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Monday, October 2, 2023

Story: child saved from burning flames + 5 more


Story: child saved from burning flames


I invited local villagers to our baby naming ceremony. But they refused to attend as they thought my Ananda Marga outlook and way of living was against the vedas and puranas. They felt I had turned my back on the traditions and rituals of the Karmakand (vedas) and the Hindu religion. So they told me they would not attend.

Not only that, those villagers thought a very unfortunate and tragic episode would befall the child and / or my family because of my involvement in Ananda Marga. They predicted the Almighty would punish me. With that fear also they did not participate.

I told them, "This is my child and my family and if something happens then I will face consequences. But this is what I am going to do."

I was determined to follow the Ananda Marga system. By Baba's grace the ceremony was performed and everything went quite smoothly.

Most astonishing for my entire village

The next day we were sitting outside the house by the fire to warm ourselves. After some time my wife wanted to pass the baby to me. I was sitting directly opposite her - across the fire. She stood up and I stood and she started to hand the child to me.

Our infant was wrapped in a cloth and as my wife began to pass me the baby, suddenly the child fell from in between our arms directly onto the fire. The fire was burning with flames upwards of 2 ft high. The child started crying loudly and violently.

I was frozen, panic-stricken, and in shock. Temporarily I lost sight of what to do. In a moment, my senses returned and I readied to pull my dear baby from the burning flames. Taking Baba's name, I reached into the fire and grabbed my son, along with the cloth. I then did a quick check of him - expecting the worst. By Baba's grace nothing happened - my boy was neither burned nor hurt from the fall. I just closed my eyes, surrendering to Baba, knowing that He watches over everything.

Seeing my son saved from this life-threatening tragedy was most astonishing for my whole family and the entire village. Nobody could believe their eyes. They were incredulous and fully in awe of what had just happened. Especially those villagers who had been watching directly and saw the incident first-hand.

My neighbor said, "Your Guru must have done something to save your child."

I replied, "It is the grace of my Baba who is Taraka Brahma and always ready to save. He has blessed me with the inspiration to follow His commandments and it is His duty to rescue us from such a tragedy."

Today my son is a strong and dedicated Ananda Margii.

Impossible become possible

All in all it was quite a moving scene. Before that incident my family was opposed to Ananda Marga, and after that my entire family took initiation and became bhaktas of Baba, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Everyone understood that everything happens according to the sweet will of Parama Purusa. What He wants, that happens. Without His permission nothing can happen.

I fully appreciate this Prabhat Samgiita:

"Ta'r man jodi ca'y saba kichu hay dhu'limaya e dharan'iite" (Prabhat Samgiita #0207)

Meaning: If His mind desires, when He wishes, anything can happen on this dusty earth - the impossible become possible.

According to Baba's guideline, I tried to follow His teaching and by His grace the tragedy was averted. Actually, I did not have the strength to follow - He gave me the strength, so all credit goes to Sadguru Baba.

in Him
Tattvika Vrindavan dev

Note 1: The above is a first-hand account from a senior margii, Ramshraya Prasad Srivastava of Narkatiya Ganj, West Champaron Dist (Bihar).

Note 2: In 1971, after my first son was born, we planned to host a baby naming ceremony at our house. As an initiated and practicing Ananda Margii, our family duty was to follow the Ananda Marga system. So we set the date for the baby naming gathering and arranged for a local family acarya to perform the ceremony. The above account is the story of what transpired on that occasion.

~ In-depth study ~

When dharma saves then

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“One who protects dharma is protected by dharma.” Dharma saves the dhármika [the upholder of dharma] in the material sphere, in the subtle sphere and in the causal sphere. When dharma saves people in the material sphere, they experience it before their very eyes, they hear it with their ears, they feel it with the tenderness of touch. When dharma helps them in the causal sphere, they experience it by loving Parama Puruśa with all the sweetness of their hearts. This feeling has no external expression. When dharma saves people in the subtle sphere, they experience it through deep reflection." (1)

Becomes thinner & thinner

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Parama Purus'a is everywhere. Amrta is a creation of His. U'ta is also a creation of His. So when a man resorts to devaya'na or amrtaya'na, Parama Purus'a is with him and helps him in all possible and impossible ways. Similarly, when a man resorts to u'taya'na, Parama Purus'a is with him and helps him in all possible and impossible ways. Parama Purus'a is always with each and every creature. The virtuous or the sinners, both are equally helped by Him. The virtuous can see Him, can feel His existence; and the sinners cannot: this is the only difference.”

“And why the virtuous can feel His presence, and why the sinners cannot feel His presence? It is a knotty question. But the reply is not at all knotty, the reply is very simple. Between the virtuous and the Parama Purus'a, the veil of ma'ya' is very thin. And it disappears very easily when his distance from the cosmological nucleus goes on decreasing, the veil of ma'ya' becomes thinner and thinner and finally disappears. And when a man resorts to u'taya'na, the veil of ma'ya' is very-very thick and goes on becoming thicker and thicker as his distance from the cosmological nucleus increases." (2)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc 11: Shivokti 11
2. Movement Is the Order of the Day, 15 July 1979, Ernakulam


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.


*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Blessings upon everyone

“Sab priitite práńa bharecho, ke ná jáne ke ná jáne…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0813)


Parama Purusa, who does not know that You have filled every affection with warmth, showered Your blessings upon everyone - all the unit beings, and bestowed beautiful melodies into the world of music. You have charged every song with special resonance. Baba, it is Your grace. You have done everything. Everyone accepts and realises this truth.

Parama Purusa, prior to the start of creation, there was nothing in this manifested universe. In that vast festival of stark nothingness, there was only cimmerian darkness in all directions. In that night of oblivion, in that dark void, You created vibrations as fountains in a dream, and manifested srsti in Your own mind.

My Supreme Entity, before the existence of this created world, there was nothing - neither good nor bad, neither auspicious nor inauspicious. There was no flower fragrance, no dirty dust of the earth, and no chirping of the birds in that pitch black night. Amidst that vacuum, at the onset of this liila, You formed this universe and took advent at the end of the bleak, in that endless chasm of nothingness. You appeared in the ideation---- in my shravańa, manana, and nididhyásana.

Baba, You descended through Your thought projection. And that is what we call creation... 

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0813:

[1] Shravan, Manan, & Niddhidhyasana: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudi - 3, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook

== Section: News (2018) ==

How to bring real unity

~ Courtesy of WhatsApp Forum ~

    [26/07, 10:50] Rachana: After 1990 centre indulged itself in various work which was against AM ideology.
    Adding Mahaprayan chapter in Caryacarya part 1 was one of the heinous crime.

    Manipulation, distortions of original BP manual was direct action against family Margiis.

    Distortion in Baba's scripture was a attack on AM ideology. Those forces who were afraid of Baba's revolutionary ideology they sitting in Centre tried to change AM scripture.

    LFT structure was destroyed in the decade of 1990's.

    Our Neo-humanistic society was attacked by RSVP group. And centre divided in groups on basis of  Geo-Socio sentiments.

    Before 1991 we were fighting with communists, capitalists, communalists, ritualists. And from 1991 group fight started. Murder of Dada Abhipremanandajii was extreme of group fight in our organization.

    Court cases for governing body is still going on.

    By Baba's Ahaetuki Krpa one new era of awakening of  Margiis and junior wt  workers also emerged in last three decades. Circulars written by Respected NL sharma ji, Ganesh Bhatt ji, Dayanand Alandoor ji, Dr Vidya Jain ji, Shirish ji, Ganesh dutt ji, Bhaktvirya jii & Gita didi and many other ideological margiis created awareness among margiis against those elements who were sitting in centre and  destroying AM ideology and organization.
    We can't forget great contribution of am global, am universal and am news bulletin team who used internet and awaken margii society to fight against mpd, injustices, distortions, groupism, curtailment of margiis rights, exploitation of wt didis etc.

    Today margii society is awaken. Discussion in whatsaap groups, google groups, bhuktiis, units  about injustices, distortions, margi rights is continuously going on. And by Baba's grace it will be fruitful.
    [26/07, 10:54] +91 93049 73941: Important analysis of post 90 era.
    [26/07, 10:58] +91 98180 18780: You simply, nailed 🎯......It
    [26/07, 11:05] +91 89517 40691: 👍🏻👍🏻🙏🏼

~ Courtesy of WhatsApp Forum ~

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How family people lost their rights


Since ages religious exploiters, priests, mullahs, pujaris, and so-called monks have misguided society. For example, in India, people were indoctrinated into the idea that family people cannot learn higher meditation. Those priests misguided the common mass by giving a false definition of brahmacarya. Similarly, the world over, priests became the middle man between God and the people. To root out this dogma, Ananda Marga ideology has been given. But in our AMPS organisation, the same type of priestocracy dogmas were injected after 1990:
(a) Puppets were made into tattvikas and family acaryas.
(b) The true role of family acaryas was snatched away by group leaders. Prior to 1990, all kinds of social ceremonies were conducted by family people / family acaryas, but no longer. And in the past family people were purodhas on top boards, and that too has essentially vanished. There is a litany of other injustices that have been put in vogue.

This is the hint that we should be aware of religious cheats - in any religion as well as within Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. That is what Baba is guiding us about in His following teaching.

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is most important for human beings to move in the realm of spirituality, more than in other realms. Human beings should have followed the proper teachings, but unfortunately, previous teachers did not teach us in this way, and that is why there has been such great chaos in the social and psychic spheres.”
   “As a result of these improper teachings, many family people have suffered from the inferiority complex that as they were living mundane lives, they were sinners. This sort of idea was firmly implanted in the minds of family people as the result of false propaganda by the opportunistic exploiters, who wanted to protect their vested interests in the spiritual sphere. These exploiters also did not want to disseminate dharma among the masses at all, for they feared that the spread of dharma would undermine their vested interests.”
   “But Ananda Marga is for one and all: I wish to disseminate dharma among all.” (1)

In Him

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Verse, Mythology, History and Itihása

== Section: Comment ==

Re: This Hindu dogma crawling in AMPS

~ Girls paramilitary ~


In the below image, the girl is getting indoctrinated into this dogmatic annual ritual of raksha bandhan where it is taught that girls cannot stand on their own feet for their security and safety. They have to depend upon males. It is taught that women are like creeper plants that cannot stand on their own and have to depend upon others. Since their infancy this dogma is imposed whereby females accept their lowly status in society by participating in this below ritual of tying thread around the protector's wrist. The girl is making a bond with the male to protect her over the course of her entire life. That is the symbolism of females tying the thread. Ananda Marga opposes this gross dogma. To destroy such types of dogma Baba has created a girls paramilitary organisation in every branch of AMPS.

So in the below photo the girl is surrendering to the boy and taking shelter in him as her protectorate. That is the significance and symbolism of tying a rakhi on the boy's wrist. For the rest of her life, that boy will be her guardian, signifying that that girl is incapable of defending herself. This is a negative and dogmatic tradition that wholly undermines the status and dignity of women, relegates them as being subservient to men. That is why as Ananda Margiis we wholly oppose the raksha banda ritual that occurs in India around this time of year. It is absolutely shocking that some of our very own Didis participate in this degrading tradition.

Unfortunately the girl does not know that she is doing that is why she is smiling. When she grows up and understands and she will be outraged that this dogma has been imposed on her that she is lowly.

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: The Hindu dogma crawling in AMPS

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

 हे परमपुरुष! बाबा तुम मेरे मन में छिपे हुए हो,
मन व्याकुल होकर तुम्हें खोजता है, फिर भी तुम्हें पकड़ नहीं पाता ।

प्रभात सङ्गीत #1224 मनेर माझे लुकिये आछो। …

(जिसका मन भक्ति रस से भावित नहीं है, वह यह प्रभात प्रभात सङ्गीत नहीं समझ सकता।)

 हे परमपुरुष! बाबा तुम मेरे मन में छिपे हुए हो, साधना में मेरा मन तुम्हें पुकारता है, वह व्याकुल होकर तुम्हें खोजता है.  फिर भी तुम्हें पकड़ नहीं पाता ।  हे प्रभु, तुम सब के लक्ष्य हो, ध्यान के देवता हो, ध्येय हो, इसलिए सभी के दिल में निवास करते हो । तुमको बार बार प्रणाम है.

 हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, तुम सर्व व्यापी हो. तीर्थ तुम्हें बांध नहीं सकते । बनारस, पुरी, गया, द्वारिका, मक्का, रोम, यरुशलम इतना ही नहीं आनन्दनगर, तिलजला और जमालपुर जैसे तथाकथित तीर्थ भी तुम्हें बांध नहीं सकते। तुम्हारी खोज में अज्ञानी लोग वहां जाते हैं, और अपना समय बर्बाद करते हैं. तुम्हारे गुणों का बखान, स्तुति गुण-गाथा द्वारा नहीं किया जा सकता है. तुम्हारा गुण अनन्त है.   हे प्रभु! तुम इन्द्रियों की पकड़ के बहार हो. विश्वातीत हो, अपनी सृष्टि लीला में सबको नचाते चल रहे हो. तुम्हारी लीला का कोई अंत नहीं है.

तुम सभी प्राणियों में हो, तुम सभी भाव तरंगों में हो. क्षुद्र से बृहत्, अणु से भूमा सभी में व्याप्त हो, कण कण में समान रूप से प्रकाशित हो ।  हे करुणासागर, अलौकिक देवपुरुष, तुम सृष्टि कर्ता ब्रहा से लेकर एक घास की पत्ती तक में हो ।  तुम्हारी कृपा तथा साधना के द्वारा, जीव  मन तुम्हारे मन में  खोकर मुक्ति लाभ करता है

 हे परमपुरुष! बाबा तुम मेरे मन में छिपे हुए हो, मेरे साथ हो।

--गोपी,  Gopi

== Section: Prout ==

By taking strong measures

Prout philosophy states, "Though the humanistic approach works in some cases, in most instances it does not produce any result; and even where it does work, it takes a very long time. So, wherever necessary, capitalism must be forced to abandon its ferocious hunger by taking strong measures. But it cannot be assumed that even these measures will be completely successful, because those who appear to be under control due to fear of the law will adopt other ways to fulfil their desires. Black marketing, adulteration, etc., cannot be totally eradicated by threats or by arousing fear of the law."

"Thus, stronger measures will have to be taken; that is, tremendous circumstantial pressure will have to be created. To create this sort of circumstantial pressure, the application of force is absolutely necessary."

1. Problems of the Day, Point #2