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Monday, April 1, 2024

Baba’s special blessing + 3 more

Baba’s special blessing

Nowadays, there is a myth in AMPS that Baba's scolding was really something terrible and that it should not be talked about. Those who don’t know Ananda Marga philosophy think that those who faced Baba's form of va'madeva (i.e. punishment) really did a horrible mistake - or a crime against the society. Now let’s examine the situation and find out the fact of the matter.

Guru’s love must be more than punishment

To experience Baba's form of va'madeva shows that one has reached a certain qualification as a bhakta. Because to get His punishment, one must be deserving; one must love Him dearly. Because Baba loves those whom He punishes. To whatever degree He punishes them, He has even more love.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (1)

Fake gurus only praise and love and never scold their followers. Whereas, the Sadguru loves and scolds His disciples so they can rapidly progress. And He maintains a proper balance. For instance, if a bhakta has 100 degrees of love for Guru, then Guru can scold that bhakta up to 90 or even 95 degrees. And if a bhakta has 5 degrees of love then Sadguru will scold up to 3 or maximum 4 degrees, not more than that. Always Sadguru will shower more love than punishment. By this formula, it is clear that if Sadguru scolds a particular disciple to a greater degree, then it is evident that bhakta has a higher degree of love for Sadguru.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiiyate – “the guru must possess the capacity both to punish, and to love, or bless, his disciples.” Punishment alone, without love, is not good. Love and punishment should go together, and the degree of punishment should never exceed the degree of love. Then only can one be called a real spiritual guru." (2)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (3)

People were coming with superficial curiosity

A few may wonder what was the need for Baba to pretend to "harshly" scold others. Why could He not have said everything in a kind and gentle manner. The reply is that in those days word was spreading fast how Baba was the all-knowing, omnipotent God and could save any situation. Hearing thus, many new people / onlookers were intrigued and wanted to attend Baba's darshan for their own material gain etc. They had a type of superficial curiosity and were coming for worldly boons, i.e. to get their mundane problems solved. For instance, some were coming to get their diseases cured, others to get their daughter's marriage arranged, and some for financial solvency and career advancement etc.

They were not coming out of genuine spiritual longing for Parama Purusa and emancipation (moksa). Just they were motivated by their own mundane, self-interest. This crowd of onlookers made it difficult for Sadguru Baba to attend to His many works, plans, and projects. Yet the number of people wishing to see Him was only growing. In response, Baba exhibited His feigned anger, or va'madeva form upon whom He loved most.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (4)

Baba pointed out sadhakas for their welfare

All-knowing Baba started checking everyone’s individual conduct, i.e. adherence to yama and niyama and other Ananda Marga conduct rules. Those not strictly following were publicly pointed out in front of all - for their welfare and progress. In this way, Baba displayed His feigned anger and all those fake and quasi sadhakas ran from the field; and, they never returned again.

Only true bhaktas were willing to face His loving scolding in order to get His blessing for spiritual upliftment and bliss. True bhaktas will do anything and everything to be in His close proximity, whereas pseudo-sadhakas had no such commitment. Those quasi-persons were only coming for their own selfish interest and convenience. And when they heard the tales of Baba’s scolding then the fear of being scolded outweighed their desire to have their problems solved. So they stayed away.

Those pseudo-sadhakas who did not have true love for Baba ran away from the scene on their own accord. It is just like how students who are not ready to work hard do not choose to pursue an advanced degree. The college does not push those students away. Rather those students with their own free will decide to do something else. Same is the case with those pseudo sadhakas who left.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (5)

Who went for Dharma Samiiksa

During dharma samiiksa, when Baba was meting out huge punishment, those with a greater degree of bhakti understood that Baba was bestowing His great blessing. So those committed sadhakas were keen to go close no matter the challenges. They were eager and willing to undergo all sorts of hardship. For instance, if one took time to go for dharma samiiksa, there was no guarantee they would be selected. Those bhaktas just had to go there and wait in that uncertainty, not knowing if they would get called or not. Plus the campus was so packed that there was no place to stay or sleep. Bhaktas were sleeping on the footpath or even on the steps etc. Both food and sleep were scarce. Everything was so rushed and hectic. Verily those sadhakas underwent tremendous physical difficulties, yet their minds were focused on getting dharma samiiksa, i.e. Baba’s loving scolding. Those bhaktas had a deep internal link with Him and would wait in queue and undergo all kinds of physical suffering in hopes of getting dharma samiikas. Once called, those with more bhakti got His punishment to a greater degree, and hence His blessing as well.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (6)

Baba made ordinary people extraordinary

In this natural way, Baba was able to carry out His plans and programs and those true bhaktas were blessed with greater access to Baba. Baba advanced His plan of spreading true spirituality and forming one human society. He was creating proper people - i.e. man-making mission - in order to spread His ideals. To spread His teachings and guide others first it is necessary to inculcate those same teachings into one’s own life.

Baba was very strict that those in the fold were adhering to the codes of discipline and conduct. All-knowing Baba would publicly rebuke those who were slack on certain points - by this way, He was sending a message to all: follow dharmic practices or face the consequences. In this manner, all sincere sadhakas were greatly benefited as they became more strict and more sincere. They became more committed to their sadhana and spiritual life, and they were better able to help and serve others. The result was positive in both individual and collective life.

The advent of Parama Purusa is known only to His bhaktas; only they can realise His presence, not others. Mahasambhuti comes in physical form on this earth yet the world does not know. That is His divine liila.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (7)


Ananda Marga ideology states, “You are all my beloved sons and daughters. Sometimes I appear harsh to some. But that is for love. If I were indifferent, there would be no need for scolding or punishment...Leave all cares unto me. O be blessed.” (8)

at His lotus feet,

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (9)

What those bhaktas got was Baba's divine blessing. Because Baba can only punish those who already have a high degree of love for Him.

~ In-depth study ~

Those who experienced His feigned anger really got His special blessing. And those who could not get scolded by Baba were not up to the mark so Baba had to resort to other ways to reform them. Because He only scolds those who were really close to Him. That is the inner secret of His scolding. And still this is liila is going on. Thus it is not that stories should only be written about those sweet experiences with Baba. Also those who faced His scolding should also come forward and share their tales.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "In the Vedic language, the word 'guru' is derived from the root 'gur' plus the suffix 'un'. The root 'gur' means 'to train others how to speak, how to behave in a dignified manner'. The Guru teaches us to follow a methodical way of life. To love is not the only work of the Guru. One who only loves you is your enemy, and one who only punishes you is also your enemy. But the one who both loves and punishes in a balanced way is the real Guru." (10)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (11)

Baba never gets angry

When overcome by anger, one does not have control over their nerve cells and nerve fibres. Their face gets red and their body starts trembling and ultimately they lose control over their motor and sensory organs. In that case, they may succumb to an uncontrollable rage, talk in an irrational manner, and lose all their physical and intellectual strength. When a person is overpowered in this way, it is known as tamasik krodha. In that state, one is a slave to their anger vrtti. Those who are overwhelmed by this vrtti later repent, because they do nonsense things and harm others. That anger is very harmful. When one is overcome be true anger they will lose their faculties and often hurt themselves or someone else unnecessarily. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (12)

Where love fails, punishment helps

Here below are some of Ananda Marga philosophy's special guidelines that a true Guru must scold as well as love. Only scolding and only showering grace will not do. Both sides are needed.

Nigraha'nugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiyate

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One who only punishes a person is not a Guru, and one who only loves is also not a Guru...excessive love and affection spoils a person. Only one who does both these things is a real Guru. That is why people should be trained with both love and punishment. Where love fails, punishment helps." (13)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Human beings are the progeny of Parama Puruśa and are thus the objects of His love and affection. Whatever might be the nature of the sins they commit, they will never be deprived of His affection. Parama Puruśa may scold them, but He can never hate them. He will simply shake the dust off their clothes and take them onto His lap." (14)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You must try to arouse the seed of benevolence that lies hidden in the inner recesses of the human mind. How can this seed be aroused? Human beings will have to apply all sorts of measures – persuasion, scolding etc.; and at the same time you will have to continue your efforts so that the dormant seeds of psychic potentialities express themselves. And with their expression, the whole society will be benefited. Today human beings must be inspired and motivated, and thus discipline is essential. To impose discipline is not bad. It has been said in the scriptures: Hitarthe shásanam ityarthe anushásanam. “That discipline which leads to the welfare of all human beings is called anushásanam.” Society requires enforced discipline. In the scriptures it is also said: Nigrahánugrahe shakto gururityabhidhiyate: “One who is capable of punishing or rewarding one's followers is called a Guru, a true teacher”. Only one who can discipline as well as love a person, can be called a Guru." (15)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The quantum of punishment must not exceed the quantum of love.” (16)

1. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 21, The Criteria of a Guru
3. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
4. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
5. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
6. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
7. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Surrender
9. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
10. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
11. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
12. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c
13. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá
14. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, A Few of Tantra's Special Characteristics
15. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrnima
16. Caryacarya Part 2, Society, point #39c

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Clapping not allowed at spiritual meetings

The following scene took place at General Darshan in Stockholm where Baba is scolding everyone for clapping.

[Ta'n'd'ava is performed.]

[Announcer: ---”Final pose! Jump!”]

Baba says, “Well done. Bravo.”

[laughter, and some clapping.]

Baba says,“No clapping! In spiritual meetings, clapping is not allowed.” (1)

According to Baba, in certain collective Prabhat Samgiita compositions based on Middle-Eastern tunes, it is permitted to clap along with the musical beat of the melody (Ref: Ananda Vacanamrtam - 46 (Pure), chapter 4). Similarly, there are times during the collective chanting of some types of kiirtana when one may clap along with the tune of the kiirtana. 

The main thing is that clapping is never done as an expression of appreciation or approval etc at spiritual gatherings. Rather, one should direct the mind inwards, not towards crude, external engagement.


Ananda Vacanamrtam -12, Chance To Be One With Him, EGD 27 May 1979 Stockholm

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

जब समाज गहरी निद्रा में सो रहा था तब तुम
आये और इसको परम आभा से भर दिया।

प्रभात संगीत 2749 घोर तमसाय एसेछिले , आलोय भुवन भरिये दिले ...


हेे परमपुरुष! तुम प्रचंड अंधकार में आये और तुमने इस विश्व  को ब्रह्म ज्योति से भर दिया । जब पूरा समाज गहरी निद्रा में सो रहा था और चारों ओर प्रचंड अंधकार छाया हुआ था तब तुम आये और इस विश्व  को परम आभा से भर दिया। तुमने स्पंदन निर्मित कर धर्म की स्थापना की।हे परम सत्ता! तुमने मानवता की ओर देखा और सब में भक्ति की लौ प्रज्ज्वलित की तथा चारों ओर सभी के बीच प्रेम का बंधन फैलाया । इसके पहले ये मानव अपने अपने समूहों और वर्गो में बंटकर परस्पर संघर्ष में जुटे थे। अब समाज एक ही लक्ष्य परमपुरुष की ओर बढ़ रहा है।

हे परमपुरुष! लय के प्रवाह में तुमने प्रत्येक वस्तु  को अपनी ही तान में लयबद्ध कर लिया है। इसके पहले लोगों को गीत लय तान स्वर आदि का कोई ज्ञान ही नहीं था। वे यह भी नहीं जानते थे कि सही ढंग से बोला कैसे जाता है। तुमने हमें सब कुछ दिया, नयी भाषा और उचित वाणी। तुम अपनी दिव्य करुणा के साथ आये और मेरे मानसिक आकाश  को भक्ति के रंग में रंग दिया। तुमने प्रत्येक चीज को रंगमय बना दिया  । तुम्हारे शुभागमन से छोटे बड़े, मझोले या बहुत विशाल सभी , भक्ति के प्रवाह में नाचने लगे हैं। इस मिट्टी की धरती को तुमने आनन्द से भर दिया ।

बाबा! यह समग्र ब्रह्माॅंड तुम्हारी आभा से भर गया है यह तुम्हारी कृपा ही है।

== Section: Comment ==

What to do



Reading the following - "(a) some children’s home kids are beaten, and (b) some of our lands are being sold, and (c) some Dadas and Didis are have boyfriends and girlfriends, and (d) some AMPS resources are being siphoned by Wts to their own laokik families..." is disturbing. As well as the references to "fake" WTs and outright damnation of Central WTs, as though every highly-posted WT is corrupt and worthless.

Are there not legal steps to take against such incidents as alluded to? Lands in NYS have been sold off to pay legal fees and Margiis in different sectors have had to take legal steps to stop the looting of their assets by the posted sectorial WTs. It is very disturbing.

The only proposal is for brothers and sisters morally outraged at such conduct by WTs and their cohorts must take whatever legal steps they can to expose and oust these degenerates.


- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Hiding trash under the carpet

== Section 3: Links ==