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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Food for the mind + 2 more

Food for the mind
When embarking on any voyage, the first question is which route is safe, secure, and will facilitate one’s reaching the destination. Similarly, in the journey of life, every human being wants the right path. We are fortunate that we are moving on the path of bliss—Ananda Marga. Because on the spiritual path, one needs constant guidance; otherwise, there is the possibility to go astray.

Those who are not intelligent depend on someone other than Guru to guide them. But that is a bad approach. The best way is to have direct connection with Guru and for that, Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has given tens of thousands of pages of discourses. And His teachings are not very difficult to understand. Even then, many may complain that they do not have time to read His teachings on a daily basis. Here then is a very simple solution.

What true sadhakas do

If we do not give our mind something positive to think about, then it will find its own pabulum—which is not always beneficial, or can even be harmful. One may worry unnecessarily about the future or engage in baser thoughts etc, because— “an empty mind is the devil's workshop”.

So during mundane duties one should fill the mind with something great and something sublime—His divine teachings in recorded form. That will be most beneficial. Because, as we all know, the science of mind also dictates that “as we think so we become”. So what we think about is extremely important.

No time to sit down & read Baba's books

All this leads to a few natural conclusions:
(1) We do not have much time to sit down and read Baba's books, but we have lots of time during the course of the day to listen to His books.
(2) Listening to His books gives the mind a positive abhoga, proper food, by which it can grow in a dharmic way. Plus listening is something that can easily be done again and again. Memory needs repetition.
(3) In this fashion, we will come to know, understand, follow, and be capable of doing viprocita seva with the help of spreading His grand philosophy.
(4) Best is to start with easier books like Ananda Vacanamrtam and progress from there.

Everyone knows the mind always needs some food—something to think about. So while doing mundane chores it is very helpful to engage in listening to His discourses / teachings. This psychic food is good for the mind. By this way we can best utilise our time and learn, understand, and follow His teachings.

Way to listen—directions

Now that we have reached the fact that there are innumerable benefits to listening to His discourses, we need to come up with a practical plan in order to make this a reality. Perhaps the best way is for all the members of a particular unit to each record one book that is relatively short—such as Caryacarya part II, Ananda Vacanamrtam, Problems of the Day, or any book of that length. The recording of the book may take just an hour or two hours.

Once done, then everyone in the unit can receive a copy of the sound files of each book that others in the unit recorded. In that way, everyone's recording library will grow quickly. Plus one can then start to trade recorded copies with margiis from other units. This type of domino effect will be very great.

Another approach is to have your computer read the book so you can listen and record it. Many computers, phones, and apps have this facility of "speaking". In that case, all that is needed is an electronic copy of a discourse. Then you can order the computer to read it aloud to you. Or you can download various apps that will also do the job.

Steps for listening to Him

By this way, all can get recorded copies of Baba's books in their mother tongue. And then the only job is to cultivate the habit of listening during the time of daily duties. At first, it may take a little bit of discipline, but quickly the mind will become habituated, and soon you will not like to do any mundane chore without having some food for the mind—i.e. you will have the desire to always be involved in listening to His sermons while doing daily duties.

In the natural course, one's understanding of His teachings will grow exponentially; plus the mind will be nourished with positive food—ever drifting in that bliss. 


Those who cultivate the habit to read or listen to Baba’s teachings on a regular basis will experience how their mind will become more and more pure. That is the effect of outer suggestion. Indeed, their behaviour, conduct, and mental composure will change. Svadhyaya—reading Baba’s spiritual teachings—is very essential for doing dharma pracara. Without that people propagate dogma in the name of Ananda Marga. So regularly studying or listening to Baba’s teachings should be part of one’s daily routine. There is no other way.

in Him,

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
I cried out for You everywhere

“Kata yuga pare ele, kata d́ekechi tomáy…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3084)


My Parama Purusa, after so many ages You have come. I have anxiously and desperately been calling You in broad daylight, as well as on so many pitch dark nights, waiting forever - so much time passed and You did not come. 

Parama Purusa, I was crying out for You on so many occasions in the burning sun of the high-noon hour and also with my rain-drenched ankle-bells, as well as in the moist dew with the autumn shepha’lii flowers in bloom. And I have yearned for You in countless actions and thoughts through so many seasons, year after years, age after age, awaiting Your arrival.

Baba, I went on saying Your name in the cool breeze of the pre-winter season, while shivering in the winter’s chill and facing severe fatigue and inertia. I called out for You amongst the green tender leaves and beautiful flowers of spring and also in the colourful breeze of the kingdom of angels. I cried out for You everywhere, in every imaginable circumstance all the time. 

Parama Purusa, after so many ages You have come, it is Your grace....

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3084:

Shepha'lii: The night-blooming jasmine flower (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis) (Night-flowering Jasmine) is a species of Nyctanthes, native to South Asia and Southeast Asia. This flower blossoms in the night and then falls just prior to morning. 

== Section: News Oct 2020 ==

Infighting in pseudo-Proutist parties


In fact it is a curse of infighting in AMPS. Ac Santoshananda dada has encouraged many Proutists to contest election on PBI tickets and Vimalananda dada has appealed to all Proutists to contest elections on PSS ticket. 

Just like the three groups in AMPS, Proutists have also been divided into two groups - PSS and PBI. The truth is that neither PSS nor PBI leaders are following Baba's instructions. Baba instructed us to start revolutions in the name of Samaj movements. For example - Amara bengali, Magahi samaj, Angika Samaj, Bhojpuri Samaj, Utkal samaj, Sahayadri samaj etc.

Contrary to Baba’s instructions, Ac Raghunath ji and later on Vimalananda dada instructed all to contest elections not in the name of their samaj, but in the name of PSS. They combined all 44 Samaj of India and created PSS. 

Baba has not given the word PSS (Proutist Sarva Samaj). After 1990/ 1992, Ac Raghunath ji created PSS and got it registered with the election commission of India. Ac Raghunath ji was thinking that PSS should be recognised in India like the BJP, Congress parties etc, not in the name of 44 samaj independently...

Baba says,  “Only Sadvipras have the right to engage in politics; other people should be swept out from the field of politics.” (Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on PROUT, Paragraph – Political Parties, July 1961, Ranchi)

Contrary to Baba’s above instructions, Tom, Dick, Harry, etc are being allowed to contest elections. These PBI & PSS candidates neither follow 16 Points nor Caryacarya. All of them are sycophants of Vimalananda dada and Santoshananda dada. 

Prout philosophy says, "Sadvipra leadership is the ideal form of leadership. Such leaders will be physically fit, mentally developed and spiritually elevated. With their help and guidance, revolution will be materialized." (Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Nuclear Revolution)

Kindly see the below Hindi news....

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp ~

पिछले दिनों PBI के संबंध  काफी कुछ लिखा गया ।

काफी प्रपत्र सामने लाये गए ।

मैं आज एक प्रसंगक मुद्दा उठा रहा हु । कोई इसे व्यकिगत न ले । यह मुद्दा उठाना आज आवश्यक हो गया क्योकि मेरे पास खबर आई कि हरनौत विधान सभा से मगही समाज और PBI दोनों कैंडिडेट दे रहे है ।

तो यह जो claim किया जा रहा था कि ये वही PBI है जो 60 के दशक में बनाया गया था ।और 1989 में फला फ़्लान office bearer थे ।

क्या कोई मुझे बताएगा कि क्या 1979 के बाद से जब समाज election लड़ा तो क्या PBI भी वहां से कैंडिडेट दिया था ?

मेरे अनुसार कभी नही ।

पर अब PBI मगही समाज के विरोध में खड़ा हो रहा है ?

अब मार्गी समाज को चिंतन करना पड़ेगा ? समाज आंदोलन की विचार समझकर कर सामूहिक विचार बनाना पड़ेगा ।

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp ~

In Him, 

== Section: Important Teaching==

Scripts of the world

Prout philosophy states, "In the present world there are four types of scripts – Indo Aryan, Semitic, Occido-Aryan and Mongolo-Chinese scripts."

"The Mongolo-Chinese scripts are pictorial scripts – all the letters of the scripts are pictures. They contain about 1055 letters. In the Occido-Aryan scripts there are 20 to 35 letters. In the Indo-Aryan scripts there are about 50 letters, and in the Semitic scripts there are 20 to 30 letters."

"The Chinese and Japanese practice of using Romanized Mongolo-Chinese script is unscientific."

"Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Kashmiri, etc. come under the Semitic scripts and are written from right to left. This is difficult to write and takes a long time to print. Malaya has abandoned Arabic script and adopted Roman script to overcome this difficulty."

"The scripts of Tibet and South-East Asia come under the Indo-Aryan scripts. They are quite good but difficulties arise in joining letters. Through practice it has been experienced that Roman script is the best script. It is the most scientific. Those who oppose it do so out of local sentiments. Proutists won't go against any local script, but they will encourage the most scientific script as the world script. At present Roman script is the most scientific script. Future generations may evolve a new script." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section : Important Teaching ==

Is the big boss to blame?

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Without His wish, not even a leaf of a tree, nor even a blade of grass can move." (1)

Parama Purusa oversees everything and all have their role to play - no one can do anything without His approval. He oversees everything. Then how is it that things can go awry? How can "bad" things happen?

One way to understand this is via the analogy of the any government. Ultimately the president of the any country is responsible for every action of every government office spanning millions of employees. Some may then accuse and blame the president for the wrong and harmful decisions taken by various employees, such as the lowest level clerk taking a bribe in village. If one thinks more rationally, we can say that there is a system when the president oversees everyone, and he wants for all to follow the rules and regulations. But certainly it has to be recognised that every governmental employee is responsible for their own dealing. The president is not the cause or reason behind employees wrongful action.

Same is the case with Parama Purusa and His creation. He oversees everything, He watches everything, and He encourages all to follow on the path of righteousness. But on their own accord, created beings veer from the path.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

उत्सव में भी लोग नाचते थे

“करीब-करीब हर आदमी नाचते थे | मुनि-ऋषि लोग उत्सव में नाचते थे | और यह जो जाड़े में लोगों को तकलीफ़ होती है, जाड़े के बाद वसन्तोत्सव, आजकल जिसको “होली” कहते हैं, उस सब में भी लोग नाचते थे | तो यह नाच का fixed rule था | हम सोचे थे कि गाना हम जैसा re-orientalization कर रहे हैं, ठीक वैसा नाच में भी करेंगे, classicalize करके | किन्तु देखे अगर वैसा हम करें, तो और काम किस वक्त करेंगे, इसलिए नहीं किये | तुम लोगों की राय क्या है जी ?

[सभी उपस्थित मार्गी चुप]

सब चुप रह गया | अच्छा, क्योंकि इन लोगों के मन में डर है, कि बाबा अगर नाचना सिखलाना शुरू कर दिये, तो “हम लोगों को भी तो नाचना पड़ेगा” |

[ऐसा बाबा बोलकर बाबा मुस्कराए | बाबा की बात सुनकर सभी उपस्थित मार्गी हँसने लगे |]

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. हिंदी अप्रकाशित : march 11, 1984,Jaipur

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

ছিল প্রচুর শক্তি

“বিশ্বব্রহ্মাণ্ডে আকাশ পাতালে এমন কোনও শক্তি নেই, যে আনন্দমার্গকে ধ্বংস করতে পারে | কারণ আনন্দমার্গ ন্যায়-ধর্মে প্রতিষ্ঠিত | পাপ-শক্তি যদি তার সঙ্গে সংঘর্ষে লিপ্ত হয়, তো পাপশক্তি চূর্ণ-বিচূর্ণ হয়ে যাৰে | এক ফুত্কারে ফড়িয়ের  মত শেষ হয়ে যাৰে | কিন্তু ক্ষমতার মোহে, ক্ষমতার মদে মত্ত হয়ে, মানুষ এই চরম সত্যটা ভুলে যায় | তার পরে যখন শক্তিহীন হয়ে যায়, তখন আফ়সোস করে | কিন্তু তখন আর আফ়সোস করে কোনও লাভ হয় না | যা যাওয়ার তা চলেই গেছে | তোমরা জান এক জন এমনই ব্যষ্টি ছিলেন, যাঁর হাতে ছিল প্রচুর শক্তি | তা যার হাতে ছিল, অভ্রংলেহী স্পর্ধা, আস্পর্ধা, ভাবত “আমি সৰ কিছু করতে পারি” | সে জানত না, নারায়ণের একটা নাম হ’ল দর্পহারী, তিনি কারও দর্প সহ্য করেন না | কারণ দর্প পছন্দ করেন না | তাকে গুঁড়িয়ে ধুল করে দেন |”
[“ৰাৰা, ৰাৰা, ৰাৰা !”] (1)

== Section 3: Links ==

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