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Friday, September 22, 2023

Six-direction kiirtana + 6 more

Six-direction kiirtana


Kiirtana is an essential aspect of spiritual life. And in our Ananda Marga, numerous types of kiirtan are practiced: general kiirtana, akhanda kiirtana, prahar kiirtana, individual kiirtana, collective kiirtana, pada kiirtana, pa’la’ kiirtana, nagar kiirtan etc. Many are aware about these various kiirtanas. This letter presents the history of a’varta kiirtana and how Baba gradually introduced this spiritual practice to one and all.

When avarta kiirtana was initially given it was not for everyone. In that very initial stage, only those wts selected by Baba for madhura gosthii were practicing avarta kiirtana. When other Wts heard about a’varta kiirtana then naturally they were curious about it and wanted to know how they could also participate in avarta kiirtana. So Baba fulfilled their desire and taught them avarta kiirtana as part of the practice of madhura sadhana. So although all workers were not in madhura gosthii, but every Wt was given the practice of madhura sadhana. And by this way they learned avarta kiirtana.

Note: Madhura sadhana - which includes a’varta kiirtana - is a special practice that Wts do in the midnight hour, generally starting around 11:15pm or so. By this way, all Wts were doing avarta kiirtana – but not family margiis.

Programs full of bhakti

When family margiis heard about avarta kiirtana then naturally they too were curious about it and wanted to know how they could also participate in avarta kiirtana.

In the next stage, Baba opened the practice of a’varta kiirtana to every Ananda Margii. In January 1982 DMC, Baba told that all can participate in avarta kiirtana – day or night, wt or family person. Baba verily gave all the instructions and that day – in the DMC pandal – everyone was blessed to participate in avarta kiirtana. And since that very occasion, all have been encouraged to do a’varta kiirtana whenever possible, such as at dharmacakra etc.

So Baba fulfilled their desire and taught them avarta kiirtana as part of the practice in general kirtan. Actually, in that historic morning general darshan of 31st December, Sadguru Baba blessed humanity in the form of two programs full of bhakti: First, family persons were bestowed the practice of avarta kiirtana; and second, females were blessed with the opportunity to start dancing kiirtana during collective DMC etc.

A’varta kiirtana: done in six directions

Baba gave that avarta kiirtana is to be done in the six directions: 4 directions and then up and down - making a total of six directions. He also gave the guideline to change the tune of the kiirtana for each direction.

Since then avarta kiirtana has been done at almost every Ananda Marga gathering. And Baba has given specific guidelines regarding the practice of a’varta kiirtana:
(a) In general, when doing kiirtana alone then the mind is kept in ajina cakra.
(b) During collective kiirtana the mind should be kept at the sahasrara cakra.
(c) As a reminder, the person leading the collective kiirtana will announce to all those present to keep the mind at the sahasrara cakra. Everyone should follow accordingly.

When doing kiirtana, one should keep the eyes closed and ideate. Opening the eyes is not a proper approach - that is fake kiirtana. When the eyes are open the mind will wander hither and thither. Real kiirtana means closing the eyes and introverting the mind where one loses all sense of their surroundings. By this way one will feel that in kiirtana there are only two entities - me and my Parama Purusa. There is no one else. By this way one will not have any shyness in dancing kiirtana.

So avarta kiirtana is very good for spiritual progress and it brings the sweet vibration of Parama Purusa in the mind. As we all know, in our day to day lives bhakti is very important and avarta kiirtana is a great spiritual practice - as a practitioner can focus exclusively on Him. In contrast, during akhanda kiirtana one has to constantly walk around the puja table and that type of circling disturbs one’s concentration since one has to be aware of their external surroundings etc. So a’varta kiirtana is more serene and soft and gives a more sentient feeling.

Surely all can remember when Baba used to sit on the dais, or in reporting, or any BP meeting etc, then in His presence so many times this special type of avarta kiirtana was done. And Baba was showering His grace. Indeed with that divine force everyone’s mind was ensconced in Parama Purusa.

Three benefits of avarta kiirtana

Among the many positive aspects of a’varta kiirtana, we can say there are three broad-based, important benefits.

#1: Those practicing during daytime will gain spiritual energy and the quality of their sadhana will be enhanced.

#2: Those practicing at night, i.e. between 11:45 PM to 12:15 AM will go to sleep with a distinctly positive mindset. Bad dreams and nightmares will be wiped away and the mind will be easily goaded to mantra japa throughout the night. Plus, sleeping disorders like insomnia will fall by the wayside. Upon waking in the morning one will feel fresh and spiritually vibrated.

#3: Most importantly, those practicing avarta kiirtana at night, i.e. between 11:45 PM to 12:15 AM will develop a family relation with Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa will not remain like the star of distant sky for such bhaktas. He will become more familial like a father, mother, or even very intimate one.

Here again, to enhance the practice of avarta kiirtana, when doing collectively the mind should remain at the sahasrara cakra. And when practicing individually the system is to keep the mind either in the ajina cakra or the sahasrara cakra.

Affectionate children of the Supreme

We should remember the importance of spirituality and this a’varta kiirtana is a good medium to practice in our day to day life to develop a more direct link with Parama Purusa - and have His grace. This is the very easy way to have closeness with Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology states “Kiirtana will always remind you that you are the affectionate children of the Supreme. In kiirtana, there is no restriction regarding time, place or person, no distinction between educated and uneducated, between black and white. So do kiirtana, sing kiirtana, chant kiirtana whenever and wherever possible.” (1)

So let's come and do a’varta kiirtana.

In Him,

1. Kiirtana is Panacea, 1982

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to overcome common social discord

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In Europe Latin scholars tried their best to suppress other languages. The Arabic scholars of the Middle East wanted to suppress Persian. And in recent years the people of Wales and Quebec in Canada have protested against the imposition of the English language. They preferred to use their own languages as the medium of expression. In modern India, too, due to selfish political influences, important languages such as Bhojpurii, Maethilii, Mágadhii, Chattrisgaŕhii, Avadhii, Bunddkháńd́ii and Marwarii are being suppressed. Their speakers will certainly not accept this silently, but will surely protect against this unjust domination. Recently there was an open revolt against the imposition of Hindi as the national language of India. That’s why, it is better to bring people speaking different languages closer to one another than to suppress their languages. As a result, people will feel inspired to speak other languages. The arbitrary imposition of any language invites trouble.” (1)

Religions are the cause of mayhem

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “There are a variety of religions in the world formulated by different propounders. But instead of enhancing the spirit of unity in the human society, these religions have actually increased disunity and mutual conflict. How many wars have been fought in the name of religion? So, far from being a unifying force, religion should be seen as a cause of disharmony.”

“One thing should be remembered: Dharma and religion – or “Imán” and “majhab” in Arabic – are not synonymous. Throughout the ages, Dharma or Imán has been propagating teachings to unite humanity. Religions are many, but Dharma is one, and that Dharma is Manava [[Human]] Dharma – a system for the attainment of the Supreme. Based on practical wisdom and logical faith, Dharma is a rational approach for the realization of Absolute Truth. External paraphernalia are not required for the practice of Dharma: the only prerequisite is a unit mind. Within Dharma there is no room for exploiting people entrapped in the snare of blind faith, and no scope for self-aggrandisement or the pursuit of group interests. Love, freedom and equality are its foundation stones. As Dharma is beyond time, space and person, there is no scope for Svajátiiya [[differences within a species]], Vijátiiya [[differences between species]] or Svagata [[differences within the same unit being]]. Dharma is inchangeable.”

“Eka eva suhrd dharma nidhane’pyanuyáti yah.”

[Dharma is the only real friend; it follows one even after death]

“Religion is the exact opposite. It is based on the following three factors:

1. Psycho-sentiment
2. Physico-ritualistic observance
3. Tradition” (2)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
2. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Strong maneuver to overcome capitalism

Prout philosophy states, "Though the humanistic approach works in some cases, in most instances it does not produce any result; and even where it does work, it takes a very long time. So, wherever necessary, capitalism must be forced to abandon its ferocious hunger by taking strong measures. But it cannot be assumed that even these measures will be completely successful, because those who appear to be under control due to fear of the law will adopt other ways to fulfil their desires. Black marketing, adulteration, etc., cannot be totally eradicated by threats or by arousing fear of the law. Thus, stronger measures will have to be taken; that is, tremendous circumstantial pressure will have to be created. To create this sort of circumstantial pressure, the application of force is absolutely necessary." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #2

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: Whose misunderstanding

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who believe in the equal distribution of the world’s wealth, naively underestimate the power of moha vrtti. The human mind can be sublimated only by spiritual ideation, not by any high-sounding philosophy. This utopian idea has proved ineffective in the past and in the present and will continue to prove so in the future." (1)

They missed the point about infatuation vrtii

Answer: In His above teaching, Baba is indirectly referring to communist leaders. They underestimated moha vrtii with regards to the people’s attachment for their land or wealth. Those communist leaders were fascinated with their own philosophy and could not understand that the common folk would not like giving up their land or wealth. So when their land or wealth was taken from them, the farming suffered. Not enough food was produced; and the end result was widespread starvation and strife. The root cause of the problem was that those communists failed to take into consideration moha vrtti. Forcibly taking the people’s land or wealth set off this entire negative chain of events.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Quiz: which land is Baba talking about

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Any society which accepts inequality, which wants to perpetuate that inequality by spreading false logic, is not a society worthy of the name. The standard-bearers of such false logic masquerade in the garb of righteousness and try to convince the downtrodden members of society that their economic deprivations – their humiliations, their scarcity of food, clothing and medicine, their exposure to the extremes of heat and cold – are decreed by fate, as inevitable reactions to their past actions.”
   “Some time ago I heard a millionaire speak at a meeting. He was arguing that in modern society the karmaváda [doctrine of action and reaction of the Giitá] should be more widely propagated, because he thought that if people could understand this doctrine of action properly, the countless shrivelled-up human beings languishing in the dustbins of society would no longer blame the capitalists for their miserable condition. They would accept their misfortune with equanimity. Just imagine what a dangerous idea this is! What a wonderful capitalistic argument! Perhaps some academic stooge on the payroll of these self-seeking capitalists may even try to concoct a philosophy to support this proposition. God save humanity from such perverted philosophies!”
   “People's physical longings are not satisfied until they come in contact with a truly great ideology. Till then, people's wolf-like hunger is insatiable, as if they are incessantly repeating, “I am hungry, I am hungry.” Their jaws are always open, and the foolish people of this world resign themselves to their own fatalistic beliefs and fall into them. The ferocious wolf-pack devours their flesh and blood and casts away the unpalatable bones. Should we support this wolfish philosophy? The day-labourers, porters and gate-keepers around us who wear dirty rags and have fatigue etched on their faces are not considered human by those who are rolling in luxury.” (1)

Answer: In the above teachings Sadguru Baba is referring to India and the misuse of Lord Krsna’s teachings.

1. Human Society -1, Social Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==
Cannot pardon such persons

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who perpetrate atrocities on collective life or on a particular human group, cannot be pardoned. In such cases pardoning not only reflects weakness, it also encourages injustice, because the oppressors become more tyrannical. In individual life, if an innocent person is oppressed by dishonest people, the person, if he or she so desires, may pardon the oppressors, just to test his or her capacity for tolerance or for some other reason. But if the oppressors  torture a human group, in that case no single individual, as the representative of the group, can pardon them, and actually that person has no right to do so. If the representative acts beyond his or her jurisdiction, that person will be denounced by the group he or she represents. So it has to be said that pardoning is a practice for individual life only, not for collective life.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day #17

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

उनका मन्दिर 

“तो, ये जो रुद्र हैं, ये रुद्र, ये जो नियन्ता हैं, ये एक हैं या अनेक हैं ?

[मार्गी—“एक हैं, बाबा |”]

एक हैं | क्यों ?  जितना मन्दिर देखोगे हज़ार-हज़ार, लाख-लाख; क्या controller उतने हैं ? नहीं | एक ही हैं | और, दुनिया में इस तरह की इतनी विशाल जगह कहीं भी नहीं मिलेगी, जहाँ उनके लिए हम मन्दिर बना सकें | मन्दिर बनाने से देवता बड़ा होता है, न मन्दिर बड़ा होता है ? बोलो, उत्तर दो !

[मार्गी लोग—"मन्दिर |"]

मन्दिर बड़ा हो जाता है | क्योंकि मन्दिर के अन्दर देवता हैं | तो, तब मन्दिर उनसे बड़ा है | तो, परमपुरुष हैं अनन्त | तो, उनका मन्दिर अनन्त से भी कुछ बड़ा होना चाहिए |

[मार्गी लोग—हँसी |]

अनन्त से बड़ा, कुछ नहीं हो सकता है | इसलिए उनके लिए मन्दिर बनाना सबसे बड़ी क्या ? निर्बुद्धिता है | पैसे को पानी में डालना; और कुछ नहीं |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. अप्रकाशित, हिन्दी, MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मैंने अपना बहुत समय इस धरती पर, बार बार जन्म और मरण में, आने जाने में,  नष्ट कर दिया

प्रभात संगीत 1028 तोमाके बुद्धिबले, बोलो के वा पाबे, बुद्धि तोमार कृपाय सबे लभे....

(जो मन लगाकर साधना का 6th पाठ नहीं करता, वह यह प्रभात संगीत नहीं समझ सकता )


हे परम पुरुष बाबा! अपनी बुद्धि के द्वारा कोई तुम्हें कैसे पा सकता है? कोई भी अपनी बुद्धि से तुम्हें नहीं पा सकता। सभी तुम से ही बुद्धि प्राप्त करते हैं।

बाबा, भूतकाल में मैंने अपनी तुच्छ बुद्धि के आधार पर, अपना बहुत समय इस धरती पर, बार बार जन्म और मरण में, आने जाने में,  नष्ट कर दिया । मैंने  सोचा  कि मैं अपनी बुद्धि से सब कुछ (अर्थात् परमपुरुष) को पा लूंगा । बहुत प्रयास करने पर भी मैं असफल ही रहा ,हर  कदम पर मुझे अपनी मूर्खता और अज्ञानता का ही अनुभव हुआ। हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारी कृपा से आज मुझे यह समझ में आया है कि तुम ही इस ब्रह्माॅंड के निचोड़ हो। तुम बुद्धि की सीमाओं में नहीं पाये जा सकतेे।

हे परमपुरुष! पूर्व में, मैंने आडम्बर कर ऊंची-ऊंची बातें करके, अपनी कमजोरियों को छिपाना चाहा । और इस प्रकार अपना पतन कर डाला।  हे परमपुरुष , हे बाबा! आज तुम्हारी कृपा से संवित (आध्यात्मिक जागृति) जाग गयी है, और तुम्हारी कृपा से ही इतना समझ में आ गया है कि--विना तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा के, कुछ नहीं हो सकता है।  और, तुम्हारी कृपा होने से असंभव भी संभव हो  जाता है। हे मेरे प्रभु ! मैंने अपने ऊपर बरस रही तुम्हारी अहैतुकी कृपा का अनुभव कर लिया है । मैं विनम्रता पूर्वक अपने आपको तुम्हारे दिव्य चरण कमलों में समर्पित करता हूँ ।

“संवित का अर्थ है, आध्यात्मिक चेतना, आध्यात्मिक जागरूकता। बुरे कामों में लगा कोई व्यक्ति अचानक अनुभव करता है कि ‘‘नहीं ! मुझे यह काम नहीं करना चाहिये, अभी से मुझे अच्छा आदमी बनना है,” इस प्रकार का विचार उसके मन में अचानक ही आता है। और इस प्रकार का मानसिक परिवर्तन विद्यामाया की संवित शक्ति के द्वारा होता है।

इसे संवित शक्ति कहते हैं, ... “नहीं! इसी समय से मैं अच्छा आदमी बनूंगा...इसी समय से आध्यात्मिक बनूंगा.... मुझे किसी पतनोन्मुख विचार को प्रश्रय नहीं देना चाहिये।”  संवितशक्ति‘‘ (1)

1. आनन्दवचनामृतम् 33, ब्रह्मचक्र

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

অতিদম্ভের ফলে

“পরমপুরুষ শক্তি দিয়েছেন, কাজে লাগাৰার জন্য | বিদ্বানের বিদ্যা, ৰলবানের ৰল, ৰুদ্ধিমানের ৰুদ্ধি, এগুলো দেওয়া হয়েছে পুংজী করে রাখৰার জন্য নয়; কাজে লাগাৰার জন্য | যে মানুষ তা লাগায় না, সে ঈশ্বরের কাছ থেকে কোনও কিছু চাইৰার অধিকার রাখে না | আর যে মানুষ অপব্যবহার করে, অপব্যবহার করার ফলে, জগতের তো ক্ষতি হয়েই, তার শক্তিও এক দিন শেষ হয়ে যায় | তোমরা চাক্ষুস্‌ দেখেছ, অতীতে কোনও একটি শক্তি, অতিদম্ভের ফলে ভেবে ছিল যে সৰ কিছু সে করতে পারে | আনন্দমার্গের উপর অকথ্য নির্য়াতন হয়েছিল | কিন্তু সেই নির্য়াতন সহ্য করেও আনন্দমার্গ মাথা তুলে দাঁড়িয়েছে |

[“ৰাৰা, ৰাৰা, ৰাৰা !”] (1)

1. Abhi4-11 Egiye Cala'i Ma'nus'er Dharma

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