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Friday, October 31, 2014

Reply To Kiirtan Used As Bait by Dr TRS


This email contains four sections:
1. Overview
2. Letter: Dr T.R. Sukulji's Response
3. Links

Those coming here from the email to read Sis Shivanii Mehta's letter please scroll all the way down to the bottom...

== Section 1  - Overview ==

This email addresses how in Brisbane unit in Australia they circulated a brochure about their retreat, when in actuality they wanted to observe mahaprayan. But since mahaprayan is not popular - even controversial - they just called it a retreat.

To sidestep the situation, in their brochure they used the term "samkalpa divas" instead in one place and then in another put the term mahaprayan in parentheses. Plus they were promoting this as a kiirtan event.

Their overall tactic was to get people to attend and then do mahaprayan ceremony at the end.

So one margii wrote a public letter about this entitled - "Kiirtan Used As Bait." A link to this email is appended below.

In response, Sis Shivanii Mehta wrote a reply (publicly circulated - link appended below) where she told that they were just doing kiirtan on October 26, and it was not mahaprayan per se.

But in reality, it was an MPD / annual death day gathering that finished on the 26 - as per Tiljala's manner etc.

Seeing Sis Shivanii Mehta's letter, Dr. T.R. Sukulji wrote this following reply (see below section 2.) This is followed by a related Baba story in section 3.

Kindly read and review all.

in Him,
Sadashiva Mehta

== Section 2 ==

Dr T.R. Sukulji's Response


The letter of respected Shivaniiji  mainly contains following three points:-

(a) The decoration and the overall surroundings of mpd programme hall.

(b) Kiirtan and MPD talk.

(c) Suggestions.

As regards point (a) above , only those, who have attended the function can better debate  but I can not as I have never attended such programme/s.

Regarding point (b) I would only say that the bliss experienced in kiirtan "Baba Nam kevalam" is universal and any one can have it anywhere, if he does it regularly. Rev. Baba has said, "Even if you get a single minute free; you should utilize it in kiirtan, whenever two margi brothers meet they should do kiirtan etc". So it is the influence of that universal siddha mantra Baba Nam Kevalm not of the MPD function or gathering on account of it.

MPD is a dogma created by those who want to hold leadership under their control for selfish motive like dogmatic Hindu pundits who lost their wisdom and truth creating different rituals.

If we rely on the book written by respected Nagiinaji (which is also published as titled "Ananad katha" in different magazines of AM during Rev. Baba's time) we will find that Rev. Baba had finished his mortal samskaras in the early age . Since there were no samskaras for which the physical body is needed to undergo the reactions , He tried twice to leave it but due to excessive requests of Nagiinaji and others He continued in the same physical body with His samkalp for the welfare of suffering humanity and graciously He gave AM philosophy, living in that astral body for more than thirty years. So, to talk about His departure in any form is unfair. Those who have had an opportunity to touch Him they felt nothing except bliss. That is why His mystery is still unknown even to those who claim to have remained physically very near to Him. He Himself gave Him the name of "Ajana Pathik" . 

This is just to say that remembering His Death day as MPD or with any other name is jeopardizing His status of Muktpurush, Sagunbragma, Mahasambuti which He graciously displayed before us practically, otherwise these terms were beautifying  the books of philosophy only.  In this connection it is also important to mention here that Rev. Baba has graciously met physically to many bhaktas after 1990 and Ac Parasattananda Avt is one of them. Ac Parasattananda's story I have mentioned in my earlier letter a few months back.

[See story appended below in section 3 titled: Baba Story: Saved From the Jaws of Death - Eds]

Those who are interested they may contact him at Ranchi (India) at  present. He was lying unconsciously since more than a month and being shifted from one place to other and one hospital to the other and  finally declared to be dead by doctors at Delhi. How he  has found second birth due to Rev. Baba's grace he will tell you in detail.

So, it is evident that death day / mahaprayan / shraddhainjali etc are the dogmatic functions of the common people in the different sections of the society and they have no significance as per AM philosophy. 

In connection to the point (c), she has rightly said that we should care for our children and future generation and not act following dogmatic ways which have no place in Ananda Marga or the "path of bliss". 

Dr T R Sukul.

== Section 3 ==


To read the letter -
Kiirtan Used As Bait - click below:

To read Sis Shivanii's Letter see below:

I feel that writing about a retreat you have not been to or have not interviewed people who attended and then to make such claim so public is not wise. Baba advises to Think twice before speaking.
By the way, there was no big Pandal and tomb to adorn. There was No Big Baba photo. In fact, there was only an A5 size photo and beautifully simple pratik which sat so blissfully on a little table ... which viewed so miniscule compared to the large hall with Baba Himself gracing so grandly and peacefully. Absolute joy. Please join us next time.
About MPD talk? There was none. There was brief mention on the last day of retreat that Guru departure fell close to the day we had retreat and there were new people attending so it was polite to briefly mentioned that it meant the physical departure of our dear Baba. It took less than a minute and that was that. No celebrations nor wakes nor dogma. Lots of bliss. Sorry to dissappoint you, Dada.

I feel that instead of intellectuallising and politicising a devotional gathering, you should attend more often and more sincerely with deep devotion for supreme himself. 
May Baba grace you more than ever to be open that all groups love Baba and just show it in their own sentimental way. This kind of talk I expect from my children not seniors. You and others have to stop this weightless chatter. Please. For the sake of our children and generations to come.

His Shivanii

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Dispute in Unit - Need Your Suggestion



One well-wisher* of Ananda Marga  - Mr. Kareem Mohammad - just started a new business. He is opening a slaughter house that will process around 200 animals everyday.

Since Mr Mohammad belives in religious harmony, for inauguration of his slaughterhouse he invited Vaisnavas to sing Hari Ram Hari Krsna kiirtan for six hours.

But those vaisnavas refused because they do not support the slaughtering of animals - they regard that as sin. So they adamantly declined the invitation.

So then in desperation, Mr. Kareem Mohammad has requested us to arrange the six-hour kiirtan and feast at the inauguration ceremony of his slaughterhouse.

A big debate has ensued.

Some support the idea of conducting the kiirtan and say that it is no problem. The kiirtan will purify the whole environment. We can sing and then have a feast there. There is not need to worry that on that site they will be slaughtering animals - that is of no concern. The kiirtan will make everything pure.

Other margiis vehemently opposed this. They told that it will be a violation of our main dharmic principles and Caryacarya. Doing the kiirtan there means condoning the animal slaughter. So we must not do this.

Then supporters of the program gave this counter response. Our Ananda Marga Caryacarya does not support the annual death day ceremony and the feast of that ceremony, i.e. shraddhanna. But even then we do kiirtan and eat at such programs because the kiirtan purifies everything. So why not do kiirtan and eat at the slaughterhouse and enjoy a feast there.


So now the question we present to all margiis is this:

Should we do the 6-hour kiirtan and feast at the inauguration of this slaughterhouse or not??

in Him,
Shyam Narayan

NB - This kiirtan / feast will be from 9a to 3p and then the slaughterhouse factory will begin its operations.

* Mr. Kareem Mohammad is a well-wisher as he donates money - from time to time - to our children's home.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Violent Movies Make Kids Criminals + दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है।


This email contains four sections:
1. Quote: Violent Movies Make Kids Criminals
2. PS #1894: दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है।
3. Comment: Re: Baba Story: Deadly Entertainment
4. Links

Violent Movies Make Kids Criminals

   "Many people in society do not become criminals because of physiological or hereditary factors. Nor do they become involved in criminal activities due to the influence of base propensities, or due to lack of education or social control. Yet today civilized society looks down on them because they are criminals when they could have been revered as ideal human beings with impeccable characters if they had been given a proper environment."
   "They are glaring examples that honest people can become dishonest as a result of environmental pressures. The sensitive, honest son of a villainous father is compelled to participate in antisocial activities out of fear of paternal abuse. This creates a habit which eventually becomes part of his nature." (Human Society - 1, Justice)

   "In the modern world there is a wide variety of films which excite the passions and have a degrading influence on boys and girls, adolescents and young men and women. Such films create in cinema-goers the desire to emulate in their individual lives the criminal activities, the vulgar expressions of love, or the adventurous behaviour that they see enacted on the screen. This is another example of how keeping bad company causes depravity. Many cinema-goers imagine that the characters that they see on the screen are their actual acquaintances, but when they try to emulate these characters, they discover that the real world is much tougher than the world portrayed by the cinema." (Human Society - 1, Justice)

Example: 8-Year-Old Boy Killed His Grandmother

Note: Below is a recent news report. An eight-year-old boy shot and killed his 87-year-old grandmother directly after playing a violent video game. Such video games are graphic interactions where players ruthlessly and mechanically kill all kinds of people etc. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, we know that such games have dangerous effects on participants, especially impressionable youths. These games deeply  engage players who become deeply involved and engrossed - they think they actually killed those people. They become so brainwashed that they cannot differentiate between their computer world and real life affairs. We must not allow children to see such violent movies and play such violent video games. So many dastardly crimes have occurred because of these violent video games and movies.

Here following are select excerpts of that news report.

(CNN) -- An 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say.
Marie Smothers was pronounced dead at the scene with a gunshot wound to the head in a mobile home park in Slaughter, Louisiana, the East Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Department said in a prepared statement. Slaughter is about 20 miles north of Baton Rouge. Authorities identified the woman as the boy's "caregiver," without stating whether she is a relative. But CNN affiliate WBRZ reported that the woman was the boy's grandmother. Smothers was 87, public records show. "By accounts of relatives of the victim, as well as friends of the family, the victim and the juvenile had a normal, loving, relationship and even shared the same bedroom," the sheriff's department said…

Violence in video games
While the motive is unclear, the sheriff's department implied the child's activities in a violent virtual world may have led to the killing.
"Although a motive for the shooting is unknown at this time investigators have learned that the juvenile suspect was playing a video game on the Play Station III 'Grand Theft Auto IV,' a realistic game that has been associated with encouraging violence and awards points to players for killing people, just minutes before the homicide occurred." (Courtesy of Cable News Network)
== Section 2 ==

~ दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है। ~

1894 - आलोकोज्जवल एई सन्ध्याय....


ए परमपुरुष! इस दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है। तुम वह दिव्य सत्ता हो जिसके मन की मधुरता ने कृपालुता से मेरे सभी दोष और दुर्गुणों का मेरे मानसिक पटल से सफाया कर दिया है। तुमने मुझे स्वच्छ और शुद्ध  कर दिया है। ए दिव्य! वह कौनसी सत्ता है जिसने बड़ी दयालुता से मेरे मानसिक आकाष में पदार्पण किया है।

ए परमसत्ता! तारे और ग्रह सभी तुम्हारे लिये प्यार भरे हृदय के दीप जलाते हैं। तुम्हारी अनन्त भव्य सत्ता को देखकर यह महान चाॅंदी की चमक वाली आकाशगंगा भी अवाक् रह जाती है। ए प्रकाशमान! तुम नाचते जा रहे हो और मेरे अत्यंत उत्प्लावित हृदय में तैर रहे हो जिससे वह स्वयं चमक रहा है, तुम्हारी  दयालुता महान है।

हे बाबा! मैं सैकड़ों जन्मों से तुम्हें चाहता रहा हॅूं और असंख्य जीवन और मृत्युओं के चक्र के बीच तुम्हारे लिये तरसता रहा हॅूं, और तुम्हारी कृपा से मैंने बार बार नया जीवन पाया है और हमेशा  तुम्हारी चाह को मन में बसाया है। मैं अपने हृदय के प्रत्येक अंश  से तुम्हारे प्रेम के  लिये तरसता रहा हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरा मन तुम्हारे गहरे आकर्षण से भर गया है और मैं भक्ति के प्रकाश  से भर गया हूँ  । तुम्हारी अहेतुकी कृपा से मैं तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेम से छलक रहा हॅूं।

ए दिव्यसत्ता, परमपुरुष! आज तुमने इस दीप्तिमान दीपावली की रात को मेरे हृदय में आने की अपार कृपा की है।

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

Following is the phonetic spelling in Roman Script of the above purport:

~ Dīpāvalī kī camacamātī sandhyā, tumhārē divya prēmadīpa sē prajjvalita hō gayī hai ~

Prabhātasaṅgīta 1894 - ālōkōjjavala ē'ī sandhyāya...


ē paramapuruṣa! Isa dīpāvalī kī camacamātī sandhyā, tumhārē divya prēmadīpa sē prajjvalita hō gayī hai. Tuma vaha divya sattā hō jisakē mana kī madhuratā nē kr̥pālutā sē mērē sabhī dōṣa aura durguṇōṁ kā mērē mānasika paṭala sē saphāyā kara diyā hai. Tumanē mujhē svaccha aura śud'dha kara diyā hai. Ē divya! Vaha kaunasī sattā hai jisanē baṛī dayālutā sē mērē mānasika ākāṣa mēṁ padārpaṇa kiyā hai.

Ē paramasattā! Tārē aura graha sabhī tumhārē liyē pyāra bharē hr̥daya kē dīpa jalātē haiṁ. Tumhārī ananta bhavya sattā kō dēkhakara yaha mahāna cāĕndī kī camaka vālī ākāśagaṅgā bhī avāk raha jātī hai. Ē prakāśamāna! Tuma nācatē jā rahē hō aura mērē atyanta utplāvita hr̥daya mēṁ taira rahē hō jisasē vaha svayaṁ camaka rahā hai, tumhārī dayālutā mahāna hai.

Hē bābā! Maiṁ saikaṛōṁ janmōṁ sē tumhēṁ cāhatā rahā hĕūṁ aura asaṅkhya jīvana aura mr̥tyu'ōṁ kē cakra kē bīca tumhārē liyē tarasatā rahā hĕūṁ, aura tumhārī kr̥pā sē mainnē bāra bāra nayā jīvana pāyā hai aura hamēśā tumhārī cāha kō mana mēṁ basāyā hai. Maiṁ apanē hr̥daya kē pratyēka anśa sē tumhārē prēma kē liyē tarasatā rahā hĕūṁ. Tumhārī kr̥pā sē mērā mana tumhārē gaharē ākarṣaṇa sē bhara gayā hai aura maiṁ bhakti kē prakāśa sē bhara gayā hūm̐ . Tumhārī ahētukī kr̥pā sē maiṁ tumhārē divya prēma sē chalaka rahā hĕūṁ.

Ē divyasattā, paramapuruṣa! Āja tumanē isa dīptimāna dīpāvalī kī rāta kō mērē hr̥daya mēṁ ānē kī apāra kr̥pā kī hai.

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

== Section 3 ==

Re: Baba Story: Deadly Entertainment

Namaskar to all
Story is so inspiring sometimes we also do mistake . i am going to spread this message in all my groups and will request people to follow and i will be there with them to do so. Because what i learned is instead of saying GO AND DO its better to say LET'S DO.
Manisha Devi

Note: Here is that story....

Saturday, October 11, 2014



(Courtesy of Ananda Marga Google Groups)


Today (Oct 11) at 6.15 pm, at Kolkata hospital, young and energetic dada Abhayshankarananda passed away. He was only 43 years  old.

After Banglore DMS, he suffered from some unique infection in his hand while travelling in train. He was immediately admitted in to hospital. The deadly infection spread throughout his body. He could not recover since then.

He got very sick on way back to Kolkata after the Bangalore DMS (In the beginning of Sept). He was rushed to the Ruby hospital in Kolkata where Doctors said that some flesh eating bacteria had attacked and paralyzed his entire body. He was kept in ICU for about 12 days in Ruby Hospital. When there was no sign of any improvement rather his health was deteriorating day by day, he was shifted to the Apollo Hospital (The best Hospital in Kolkata).

There doctors suggested that his left hand had to be removed in order to save his life as the bacteria was spreading from there and all agreed on that and finally his left hand was removed. But even then there was no improvement that doctors had anticipated. Doctors tried their best  but eventually could not do anything to save him and he breathed his last at 6:15 PM this evening.

Dada Abhayashankaranandaji was only 43 years of age, dynamic,sweet and smiling nature,very hard working, very responsible truly an asset for Baba's mission. He became acarya in the year 1999 and became avadhuta in 2003. He was the EI -1 central, managing Education department, Children Homes Dept. and personally looking after the Children Home and degree college at Ananda Nagar.

== Section ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Whom We Should Honour

“To those who think for all . . .
who offer others seats of honour and respect . . .
who venerate others, instead of waiting to be venerated –
to them I dedicate this book with humble esteem and deepest salutations.”
(Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Dedication page)

- Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Note: In the above lines, it is obvious we should give first priority to honouring those whom nobody honours.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Help - What Should Be Done



Here we, the members of our bhukti, present to you one troubling issue and we eagerly await your advice.


Approximately six months ago - "Mahesh" as we refer to him here - was initiated into Ananda Marga sadhana and became an active member of our bhukti. For the years and decades before that - since his birth - he was a devout Hindu.

As a Hindu, Mahesh regularly observed his grandfather's mahaprayan (annual death ceremony) for the past 20 years. Since his family is a big land owner, they had the finances to host large mahaprayan gatherings complete with a grand feast for the entire village, extensive clothing distribution, and comprehensive medical camps.

All this was regularly organised on the anniversary of Mahesh's grandfather's mahaprayan. The belief was that by this annual program, his grandfather would accrue virtue in heaven and be more comfortable. The food they served, the clothing they distributed, and the medicine they dispensed would directly benefit their grandfather in heaven - per Hindu custom.


The problem now is that Mahesh is an Ananda Margii and his grandfather's death day anniversary is fast approaching. And this year, Mahesh is eagerly planning for a grand mahaprayan commemoration and wants to invite Ananda Margiis from all over - from all the surrounding units etc.

In our unit, we have been divided as to what should be done. In private meetings, in Mahesh's absence, we have vociferously debated what to do.

(a) Some have advocated saying nothing and allowing him to host his annual mahaprayan program for his grandfather - and margiis may or may not attend.

(b) Some have advised that Mahesh should hold the program as usual, only the name of it should be changed to samkalpa divas.

(c) Others said let the program go on as is, but Ananda Margiis must not attend. This would obviously strain our relation with Maheshji.

(d) Some argued that the program must be stopped entirely. Then some inquired why should it be stopped.

They replied that, “Any annual mahaprayan observance is a shraddha ceremony.”

“So”, was the response.

Then further reply was given, including a full review of Ananda Marga teachings.


“Well, according to Ananda Marga philosophy and Caryacarya, any kind of death related ceremonies like cremation, shraddhainjali, shraddha, burial, or any type of ceremony for the deceased, the person who died, or the grieving family must be done within 12 days of the time of death. Ananda Marga is the path of bliss and sad ceremonies are not to be repeated - month after month, year after year. Otherwise Ananda Marga - the path of bliss - will lose the meaning of its name, and it will be called sad (dukha) marga, not the path of bliss. So there is no scope for an annual shraddha / death day / mahaprayan program in our Ananda Marga.”


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. If you wish, you can perform the shráddha ceremony any day within this period according to convenience. During the period of mourning you should not subject yourself to unnecessary mortification or ostentatious penance." (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches, “The psychic superstitions of ghosts, shráddha, etc., also do not find any place in the Marga. Ghosts are only imaginary, and performing shráddha by giving dána [gifts] to Brahmans to take a departed soul across the Vaetárnii River [the mythological river which must be crossed to enter heaven], is only a psychic misrepresentation inculcated from the very beginning. These ideas are not rational, and therefore believing in them is not correct. This is the view taken in the Marga.” (AFPS-7, Social Psychology)


Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony]. It is only meant for the psychic satisfaction of the person performing it.” (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches, “What happens when a man dies? Death results in the loss of any physical relationship between the human mind and the human body ( i.e., the protozoic & metazoic cells and their minds). The nerves are dead. Therefore, the mind, on the physical death of the individual, does not remember anything physical. It is for this reason that we hold the Shráddha ceremony to be useless and meaningless. This also explains the English saying: out of sight, out of mind. But the longing for the Macrocosm is psycho-spiritual in character and therefore your mind is engaged in it even after the death of your physical body.” (SS-18, Knowledge and Human Progress)


Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “In each and every corner of the world there is some usage or other prevalent among the human race of that area regarding their duty to deceased persons, to the dead. This event, this observance, is known as “shráddha” in Saḿskrta. There are innumerable types of observances, but they all come under the same heading, shráddha.”


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches, "Now let us see some of the prevalent usages of the world in connection with this shraddhá, or shráddha. When you offer something with shraddhá, it is shráddha. A priest may say that your father will die only once, and so after his death you should arrange for a sufficient quantity of food-stuffs, a sufficient quantity of edibles, a sufficient quantity of clothes, etc., for him. And that has been done in India for about five thousand years, since the time of the Atharva Veda. And people have generally offered rice and sesame, also honey and ghee, to be consumed by that person who has left the world.”  (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)


Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “In some other corners of the world, people wait for forty days, and after forty days they offer a particular type of prayer, and that prayer is supposed to make the position of the dead person secure. Is this logical? Certainly not. All these things done in the name of shráddha are nothing but a cheating business.” (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches, “In prehistoric times also, those people of less-developed intellect used to think in this same way, that even after death people require worldly objects. So in prehistoric times also you would find, looking within the graves, that they used to offer barley (at that time wheat was not popular), wine, honey, such things. And even now in India during shráddha they use these things – barley, wine, wool – so that the dead person will wrap that woollen cádar around themself, etc.” (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)


Ananda Marga philosophy teaches, “Now, as I told you, in all corners of the world this type of exploitation is going on. And why are the people being exploited? Because they are under the veil of superstition. They are superstitious people. They are less developed in intellect.” (Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony)


After this long deliberation of Baba's teachings,  but even then some dogmatic-minded margiis do not like to give up their old rituals. So we ask your help.

So now we bring this ideological conundrum to you. You see the issue that we are faced with and you now know the background of this case. And you are aware of the four basic "solutions" that have been put forward, enlisted above.

We humbly ask you: What should be done? What is the best way to proceed?

Kindly reply at the earliest because this matter is eating away at the core of our unit as there have been many heated debates about this and we really need to find some resolution - fast.

Awaiting your counsel.

in Him,
Pradiip Roy
Unit Secretary