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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Healing oneself + 5 more


Healing oneself
The general rule is that most people never get any proper teachings in their life.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "Even after getting human life, only a few get the opportunity to listen to dharmika discourses." (1)
As Ananda Margiis we have been blessed with the special grace of Baba as He has bestowed upon us all the teachings of dharma and encapsulated them in His divine gift of Sixteen Points.

Frictional heat generated & adverse effect
Here following is one of His dharmic guidelines of the Sixteen Points:
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Bathe according to the prescribed system." (2)
We all know that bathing is an important aspect of our spiritual life. In particular, proper bath rejuvenates and revitalises one's entire existence. It achieves this primarily by both cleaning and cooling the body. Here are some other specifics about our practice of bathing.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "When taking a bath, all parts of the body, in particular the armpits and groin, should be cleaned properly. Soap, oil, and comb should be used every day. The body hair should never be cut, especially in the armpit and pubic region." (3)
In our daily routine, invariably we move our arms and legs to perform various tasks. And by this movement, frictional heat gets generated - especially at the joints. Yet after puberty the human body cannot remain healthy when excess heat is constantly present in those areas. To combat this, Parama Purusa has provided a very good system: During puberty hair grows in those joint areas and that helps to dissipate the frictional heat, allowing the body to naturally cool itself. And this is especially beneficial for the glands. The question may then arise that if joint hair is so important then why is it that babies and children do not have hair on their joints also - after all they are generally born with hair on their head.
The reason is that in a child's body the sex glands are not yet developed, and that includes their glandular system as well. So for them when their joint areas invariably become heated from their various activities then it does not have a negative effect on their glands - as those glands have yet to be developed. Thus children have no real need for hair in their joint areas. But for teenagers and adults it is extremely important.

Ignorant remove their joint hair
Parama Purusa does everything in His own special way, according to the proper timing. For example, when babies are born they do not have teeth. And that is best because in those early years all their nutrition comes by sucking the mother's milk. And if infants had teeth it would adversely affect that natural process. But later on when the time comes for those same young children to start eating solid food then those children develop teeth. So Parama Purusa arranges everything at the proper time.
In the same way joint hair grows on the human body exactly when it is needed - not too early and not too late, just at the perfect time.
Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Due to the quick development of physical energy at this age, nature has provided necessary hair at the joints of the body to keep the body heat balanced and, because of the possibility of rubbing, to keep the skin healthy. So when people remove this hair owing to lack of proper knowledge, they harm themselves both physically and mentally." (4)

Removal of pubic hair weakens sex gland
For teenagers and adults, joint hair satisfies a particular need and special function within the body system; because that hair is needed for the all-around balance and health of the body. But some people - in their ignorance - cut the hair of the joints thereby inviting various diseases which result due to the improper functioning of the glands. And, in addition, when the glands get overheated the sex vritti becomes active - and often dominant.
For all these reasons, Baba has given our bathing system. By this way, the body is washed and cleaned in the proper way on a daily basis. And by applying oil and combing the joint hair regularly after bathing, the glands will function properly and the body will maintain optimal health. So part and parcel of our bathing and cleaning process is paying proper attention to the joint hair.

System for taking bath
Here following is Baba's basic guideline for bathing.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "First pour water on the navel. Then wet the region below the navel by splashing water from the front. Then pour water from behind. Thereafter pour water on the crown of the head in such a way that it trickles down over the backbone. Then bathe all over." (5)
Then of course Baba has also given other points such as (a) using a proper cleansing agent, (b) using a scrubber, (c) using cool or cold water, (d) bathing in a seated or squatting position, (e) not using hot water, and (f) not using artificially scented soaps etc.
Afterwards we are to recite our "Pitr Purus'ebhyo namah" mantra along with the proper mudra(s).
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Joint hair grows near the lymphatic glands in the armpits and leg joints. If this hair is removed, then the lymphatic glands tend to overheat, causing over-secretion, and this in turn decreases the function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. There is an inverse relation between the lymphatic glands and the thyroid and parathyroid glands: if one is more active then the other is less developed and it becomes weak. For this reason, the joint hair should not be removed." (6)

The overall health of the human body and mind is dependent upon bathing according to the prescribed system, which includes proper care of the joint hair. So every sadhaka should be vigilant on these points as they are important for daily living and making progress on the path of sadhana.
In Him,
Dr. Trilokesh

~ In-depth study ~
The lymph & brain
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Lymph is a hormone. There are many lymphatic glands in the body which manufacture lymph. It is the initial hormone, and other glands use lymph to manufacture their respective hormones. Hormones are created when lymph comes in contact with an activated gland. The lymphatic glands supply the raw material to the glands, and lymph is the raw material for the hormones manufactured by the different glands." (7)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are so many glands and sub-glands in the human body which are dependent upon lymph, so lymph is an important constituent of the body." (8)
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "The function of the lymph is to purify the blood and maintain beauty and glory of the body; and by getting into the glands it enables proper secretion of hormones. For the proper development of innate qualities adequate amount of lymph is necessary. The lymph rises up and gets into the brain thus strengthening it." (9)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Lymph goes to the brain and provides food for the nerve cells in the cranium." (10)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If the testes are properly-active [highly active] and there is proper-secretion [high secretion] of hormones, a youth develops the spirit of rationality. The pubic hair grows due to the activity of the testes. This is the physical effect. The development of rationality is the psychic effect. The nervous system will also be affected. If not hindered by the natural flow of the lymphatic glands, proper-secretion [high secretion] leads to the development of hair in the arm pits at the age of fifteen to seventeen in hot countries and seventeen to eighteen in cold countries. Along with this the feeling of rationality grows. For example, a boy may say, “No, father, do not ask me to do that. It is not good.”" (11)

Lymphatic glands in armpits & leg joints

Caryacarya states, "Never cut the hair of the joints of the body." (12)
Caryacarya states, "Do not cut the hair of the joints of the body." (13)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In human beings the lymphatic glands are located at the joints of the arms and of the legs, and also at various other places. ... When the lymphatic glands in the armpits and leg joints are activated, hairs start to grow in those parts of the human body. If you find an absence of hair, it indicates that the lymphatic glands are underdeveloped, and that the individual will have less jumping capacity." (14)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, The Requirements for Sádhaná
2. Caryacarya - 2, Sixteen Points, Point #6
3. Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules, Point #5
4. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Nocturnal Emission
5. Caryacarya - 3, Bathing Procedure and Pitr Yajiṋa
6. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands
7. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
8. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
9. Idea and Ideology, Life, Death and Saḿskára
10. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
11. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
12. Caryacarya - 2, Sixteen Points, Point #3
13. Caryacarya - 3, Asanas, Point #8
14. Yoga Psychology, The Human Body Is a Biological Machine

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In this midnight

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This song expresses the intimate link between the bhakta and God. If anyone is doing sadhana and they do not have any relation with Parama Purusa it means their sadhana is very low. There are various relations. And having some sort of relation is called mysticism. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Mysticism is the never-ending endeavour to find out the link between the finite and the infinite.” (1)

Why is it never-ending? Those who are not bhaktas do not have any relation with the Supreme. Then when one first develops a relation with Him it is distant. When the relationship matures then it becomes intimate. So the relation is always changing, ever-evolving. It culminates only when one loses their I-feeling and merges in Parama Purusa. 

Note: Only those sadhakas who have a deep feeling of bhakti in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Ke go, gán geye jáy shonáte ámáy, ei aveláy…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1048)


O’ who is that Charming Entity who goes on singing for me in this midnight, untimely hour - tantrika hours. Who is that who goes on playing the flute for me, making that sweet, melodic, heart-touching music filled with the deep pain of yearning. It looks like He is someone whom I have seen. His call is filled with supreme love and affection. His flute pulls my heart towards the spiritual realm. When I hear His music I lose myself in bliss. My mind does not remain still; it rushes towards Him. What a liila of His. 

From some distant land He is calling me in this late hour. Due to prema for me, He forgot about the time and could not consider what others will think by hearing this heart-wrenching melody in these very late hours. I could not pay heed to His call so with His desperate feelings and broken heart, He is conveying His immense kindness towards me. What a painful sound emanates from His flute. Who is that Charming Entity who goes on singing for me at this odd time.

Long back, on one fine morning we came in contact. Gradually that first glimpse flourished into full-blown prema and bhakti. I fell in love with Him. He is that Parama Purusa who became my most dear. We can't live without each other. The place and moment where we first met became a thing of the past. But the bond of our love only grew in leaps and bounds. And He goes on singing for me in these late tantrika hours after midnight. By His grace, now I am floating endlessly in His love in some wonderland of divinity. 

In my life there is nothing - only His prema...

Note For Prabhat Samgiita #1048

Tantrika hours: This is the period from midnight to 3am.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Mysticism and Yoga

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Prevent Dogma: Cite AM teachings properly


Here is a guideline for citing quotes from Baba’s books and the benefits are two-fold: (a) It will be easier to cross-check and confirm those quotes, and (b) it will prevent the manufacturing and circulation of fake quotes.

Page # also needed for non-English publications

#1: When citing any quote from Sadguru Baba, then the (a) book title, (b) name of the chapter, and (c) page number must be given. So readers can quickly search and confirm the veracity of the quote.

#2: For quotes that are in the English Electronic edition of Baba’s books it is completely different - the chapter name is enough.

Who is the responsible party

#3: The onus lies on the person who circulates the quote. Initially they should provide all the information, and it is their duty to provide further clarification to those readers who request it.

Paving the way for dogma in the name of Baba

#4: Remember, the first step of the ruination of Baba’s teachings occurs when people spread quotes in the name of Baba without fully citing the source of that quote. If this type of loose approach continues then every Tom, Dick, and Harry will start writing their own mental feeling and stick Baba's name as the signature.

#5: By this way, in the name of Baba, little by little, all those dogmas which are condemned by Ananda Marga philosophy like idol worship, caste marriage, and gay marriage will slowly gain traction. Step by step, those bogus quotes will state that these dogmas are very good and approved by Baba. Until ultimately we will wake up one fine morning and read: “Meat-eating is very good for Ananda Margiis - Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.”

#6: Today this may look or sound outlandish but history proves that this is the way distortion happens. For instance, if you pick up Lord Krsna’s teachings you will find that the caste system is appreciated. It was only when Baba clarified this matter that it became clear that Lord Krsna did not appreciate the caste system. Rather Lord Krsna opposed the caste system but devious followers put their dogmatic views in Lord Krsna’s name.

#7: The aforementioned parameters will help greatly in protecting and safeguarding the authenticity of Sadguru Baba’s teachings.


Distributing quotes without a complete and proper citation or reference is a very negative trend. It opens the door for false lines to get printed in Baba's name. And It paves the way for the adulteration of Sadguru Baba's teachings. History bears testimony how the doctrines of various social thinkers, spiritual leaders, and Mahasambhutis have been polluted and destroyed in this way. We should not let this happen with Sadguru Baba’s teachings as well.

In Him,

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When do bad reactions begin

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Sometimes it may happen that a man was a degenerated man. When he was a bad man, he was eating, drinking, and making merry, but as soon as he starts sádhaná, he is to face so many obstacles, so many hardships. He has become good, but be has to undergo so many troubles, so many problems. What is this? Why? Do you follow what I said? Why? The reason is that the pendulum moves. When it starts coming in the opposite side when its upward movement ends and the downward movement starts. The moment he becomes a good boy, becomes a sádhaka, the reaction of his bad actions starts.” (1)

Note: Avidya maya does not harass you for no reason at all. Avidya maya applies the arsenal from the collection of your previously accumulated negative samskaras, which have yet to be requited. Suppose you did some sin or wrongdoing in the past and never faced the reaction of that bad action. In that case, that samskara is still part of the arsenal of avidya maya. And you will have to face that reaction. But in spite of such retaliation if you continue doing your sadhana then avidya maya will walk away and will not bother you anymore due to your sincerity in sadhana. 

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 14, Action and Reaction

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Relation between dog & fox

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The Alsatian dogs are close relatives of foxes.”

“Although a fox belongs to the dog family, its relation with the dog is very remote. In spite of some similarity between a dog and a jackal in appearance, there is a wide gulf of difference in their natures.”

“The dog has been a companion of human beings since ancient times. History tells us that dogs have been of use and continue to be of use to people in different ways in their prosperity as well as in their adversity. In the scriptures, a dog has sometimes been shown respect by presenting it as a symbol of dharma. Of course, there is no dearth of people who are opposed to dogs. In northern India some people say: “Only one who is a dog himself maintains a dog.”” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4: Discourse

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

আমরা আনন্দমার্গেও তো

“এক কালে, এমন ছিল যখন কোনও মানুষ সাধনা বিজ্ঞানে কিছুটা এগিয়ে গিয়ে ছিল,ঈশ্বরীয় তরঙ্গগুলো সংস্পর্শে আসৰার মত আরও কিছু ৰেশী যোগ্যতা অর্জন করেছিল | মানুষ শ্রদ্ধা করে তাদেরও দেব ৰলত | এবং আমরা আনন্দমার্গেও তো ৰলেছি যে সৰাই পদবী হিসাৰে পুরুষরা দেব লিখুন মেয়েরা দেবী লিখুন | কারণ দেব হওয়াটাই তো তার লক্ষ্য | তাই দেব পদবীকে মানুষের আদর্শ সম্যক্‌ রূপে প্রতিভাত হয় |” সম্যক্‌ রূপে উন্মোচিত হয় | (1)

1. MGD 15 February 1981 Krishnanagar