house will become a golden home”]." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shivokti - 3