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Friday, August 18, 2023

Inner message + 3 more

Inner message

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


As Ananda Margiis, we basically view the world according to the eyes of neo-humanism. So our gut-feeling is neo-humanistic; that is our baseline. But not everyone else operates from this perspective. Rather they have their own separate feeling.

Why inner voice varies

Around the globe, people develop their own outlook from their various interactions and institutions: materialism, capitalism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. Their gut-feeling is unlike the gut-feeling of an Ananda Margii. The gut-feeling of any particular person is formed by their imposed samskaras – how they were affected and indoctrinated by the region in which they were raised. One’s gut-feeling has nothing to do with divine intuition, or coming directly from God etc. Gut-feeling is an individual affair based on how they were raised etc. One’s social outlook varies from place to place even within the same social or religious group. Because people’s thoughts are affected by the prevailing philosophy and atmosphere of that region.

For instance, in the US or Europe, when someone sees a lady in a full burqa (head to toe black veil) they will become alarmed and think that person might be a terrorist. But in Saudi Arabia, seeing someone in a burqa is a common daily experience.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Just as individual human beings have their distinctive characteristics, similarly, groups of people brought up in various geographical environments, historical eras, or cultural atmospheres, acquire their own group characteristics, too. Later those characteristics inherent in a particular group get mixed with the internal thoughts and ideas of other groups within a society. This leads to the development of national characteristics. In this way an entire national psychology – its external behaviour, its social outlook, and its philosophy of life – is developed. This process produces different national outlooks which distinguish one nation from another. It is also in this way that different human groups have developed different viewpoints towards life and the world.” (1)

In essence, people are dramatically affected by the vibration and customs of their local area. And that accounts for why a secular person in India is quite different from a secular person in the west; the person in India has grown up in a land where God is everything. That is why even communist leaders in Bengal go to the temple and pray, whereas communist leaders in other countries never do that. Because the prevailing philosophy is the subterranean flow of any given land and that colours one’s mind.

How inner call of Ananda Margiis differs

That also accounts for the dramatic differences amongst Ananda Margiis. We have our stated philosophy, yet margiis are also coloured by their locale. For instance, Ananda Marga ideology does not support the practice of homosexuality. Yet, the gay and lesbian way of life has been wholly embraced by certain pseudo margiis in some sectors because the general society has rallied around that dogma. The margiis became dyed in that colour. Whereas in others sectors the margiis hold firm to our Ananda Marga ideal, partly because homosexuality is not openly supported by the general populace of that region. Hence there is a variance between margiis in different sector because the social climate is vastly different in those lands. That causes pseudo-margiis to stray from Ananda Marga teachings as their own social outlook is different.

Style of kiirtan is done differently

In some sectors, males and females dance kiirtan separately whereas in other sectors, males and females mix themselves up and even brush up against each other during those akhanda kiirtan programs. Even though Ananda Marga ideology preaches the strict separation of the sexes, this facet gets lost in our own kiirtan programs as people in those lands are used to open mingling between the opposite sex. Despite the fact that this variance goes against our Ananda Marga fundamentals, the intermingling of the sexes has been incorporated into kiirtan programs in certain sectors. This all happens because of the way in which they are raised; their gut-feeling is different from Ananda Marga ideology.

And there are so many examples of this variance in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha: how people observe shraddha of the deceased person, marriage making, and groupism. It depends on the issue, and one’s own gut-feeling.

Gut-feeling: not heavenly gift

Baba has delineated everything in His teachings, but some people drift away because their mind has been coloured by the gospel of their own land. In Ananda Marga ideology, we do not believe in pre-marital sex. And in some sectors this is not a difficult custom to uphold whereas in the other areas, dating is a way of life. To some degree this has consumed certain Ananda Margiis as well.

Baba has also given that there should be coordinated cooperation between wholetimers and family people. Yet due to the dogma of sannyasi supremacy in India, the priest supremacy in the Catholic Church, the priestocracy of Buddhism, some margiis from those lands fall prey to this priest-class dogma. In turn, our Wts have curtailed the rights of margiis and squashed the margii side of the organisation. Because the social outlook or gut-feeling of those Wts was tainted by the prevailing ways of their land.

Most commonly people think that gut-feeling is something divine or that gut-feeling comes from a  higher power etc. But the reality is that one’s gut-feeling is coming from their subconscious mind which is formed from one’s life experiences and the way they were raised and educated. So really speaking gut-feeling is something quite ordinary prone to local dogmas and narrow-mindedness. Yet people often think that their gut-feeling is something great and it is related with their third eye, as if those thoughts associated with their gut-feeling are descending down from the heavenly abode.

With strictness in Sixteen Points, this variance can be overcome. To the degree one is lax in Sixteen Points is the degree to which they will drift away from Ananda Marga ideals and be influenced by the prevailing dogmas of their local arena. We should all be most careful in this regard.

Polluted inner call can be cured by AM ideology

There is so much struggle and strife in this world and most of it is caused by one’s limited or defective social outlook. If one’s gut-feeling is changed, then everything is changed. We should be vigilant to spread the ideals of neo-humanism and implement that in our own lives as well.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Human beings should base their lives on an ideology. Those without an ideology do not view the world rationally or benevolently, but view it with the greedy eye of an exploiter. However, those who follow the guiding principles of a radiant ideology, can better view and judge the world. In order to prevent human degradation, ideology is indispensable. The earlier one embraces an ideology, the better it is because first, sufficient time is needed to assimilate the ideology and second, one can never say with certainty how long one will live – many people die in the prime of life.” (2)

The only way to inculcate a truly neo-humanistic perspective is to implement all the teachings of Ananda Marga ideology – and do so as soon as possible. Here again is Baba’s stated guideline.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “One should follow an ideology which encourages the development of a universal outlook. It should not be based on narrow ideas. In the past, ideologies were based on very limited ideas and thus people had to undergo endless troubles. Due to constant fighting between various communities, the human society has suffered tremendously.” (3)

The philosophies of old have led to much bloodshed and continue to mar society today. Only the vast psychic enterprise of neo-humanism can bridge this divide. Only neo-humanism can unite all Ananda Margiis and the whole human society.

It is important to be aware of one’s own gut-feeling. Because one’s gut-feeling is not by definition divine intuition or higher self etc. We should understand that gut-feeling is exclusively related with one’s egoistic feeling. So the key point is to ensure our outlook or gut-feeling is aligned with Ananda Marga teachings, and not any local dogma etc. This takes a most careful and honest review, otherwise we will think we are perfectly following Ananda Marga ideology when in fact our outlook is different in certain fundamental ways. For help on this, we should all consult Ananda Marga scripture, otherwise it is not easy to free oneself from the local trends and one’s own dogmatic gut-feeling.


Generally gut-feeling is the outcome of a dirty or clean subconscious mind. When one’s gut-feeling is aligned with Baba’s teachings on neo-humanism, then the devastation and destruction of the world will be gone and all will wake up in a world governed by peace and prosperity and the desire to serve the Supreme.

One’s gut-feeling is not God-given, nor supreme, nor infallible; one’s gut-feeling or gut-feeling is formed by their surrounding environment / social effect. So the gut-feeling of Ananda Margiis should be exactly the same as Ananda Marga ideology. If it is different then their gut-feeling is polluted and it should be fixed by their sadhana, service, sacrifice.

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 6, Práńa Dharma
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Play of Your melodious flute

“Nandana vane ke go ele…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0580)


O’ Divine Entity, who are You who came in the lush and heavenly garden of my mind and spiritually intoxicated my whole being with the play of Your melodious flute? You filled the gentle breeze with the intoxicating and aromatic fragrance of sandalwood. The sweet scent of sandalwood is even emanating from Your body. Your presence has transformed everything.

Now, because of You, the mystical sound of omnkara resonates incessantly in my mind and heart. Every iota of my  being is vibrated by that subtle and enchanting sound. With the octaves of the seven worlds, You made me dance to the rhythm and melody of the cosmos. It is Your grace.

O’ my Dearmost, my restless heart does not want to leave You ever, rather it wants more and more of Your magnetic closeness. I feel that You are an integral part of my existence. Without You, I cannot survive. O’ Liilá Puruśa, with the divine play of Your Liila, You smeared the nectar of love in my mind and fully captivated my entire being. O’ Supreme Entity, I belong to You and You alone…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Secret to spiritual success

Ananda Marga ideology says, “কৃপা-ভিক্ষা করতে হয় | তিনি কৃপা দিলেন, হয়ে যাৰে | আর আকূতি থাকলে, আন্তরিকতা থাকলে, কৃপা সে পাৰেই | কারণ পরমপুরুষ তো ৰাইরের মানুষ নন, দূরের মানুষ নন | একান্তই আপনার জন | সুতরাং সুখ-দুঃখ, আশা-আকাঙ্ক্ষা আকূতি তিনি ৰুঝৰেন, বৈকি | অণুর থেকে অণু হিসাৰে, যিনি মনের মধ্যে রয়েছেন, মনের কথা তিনি ৰুঝৰেন না তো কে ৰুঝৰে ?” (1)

Here below is an English summary of Baba’s above teaching in Bengali:

In order to become one with Him, what is required is that one must ask for His grace. He is within your mind in the smallest form, so He hears whatever you think. Certainly then your desires, hopes, and aspirations are heard by Him. He is your nearest relative and greater self, so certainly He will fulfill your logical demands.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 16, chapter 4

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What happens to humans who own pets

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "A monkey is a more developed animal than a dog or a cow, but as it does not live with humans, its development - the speed of its development - is less. Dogs and cows, who live with humans have a speedier evolution. A monkey which lives in the proximity of humans also has a speedier development." (1)

Note: But the reverse happens effect happens in the case of humans. Those people who keep such animals as their pets and live around those animals become that animal in their future life. This happens due to deep attachment with that animal and overall lack of Brahmabhava. Baba has given countless demonstrations about this.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Don't Be Misguided

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