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Friday, January 26, 2024

Roaming mind + 5 more

Roaming mind


Many desires make sadhana impossible: The basic rule is that when a person has too many desires – i.e. more than one desire – then one cannot be successful in sadhana. Then sadhana is impossible. Sadhana becomes just a distant dream as the mind roams from one worldly longing to the next. The way to get Parama Purusa is to harbour only one single desire – Him. Then sadhana is easy.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Parama Purus’a or the Supreme Entity can only be realized...when one has a one-pointed desire to realize Him. There is no other way. Without exclusive devotion to Parama Purus’a nothing can be attained…To attain Him one must cultivate one-pointed devotion for Him." (1)

If one’s mind is full of all kinds of desires – "I want wealth"; "I want prestige"; "I want name and fame"; "I want this"; "I want that"; – then when one sits for sadhana, all those ideas will flood the mind, not the idea of Parama Purusa. In that case, their sadhana will not go far – one will not get Parama Purusa.

Unfortunately, due to materialism and all the worldly allurements and attractions that come with it, many who try to practice meditation cannot get success. However, one should not lose hope nor think that sadhana is beyond their reach. Only one should be aware about this stumbling block. Once the problem has been identified then it can be removed as well. And verily Baba has given the solution so that all can get success and attain Him in sadhana.

Ask for parabhakti

Here again, the main idea is that a sadhaka’s longing (a'kuti) should be singular in nature. One should think in the very core of their heart: "I want Parama Purusa and Him alone."

At times this may seem impossible, but Baba has given us many ways to achieve this spiritual stance of bhakti. First, one should request Him: "O Parama Purusa, please attract me towards You, please grant me the highest bhakti – parabhakti – so that I may reach You."

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You should say, "O Parama Purus’a, give me para’bhakti"." (2)

All other desires in life are subsidiary or secondary desires. The only true desire one should have in life is to serve and please Him. When that desire is cultivated, all other desires will fade away. By His grace, when that desire for Him is set in the mind – other desires wane – then one will be pointed toward Parama Purusa in sadhana. In that case, when one places a sincere request before Him, i.e. when one asks for parabhakti, then surely Parama Purusa will help, then Parama Purusa is sure to shower His grace.

If one’s mind is full of all kinds of desires – “I want wealth”; “I want prestige”; “I want name and fame”;”I want this”; “I want that”; – then when one sits for sadhana, all those ideas will flood the mind, not the idea of Parama Purusa. In that case, their sadhana will not go far – one will not get Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Parama Purus’a or the Supreme Entity can only be realized…when one has a one-pointed desire to realize Him. There is no other way. Without exclusive devotion to Parama Purus’a nothing can be attained…To attain Him one must cultivate one-pointed devotion for Him.” (3)

Multi-purpose vs. uni-purpose

Here is one central difference between Parama Purusa and human beings. Human beings are multi-purpose in nature and unilateral in approach whereas Parama Purusa is uni-purpose in nature and multilateral in approach. The question then is what does this mean? It means that human beings have countless desires (multi-purpose) but can only do one thing at a time (unilateral), whereas Parama Purusa has one desire (uni-purpose) – i.e. universal welfare – and can do infinite works at a time (multilateral).

Because of this basic human limitation, people often dream of getting so many things – money, prestige, name, fame etc – but in the end they can do nothing – neither in the worldly nor spiritual spheres. Drowned in all those desires, they cannot apply themselves properly toward any particular goal. To achieve anything, one’s desire must be singular in nature. If one harbours multiple desires then they will be unfocused, i.e. diffuse. Those unaware about this fact cannot develop or grow properly, and they end up misusing their life and wasting their time on this earth. Such people aimlessly run around senselessly after one desire or another.


As human beings, our strength and ability is limited but when we approach Him with a pure heart, then certainly He will be gracious.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "To overcome their imperfection and establish themselves in the higher stratum, they will have to seek strength from Parama Purus’a, they will have to approach Parama Purus’a with these words: "Parama Purus’a, I want to move towards you, but I do not have sufficient strength to move. Please give me strength, I want to move on." (4)

By His grace, when one goads all their desires towards Him, the mind will be focused in sadhana. And they will attain the Supreme Rank. 

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

One should run after anandam

The way out of this myriad is to strive for what is permanent - i.e. Parama Purusa. He must become the only Goal in life. To run after all the glitz and glamour of this transitory world – getting something only to lose something else – is no way to live on this earth. Yet most do like this. We see this every day. A person buys a fancy item and they break it or lose interest in it and end of desiring something else. In this way, life spins in a multitude of directions – desiring, getting, and then losing again. Such an approach is sheer blindness. Just one is intoxicated in the spell of materialism etc.

The situation can be likened to rowing a boat toward a moving target. The position is always shifting and one will not reach anywhere. Just one will go here and there, yet end up nowhere. The goal will not be reached because the goal itself is something elusive, transitory. Such is the case with mundane allurements as well. People run after an array of sparkly objects, yet that will lead them nowhere. In the end, they will have nothing. Because those things are not permanent. The only answer then is spirituality: To strive to attain Parama Purusa.

Skillfully transform passion into love

Even then, any sadhaka may wonder, "How can I only cultivate the desire to get Parama Purusa when I have so many worldly obligations." Here Baba gives the solution.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "The attachment for a finite thing is an expression of extroverted energy, whereas the attraction for the Infinite is an expression of the introverted energy. That is why these two can never co-exist. Therefore the aspirant has to skillfully to transform passion into love. Do you love your son? No, no you don’t love your son. You love Brahma in the form of your son. By loving your son as a son, you cannot love the Lord. Where there is the feeling of son, there is no Lord and where there is the Lord, there is no son. Where you exist He does not and where He exists you are no more." (5)

Thus when plunged in mundane problems and worldly responsibilities and when one has many things to attend to, then the sadhaka must think this all belongs to Parama Purusa. My son is not my son; my home is not my house. Everything is a manifestation of the Supreme. In that way, an aspirant can attend to a wide array of responsibilities and duties, yet still cultivate the sole desire of getting Him and Him alone. Then the desire is only one.

Fix mind on the goal

The chief limitation of the human mind is that it can focus on one thing at one time. Rather than be swayed by the passing fancies of this mundane world, one must focus the mind on the Supreme Goal. With that pointed mind one's sadhana will be successful, by His grace.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “When Lord Buddha first sat in contemplation, his goal was not fixed. There was doubt and confusion in his mind. He was not certain of what he wanted. And so, whatever he wanted, he was not certain of getting it. But later, when Buddha sat in contemplation...he took a complete saḿkalpa. He fixed his goal and made a firm determination to achieve it. He resolved that he would not get up from his contemplation until he attained spiritual realization, even if his body perished. Then he succeeded in attaining his goal. The firmness of a person’s resolve makes him great. However lowly a person may be, he can become great by his determination. If you have a firm resolve to realize your goal, you shall become great. Without a firm resolution, you cannot achieve anything.” (6)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 10, Ideation on Brahma
2. Subhasita Samgraha – 24, Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Puruśa
3. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life – 10, Ideation on Brahma
4. Subhasita Samgraha – 18, The Path unto the Abode of Beatitude
5. Subhasita Samgraha – 1, Bhaktitattva
6. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 1, Be Firm

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

O’ Taraka Brahma

“Rúper májháre tomáre peyechi, rúpátiita ogo cinmaya, tumi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0562)


O’ Formless One, I have found You in the glorious form of Taraka Brahma, the Entity that bridges the manifested and unmanifested universe. O’ Cognition Personified, You are the very essence of everything, visible and invisible. O’ Manomaya, You are bhávátiita; You are beyond all thought and ideation. By Your grace alone, I have seen and held You in deep meditation.
Baba, the waves of the ocean splash over Your rosy feet. My mental offerings are being decorated beneath Your altar forever. O' Álokmaya, You were, You are, and You will remain forever as infinite refulgence.

When the earth gets infused with the spring season, and when the earth is covered with colourful flowers everywhere, or when the cool, crisp breeze of autumn makes the distant sky dance with Your divine play, O’ Glorified Entity, in that grand ambience, You are ever-present in the center as the nucleus. You are the cause behind each and every expression. You remain ever-glorified amidst all; You are both within and without each and every entity…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why no world govt? Leaders want their jobs

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The more time is passing by, the more the glare of casteism, provincialism, communalism and nationalism is fading away. The human beings of today must understand that in the near future they will definitely have to accept universalism. So those who seek to promote social welfare will have to mobilize all their vitality and intellect in the endeavour to establish a world organization, abandoning all plans to form communal or national organizations. They will have to engage themselves in constructive activities in a straight-forward manner, instead of resorting to duplicity and deceitfulness."
   "Many people say that divergent national interests are the only impediments to the formation of a world organization, or a world government. But I say this is not the only obstacle, rather it is just a minor impediment. The main obstacle is the apprehension of local leaders that they will lose their leadership. With the establishment of a world government, the total domination which they exercise today in their respective countries, societies and nations will cease to exist." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #19

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

क्यों जी ? न, तुम तो परमपुरुष से उत्पन्न हुए हो

Ananda Marga ideology says, "जो साधक हैं, जो पक्के साधक हैं, उनके लिए जीवन में ऐसी परिस्थिति नहीं आ सकती है जिसमें उन्हें घबड़ाना पड़े | [मार्गी लोग---"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"] और, सिर्फ़ इतना ही नहीं, एक साधक के लिए समूचा विश्वब्रह्माण्ड में ऐसी जगह नहीं है जहाँ उन्हें डरना पड़े | क्यों जी ? न, तुम तो परमपुरुष से उत्पन्न हुए हो | परमपुरुष में स्थित हो, और आख़िर तक परमपुरुष तुम्हारी परागति हैं | परमपुरुष जब साथ हैं, तो तुम इस छोटी-सी दुनिया से डरोगे क्यों ? डरने की कोई बात नहीं है | तुम उनके प्यारे बेटे हो, तुम उनकी प्यारी बेटी हो | तुम किससे डरोगी, तुम किससे डरोगे ? डर नाम की कोई वस्तु तुम्हारे अभिधान में, तुम्हारे dictionary में नहीं रहना चाहिए |" (1) (कः पन्थाः,Kah Pantháh-2, S14-5(H),DMC 20 November 1979 Hisar)

1. कः पन्थाः,Kah Pantháh-2, S14-5(H),DMC 20 November 1979 Hisar

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Kill the one coming to kill you

Suppose you are living in a remote village where the police are not available, and in the dark of night criminals try to kidnap your teenage daughter, or plot to kill you and loot all your property. In that case follow, Baba's below guideline from Senior Acarya Diary:

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It depends upon the law of the land as to what the courts will decide. That varies from country to country. But, regardless of that what the law states, according to bhagavad dharma, killing the person who has come to kill you is not a sin. 

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हम साधकलोग ऊंच-नीच, धनी-गरीब ,छोटे बडे़, छूत अछूत,
अथवा पापी और पुण्यात्मा में भेद नहीं करते, सब समान

प्रभात संगीत 3821 तुमाकेइ भालो बासी आमरा ....


हे परमपुरुष बाबा!  तुम हमारे सब कुछ हो, हमारे हृदयों के हृदय हो। हम लोग केवल तुम्हें प्रेम करते हैं। बाबा, तुम्हारी कृपा से हम लोग बिना रुके तुम्हारे द्वारा प्रकाशित रास्ते   पर आगे बढ़ते जा रहे हैं, हम लोग उस पथ पर चल रहे हैं जो तुमने कृपा कर हमें दिखाया हैे। हे परम सत्ता! दिन रात हम लोग तुम्हारे गीत गाते और मधुर लय में नाचते हेैं । बाबा! हम लोग हमेशा  तुम्हारे  ही भव्य आदर्श  का प्रचार करते हैं। बाबा! तुमने हमें बनाया है, हम लोग तुम्हारी ही  विचार तरंगों से बने, तुम्हारे ही बंशज हैं , तुम हमारे पिता हो, हमारे इष्ट हो। बाबा, तुम्हारी कृपा से हम लोग केवल तुम्हें ही प्रेम करते हैं।

हे दिव्य सत्ता! तुम्हारी कृपा से हम सबको बराबरी से प्रेम करते हैं,सबका अस्तित्व महत्वपूर्ण है।  हम लोग ऊंच-नीच, धनी-गरीब ,छोटे बडे़, छूत अछूत, अथवा पापी और पुण्यात्मा, विद्वान और निरक्षर या अपढ़, किसी में भी  भेद नहीं करते।  हम सभी एक ही परिवार के सदस्य हैं, सगे संबंधीं हैं। सभी मानवता के अटूट अंग हैं।

हे प्रभु! हे बाबा, हम सब तुम्हारे अमर  प्रेम से बंधे हुए हैं।  हे  प्रभु ! तुम हमेशा  अपनी अनन्त कृपा से   हम सबको अपने  निकट आने के लिये पुकारते हो जिससे  हमारे हृदय तुम्हारी ओर आकर्षित होते हैं , खिंचे चले जाते हैं ।  तुम्हारी कृपासे हम लोग उस पुकार को सुनकर तुम्हारी ओर आते हैं क्योंकि तुम ही हमारे लक्ष्य हो। हमारा प्रत्येक कार्य और सोच तुम्हारी दिव्यता की ओर पहुंचने का होता है। तुम हमारे उद्देश्य  और जीवन के ध्रुव  तारे हो।….

बाबा ! हे सर्वाधिक पूज्य ! हम केवल तुम्हें प्रेम करते हैं, तुम्हीं हमारे लक्ष्य हो। 

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why books which excite people’s sexuality sell extremely well

Ananda Marga philosophy says,"These days Sáhitya Sarasvatii [the goddess of art and learning] is mortgaged to Lakśmii [the goddess of wealth], for the value of the goddess of learning now depends upon the favours of the goddess of wealth. Whatever the quality of the writing, if the publisher is well-established, the book will sell well in the market due to effective advertising. Thus the indigent sáhityika suffers humiliation as he or she cringes at the doors of reputed publishers; and publishers are quick to exploit this situation in their favour. Due to publicity stunts and propaganda, it has become impossible for the common people to know which book is good and which is not." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "There is a flagrant dearth of developed critical literature or critical magazines in every country of the world. Books sell in the market on the strength of publicity skills, or on the strength of how they excite the lower human propensities, or in some cases by their crude ability to provide entertainment for the common masses. That is why we find that books published by the authors themselves, regardless of how good they are, do not sell well in the market. On the other hand, books which excite people’s sexuality, whatever might be their content or language, sell extremely well." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "...Thus sales are not a criterion for judging the superiority of a book. It is therefore a great problem for the readers, purchasers and library directors to select books, and there will be no solution to this problem as long as high-quality critical literature and critical reviews are not available." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature