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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Dog & narakya'na + 7 more

Dog & narakya'na


The path of sadhana is difficult; it is not an easy endeavour. However, those who are strict in Sixteen Points surely get success. Unfortunately, some embark on the path of sadhana and lose the reins, i.e. forget Sixteen Points. In result, they slip back into old habits and get drawn towards worldly pleasures. While countless others never even start on the path of spirituality and just immediately get swayed by their baser propensities, i.e. animal instincts.

The reason why the path of sadhana is so difficult is because it is entirely new, i.e. uncharted waters. In contrast, carnal desires are familiar because all have risen up from countless animal lives; secondly, carnal pleasures are readily accessible in this materialistic era of capitalism. Ultimately though, such indulgences only pull one far, far from the Goal and drag the mind along the path of narakya'na - path to ‘'hell'’.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Microcosms, confined as they are within the relative factors, have very little controlling authority. The Macrocosm, however, is the controller of heaven and 'hell'. It is worthwhile to mention here that the tendency of the human mind to degenerate towards matter in the path of negative pratisaincara is called hell (naraka), and the movement of the unit mind towards the Supreme Non-attributional Stance in the flow of positive Pratisaincara is called heaven. A unit mind which accepts gold or silver as the goal of life gradually becomes transformed into gold or silver. The psychic waves, as a result of constant ideation are first transformed into the waves of gold or silver and finally into crude gold or silver itself as a result of jad'asama'dhi. Later on it is reborn as a gold or silver, and spends its days confined within the safe of a money-minded merchant. This undesirable situation is called narakava'sa or life in hell." (1)

Cannot be satisfied by finite indulgences

Unfortunately, due to a lack of proper sadhana, many fall prey to the path of narakya'na. They get bound up in materialistic desires and ultimately take on that degraded, inert form. So as human beings, if one fills the mind with sensual pleasures and materialistic pursuits - consumed by riches, money, name and fame etc - then one will just fall into 'hell'. They will get reborn into lower and lower beings like ants and bugs, or even be reborn as rock and stone. And not only that, their current human life will turn into a tortuous journey of frustration and suffering as they get more and more bound to animalistic desires.

Although this path of narakya'na is tempting, one should not let the mind become a slave to external physicality. One should not succumb to the allurements of avidya maya. Ultimately, such a path is a dead-end, and a ticket to 'hell'.

Unfortunately, time and again this does happen to people. In ignorance, they move in that direction thinking that they will find bliss - when in fact the opposite happens. They get bound up in angst and frustration. That is why the so-called glamorous life of so many “stars” just metamorphoses into a life of depression, drug addiction, and disease etc. Even this happens to common citizens as well.

Let us remember - both practically and theoretically - that human desire is infinite, and that infinite desire cannot be satisfied by finite indulgences. In that case, one will just jump from one mundane deed to the next in search of satisfaction until they become so degraded that they become beasts in human form. Therefore good and righteous people should not let themselves get dragged down onto the path of narakya'na, nor should we allow others to do so.

Just like cemetery dog

Those on the path of narakya'na - those involved in materialistic pursuits - may think that they are getting something good. But in truth they are just stuck in temporality and ruining themselves. They are just like the dogs in the cemetery that chew on dry bones all day long. Those dogs chew so long and so hard that they make their own gums and mouths bleed. And then those dogs chew even harder thinking that now they are getting some fresh meat due to the taste of that juicy blood. They do not know that they are merely sucking their own blood.

Same is the case with any human being indulging in lustful ways. They may be thinking that they have discovered the bliss of life, but in truth they are sucking and draining themselves of their own life-force and getting bound deeper and deeper by avidya maya.

Devaya'na vs narakya'na

As Ananda Margiis, as human beings, ours is the path of spirituality. So even if sadhana seems difficult, one should persevere. To stop and turn the other direction will not bring satisfaction. So one should be determined and ready to continue along on the path of devaya'na.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "This path towards divinity is known as “devaya'na”. That is, the path of elevation from crudity to subtlety followed by humans is known as devaya'nah (“yanah” means “path”). One who pledges to follow truth from the beginning, steps onto the path for the attainment of divinity. And the one who does good deeds while sincerely following satya finds it easy to advance along this path. This broad path of spirituality, which has been further broadened by truth, has been followed by many successful rs'is (sages) who ultimately attained the supreme status of truth (a'ptaka'ma)." (2)

Our path is to goad the mind towards Parama Purusa. That is the course of our movement. In this relative world known as jagat - where everything is moving and nothing is fixed - we are to adopt the path of divine movement. Failing that, one will be on the degrading pathway of animality.

The key point is to be strict in all the elements and aspects of 16 Points. That will bring one forward on the dharmic path, closer and closer towards Him. Narakya'na is not our path; by that way one cannot be satiated, just degraded.

Spiritualise the mind day-long

One important point is that what one thinks about during the day will flash in the mind during sadhana and even sleep. For instance, I had a friend who was an auctioneer and he would call out numbers in an auction. So when he would sit for sadhana then he unknowingly would repeat that auction numbers instead of his mantra. For instance he might say, "a gold watch of $100, $100, $100, $100...". In that way he could not do sadhana or repeat his mantra, just he was repeating $100, $100 etc. And his dreams at night would be similar: filled with thoughts and words from his job at the auction.

When the mind gets polluted with lowly thoughts then sadhana is difficult. It is the same psychology as if one watches a debased movie before bed then one will dream of that film all night long. Basically how one engages the mind affects the flow of thoughts. For this reason, every sadhaka needs to be vigilant about what they think about all day long. If that same auctioneer thinks about Brahma all day on the job then he will easily be able to sit for sadhana and do his meditation. So he need not quit his job per se. Only he needs to change his outlook.

In general, one should not waste their time “free-time” in pseudo-culture pursuits as there is no redeeming quality. Best is to spiritualise the mind day-long with proper ideation, kiirtan, Prabhat Samgiita, half-sadhana, full sadhana, and all kinds of ways. Then gradually, step by step, sadhana will be much easier. The mantra will flow properly.


The mind which may not like to do sadhana today will one day embrace sadhana. That is the characteristic of human mind: As you think, so you become. Accordingly, if one is regular in sadhana then it is sure that one day that person will desire to do more sadhana and delve deep into the ocean of bliss, by His grace. As sadhakas, we should faithfully embrace the path of devaya'na - there is no other option. By this way, today or tomorrow, an aspirant will experience true bliss and attain Him.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "O human beings! be established in the radiance of divinity and the splendour of valour and chivalry, because yours is the path of revolution. Your path is not the path of extra caution and scheduled movement. You are the traveller of a rugged path. You are travellers of an impregnable path. You have to march ahead proudly with the flag of Marga upright. You have no time to stagger or to look behind." (3)

at His feet,

1. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 8, The Macrocosm and the Microcosm – 1
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Treading the Broad Path of Spirituality
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

*        *        *

The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

*        *        *

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

AM does not support gay marriage


Ananda Marga is based on bhagavad dharma. That is why it is said that Ananda Marga is a man-making mission. There are various animalistic activities promoted in the general society which are harmful for the all-around development of human beings that are not supported by AM ideology due to their beastial nature. Those things degrade the mind. 

Here is one such example of animalistic relations: LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender). In the following teachings, Baba is clearly showing that Ananda Marga promotes marriages between males and females. With that principle, beastly marriages like LGBT etc have no place in Ananda Marga way of life. LGBT martial relations are detrimental for human society.

AM marriage: between boy and the girl only - 1

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the manner prescribed for marriage in our Marga, both the boy and the girl have to take equal responsibility. Women and men are considered on the same footing, and there is no question of men considering themselves superior to women.” (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “If the boy and the girl settle their marriage themselves, it is proper for the guardians to give their consent. In case the guardians feel that the consequences of such a marriage will be harmful, they may ask the boy and the girl to reconsider their decision.” (2)

AM marriage between male & female only

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, “Male members of the Marga can marry females outside the Marga, but it will be better to marry a female member of the Marga to a male member of the Marga, as far as possible.” (3)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, “The bride and the bridegroom, dressed in neat and appropriate clothing, will enter the marriage hall.” (4)

AM marriage: between boy and the girl only - 2

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, “The guardians should not consider the caste or nationality of the bride and bridegroom, but they must consider the family and the merits and demerits of the two. The guardians, before fixing the marriage, will seek the opinions of the bride and the bridegroom and proceed accordingly.” (5) 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, “In the case of arranged marriages, the guardians should finally meet and ascertain the consent of the bride and bridegroom, and bless them, at least a day before the marriage is solemnized.” (6) 

In Him, 
(Danielle Morrison)

1. Tattvika Praveshika
2. Caryacarya -1, Marriage Ceremony
3. Caryacarya -1, Marriage Ceremony
4. Caryacarya -1, Marriage Ceremony
5. Caryacarya -1, Marriage Ceremony
6. Caryacarya -1, Marriage Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Equation for progress

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who want to avoid the cultivation of knowledge hardly get any opportunity for psychic clash, and hence the higher kośas of his mind do not get any scope for development. It is through psychic clash that the psychic field gets properly tilled, thereby increasing its fertility. All living beings evolving in the phase of Pratisaiṋcara benefit from this psychic clash."
   "Both physical clash and psychic clash accelerate psychic progress. The rat which escapes from the trap never makes the mistake of getting caught again; the fish which frees itself from the fisherman's hook never bites the bait again. Physical clash develops the kámamaya kośa and, as a consequence, the instinct to survive. A city ox walks confidently along a busy street in Calcutta, but if a village ox were made to walk along the same road, it would become crazy." (1)

Note: The general rule is: Physical clash is the impetus for physical development; psychic clash brings about psychic development; and, the attraction for the Great leads to spiritual development.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Struggle and Progress

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Recipe for building universal humanity

Prout philosophy states, “Ánanda Parivára or establishing a universal spiritual family involves not only a World Government but also a Universal Government. More correctly it is a universal social order. The question is, how can such a Parivára be established? This will certainly come through revolution which may be democratic or undemocratic; or it may be a pyramidical, palace or nuclear revolution. Among all the types of revolution, nuclear revolution is the best. The nucleus of creation is Cosmic Consciousness. It is also the goal of revolutionaries, and whatever they do by way of revolution with this goal in mind leads them to the culminating point of their life’s march. Revolution must have an ideological goal. In essence, revolution means controlling all the three nuclei of the universe – physical, psychic and spiritual. It is possible to make people conscious of Proutistic ideas in a democracy. This consciousness will have a repercussion in elections. Even before elections are held this consciousness may launch a revolution to change the social order.” (1)

Note: To establish a blissful universal family:
(a) For this sadvipras should be created:
(b) Sadvipras will bring revolution:
(c) There are various types of revolution:
(d) Nuclear revolution is ideal.
1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Classic sign of a karmii: “I did this, I did that...”

Ananda Marga ideology says, “People of action are also not free from vanity: “I did this, I did that – I built this road when I was a minister I constructed this bridge when I was in the Public Works Department” – this is how people become mad for their little “I”. Thus we see that although action is free from lethargy, it is not altogether free from vanity.”

“Pure devotion, parábhakti, is free from both [lethary & vanity]...Those who ask for parábhakti or shuddhá bhakti will certainly acquire the things they need also. Thus due to their devotion, the devotees are always intelligent. You should be an intelligent devotee like this.” (1)

Note: Those who are bhaktas know that Parama Purusa is the real Doer and they will engage in all kinds of actions knowing that it is He who has blessed them with the capacity to serve. In contrast, karmiis suffer from vanity and are quick and eager to boast about the works they did.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why Indian history dependent upon foreign travelers

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "India has a rich literature especially in Sanskrit, but there is very little historical literature. Due to philosophical confusion, there was a certain apathy towards history among the people of India. Because of this apathy the inhabitants of India were averse to composing history. It has to be considered by the scholars to what extent, apart from the Rájataraunginii, can the Rájamálá of Tripura and the Assamese Burainji be classified as history. The greater portion of what we consider to be the history of the Indian middle ages had to be collected from the diaries of foreign travellers. In order to write even a single page of history we had to look up Fá-Hiyen, Meghásthinis, Iuḿ, Chuyáḿ, or Ivanavatutá. During the Pathan and Mughal eras there was some history written in the collections of the sovereigns but it is difficult to say just how far they are authoritative. However, we can say that even if not all was lost, something certainly was.” (1)

1. Varn’a Vijia’na, Psycho-Acoustic and Inferential Acoustic Notes (Discourse 9)

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Gandhian ghastly dogma creating havoc


One reader wrote in with the following comment. The chief question he has raised has been placed in bold red font. The answer to this query can be found in Baba's below appended discourse.
I found the article "Gandhian ghastly dogma creating havoc" lacking in subtlety. As Proutists we may oppose Gandhi's nonviolent approach, but we shouldn't mischaracterize it. Is it not the very nonviolent aspect of satyagraha that Sarkar has criticized, saying that exploiters will not be moved by such tactics? To link the violent protests of today to Gandhi's influence, is I think, disingenuous. He may have begun the civil disobedience movement in India, but his emphasis was, I believe, on nonviolent protest - how then can we say that these types of violent protests are due to Gandhi's influence. As I said, we may disagree with him, but it's always best to be factual and accurate, rather than hoping to change the cultural perspective revering Gandhi by repeating over and over "before Gandhi's time, violent protests were not there."
A Douglas
Here below is Guru's discourse which contains the exact answer to the reader's above query:

The Civil Disobedience Movement
11 September 1988, Calcutta
When a rogue elephant becomes violent it does not feel hungry, and consequently it may not eat or even drink for many days together. In such an abnormal condition, its overheated brain compels it to break all rules and regulations… and it even challenges the laws of nature themselves.

You know, those who instigate others to break rules will always cause bad consequences. Let us take an example. A prominent leader of India's struggle for independence started a civil disobedience movement against the British to attain the political independence of India. Some people suggest that the aim of this movement was not to break any rules or disobey the law. The aim was to express the truth after dispelling the cimmerian darkness. The aim was to snatch independence from the clutches of the forces of darkness. It was an effort to find the truth - it was satyagraha. However, it makes no difference what name you call a rose flower, it is still a rose. Even if you send an ordinary rice crushing mill to heaven, it's function is still the same. If people have disregard for the law, there is every possibility that they will follow the path of law-breaking. This very psychology causes people to challenges legal statutes, and the result is never good.

Today if people follow in the footsteps of the past, they will be led to burn buses and trams which they themselves have purchased - they will be led to burn governmental and non-governmental buildings, destroying their own hard earned wealth. When people adopt these methods today, it is because the psychology of the civil disobedience movement of the British time is still working – in other words satyagraha. However, rational people would not describe such methods as satyagraha but as duragraha – a hand-tool to destroy the society.

Those who hold the communist banner and attack helpless people in the name of revolution, losing sight of human values under the impetus of their confused, irrational philosophy, are goaded by the same type of psychology.

Nature dislikes disobedience or the act of breaking the law. As long as legal statutes exist, they must be obeyed. If they are found to be harmful or stand in the way of the progress of society, or if they hold back the forward march of humanity like a serpent entwined around the legs of a person, these statutes should be ground into the dust and new laws should be enacted and obeyed. Otherwise, the law of big fish eating little fish will dominate society, and this will harm the interests of both the individual and the collective. The civil disobedience movement has left behind a chaotic imprint on society.

11 September 1988, Calcutta
Prout in a Nutshell - 16
- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Gandhian ghastly dogma creating havoc

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुम पापी पुण्यवान का  भेदभाव किये  बिना सभी को

प्रभात संगीत 3983 तुमी आलो झलमल ऊषाय एले, आन्धारेर जाल छिन्नले ...

नोट - वे भक्त जो मन में भक्ति भाव का स्पंदन अनुभव करते हैं वही इस गीत का भाव ठीक ढंग से समझ सकते है।।

 हे परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम ऊषाकाल के आनन्दायी अरुणोदय में मेरे हृदय में आये। अहैतुकी कृपा करके तुमने  मेरे मन से, भावजड़ता भरे अंधेरे के बंधन काट डाले। और मेरे मन का अंधेरा पोंछ डाला। पलक झपकते ही तुमने सब प्रकार की भावजड़ता, जो मैंने  पिछले अनेक जीवनों से संचित थी, समाप्त कर  दी । तुम कितने दयालु  हो।

हे मेरे परमप्रिय! तुम ही जानते हो कि इस प्रकार की  अलौकिक लीला  प्रदर्शन कैसे  किये जाते हैं। तुमने भव्य  दृश्य  पैदा कर,  उनमें रंगों की सुन्दरता भरकर, उन्हें पूर्ण कर दिया है। बाबा! तुम पापी पुण्यवान का  भेदभाव किये  बिना सभी को अपने निकटतम  लाते हो।

हे परम सत्ता! हे बाबा! मैं अपने हृदय से तुम्हें हजार, लाख, करोड़, अनन्त बार, बार बार साष्टांग प्रणाम करते हुए अपना आत्म समर्पण करता हॅूं। तुम्हीं मेरे प्रारंभ और अंत हो। हे मेरे प्रभु बाबा! तुम मेरा घर, नाम, स्थान ,पता मेरे लक्ष्य, मेरे सबकुछ हो, मेरी हर चीज तुम्हारे साथ एक हो चुकी है।  बाबा! तुम मेरे अपने हो, तुम ही मेरे सबकुछ हो। मैं तुम्हें बार बार साष्टांग प्रणाम करता हॅूं। 

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

The very essence of life

“Everything in this universe is moving. The hours, days, human beings, stars, planets, nebula – all are on the move. Movement is a must for all, there is no scope for its cessation. The path of movement is not always smooth or strewn with flowers nor is it always beset with thorns or encumbered with violent clashes. According to the nature of the path, human beings will have to prepare themselves and move courageously. In that movement alone lies the very essence of life.” (Ananda Vanii #74)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who should be forgiven who not

Ananda Marga ideology states, "In collective life one has no right to forgive anyone; in individual life you can extend maximum forgiveness – rather, the more forgiveness, the better. Forgiveness is something personal; it is not a collective matter. Suppose you are an inhabitant of India. If someone harms the collective life of India, you must not forgive them. Likewise, as you belong to the entire human race, you must not forgive anyone who harms humanity. But in individual life, however much one might harm you, you may forgive that person to the greatest extent possible. Thus it is said that one should be as humble as the grass. But remember that grass, although humble, is not insignificant: the universal life is manifested in grass. Without grass it would have been impossible for human beings to survive." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle

== Section 4: Links ==