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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Due to misunderstanding + 3 more


Due to misunderstanding


This letter deals with two very important and completely unique teachings from Baba that are misunderstood by some. These teachings are (a) pointing out the dark side when you see anything wrong, and (b) seeing the bright side. Unfortunately, a few do not know where or when to use which formula, and, in the end, they do more harm than good.

Here is the 1st teaching from Baba: Analyze a person’s defects, find out their flaws, and expose their weaknesses and wrongdoing in order to cure them. By that way, they will be rectified. This is called pointing out.

Best way to understand "pointing out"

Now let’s examine how pointing out is used and what it means.
  • (#1) Suppose your ten year-old grandson or granddaughter starts doing drugs, then one should not sit back and “see the bright side” thinking that the boy or girl is very good-looking, perfectly healthy, and the top student in their class with the best exam scores etc. That is not the proper outlook. Rather one should point out the problem – i.e. doing drugs – and ensure that negative habit is broken. One has to point out the defect and rectify the matter. That is the special use of pointing out. By that way, the young child will be greatly benefited. In contrast, if one employed the principle of “see the bright side” in this circumstance, the situation will go from bad to worse.
  • (#2) If a very talented and handsome politician is propagating divisive and harmful policies based on caste distinctions racial hatred, then one cannot look the other way. Rather those narrow-minded and bigoted approaches have to be pointed out, lest riots break out everywhere.
  • (#3) Likewise, if a robber came and looted your house with an ultra-modern gun, then when the police arrive you will not glorify the greatness of that robber's gun. That is not what it means by the formula of pointing out. Rather one should identify the robber so he can be caught.
  • (#4) Similarly, if three sannyasis dressed in perfectly pressed and shiny gowns drove up to your house in a fancy Mercedes and spoke perfect Cambridge English, and then kidnapped your daughter then when reporting to the police you will not praise the beauty of their garments or the purity of their speech, you will say they came and kidnapped my daughter. 
  • (#5) The formula of pointing out is one of our Proutistic endeavours. Part and parcel of Prout is to fight against exploitation and injustices. We Margiis and Wts do that in order to help the downtrodden people. In that case, we Margiis and Wts point out all the ills in society in order to make it better, more livable for one and all.
By this formula also, we Margiis and Wts grow as sadhakas because we Margiis and Wts are taking up the call to help those in need. Thus pointing out the defects, whether inside or outside Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, is an intrinsic method of the teaching and formula of pointing out.

That means if someone’s action is harmful for society and / or if a person is under your care and guidance, then you should try to find out their defects, and with soft or harsh words try to mend their ways and not ignore their faults. You should point them out so they can progress. That time is not the time to see their bright side and appreciate their good qualities and overlook their defects.

Best way to understand “see the bright side”

A simple way to understand “see the bright side” is by way of example. Suppose you went to a highly-skilled, certified mechanic to have your bicycle fixed, and upon arriving there you noticed that the mechanic was drinking alcohol. Then at the time you should adopt the formula of “see the bright side.” View the mechanic as an expert in his field and have him fix your bicycle. Side by side, watch his every move and try to learn from him as well. Do not think of him as a tamasik fellow who is a drunkard. If you think like that you will not be able to learn from him, nor will your bicycle get fixed.

So seeing the bright side means embracing someone for their talents and strengths and learning from them – regardless of their habits. By this way you will view that person in a positive manner and be able to learn from them as well. This is how we Margiis and Wts can take work from all kinds of people and help society progress.

Even bad people have some redeeming qualities and special talents. So seeing the bright side means appreciating and encouraging someone for their talents and strengths and learning from them, regardless what other poor habits they may have. By this way, you will view that person in a positive light and be able to learn from them as well. This is how we Margiis and Wts can take work from all kinds of people – regardless of their degrading qualities – and help society progress.

Conclusion: When to use which formula

So there are two scenarios – see the bright side and pointing out – and the question becomes which one should be used in which circumstance. If by mistake, one uses the wrong technique for a particular situation, the result will be disastrous. This letter addresses this matter.

In our day to day living, we Margiis and Wts should keenly point out wrongdoing both in family life and in organisational life. Then we Margiis and Wts will be able to build up strong, trusting communities. If something is wrong, that ill should be pointed out so that the matter can be properly addressed and the situation solved. In that case, seeing the “bright side” would only allow the problem to fester. And when in times of learning then we Margiis and Wts should see the bright side when assessing another’s qualities so we Margiis and Wts can progress.

There is a clear-cut silver line difference between pointing out and “seeing the bright side.” This is Baba’s special teaching and as sadhakas we should be cent-per-cent careful that we have taken the right approach and help others develop in the proper way. We have addressed two key points: Seeing the bright side and pointing out the defects.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Pointing out wrongdoers

Mostly everyone understands the reason and rational for seeing the bright side, so those guidelines are not enlisted below. In contrast, it is more difficult to understand Guru's teachings about pointing out. So here are a few of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji's teachings about pointing out the defects.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “From the social or human viewpoint, everybody has the right to correct the behaviour of everyone else. This is the birthright of every human being. No scholar can dispute the right of people to correct the shortcomings of those with whom they come in contact. The recognition of this right is indispensable for the health of society.” (1)

Here is another guideline that leads in the same direction, i.e. that we Margiis and Wts should be vigilant to point out wrongdoers and bring them onto the proper path

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The establishment of an ideal society depends on the mutual help of the members and their cooperative behaviour. This cooperative behaviour depends on the practice of the principles of Yama and Niyama; so, spiritual practices, especially the practice of Yama and Niyama, are the sound foundation of an ideal society…All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly. Thus they will have to make the society strong. Henceforth I direct every Ananda Margi to keep strict vigilance on other Ananda Margi to make them practise the principles of Yama and Niyama.” (2)

By Baba's above directives, it is clear we Margiis and Wts should point out wrongdoers and bring them onto the right path.

Goody-goodies are meek & let problems fester

Ananda Marga ideology states, “We cannot call people “good” if they cannot lead people of all walks of life towards welfare. We can call them “goody-goodies” but not good people. Those who are truly good people will move bravely forward and provide inspiration and strength to those mute masses to fight against all kinds of obstacles, and give a clarion call to them to march ahead.” (3)

In the above circumstance, merely “seeing the bright side” would have a hellacious effect.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Intelligent people should no longer remain silent…They must not act like goody-goodies, seeing evil but continuing to tolerate it. This is very bad.” (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons. Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people.” (5)

In the above teachings, Baba guides us that ideal Ananda Margiis will point out the defects of sadhakas and help bring them on the right path.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “By observing people’s conduct one will easily notice those who are absorbed in divine love…Those who have attained Iishvaraprema can never and will never exploit others. They will raise their voice against all sorts of tyranny, injustice, and exploitation. Those who do not possess that kind of honest courage to oppose all wrongs are nothing but fakes – they are never genuine [bhaktas].” (6)

In the above quote Baba states that true bhaktas point out the mistakes, while fakes do not feel comfortable to point out.

Baba’s special teaching: snake inside the house

Here Baba warns us about those who are mishandling PP Dada and not allowing him to attend to his allotted duties. Such persons - no matter their posting or status - must be strongly opposed. That is Baba's clear-cut directive. Here following is an English summary of Baba’s Hindi teaching of Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai :

If our own person or relative deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose him. Do not tolerate him. It does not matter if he is our own relative. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then he is more dangerous. If a snake is living outside the house in the wild it is dangerous, but if that snake enters inside the house then it is more dangerous. Therefore wrongdoers of the organisation should be opposed more strongly. (English summary)

In His above teaching, Baba guides us that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your oganisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them - oppose them. 

How a few misuse “see the bright side”

When sincere sadhakas point out injustices and wrongdoings in the organisation then a few confused goody-goodies rally and wave their white flag yelling, “See the bright side...See the bright side.” When scandals, exploitation, or crimes erupt in the organisation, then these same people come out and preach their sermon, “See the bright side – do not complain.” This is all due to their gross misunderstanding of “See the bright side.”

The above letter is written with sole motive to rectify those who cannot see through.

1. Human Society – 1, Justice
2. Guide to Human Conduct, ‘How to Live in Society
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 22, Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana
4. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-Humanism, Disc: 2
5. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam – 7, The True Nature of Bhakti

== Section: Important Teaching ==

The átmá witnesses everything

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In the case of a living person, the unit consciousness continues to see everything. In that case, the átmá witnesses all that the mind thinks, does, remembers, how it regulates the active sense organs, how the person talks, how the person thinks. “I will eat this food, I shall sit here, I will exploit these fools in such and such a way. I shall sit with my body smeared with ash. If any erudite person comes, I shall send my disciple and tell him to say that today Sádhujii is observing silence; so I won’t have to answer his questions. I shall observe silence.” One has entertained all these thoughts and one has decided accordingly. The átmá has heard everything.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

उठो जागो, नया युग आ रहा है।

प्रभात संगीत 4987 शेष  रातेरि शुक तारा कय, आशछे राॅंगीन विहान ...


हे भाइयो और बहिनो! ‘‘उठो जागो, रात्रि के अंत हो गया है. भोर का निर्मल और रुपहला चमकीला शुक तारा हमसे कह रहा है ‘‘उठो अरुण प्रभात आ रहा है , नया युग आ रहा है। अब किसी को दुख, भेदभाव या अपमान नहीं होगा। हम सभी एक ही परिवार के सदस्य हैं। परमपुरुष हमारे पिता और परमाप्रकृति हमारी माता हैं और हम सब सगे संबंधी हैं । हम सभी का एक ही परिवार है। अब नव्यमानवतावाद के नये युग का नया गीत, गाने का समय  आ गया है।‘‘

हे भाइयो और बहिनो! उठो जागो, अब इस नये युग में कोई भी भूख से नहीं मरेगा, किसी के साथ अन्याय नहीं होगा। सभी का आदर होगा। जिनके पास उचित वस्त्र नहीं होंगे, वे  अब शीत के आघात के शिकार और बीमार होकर मौत के मुंह में नहीं जायेंगे। सभी एक दूसरे के साथ पारिवारिक व्यवहार रखेंगे। किसी भी व्यक्ति के पास जीवन की न्यूनतम आवश्यकताओं  की कमी नहीं होगी। इस नव्यमानवतावाद के नये युग में सभी सहृदयता से एक दूसरे के कष्टों में सहयोग करेंगे। अरुणिम प्रभात आ रहा है।

बाबा कृपा वर्षा हो रही है। मनुष्य, पशु , पक्षी, पदार्थ, वनस्पति, ज्ञात और अज्ञात कीड़े मकोड़े, कोई भी विशैली गैसों या प्रदूशित जल से नहीं मरेंगे। सभी को प्रचुर मात्रा में स्वच्छ वायु और उचित भोजन प्राप्त होगा। प्रत्येक सत्ता फलेगी फूलेगी और आगे उन्नति करेगी। परमपुरुष महान हैं ।

उठो जागो, रात्रि के अंत में भोर का शुक तारा भव्य संदेश  दे रहा है, ‘‘हे मनुष्यो उठो , जागो ! अरुण प्रभात आ रहा है, बाबा की कृपा से पूर्वी क्षितिज पर नए युग की लालिमा दिखाई दे रही है।‘‘ 

(Watch out: Unfortunately some thieves are stealing / plagiarising these Hindi Prabhat Samgiita translations and pasting them on Facebook as their own original writing.)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When Himalayas Were In Ocean

Baba says, “In the distant past, some areas of India did not exist: There was neither northern India, nor D’aba’k nor Samatat’ areas of Bengal, but there was Old Gondwana. That was about 300 million years ago. At that time, the major parts of Sind, the Punjab, U.P., Bihar and Bengal did not exist. They were all submerged under the vast oceans. The Himalayas also did not exist. But the Vindhya mountain range and its sister ranges, Sa’tpura’, Sahya’dri, Rajmahal and Ra’mga’r’h did exist. These mountains were very high, and always snow-covered.” (AFPS-3, p.34)