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Monday, November 13, 2023

Chanakya & today’s world + 5 More

Chanakya & today’s world 


In His Prout teachings, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us that 2300 years ago a minister clearly warned his kingdom of the ills of capitalism and gave the solution.
Now, in this modern era, the whole globe suffers from those very ills pointed out 2300 years ago.

The name of that sagacious minister was Chanakya of the Maurya dynasty. The very seeds of destruction that now severely threaten the existence of today's world were well understood by the keen philosopher-sage Chanakya more than two thousand years ago.

In His discourse, Shrii Sarkar highlights the accuracy and importance of what Chanakya said, and side by side has given the practical answers for solving the woes of capitalism by establishing the era of Prout.

Chanakya niti & present situation

The famed pundit Chanakya put forth his views on political ethics and economy in his nitishastra. He warned how the greed of capitalism will strangle society and bring any kingdom to its knees.

Prout philosophy states, "Chanakya said that a business person who becomes extremely rich is harmful to the state. If a king finds that somebody has become extremely wealthy, he should reduce the person’s wealth and property by imposing direct and indirect taxes on them. If he does not do this, the vaeshyas may destroy the structure of the government unless they can make it the tool of their exploitation." (1)

Chanakya advised that if top capitalists remain unchecked they will take over the political arena in order to exploit the masses and hoard more wealth. And that is exactly what we see happening today. The top capitalist agents have lobbied for and put into legislation all they need in order to accumulate huge piles of money, thereby strangling the large masses of society.

The common people cannot get health care; unemployment is rising; poverty is rampant; housing costs are skyrocketing; university education is unaffordable etc. Verily, every fundamental aspect of daily living is beyond the means of ordinary citizens. The people can no longer survive, yet still the capitalists are strategizing how to increase their profits. Such is the state of affairs in the world; and, that is what Chanakya warned about long ago.

Chanakya rule: poison them to death

Chanakya's initial solution was to tax the wealthy. Yet the top vaeshyas across the globe have millions of tax loopholes; thus, they are able to evade taxes through fancy paperwork etc. But that was not the only solution which Chanakya offered. See here below what he says must be done if the capitalists escape the tax structure.

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "Chanakya also said that if the imposition of taxes fails to stop or control extremely wealthy vaeshyas, the king should poison them to death through a secret agent." (2)

So Chanakya mandated that those capitalists should be secretly killed if they can't be stopped and continue to exercise their unbridled greed. Before we pass judgment on Chanakya's words, let us see what Shrii Sarkar has said in the very next sentence of His discourse.

Prout philosophy states, "These are indeed strong recommendations, but in that age of social darkness there was no alternative." (3)

Hence, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar agrees that in certain circumstances such extreme action is needed against those rapacious capitalists - when there is no other recourse. Yet in the present age, we know that Prout has been given. That is our weapon for combating capitalism. Our approach is not to kill capitalists per se, but rather root out the disease of capitalism.

Prout philosophy states, “We are to fight capitalism and not the capitalists. We are to wipe out this ism from human society because this ism is paralysing humanity. The capitalists are suffering from a sort of mental ailment, and it is our foremost duty to radically cure them by diverting their physical thirst towards psychic and spiritual pursuits.” (4)

So Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar guides us to strike at the root of the problem and remove capitalism entirely - whereas Chanakya’s final solution was to eliminate those capitalists.

Stark contrast between capitalists of past & present

Fortunately back in the day, 2300 years ago, the capitalists heeded Chanakya's initial guideline and understood they were to give back to the people - for the cause of social welfare.

Prout philosophy guides us, "[During the time of Chanakya] Vaeshyas received the good advice that their responsibility was to earn money and undertake charity, not to hoard wealth." (5)

Thus, in those days of old, those capitalists learned their lesson and averted disaster. However, such is not the case today.

Prout philosophy states, "The vaeshyas of other times and other countries were unable to fulfil the duties connected with their nature. Because the ignorant people of ancient times were more religious, the vaeshyas used to undertake a little charity in the hope of deriving some benefit in their next life. But today in this age of materialism, vaeshyas are not the slightest bit interested in undertaking charitable work in this life in the hope of gaining some benefit in their next life." (6)

As Shrii Prahbat Ranjan Sarkar points out above, today's vaeshyas have no conscience - neither in the social nor religious spheres. Due to their purely materialistic bent of mind, they only focus on gaining more and more material wealth and do not show the least bit of concern about helping society, or redeeming themselves for the future.

That is why the situation is coming to crux in top capitalist regions, and even in financially poorer areas. With each and every passing day, the common people become more and more shackled by the ills of capitalism. They are losing their houses, losing their jobs, losing their land, losing their savings, and losing each and every bit of peace and tranquility.

Most opportune moment

Prout discourses show the pathway toward social equality and economic justice and pave the way for the the earth to escape the noose of the vaeshyan era as first warned about by Chanakya.

   Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "PROUT is the panacea for the integrated progress of human society. It aims to bring about equilibrium and equipoise in all aspects of socio-economic life through totally restructuring economics. Without PROUT, socio-economic emancipation will remain a utopian dream. Only PROUT can save the world from depression."
   "Furthermore, only PROUT is free from the inherent and exherent staticity. In capitalism there is exherent and inherent staticity. In communism there is extensive and intensive innate staticity. People suffer from the ailments of staticity. These ailments will destroy all forms of “isms” in the very near future. Wise people should utilize this moment."
   "We are near the last stage of the Vaeshya Era. If an impact is created, it will help the suffering humanity. It is the most opportune moment for creating an all-round revolution. This is a new sub-theory under Proutistic theory and may be called gati vijina'na – the science of dynamics in PROUT." (7)

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Crisis is only growing

As high as the poverty level is, these numbers are deceiving because even people "above poverty level" suffer from severe financial woes and pressures. Right now, the systemic issue is that most are worried about money and scared about the future. All are fighting for survival. Verily, each and every aspect of daily life is becoming more difficult to manage - and the problem is only growing. All these material woes - housing, healthcare, employment, education etc - then create a whole new series of issues.

Thus the horrors of capitalism do not just begin and end in the material realm - it takes a huge toll on people mentally. At present, the world’s population is being crushed: Mental stress, anxiety, worry, depression, and other psychic ailments are pervasive throughout.

Wealthy ghouls: earning money & hoarding wealth

There are two basic reasons why things are still turning for the worse in the world.

Firstly, the common people do not yet understand that capitalism is bad. Still people hold the top vaeshyas as being veritable heroes. Capitalists continue to be worshiped and honoured like sages. Still people want to grow up and become like them. So that is one problem: People do not know that capitalists are the agents of hell; the general people in society defend the edicts of capitalism.

The second reason why things are only getting worse is that the greed of such capitalists knows no end. They are not content merely to pile up more money than they can use - they want every single penny until everyone else is totally destitute, nay completely ravaged.

Shrii Sarkar says, "Regarding earning money and hoarding wealth, most vaeshyas today are pisha'cavats [ghouls]. In Sanskrit pisha'ca means “one who breaks the neck of an animal and then sucks out all the blood, leaving only the flesh and bones”." (8)

So the warnings of Chanakya long ago hold true still today. That is why in His Prout teachings Shrii Sarkar recognises the work of Chanakya.

At the same time, only the expansive teachings of Prout can address & solve each and every problem and issue in society. Our duty is to propagate those ideas in every way possible. People need to hear the name Prout and learn what it is about. That is the main aim at present.

When you recognise these ghouls only then will the problem end.

~ Courtesy of Gopal Books ~

“Chanakya was an Indian teacher, philosopher and royal advisor. He managed the first Maurya emperor Chandragupta’s rise to power at a young age. He is widely credited for having played an important role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire, which was the first empire in archaeologically recorded history to rule most of the Indian subcontinent.Chanakya is traditionally identified as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta, who authored the ancient Indian political treatise called Arthasastra. As such, he is considered as the pioneer of the field of economics and political science in India, and his work is thought of as an important precursor to Classical Economics.Chanakya Neeti is a treatise on the ideal way of life, and shows Chanakya’s deep study of the Indian way of life. Chanakya also developed Neeti-Sutras (aphorisms—pithy sentences) that tell people how they should behave. Of these well-known 455 sutras, about 216 refer to rajaneeti (the do’s and don’ts of running a kingdom). Apparently, Chanakya used these sutras to groom Chandragupta and other selected disciples in the art of ruling a kingdom.” (Courtesy of Gopal Books)

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
3. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
4. Discourses on Prout, Section 2
5. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
6. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
7. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Economic Dynamics
8. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Dancing in happiness

"Ámi, tomáre bhúliyá chinu kata din...” (Prabhat Samgiita #4091)


Parama Purusa, I remained forgetful and oblivious of You for such a long span of time. Unmindful about Your presence, I traveled on the rugged, jagged path of dogma, groupism, and materialism; as a result, I got swept away in the ocean current. My Golden Lotus, that time You were unknown to me.

My Supreme Entity, my days were full of stains. Barraged by insults, my life lost its charm and became shrouded in hopelessness, without any spirituality. So many lonely, lifeless, isolated silent nights passed in Your longing, i.e. crying in utter despair, without any hope. My spiritual journey got hit by the cold, northern breeze. Sadhana was poor and my mind just became more and more dry. There was no flow. That drained me of all my optimism, inspiration, and bhakti. I became drowned in staticity and degradation, fully under the control of animal vrttis.

Baba, now You are here. Today, spring has come; it is so blissful. The whole environment is filled with colourful flowers and a sweet aroma. The dark night has changed into glittering moonlight, shining in the sky. Peacocks are dancing in happiness and expressing their joy by extending their feathers. By Your grace, the sweet breeze is blowing softly. This grand scene is thrilling and exhilarating for my whole existence; it is making me quiver in the subtle vibration. That lovely air is giving me the hint and telling me, "Listen! Whose divine flute is resonating; Baba is calling you..."

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How people get answers in their sleep

Ananda Marga philosophy, "Very often, whenever there is concentration of mind for any reason, during sleep vibrational waves from the all-knowing unconscious mind stimulate the nerve cells, and the dreamer gets the answer to questions which were haunting his or her mind. But these answers can never be received during the state of disjointed thinking. One thing more should be remembered in this regard, that the answers from the unconscious mind, the repository of all knowledge, are received primarily during dream and only secondarily during the wakeful state; but much of the knowledge thus gained during dream is immediately forgotten as soon as the dream is over. On rare occasions, a little of that knowledge lingers in the mind even after arising from sleep." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 16

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ananda Marga marriage: no same sex allowed

In His below teaching, Baba is discussing the history of marriage and guides us that marital relations are between a male and a female. Baba does not mention any other type of arrangement, such as relations between the same sex, either female and female or male and male. Thus, no Ananda Margii should get swept up in the wave of same sex marriage that is happening in the west. Every Ananda Marga should hold firm to Guru’s teachings and adhere to the dharmic tenet that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “To slay the disarmed, to slaughter women, children or old people, to murder those who had surrendered or to kill those running away for their lives from a fight went against the grain of kśatriya conscience. In essence, the valour of the kśatriyas was instrumental in their surpassing the animal stratum as they learnt to understand human values. It was this sense of values that raised conjugal and domestic life to human standard to a great extent. Instead of conjugal relations being limited to the status of enjoyer and the enjoyed, they began to contain a sense of duty. With the establishment of conjugal relationships a sense of duty awakened in the father towards his children. Consequently, as soon as the responsibilities of mothers lessened to some extent, women became dependent on men for their food and clothes, particularly during the period of pregnancy and during the post-delivery period. As a result, married couples, though belonging to the same group, began to emerge in previously male-centred households. As families were male-centred, male-dominated groups became evident and clan mothers lost their previous authority.” (1)

1. Human Society - 2, Kśatriya Age

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

जिनका दिल सूखा है वे

“अगर कोई साधक ऐसा महसूस करता है कि उन पर परमपुरुष की कृपा नहीं है, आकर्षण नहीं है, तो वे अधिक से अधिक नैतिकता पर मज़बूत बन जाएँ | उस हालत में वे फ़ौरन उनकी कृपा महसूस करेंगे | अवश्य ही करेंगे | क्यों ? न, अपनी नैतिकता के द्वारा, अपनी नैतिकता की बदौलत आगे बढ़ना जैसा मनुष्य का काम है, ठीक वैसा ही उनको आकर्षण करना परमपुरुष का काम है | तो, साधक अपना कर्त्तव्य करते रहें, परमपुरुष अपना कर्त्तव्य करते रहेंगे |”
[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. [अप्रकाशित भाग, 3rd June 1990, DMC, “The Cult of Spirituality, a Cult of Pinnacled Order”]

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Illumine every nook and corner

“Those who introduce new ideas are invariably subjected to the trammels, tyranny and lure of sinful temporality. But people must not yield, people must not stop. Remember that light, not darkness is veritably the truth of life. The light of new ideas shall certainly illumine every nook and corner of human habitation, in spite of the inroads of countless forces of denunciation, denigration and contempt.” (Ananda Vanii #37)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 3: Links ==

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