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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why artists are a problem + 4 more


Why artists are a problem


One of the great guiding forces in society is artistic expression. If used properly it can uplift an entire people. Yet, it can also work in the opposite direction. Seeing the degraded state of the present humanity, one can easily infer that contemporary art is one of the causes of pulling society awry. To truly serve humanity means the field of art must be addressed.

Sadguru Baba gives tremendous value to the role of artists - giving clear guidelines in both Caryacarya and Human Society publications to ensure artists are properly compensated for their contributions. At the same time, Baba defines what is art and who can be an artist.

Tragically, today, much of what appears as art is but an open sore for humanity - dragging society toward depravity. And we have seen that the artistic expression within our Marga is - sometimes - also sub-standard. Within our human family, there has to be a call for a true renaissance in the realm of artistic expression - and our Ananda Marga Pracarka Samgha should lead the way.

First let's take a moment to review the gamut of few artistic expression. Because art does not just mean painting a picture. Art encompasses: Drawing, sculpture, poetry, short stories, lullabies, drama, dance, narration, film, humor, novels, tragedy, comedy, sketches, sound, pantomime, oration, television, advertising, interviews, biographies, music, graphics, alpana, graffiti, street acts, podcasts, direction, speeches, design, etc.

We come in contact with art throughout the day in so many ways and forms.

Wrong slogan - “Art for art’s sake”

The main problem is that today's art is not leading people towards service and blessedness - per Baba's guideline - but rather toward degradation and the allurement of materialism.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "[Art] is that which moves together with the society, which leads society towards true fulfilment and welfare by providing the inspiration for service. The slogan “Art for art’s sake” is not acceptable; rather it is better to say, “Art for service and blessedness.”" (1)

Unfortunately, nowadays in the west, the slogan art for art's sake is in vogue. In the name of art, all kinds of vulgar acts are done. And the east has mostly fallen into that trap as well.

When the mind is devoid of spiritual understanding, then it will be led by baser instinct and drawn toward the crude material plane. That is why art and art history in the west is dominated by the baser instincts and desires, i.e. the allurements of the 5 senses and 5 motor organs. Art has been limited to lowly expression motivated by baser propensities.

We see this everywhere: billboards by the roadside, images on the computer, bodies on the silver screen, even so-called classical art in the museums, and in so many forms in our daily life. Tragically, this pulls humanity down and still further down. In addition, businesses commonly employ lewd images in order to promote their products. "Artists" then become purchased slaves for the capitalist enterprise.

In this way, art just becomes a tool to entrap one in all the lower tendencies of mind - wherein art ensnares one in the sadripus (six enemies) and astapashas (eight bondages).

Degrading art adversely affects society

And in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS), we certainly see some signs of this happening as well - wherein AMPS has been adversely influenced by trends in the general society. Sadly, degrading pseudo-culture photos has often been strewn across the pages of our very own periodicals and magazines. Thus inside and outside, these days we often see that art is a degrading tool.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is such [artists] who indulge in such utterances as “Art for art’s sake.” A little examination will reveal the harmful influence of this idea on human society." (2)

So the nature of the art is an indicator of the measure of the society. Just as when you see a grossly obese person you can understand what their diet is, similarly, when you see the status of society, you can understand the standard of their art. Society is a reflection of the art of the day. Baba's declaration is the art should be for service and blessedness. So we have to ask ourselves what does that mean and what will that art look like.

What does it mean: “art is for service and blessedness”

With regards to "art for service", we can say art that goads towards social welfare and spiritual inclination. And "art for blessedness" refers to guiding one towards supreme benevolence and divinity.

Some years ago in NYC, there was a brave gentleman who jumped down onto the subway track in front of a running train in order to save someone who had fallen. The train ran over both of them, yet they were saved because the hero kept them beneath the level of the train. That scene would also make for excellent art as it represents the spirit of human sacrifice.

Writings should encourage Narayan seva' (feeding the poor); the practice of asanas, meditation; tandava, and svadhyaya; rising up against dogma and injustices such as slavery, economic exploitation or otherwise; and the singing of kiirtan. Verily, the varied expressions of art can lead people toward the subtle and the sublime.

In sum, our plays, music, speeches, and all art forms should reflect the more benevolent side of humanity that goads one toward welfare activities and spiritual realisation. Proper art should goad the mind towards service and blessedness.

Characterless, drunken or greedy artists are liabilities

There are artists in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha who have depicted those who sacrificed their lives for great cause of dharma. One photographer or painter captured those who performed self-immolation in order to uphold Ananda Marga ideals. Others have made pictures of srsti cakra (cycle of creation). And many more have captured the essence of neo-humanism in their art. Baba guided artists of Bengal for years and year on making dioramas. There are all ideal examples of artistic expression.

We should remember that art is a most powerful tool. Artists are most often dynamic people who are highlighted in society. Naturally then our youths are drawn to them. Yet if their art forms are degrading then that will lead an entire generation of young people astray. We see that happening now with many adolescents and youths in our society. They are rushing headlong toward degradation because that is what their (pseudo) cultural heroes are doing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The youth of a country are attracted to artists; it is therefore the duty of society and the state to monitor these artists’ ideals and character. Otherwise they may exert a harmful influence on young men and women who are the future hope of society. For this reason it is essential for artists to have impeccable conduct, a healthy lifestyle and strength of character. If those whom youths respect as ideal men and women possess an ideal character, the characters of those  whom they influence will no doubt also be positively affected. In  addition, ideal artists and actors who have a strong character will be  able to express their artistic brilliance more sweetly and completely. Characterless, drunken or greedy artists will be considered liabilities  by their fans and society." (3)

Thus artists cannot just be given the distinguished title based on their artistic endeavour - they must also be proper in their all-round behaviour as well.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Importance of prama in art

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings, in the process of expressing their creative faculties, externalize the colourful and varied ideas of their psychic world in a variety of ways: on canvas with colours and brushes, in poetry and literature with the strokes of their pens, and in sculpture with the subtle use of hammers and chisels. Their philosophical ideas, their scientific observations and experiments, and the study and analysis of various branches of knowledge are exclusively within the psychic preserve of the human mind, and have been honoured as the golden harvest of the psychic realm. But if there is a lack of pramá in the psychic sphere, then many omissional and commissional mistakes and defects are bound to enter into their art, architecture, literature, philosophy, science and other branches of human knowledge. Dance may lose its rhythm, painting may lack proportion, music may lose the harmony of its melody and rhythm, and in the various branches of literature there may be an overgrowth of the parasitic weeds of immature expression."
  "Suppose a painter is drawing a picture of a small pond. The pond is full of beautiful transparent water upon which sits a full-blossomed lotus. Suppose the pond occupies a square inch of space, whereas the petals of the lotus occupy two square inches of space. In this case the painter has clearly lost the basic sense of proportion and artistic [[balance, has]] violated the principle of pramá in the creation of art. Naturally, in the absence of pramá, artistic creation cannot be symmetrical or systematic."
  "Let us take the case of poetry. Successful poetry is a balanced blending of idea, language, metre and expressional beauty. But if a poet has only a flair for language and depth of ideas and is not skilled in metrical rhythm or cannot introduce subtle beauty into his or her composition, then the poetry will suffer from lack of pramá. Poetry devoid of pramá cannot attain the height of success."
   "Similarly, song is the inner blending of idea, language, melody and rhythm. In the absence of any of the four, pramá will be lost and the song will lose its charm and beauty. It will be nothing but a random composition, a few lines of lifeless words." (4)

"Learning of fine arts will be your regular duty"

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The fine arts came into existence through the medium of mudrá. Lord Shiva is the creator of the fine arts. Mudrá is "the externalization of internal feeling" and means "to express the desires of the mind"." (5)

Caryacarya states, "Fine arts lead human beings to the trans-sensory realm; hence sádhakas should not discourage fine arts; rather they should support them, directly or indirectly." (6)

WT conduct rules state, "Learning of the fine arts and their maintenance will be your regular duty." (7)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Human beings express their feelings in different ways. One way is that one brings one’s vibrations from the realm of ideation down to the physical world, makes them descend to the quinquielmental world with the help of sensory and motor organs. Another way is that with the help of the subtler artistic aspects of that expression, one transports it to one’s psychic realm making use of one’s subtler sensory feelings. The feeling human beings express in the physical realm, is called worldly action. When expression is brought to the psychic realm, it is called lalita carcana [the cultivation of fine arts]. Lalita carcana is also called simply "the fine arts" or "subtler arts"." (8)

How you can become successful artist

   Prout philosophy states, "As the sense of subtle aesthetics developed in human beings in the course of evolution, a desire to create art also awakened in them. The artist’s ideal is to be established in transcendentality beyond the bounds of the sensory world. So artists, or more precisely, worshippers of fine art, have to be spiritual aspirants if they want to move in the right direction. The cultivation of fine arts by those who have not developed spiritual sentiment or accepted the spiritual ideal as the goal of life is merely a mockery. Only those who look upon all worldly things from a spiritual perspective can realize in everything the blissful Transcendental Entity. The greater the realization of this Transcendental Entity, the greater the understanding of one’s oneness with that Entity, and thus the greater one’s success in the creation of art."
   "The successful creation of art is absolutely impossible for those who do not seek that subtle Entity, even though they possess some capacity to create. Such people’s thought processes go adrift, like a sailboat with a torn sail. Their mental aberration is reflected in all of their writings, which ultimately become strange and grotesque." (9)

Baba has graciously blessed us with clear-cut guidelines in the realm of art. Without that society cannot progress. By propagating Ananda Marga ideals, all aspects of life - including art - will reflect great social consciousness and sublime realisation.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The only way to save oneself from this kind of psychological degradation is to keep one’s mind constantly engaged in the thought of the Great and to always look upon the world with sweet, benevolent sentiments. Artists and actors must never forget this even for a moment because they have a great responsibility to society and an immeasurable influence over it." (10)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
2.  A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
3. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
4. A Few Problems Solved - 8, Pramá – 1 / Dynamic Equilibrium and Equipoise
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education - D
6. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #16
7. WT Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, Point #5
8. Shabda Cayanika-10, Fine Arts & Mudra
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
10. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

O’ Radiant Entity

"Álokojjval ei sandhyáy,maner mádhuri niye gláni sariye diye..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1894)


On this refulgent Diipa'vali evening who has appeared in vast blue sky. Who is that charming Entity who has come with boundless prema and removed all the blemishes from my mind. Which compassionate Personality has come and wiped away all the darkness and defects from my inner self.  Who is that Entity who has has come and made me clean and pure.

O’ Radiant Entity, the planets and stars have lit the lamp to receive You; their hearts are filled with an overabundance of love for You. By seeing Your infinite grandeur, even this great, silver-coloured galaxy has become spellbound and awestruck. O' Illumined One, You go on dancing, floating, and smiling with Your magnificent heartfelt expression. Who are You who has appeared before me.

My Eternal Entity, I have longed for You for hundreds of lives through countless cycles of birth and death. I have gotten new life again and again with the sole desire to attain You. I thirst for Your exquisite bliss in each and every pore of my heart. My entire being is filled with the deep attraction for You, and I shall keep loving You with each molecule of this spiritually intoxicated stream of ideation. You have filled my soul with the light of bhakti. The river of my mental longing is overflowing with Your unparalleled mercy. Who are You who has showered unparalleled joy on me.

O' Supreme Entity, my Parama Purusa, today You have come in my heart on this resplendent night of Diipavali. Please accept my sastaunga pranam at Your lotus feet...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cause and cure of psychic extravaganza

  Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Now everywhere, in cent per cent of the cases, there is wastage of human psychic potentiality. The psychic potentialities of human beings are immense, but people do not utilize them because most of their valuable time is wasted in undesirable thoughts, in psychic extravaganza...wasted in petty or useless activities. How much time do
people really get to devote to worthwhile tasks?"
  "This psychic extravaganza should be checked either by physical approach, or psychic approach, or by spirituo-psychic approach..."
  "I have already said that the scope of rationality and rationalization should be increased more and more, and for this, unnecessary waves should be removed from the plane of physicality. From the psychic sphere also, unnecessary waves are to be removed. This will remove many burdens from the mind. 'I must not bother about petty things, because that will waste my time' - people should remember this. This removal or rather withdrawal of
unnecessary and undesirable thoughts emanated from the mind will help you in rationalizing the major portion of your mental faculty, so this must also be practised." (1)

Note: In Baba’s above guideline He he clearly sets forth some key concepts:
(a) One should think of Parama Purusa all the time - i.e. all the 24hrs;
(b) When engaged in any type of mundane work - personal, family, social etc - then one must think and ideate that it is His work.

When a person adheres to the these aforementioned principles then that is proper use of one’s psychic potentiality; failure to follow these principles results in misuse of one’s psychic potentiality, i.e. extravaganza.

Next Baba guides how to treat one who suffers from this type of improper thinking or extravaganza:
(a) Firstly, one should be removed - or remove oneself - from that physical environment;
(b) Next, such negative thinking must be removed from one’s own mind;
(c) Then one must goad the mind to Parama Purusa.
In result, one will have proper sadhana and be free from worry.

1. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुमने इस विश्व  को भक्ति भाव से भर दिया है

प्रभात संगीत 2429 सकल द्वार खुले दिले प्रभु, वातायन पथे आलो एलो....


हे परमपुरुष बाबा!  हे प्रभु! तुम कितने कृपालु हो, तुमने इस विश्व में  सभी के मने के  दरवाजे और खिड़कियाँ  खोलकर उसे  भक्ति भाव से दीप्तिमय कर दिया है। पूर्वी क्षितिज में ऊषा उदित हो रही है और जड़ता का अंधकार दूर भागता जा रहा है।

हे परमपुरुष! भूत काल में सब जगह भावजड़ता और क्षुद्रवाद  का बोलबाला था। असंख्य रूढि़याॅं और हीन संस्कार अपना नग्न नृत्य कर रहे थे परंतु अब तुम्हारी परम उपस्थिति से पलक झपकते सब रूढि़याॅं और  हीन  संस्कार दूर  हो गये हैं। अंधकार के प्राणी हवा में विलीन हो गये हैं,  वे, नष्ट ही हो गये हैं।

हे बाबा , मेरे प्रभु! तुम्हारे प्यार और मार्गदर्शन  के द्वारा तुम सबको अपनी शरण में लिये हो, तुम सब की चिंता करते हो। (1)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Today you have the most favourable opportunity
to prove yourself as human being

"O human beings, proceed on the path of Oṋḿkara towards subtleness. Do not run after the superficial, pleasant mirage dominated by tamoguńa. Establish yourself in sattvaguńa and then merge yourself into Brahma. Reach the point whence oṋḿkára has started. Awaken your latent dynamism through sádhaná and devotion, arouse your divine wisdom and merge that pure divinity into the endless stream of divine glory. Attain the Supreme state for which you have suffered tremendous privations. Today you have the most favourable opportunity to prove yourself as human being.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 4, Our Spiritual Treatise

== Section 3: Links ==