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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Origin story for children + 4 more

Origin story for children


We must consider: When and how we should guide our children about our Ananda Marga creation theory.

Should we wait until our children reach a certain age when they can understand philosophy, grasp abstruse concepts of "Idea & Ideology", and comprehend challenging topics like jadasphota, shambhuliunga, sadrsha parin'a'ma etc?

Otherwise, when and how should we approach this topic with our kids.

After all, this is an everyday reality for most of us: What is the best way to guide our children. Because inevitably, either on the homefront, in school, or on the internet, this important topic of creation will be raised. And if we do not give a reply—or if our reply is not satisfactory to their ears—then our children will get the 'lesson' elsewhere.

Human originates in mother's womb?

If we don't teach our children from where they have come, then they are bound to learn from the general society that human beings are just bones, flesh, and blood. They will think that they just came from their mother's womb—nothing more.

So, teaching creation theory to our young ones and youths is paramount. Without that they will not have a base in life.

Based on Sadguru’s special guideline from His Patna discourse (Ananda Vacanamrtam (Pure) part 36, chapter 7), here is a summary of how to impart the creation theory in story form to our children. It proceeds and concludes as a very simple story that should be narrated in a colourful and personal manner.

A spiritual story for children

Parama Purusa was all alone. He was all by Himself. There was no one around. Naturally He wanted some companionship—someone to play with. After all, who likes to be alone—all the time? We all like to have family and friends around us; with good company we feel joyous. Similarly, Parama Purusa also wanted some company—someone to laugh and smile with.

But there was nothing. He wanted to create something; He wanted to create someone, so He would not be all alone. But how?

If you want to create any toy, then material is needed like wood, plastic, metal, or rubber. And with that material you can create whatever toy you like. So Parama Purusa was alone and there was no material by which He could create various things. So He gave one portion of His mind for that. By doing so, the needed material was created. And that process of creating material is called saincara.

Once having readied the material, He then created plants, animals, small and big birds, dogs, monkeys, chimpanzees, and, finally, human beings. In that way, He made this creation where everyone has mind—in some the mind is less developed and in others it is more developed. All though are part and parcel of His universal family. By this way, Parama Purusa was no longer alone and humans came into existence. This is called pratisaincara.

Using Baba's Patna discourse (AV-36 (Pure), chapter 7) is such a beautiful and wonderful way of explaining this created universe. Parama Purusa was all alone and to have someone to play with He set aside part of His mind and manifested this whole cosmological order through this cycle of brahmacakra, i.e. saincara & pratisaincara.

Such is the way of Parama Purusa. He is the Cosmic Father and He loves all and He is attracting and calling all the jiivas back to Him. With His divine attraction He pulls everyone. This is the natural process that is unfolding in this universe.

This is the way our Ananda Marga creation theory works. As we introduce children to this through story, they will be greatly benefited.

Answer of big question

Ultimately, by Baba's grace, this entire Ananda Marga creation theory gives children a huge lift in life. Because, with this teaching, with this outlook, in that tender age of early childhood development, our children will:

(1) Gain a clear conception of who they are & from where they have come: They will know they are the sons and daughters of Parama Purusa and realise they have come from Him. Having these answers set in their mind gives tremendous reassurance and confidence in life.

(2) Understand what is their Goal in life: They will know that Parama Purusa is watching over them each and every moment. By this way, they will not run around searching "hither and thither" for meaning in life, but rather know that they already have a mission and a Goal.

(3) Know what is this universe: They will feel in their mind and heart that they live in a God-centered universe and that this entire cosmic expression is the manifestation of Parama Purusa, in various ways, shapes, and forms.

(4) Have an appreciation for their relationship with others: They will naturally feel that since Parama Purusa is their Father, then certainly all the other things which He has created—from mountains to hilltops and from oceans to ponds, from eagles to ants and from hippos to giraffes—are valued aspects of this creation—part of our family. They will feel that they are to care for those landscapes, animals, and plants since they are also the expression of Parama Purusa—Cosmic Entity. Plus our children will have the inherent idea that all their neighbors, classmates, friends, and all humans are part of the same cosmic family, since everyone has come from Him. In that case, when in a natural manner this entire Ananda Marga creation theory has been suffused in the tender, young minds of our children, then surely their life on this earth will be peaceful and blissful. Their journey will be smooth and dharmic as they will have the right inspiration to attain success in all the realms.

All come from Parama Purusa

Knowing our Ananda Marga creation theory, our children will easily realise their relation of love with Him and become inspired sadhakas who attain the height of human existence—life divine.

At His lotus feet,

Ananda Marga ideology says, "We have all come from Parama Puruśa – the Supreme Entity – and from the práńa-kendra, the nucleus of the universe – that is, Puruśottama. We have to return to the same place. It is like a boy who has played throughout the day away in the fields, and now that evening comes, returns home. Sádhaná is the process of returning home. The child has played outside for the whole day. As evening approaches, he thinks, ‘Father must have returned home. Let me also return home and sit next to him.’"  (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life—11, Mantra Caetanya

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inner workings of kleptomaniacs

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Another type of crime occurs occasionally. This is a temporary criminal urge, a special type of mental disease which suddenly appears in a certain type of environment and again subsides after a short time. Kleptomania is an example of this kind of mental disease. After committing a crime kleptomaniacs feel ashamed and are anxious to return the property that they have stolen to the owner. They have sudden fantasies about stealing, abducting people, becoming drunk or indulging in decadent activities. But analysis shows that they do not in fact have the slightest personal interest in such things.”

“Usually weak-minded people who have witnessed larceny, murder or any other crime, are deeply affected by their experience, and due to the ensuing extreme agitation that occurs in their minds, they deviate from the path of common sense. If the feeling of mental agitation recurs due to the influence of temporal, spatial or personal factors, they will immediately commit a crime.” (1)


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a person who is not actually a thief constantly thinks about stealing and about the various techniques that can be used to steal, it may happen that he or she will begin to talk in a way that will give people the impression that he or she is really a thief. After witnessing a brutal murder, sometimes such weak-minded people begin to think of themselves as criminals.” (2)

1. Human Society 1, Justice
2. Human Society 1, Justice

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

“मनुष्य बहुत कुछ करते हैं प्रमाद के साथ | जहाँ किसी भी प्रकार की वृत्ति के द्वारा प्रेषित होते हैं, वहीं वे प्रमाद-ग्रस्त हो जाते हैं | जैसे, पुण्य का लोभ; परमात्मा को पाने का इच्छा नहीं, पुण्य का लोभ | उसके कारण क्या करेंगे ? जाड़े की रात में भी, गङ्गा में उतना पानी वे रहेंगे, स्नान करेंगे, सोचेंगे, इससे पुण्य होगा | तो, पुण्य के लोभ के कारण वे काम जो कर रहे हैं, वह प्रमाद है | उससे रोग हो जाएगा, कुछ तो | तो, समाज में मनुष्य बहुत काम करते हैं, वृत्ति के द्वारा प्रेषित होकर | वे सब काम प्रमाद-ग्रस्त है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. GD 26 May 1969 Ranchi

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

সমাজের উপর খারাপ

“জানেন না, উত্তর দিতে পাচ্ছেন না । সেই বিরক্ত হচ্ছেন | মানুষের এই “কেন” কে, দাৰিয়ে রাখা চলৰে না | আমি তাই ৰলি---ৰড়দা যেখানে উত্তর জানেন না “কেনর”, তাঁরা স্পষ্ট ভাষায় ৰলুন না, যে---"খোকা, আমি উত্তরটা জানি না" | তাতে তার সম্মান হানি হৰে না | কিন্তু শিশুর এই “কেন” কে দাৰিয়ে রাখা, "প্রশ্ন করো না" ৰলা, এটা কিন্তু খুৰ মারাত্মক | শিশুর মনের উপর তার খুৰ ক্ষতিকর প্রভাব পড়ে | শুধু শিশু-মনের উপর নয়, সমস্ত মানব সমাজের উপর খারাপ প্রভাব পড়ে |” (1)

1. প্রতিসংবেদী, Pratisamvedii, NP,DMC, 6 November 1967 Agartala

Unknown History

Parama Purusa Baba says, "In Puranic Hindu yuga in India when Buddhism and Shaeva religions got mixed, then one blended religion got formed and it got called as Nath dharma. It is most prevalent in entire eastern part of India. They named it the Nath religion because at the end of their Guru's name the 'Nath' title is there, i.e. Adinath Miin, Matsyendranath, Goraksanath, Rohininath, Chaorangiinath, etc." (AV-11, p.19)

Note: Even monks of the Nath religion and their followers do not know that the origin of Nath dharma was Buddhism and that those Buddhists accepted the Shiva cult. Means, after the eradication of Buddhism from India, followers of Lord Buddha accepted Shaeava religion. They continued some of those Buddhist dogmatic rituals. The result being that one type blending happened. Now followers of the Nath religions only know this much: That they are followers of Shiva. They are completely unaware about their past link with Buddhism. In eastern India there are hundreds of Nath temples. Even then, neither believers of the Hindu religious sect of Nath nor followers of Buddhism know this fact about their history.

== Section 2: Links ==