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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Creation theory for kids + 4 more

Creation theory for kids


Young children embrace stories, fairy tales, and all kinds of imaginative activities. In those early years, kids do not like to be burdened with logic and reasoning. They relish the world of make-believe and various types of fables. This continues until the age of 10 or 12 when they enter into adolescence. With puberty comes the analytical brain that thirsts for logic and reasoning. Then the teaching style will be completely different. So when those kids are young is the opportune moment to teach them about the origins of this universe in a very easy and story-like manner.

There are numerous benefits to teaching creation theory in a way that is geared towards young kids. So it does not contain all the technical aspects and scientific research etc, otherwise those children would lose interest in the topic. Rather it should be presented in story-form to best appeal to the young child's mindset.

By this entire viewpoint and perspective it is clear that there is no need to wait until children can gain an intellectual understanding of creation theory. We need not wait until they know terms such as va'yutattva, parashanti, anucchu'nya' prakrti, bhava'nii, ka'mabiija. Rather then it will be too late and they will miss out on the essence of this teaching. Best is to explain how this universe was made using Baba's easy-to-understand method in their early childhood years. Then this whole concept will easily set in their heart and mind.

He was all alone - no one to play with

Parama Purusa was all alone. He was all by Himself. There was no one around. Naturally He wanted some companionship - someone to play with. After all, who likes to be alone - all the time? We all like to have family and friends around us. Then we feel joyous. Similarly, Parama Purusa also wanted some company - someone to laugh and smile with. But there was nothing. He wanted to create something; He wanted to create someone, so He would not be all alone. But how?

If you want to create any toy, then materials are needed like wood, plastic, metal, or rubber. And with that material you can create whatever toy you like. So Parama Purusa was alone, and there was no material from which He could create various things. So He put one portion of His mind away. By doing so, the needed material was created. And that process of creating material is called saincara.

When that material was ready, He then created plants, animals, small and big birds, dogs, monkeys, chimpanzees and finally human beings. In that way, He made this creation where everyone has a mind. In some aspects of His creation, the mind is less developed, and in others it is more developed. Yet, all are part and parcel of His universal family. By this way, Parama Purusa was no longer alone, and humans came into existence. This is called pratisaincara.

This is a beautiful and wonderful way of explaining this created universe, all based on Baba's Patna (1965) discourse. Parama Purusa was all alone and to have someone to play with He set aside part of His mind and manifested this whole cosmological order through this cycle of brahmacakra, i.e. saincara and pratisaincara.

Such is the way of Parama Purusa. He is the Cosmic Father, and He loves all, and He is attracting and calling all the jiivas back to Him. With His divine attraction He pulls everyone. This is the natural process that is unfolding in this universe. This is the way our Ananda Marga creation theory works. As we introduce children to this through story, they will be greatly benefited.

This is just a quick peek into the beginnings of how creation theory can be presented to kids. A full curriculum can be developed on this concept.

Part-life & full-life

As adults, it is important to understand and realise the greater ramifications of this topic. Baba says that life does not begin in the delivery room of the hospital nor does it end in the cemetery. Life starts when the mind is first created. Then unicellular beings come into existence. And so many births and deaths occur as that mind evolves from one being to the next, and finally one gets human form. Then it continues further until one becomes a truly great sadhaka and attains nirvikalpa samadhi.

Baba terms all these births and deaths as part-lives; they are like the little beads on one big mala. The full-life starts when the mind is first created and culminates with moksa or salvation. In that sense, one's full-life is the entire mala, not just a single bead of that mala. The endeavour of presenting creation theory to children portrays life in a grand way. It addresses the big questions: Who you are, from where have you come, and where you are going. That deeper aspect is what we want to teach youths when imparting creation theory to them.

They should understand who they are, from where they have come, and their relationship with the inanimate objects and living beings of this universe. This is the true utility of teaching creation theory to youths. And that is why it should be imparted at the earliest, i.e. when they are young.


By having creation theory established in the mind, our children will grow in a benevolent way and look upon the world in a neo-humanistic manner. They will feel that everything is part and parcel of Him and that they are connected with all. In that case they will never feel alone or uncared for. They will not fall prey to cynicism nor feel that 'nobody loves me'. And they will not think that they have come here to exploit everyone else - as if this entire creation is just for their own selfish enjoyment. The demerits of a materialistic outlook will never take root in their mind, so long as our Ananda Marga creation theory is properly conveyed to them in those tender years of early childhood development. This all fits with our entire spiritual approach since Baba Himself says that our children should start learning and practicing sadhana at the age of five.

Our Sadguru says, "It is very difficult to get a human life. Only after living life after life as an insect or a worm, etc., does one attain a human body – and then only if one is very fortunate. Those who utilize this body for noble deeds are few, and those who utilize this life for spiritual progress are even fewer; so as I have attained a human body, the more I utilize it for noble deeds from an early age, the better it will be. As it is difficult to attain a human body, and even more difficult to attain a body which can be utilized properly, one should start a life of spirituality from the age of five." (1)

Hence from an early age Baba wants that our young ones get all the fundamentals of neo-humanism and spirituality - and that includes knowing our Ananda Marga creation theory.

At His lotus feet,

1. 8 November 1978 morning, Kolkata

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Misnomer on Prout leadership

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "Prout is based on spirituality." (1)

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, "Bodhi jinana, i.e. intuitional (spiritual) knowledge, can be utilised for solving mundane problems. Thus Prout is bodhi jinana." (2)

Note: On and off some have suffered from a particular dogma where they were claiming that communists and socialists are great Prout leaders. And sometimes they have also claimed that any type of atheistic thinker can be a great Prout leader. Such proclamations are completely wrong.

One should always remember the Propounder of Prout’s teaching that those who lack spirituality cannot understand Prout. That means one must be firmly established in sadhana to be a Prout leader. Without that, they will be unfit to lead. Calling a non-sadhaka a great Prout leader is akin to saying that a pig lying in the dirty drain is the cleanest and most pristine living being of this universe. On this matter there should not be any confusion. Top sadhakas alone are capable of being leaders of Prout and guiding the society forward. Here is Ananda Marga philosophy’s complete teaching on this matter:

Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, “PROUT is based on spirituality. Neohumanism is also based on spirituality. Neither PROUT nor Neohumanism are subservient to each other.” (3)

   Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar says, “Knowledge is of two kinds: intellectual and intuitional. Intellectual knowledge is based on experience, hence it is embedded in relativity. It cannot therefore claim to be absolute. Intuitional knowledge is transcendental in character. It dissects and analyses everything by itself, therefore it is absolute.”
   “The approach of PROUT is subjective approach through objective adjustment. This presupposes a connecting link between intuition and intellect. This connecting link or touching point is called “Bodhi Jiṋána”. With the help of Bodhi Jiṋána, intuitional knowledge can be utilized for solving mundane problems. Thus PROUT is a Bodhi Jiṋána.”
   “Logic is a psychic survey. Such a survey may or may not be correct, therefore it is futile to follow logic blindly. The result of your psychic survey is called your rationality. This psychic survey, embedded in relativity, may or may not be correct. Intuitional vision is the best logic. Intuitional vision should be your guiding ideology. For example, it is an axiomatic truth that everything has come from the Cosmic Father and everything will merge in Him, but this truth is beyond the scope of intellectual logic.” (4)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Questions and Answers [on Society] – 3
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Topic ==

Risking hearing loss in kids

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "Deafness is not a disease by itself, unless it is congenital. It is an after-effect or reaction to some other ailment...Excessive use of quinine or similar poisonous medicines for a long time reduces the power of hearing." (1)

Note: The intake of allopathic medicines contributes significantly to deafness. One can see this reaction especially in the case of small kids. Their hearing can be significantly impaired or lost for life by administering strong and harmful allopathic medicines. 

1. Yogic Treatments, Deafness

== Section: Important Topic ==

How Bengalees chose the wrong path

Baba's below teachings depict how a large community of Bengalees got drawn into the Muslim faith. However, best would have been if those Bengalees fought against religious exploitation and removed the caste system from Hinduism. They should have made a hue and cry to fight against priesthood exploitation. But according to Baba’s below teaching, the Bengalee community is emotional and that is why they chose the wrong path. If they had been rational they would have raised the voice against all kinds of exploitation, especially in the religious sphere, and they would not have joined the Islamic religion. In Hinduism, eating beef is not allowed. But these sentimental and emotional Bengalees started eating meat excessively and they contracted diseases and shortened their life, after joining those Muslims. This all happened due to the dominance of sentiment and lack of rationality. That is why they converted to Islam. In due course those communities formed East Pakistan and that became Bangladesh, which now has a population of 170 million. They were all converted from the Hindu religion. All the religions are bad but Islam is the worst because they are very violent. This happened to Bengalees because they are sentimental. Baba warns against the dangers of sentient in His book on neo-humanism. That is the central idea of Baba’s below two quotes.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “By temperament the Bengalees are a sentimental people. Sometimes they tolerate injustice for a long period without any murmur, without even a whimper...But suddenly, they may erupt in strong protest. These are the symptoms of a sentimental race. The people of Bengal, particularly the people of the lower stratum of society, had to undergo tremendous torture and humiliation in the past. Suddenly they revolted and embraced Islam in large numbers. They are also Bengalees – in bone, flesh and blood. They became Muslims as a reaction to the exploitation by the contemporary society.” (1)

Worst move: lower caste Hindus converted to Islam

Prout philosophy states, “It has also happened amongst the followers of different religions. Due to the many shortcomings in one religion and its exploitation of so-called lower caste people, many of these so-called low caste people left that religion and accepted another. When people leave their religion for no significant reason and accept another religion which suffers from ideological vacuum or is even inferior to the religion which they previously followed, they develop hysterical behaviour. They start excessively doing those things which were once prohibited to them by their previous religion. So we find that the person who has converted to another religion takes more beef than a normal member of that religion. This type of behaviour cannot be found in those who had ideologically accepted that religion.” (2)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The History of Bengal – 1
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, The Existential Value of Ideology

== Section: Important Teaching ==

History of traditional medicines

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Different kinds of metals and non-metals have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Gold, silver, tin and mercury especially have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. The famous Ayurvedic medicine makaradhvaja is prepared from a combination of mercury and sulphide. There is no dearth of medicines produced from calcium in homeopathy, allopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, whatever system it may be. Medicines produced from the conch shell, which have generated excitement since ancient times, are actually nothing but calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide."
   "The value of the principle shama samaḿ shamayati [similia similibus curantue – “like cures like”)] has been understood by human beings since the age of the Mahábhárata, but it was Mahatma Hahnemann who brought it to the scientific level through his system of homeopathy. People realized the value of this principle during the Mahábhárata age from the poison treatment of the poisoned Bhiima. There were considerable advances in Ayurveda in poison research, especially with snake, scorpion, spider and hornet poisons. Within Ayurveda, members of the royal family of Cochin in the state of Kerala were pioneers in this. At one time there was a good deal of individual research into poison treatments. My maternal grandfather, the late Dr. U. M. Basu (allopath) conducted research into the medicinal use of scorpion poison, but he died before his research findings could be properly documented. The science of allopathy does not seem to have made much progress in these treatments, but there are endless opportunities for making progress in this respect." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

== Section: Bangla Quote ==


“তাই কোনও জিনিসকে ভাল ৰলে, ৰুঝলে আর মনে কোনও দ্বিধা রাখা উচিত না | “আমি পারৰ কি পারৰ না, এ কথা একৰারেই অবান্তর |” সঙ্গে-সঙ্গে কাজে নেমে পড়তে হৰে | পারৰে তুমি নিশ্চয়ই |” (1)

1. সংবেগ ও আকর্ষণ, EGD, 14 December 1967 Calcutta