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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Violent Movies Make Kids Criminals + दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है।


This email contains four sections:
1. Quote: Violent Movies Make Kids Criminals
2. PS #1894: दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है।
3. Comment: Re: Baba Story: Deadly Entertainment
4. Links

Violent Movies Make Kids Criminals

   "Many people in society do not become criminals because of physiological or hereditary factors. Nor do they become involved in criminal activities due to the influence of base propensities, or due to lack of education or social control. Yet today civilized society looks down on them because they are criminals when they could have been revered as ideal human beings with impeccable characters if they had been given a proper environment."
   "They are glaring examples that honest people can become dishonest as a result of environmental pressures. The sensitive, honest son of a villainous father is compelled to participate in antisocial activities out of fear of paternal abuse. This creates a habit which eventually becomes part of his nature." (Human Society - 1, Justice)

   "In the modern world there is a wide variety of films which excite the passions and have a degrading influence on boys and girls, adolescents and young men and women. Such films create in cinema-goers the desire to emulate in their individual lives the criminal activities, the vulgar expressions of love, or the adventurous behaviour that they see enacted on the screen. This is another example of how keeping bad company causes depravity. Many cinema-goers imagine that the characters that they see on the screen are their actual acquaintances, but when they try to emulate these characters, they discover that the real world is much tougher than the world portrayed by the cinema." (Human Society - 1, Justice)

Example: 8-Year-Old Boy Killed His Grandmother

Note: Below is a recent news report. An eight-year-old boy shot and killed his 87-year-old grandmother directly after playing a violent video game. Such video games are graphic interactions where players ruthlessly and mechanically kill all kinds of people etc. According to Ananda Marga philosophy, we know that such games have dangerous effects on participants, especially impressionable youths. These games deeply  engage players who become deeply involved and engrossed - they think they actually killed those people. They become so brainwashed that they cannot differentiate between their computer world and real life affairs. We must not allow children to see such violent movies and play such violent video games. So many dastardly crimes have occurred because of these violent video games and movies.

Here following are select excerpts of that news report.

(CNN) -- An 8-year-old Louisiana boy intentionally shot and killed his elderly caregiver after playing a violent video game, authorities say.
Marie Smothers was pronounced dead at the scene with a gunshot wound to the head in a mobile home park in Slaughter, Louisiana, the East Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Department said in a prepared statement. Slaughter is about 20 miles north of Baton Rouge. Authorities identified the woman as the boy's "caregiver," without stating whether she is a relative. But CNN affiliate WBRZ reported that the woman was the boy's grandmother. Smothers was 87, public records show. "By accounts of relatives of the victim, as well as friends of the family, the victim and the juvenile had a normal, loving, relationship and even shared the same bedroom," the sheriff's department said…

Violence in video games
While the motive is unclear, the sheriff's department implied the child's activities in a violent virtual world may have led to the killing.
"Although a motive for the shooting is unknown at this time investigators have learned that the juvenile suspect was playing a video game on the Play Station III 'Grand Theft Auto IV,' a realistic game that has been associated with encouraging violence and awards points to players for killing people, just minutes before the homicide occurred." (Courtesy of Cable News Network)
== Section 2 ==

~ दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है। ~

1894 - आलोकोज्जवल एई सन्ध्याय....


ए परमपुरुष! इस दीपावली की चमचमाती संध्या, तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेमदीप से प्रज्ज्वलित हो गयी है। तुम वह दिव्य सत्ता हो जिसके मन की मधुरता ने कृपालुता से मेरे सभी दोष और दुर्गुणों का मेरे मानसिक पटल से सफाया कर दिया है। तुमने मुझे स्वच्छ और शुद्ध  कर दिया है। ए दिव्य! वह कौनसी सत्ता है जिसने बड़ी दयालुता से मेरे मानसिक आकाष में पदार्पण किया है।

ए परमसत्ता! तारे और ग्रह सभी तुम्हारे लिये प्यार भरे हृदय के दीप जलाते हैं। तुम्हारी अनन्त भव्य सत्ता को देखकर यह महान चाॅंदी की चमक वाली आकाशगंगा भी अवाक् रह जाती है। ए प्रकाशमान! तुम नाचते जा रहे हो और मेरे अत्यंत उत्प्लावित हृदय में तैर रहे हो जिससे वह स्वयं चमक रहा है, तुम्हारी  दयालुता महान है।

हे बाबा! मैं सैकड़ों जन्मों से तुम्हें चाहता रहा हॅूं और असंख्य जीवन और मृत्युओं के चक्र के बीच तुम्हारे लिये तरसता रहा हॅूं, और तुम्हारी कृपा से मैंने बार बार नया जीवन पाया है और हमेशा  तुम्हारी चाह को मन में बसाया है। मैं अपने हृदय के प्रत्येक अंश  से तुम्हारे प्रेम के  लिये तरसता रहा हॅूं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मेरा मन तुम्हारे गहरे आकर्षण से भर गया है और मैं भक्ति के प्रकाश  से भर गया हूँ  । तुम्हारी अहेतुकी कृपा से मैं तुम्हारे दिव्य प्रेम से छलक रहा हॅूं।

ए दिव्यसत्ता, परमपुरुष! आज तुमने इस दीप्तिमान दीपावली की रात को मेरे हृदय में आने की अपार कृपा की है।

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

Following is the phonetic spelling in Roman Script of the above purport:

~ Dīpāvalī kī camacamātī sandhyā, tumhārē divya prēmadīpa sē prajjvalita hō gayī hai ~

Prabhātasaṅgīta 1894 - ālōkōjjavala ē'ī sandhyāya...


ē paramapuruṣa! Isa dīpāvalī kī camacamātī sandhyā, tumhārē divya prēmadīpa sē prajjvalita hō gayī hai. Tuma vaha divya sattā hō jisakē mana kī madhuratā nē kr̥pālutā sē mērē sabhī dōṣa aura durguṇōṁ kā mērē mānasika paṭala sē saphāyā kara diyā hai. Tumanē mujhē svaccha aura śud'dha kara diyā hai. Ē divya! Vaha kaunasī sattā hai jisanē baṛī dayālutā sē mērē mānasika ākāṣa mēṁ padārpaṇa kiyā hai.

Ē paramasattā! Tārē aura graha sabhī tumhārē liyē pyāra bharē hr̥daya kē dīpa jalātē haiṁ. Tumhārī ananta bhavya sattā kō dēkhakara yaha mahāna cāĕndī kī camaka vālī ākāśagaṅgā bhī avāk raha jātī hai. Ē prakāśamāna! Tuma nācatē jā rahē hō aura mērē atyanta utplāvita hr̥daya mēṁ taira rahē hō jisasē vaha svayaṁ camaka rahā hai, tumhārī dayālutā mahāna hai.

Hē bābā! Maiṁ saikaṛōṁ janmōṁ sē tumhēṁ cāhatā rahā hĕūṁ aura asaṅkhya jīvana aura mr̥tyu'ōṁ kē cakra kē bīca tumhārē liyē tarasatā rahā hĕūṁ, aura tumhārī kr̥pā sē mainnē bāra bāra nayā jīvana pāyā hai aura hamēśā tumhārī cāha kō mana mēṁ basāyā hai. Maiṁ apanē hr̥daya kē pratyēka anśa sē tumhārē prēma kē liyē tarasatā rahā hĕūṁ. Tumhārī kr̥pā sē mērā mana tumhārē gaharē ākarṣaṇa sē bhara gayā hai aura maiṁ bhakti kē prakāśa sē bhara gayā hūm̐ . Tumhārī ahētukī kr̥pā sē maiṁ tumhārē divya prēma sē chalaka rahā hĕūṁ.

Ē divyasattā, paramapuruṣa! Āja tumanē isa dīptimāna dīpāvalī kī rāta kō mērē hr̥daya mēṁ ānē kī apāra kr̥pā kī hai.

- Dr. T.R. Sukul

== Section 3 ==

Re: Baba Story: Deadly Entertainment

Namaskar to all
Story is so inspiring sometimes we also do mistake . i am going to spread this message in all my groups and will request people to follow and i will be there with them to do so. Because what i learned is instead of saying GO AND DO its better to say LET'S DO.
Manisha Devi

Note: Here is that story....