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Friday, September 21, 2018

Toxic idea: "all groups are invited" + 3 more


Toxic idea: "all groups are invited"


We must not forget that when Baba founded AMPS then all were allowed to join AMPS as human beings, after leaving their clan membership and religious dogmas outside. We never called out, "All religions are invited." Rather in Ananda Marga we raised the slogan, "All humans are one!" - "Manav manav ek hai!"

But you might have heard nowadays how people have taken to using these following jingles / slogans:
  • Slogan #1: "Irrespective of one's group affiliation, all are invited."
  • Slogan #2: "Representatives of all the groups are allowed."
  • Slogan #3: "All groups are invited."
  • Slogan #4: "Margiis of every group are welcomed but only Wts of my group are allowed" etc.

Why this fad - "all groups are invited" - is so dangerous

In Ananda Marga teachings, the slogan is raised, "All humans are one!"  In contrast, the idea of recognising and appreciating all the groups is very nasty and dangerous. Long back, in the previous century, the British exploiters infused this divisive ploy of communalism to destroy the unity of India. By giving fuel to the various groups (Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe etc), they created severe distrust and disunity in human society. And verily throughout their colonies around the globe, the Britishers used this same 'divide and rule' policy to chop humanity into numerous groups, castes, factions, creed etc to exploit and destroy.

Unfortunately, in AMPS this same approach is gaining popularity nowadays. This notion - "all the groups are allowed" - is poisonous like a venomous snake. Whatever unity we have nowadays will be destroyed and more division and balkanisation will occur if this disastrous trend - "all groups are invited" - is continued and supported.

We must not forget that when Baba founded AMPS then He never permitted those advocating clan distinctions and religious dogmas etc to enter into AMPS. Rather, all were allowed to join AMPS as human beings, after leaving their clan membership and religious dogmas outside. We never called out, "All religions are invited." Rather in Ananda Marga we raised the slogan, "All humans are one!" - "Manav manav ek hai!"

Here below we further investigate why this slogan - "all groups are welcomed" - is so dangerous and deadly.

Against NH: some Wts represents themselves as group members

With respect to our AMPS, some Wts strongly identified themselves as members of a particular group. And they argued and fought for representation in centre based on their group initiative and membership. Yet all the while they put on the sheen that they were living in a united AMPS. From the outside, the organisation was undivided.

It is an exact replica of what happened in India pre-1947 when the Britishers injected the communal award. That time also India was undivided, yet was suffering from severe infighting along communal lines. Then on that fateful eve in 1947, all the internal pressure imploded and mass unrest, killings, and division occurred. Likewise, since 1990, the various groups within Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha have openly fought with and killed one another, and ultimately they split AMPS into multiple parts. Just as India was divided into multiple parts in 1947.

Sadly, the scene in AMPS exactly mirrors the communal climate during the Indian Independence movement and the division thereafter. The end result has been ongoing struggle and strife in our AMPS with a premium placed on group interest.  We must not forget that when Baba founded AMPS then all were allowed to join AMPS as human beings, after leaving their clan membership and religious dogmas outside. We never called out, "All religions are invited." Rather, we raised the slogan, "All humans are one!"

Slogan "All humans are one!"

Today, when various Wts arrive on-site at an open, public gathering like an Ananda Marga ceremony, as members of a particular group, then the whole atmosphere becomes noxious. It resembles communal India. It authors more hatred and clan sentiment.

Baba has completely rejected this approach: Groups should not exist. No Wt should identify themselves in this way. Just as there never should have been a communal award in India, but rather a concerted, unified effort against exploitation. Similarly, in AMPS, Wts must not hang on to their own group identity; that should be obliterated.

And verily, Baba has given the perfect antidote for overcoming the narrow-minded mentality associated with groupism. We must not forget that when Baba founded AMPS then all were allowed to join AMPS as human beings, after leaving their clan membership and religious dogmas outside. We never called out, "All religions are invited." Rather, we raised the slogan, "All humans are one!"

For true unity

Baba’s teaching is to remain united by fighting against injustice and carrying out an anti-exploitation movement. Then true unity can be built in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. Holding onto group affiliation breeds distrust, resentment, and hatred.

What should be done? The practical approach for overcoming this problem is to only allow those Wts attend who adhere to the code of neo-humanism and universalism. That means one should condemn all forms of exploitation and groupism.

Those Wts who stand up against the exploitation of bhukti pradhans, and oppose the so-called mahaprayan, and rise up against all forms of exploitation etc are to be embraced. Those who remain stuck to their own group or clan interest must first rectify themselves before being welcomed on-site. This should be the norm for every AMPS function.

When Baba founded AMPS then all were allowed to join AMPS as human beings, after leaving their clan membership and religious dogmas outside. We never called out, "All religions are invited." Rather, according to Ananda Marga philosophy, we raised the slogan, "All humans are one!"

These below slogans are completely against the fundamentals of Neohumanism. So those who are propagating them are anti-Neohumanistic.

  • Slogan #1: "Irrespective of one's group affiliation, all are invited."
  • Slogan #2: "Representatives of all the groups are allowed."
  • Slogan #3: "All groups are invited."
  • Slogan #4: "Margiis of every group are welcomed but only Wts of my group are allowed" etc.

These above slogans are against AM philosophy and Neohumanism as well.

In Him,

Fake wts agents of groupism

Some are confused and think that inviting all the Wts groups shows their large-heartedness. But this is completely bogus and will never bring unity. That is encouraging small-mindedness: “Join a group, any group, and you are welcome at our gathering.” Such persons are sponsoring group sentiment, i.e. the communal award.

Baba’s guideline is that there must not be any groupism. Inviting all the groups to a marriage or a baby-naming ceremony etc is not the right approach. The standard must be set that those who wish to attend and participate in AMPS functions should adhere to ideological principles.

We never called out, "All religions are invited." Rather, as per Ananda Marga teachings, we raised the slogan, "All humans are one!" When Baba founded AMPS then all were allowed to join AMPS as human beings, after leaving their clan membership and religious dogmas outside.

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Roaring of the clouds and the pouring rain

Intro: This song is spiritual. One may think it is about the summer season: the rains have come. The song, however, is a metaphor. The dry, hot summer season symbolizes the dry, intellectual mind – the     mind that is away from Parama Purusa. When the rains come, they make everything fresh, fragrant and revitalised. Similarly, the mind is dry until Parama Purusa's rain of grace showers the bhakta. Bliss infuses his or her entire psyche. So this is not a seasonal song. The post-summer rains do not bring the type of bliss described in the last three stanzas. That bliss only comes with the arrival of Parama Purusa. He blesses the dry mind with His shower of grace.

"Ese chile prabhu megha garjane ghanaghor varśáy.."   (Prabhat Samgiita #0298)


O' Parama Purusa, in the form of the roaring of the clouds and the pouring rain, You came. Since ages this dry and barren earth has been waiting for Your auspicious arrival. The heat-stricken earth has received You today with new hope. After a long gap of time, my dry heart has been satiated by the showering of Your causeless karuna.

O' Parama Purusa, with Your grand arrival, my mind goes on singing countless tunes and melodies. The peacock of my mind is spreading its feathers and dancing in hundreds of ways. By Your presence, my speechless mind has been graced with the language to express its bhava to You. And now it is rushing headlong towards the Infinite Entity Taraka Brahma who is the embodiment of supreme love & bhakti.

Baba, in having You today very intimately, my heart is overflowing with bliss. All the directions are swaying in Your cosmic effulgence. The ten directions are drifting in bliss of Brahma bhava.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, today for me there is nothing else to do. Very intently I go on staring at Your most charming form without blinking.  I am doing shravana, manana, and nidhidhyasana; I am thinking, meditating, and ideating on You. Ensconced in You, I go on seeing Your form. Baba, the crave of the triloka, and the nectar of the three arenas have mingled into one. All my physical, psychic, spiritual hunger has been satiated, by Your grace.

Baba, it is Your karuna (divine compassion); today You have come and bestowed everything…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0298

Triloka: There are 3 lokas: (a) sthu'la or crude mind, (b) su'ks'ma or subtle mind, and ka'ran'a or causal mind. The controller of all these lokas is Turiiya. So triloka means crude mind, subtle mind, and causal mind. These are the three lokas. Parama Purusa is the controller. Humans have three types of hunger as described in this song. Upon getting Parama Purusa, all the layers of hunger (crude, subtle, causal) are extinguished – i.e. fully satiated. Then that mind always wants to remain in His bliss. There is no desire for anything else. That is what is expressed in this song.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Moralists always face prosecution from the wicked

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It was considered nothing short of blasphemy to translate the religious scriptures from Saḿskrta into Bengali. The Nabab Hussein Shah personally tried to develop the Bengali language. With his active support Krttivása Ojah translated the Ramayana, Káshii Ram Dash translated the Mahabharata and Máladhra Vasu translated the Bhágavata from Saḿskrta to Bengali. This caused a furore among the community of scholars. They tried to brand Hussein Shah as a saboteur of the Hindu religion because, according to them, to translate the holy scriptures into Bengali was to defile the Hindu religion. Máládhra Vasu had to bear the stigma of being a Moslem convert and was widely ridiculed as Guńaranjiṋa Khan. So incensed were the Saḿskrta scholars over the translations of Krttivása Ojah that he was declared an outcaste for committing an act of sacrilege. All this took place only 450 years ago.” (1)

1. AFPS-2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2


এ ছাড়া অন্য তো পথ নেই |

“তাই ধর্ম ছাড়া অন্য কোনও দ্বিতীয় পথ থাকতেই পারে না | কারণ বিস্তার, এই যে expansion, এই যে বিস্তারিত হওয়া, এটা একটা স্বভাব ধর্ম | এর এই স্বভাবধর্মই মানুষের মনকে ৰড় করতে-করতে, ভূমামনে মিশিয়ে দেয় | এ ছাড়া অন্য তো পথ নেই | কেবল theory প্রচার করে তো কাজ হৰে না | আর, কেবল বিশেষ-বিশেষ দর্শন নিয়ে, অন্যের নিন্দাবাদ করেও, কোনও কাজ হৰে না--মানুষ তৈরি হ’ল না, তো, অন্য কাজ সে মানুষ কি করে করৰে ? আগে তো তাকে তৈরি হতে হৰে | মাথায় জোর নেই, ঘাড়ে-কাঁধে জোর নেই, তার উপর যদি দশ মনের ৰোঝা চাপানো হয়, সে তো নিয়ে যেতে পারৰে না | তাই মানুষ তৈরিকরাটাই ৰড় কাজ | এবং মানুষ তৈরি করতে গেল ধর্মপথ ছাড়া অন্য কোনও পথ নেই, অন্য কোনও গতি নেই |” (1)

1. ১ জানুয়ারি ১৯৮৪


हे बाबा!  हे प्रभु, तुम्हारे चरणों में शत-शत प्रणाम |

प्रभात संगीत 4140 आनन्दघन तुमि अनन्त करुणा, आनन्द सुधा सार


 हे परम पुरुष! तुम आनन्द घन हो, तुम आनन्दपूर्ण हो, तुम आनन्द स्वरूप हो। तुम्हारी करुणा (1) किसी बंधन को नहीं जानती वह अन्त हीन है। तुम अमृत के सार हो, तुम अनन्त आनन्द के सार हो। तुम सर्वाधिक आकर्षक और सुंदर हो। तुम हमेशा  आनन्द में रहते हो। तुम्हारा परम विंदु आनन्द है। तुम्हारा प्रत्येक अभिव्यक्तिकरण विचार शब्द और कार्य सब कुछ आनन्द है। तुम अतुलनीय रूप से आनन्द में प्रतिष्ठत हो और तुम्हारा सब कुछ आनन्दमग्न है। हे मेरे स्वामी! तुम आनन्द स्वरूप हो, आनन्दममूर्त्ति  हो।

हे बाबा! तुम अलख निरंजन (2)  हो, तुम निष्कलंक और अनन्त हो, तुम बहुत कृपालु हो, तुम भ्रान्तिविमोचन (3)  हो। तुम सभी भ्रान्तियों, संदेहों और दुविधाओं को दूर कर देते हो। तुम्हारे तीन नेत्र हैं तुम्हारे पास
वर्तमान भूत और भविष्य की स्पष्ट द्रष्टि है। तुम सर्वार्थसाधक हो । तुम्हारे पास सब प्रश्नो  का उत्तर है । तुम सब की इच्छायें पूरी करते हो। तुम सब के अपने हो, सब को सब कुछ देते हो। तुम सब के हृदय हो, तुम
अनन्त प्रशान्ति के महासागर हो।

बाबा! हे परम प्रभु! तुम इस संसार में आभा के रूपमें आये और उसी काॅंति में हमेशा  रहोगे। तुम तीनों लोकों स्थूल, सूक्ष्म और कारण में, अलौकिक रूपसे रहते हो। तुम सब को स्पंदित कर रहे हो, इकाई जीव से विराट और घास की पत्ती से ब्रह्म, सब को। तुम सब को आकर्षित किये हो और तुम्हारी कृपा से सब तुम्हारी  ओर आ रहे हैं। ए महान सत्ता! तुम मेरे हो और तुम सभी कुछ के सार हो, सब कुछ हो। हे प्रभु, तुम्हारे चरणों में शत-शत प्रणाम |

प्रभात संगीत 4140 के संबंध में टिप्पणीः-

1. करुणाः- . शाब्दिक रूपमें करुणा का अर्थ है दिव्य कृपालुता। जब भक्त को साधना के मार्ग में आगे बढ़ते हुए कठिनाइयाॅं और समस्याओं से जूझना पड़ता है तो परमपुरुष को भी उसके कष्ट की अनुभूति होती है। भक्त जब अपने रास्ते में आने वाले बंधनों और अवरोधों को दूर करने का बार बार प्रयत्न करता है और अपने आध्यात्मिक जीवन में आगे नहीं बढ़ पा रहा होता  है तो उनसे अपने भक्त की यह असहायता नहीं देखी जाती और वे विशेष  कृपा  कर उसके कष्टों और कठिनाईयों को दूर कर देते है। इस विशेष  कृपा को उनकी करुणा कहते हैं, इसके प्राप्त हो जाने पर फिर साधना के रास्ते में कोई बाधा नहीं आती।

2. अलखनिरंजनः- अलख का अर्थ है ‘जो दिखाई नहीं देता‘, निर का अर्थ है ‘नहीं‘ और अंजन का अर्थ है कालांबिंदु। परम पुरुष के अनेक लक्षणों  में से एक यह  है कि वे दिखाई नहीं देते और निष्कलंक हैं अर्थात् पूर्णतः
‘‘शुद्ध  और परिपूर्ण‘‘। इस संसार के जीव अपने पिछले जन्मों के संस्कारों से बंधे होते हैं जो उनके मनों पर लगे कालिख की तरह होते हैं परंतु परमपुरुष संस्कारों के बंधन में नहीं बंधते हैं वे निष्कलंक और अदृश्य
रहते हैं अतः उन्हें अलखनिरंजन कहते हैं।

3. भ्रान्तिविमोचनः- अर्थात् सभी प्रकार के भ्रमों / संदेहों को दूर करने वाले। परमपुरुष का यह एक नाम है। वे अपने भक्तों पर कृपा कर उसके सभी संदेहों और अज्ञानता को दूर कर देते हैं। वास्तव में अविद्या माया के
प्रभाव से भक्तगण सही को गलत और गलत को सही समझने लगते हैं और गलत धारणायें अपना कर भावजड़ता या डोगमा में पड़ जाते हैं और क्षणभंगुर चीजों को स्थायी मानने लगते हैं। परमपुरुष अपनी कृपा कर भक्त के सभी संदेह और भावजड़ता को दूर कर वास्तविकता से परिचित करा देते हैं, और भक्त कल्याण के पथ पर आगे बढ़ने लगता है। इसी लिये वे भ्रान्तिविमोचन कहलाते हैं।

- Trans: Dr. T.R.S.


To love Parama Purusa and the creation is the only dharma - Ananda Vanii #17

"To love Parama Puruśa and the creation is the only Dharma of spiritual aspirants. They should never be misguided by any sentiment of caste, creed or language and they should never tolerate any sense of discrimination."

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Pakistan-India Kashmir crisis

Prout philosophy states, “While PROUT advocates that all people have the right to settle anywhere in the universe, it may be questioned whether the Chinese infiltration of Tibet can be supported on this ground. The reply is definitely “no” because this is an intentional infiltration – it is an expansionist move.”

“Similarly should one support Nepalese expansion in the eastern states of Sikkim and Bhutan? If we trace back through history we find that the Nepalese migrated from Nepal because of famine and for no other reason. Hence, this migration should not be criticized. However, recently a few persons have started a “Maha Nepal” movement. The propagandists of Maha Nepal are neither the friends of Nepal nor of India. The reaction to this movement will go against the interests of Nepalese settlers. By using the same logic as these protagonists India may also claim the Bhojpuri, Maithili and Bengali speaking areas of Nepal Terai. But such a situation would certainly be undesirable.”

“The case of the Jews who expanded into Palestine is similar. Palestine originally belonged to the Jews and the Arabs drove them out.”

“Likewise, the Pakistan infiltration into India cannot be treated as a justified move. The planned way in which this infiltration is going on indicates that it is motivated by expansionism.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS: #
0298: Roaring of the clouds and the pouring rain 
2. Posting: 
Toxic idea: "all groups are invited"3. IT: Moralists always face prosecution from the wicked
4. Links