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Friday, March 28, 2014

He doesn't Want Any Offering, Other Than Mind

28 March 2014

This email contains three distinct sections:

(1) Prabhat Samgiita #1156

(2) Joke by Baba: Which Came First

(3) Link To Letters on Sensitive Material - News Bulletin

~ Baba ~


~ PS #1156 ~

The following review of Prabhat Samgiita #1156 is comprised of three distinct sections:

(A) Transliteration

(B) Introduction

(C) Line Meaning

(D) End Notes

(E) Special Note on Spelling & Pronunciation

Please be sure to read each section carefully as they build upon each other. Kindly send your suggestions, comments and thoughts.


Ke go tumi ele maneri ma'jhe
A'ka'sh va'ta's toma'ri ra'ge
Spandit hoye meteche na'ce

Kichu ca'o na'ko, kichu bolo na'ko
Kichu dite gele nite ca'o na'ko
Tabu a'chi ja'gi kichu deva'r la'gi, karun'a'ghan a'nkhi bhuleo na' ja'ce

Kichu ca'o na'ko a'ma'r ka'ch theke
Bujhi va' ca'o tumi a'ma'r "a'mi"-ke
Bha'losba'siya'chi manete metechi saba dite man taeriia'che


This song expresses the mentality of a sadhaka when Parama Purusa comes in a new and more loving manner. When devotees do dhyana and Parama Purusa appears in the mind, sometimes bhaktas experience Him in a new and different way - in a closer more intimate relation. This song reflects the devotional feeling of a sadhaka when their relation with Parama Purusa becomes more intimate. For instance, suppose a sadhaka was in sakhya bhava, or friend relation. And then one day, in their dhyana they experienced the coming of Parama Purusa in a new way; their proximity with Him increased and their relation changed from sakhya bhava to dasya bhava (Master-servant relation) or madhura bhava (lover). That new and heightened devotional feeling is what is being expressed in this song.


O' Divine Entity, who are You [1] who has appeared in my mind? In Your tune, the sky and air are dancing in divine ecstasy. [2]

O' my Lord, You do not want anything, nor do You say anything. When I offer You something, You do not want to accept it. In spite of that, I remain awake, ever-ready to give You something. But, even by mistake, Your compassionate eyes never ask for anything.

Baba, You ask nothing of me. By Your grace, I understand that You are not satisfied with small things. You want my "I-feeling", my mind - everything. Baba, I have loved You. By Your grace, my mind is spiritually vibrated; it is now ready to surrender everything unto Your lotus feet.

O' Divine Entity, please accept my sastaunga pranam and unconditional surrender...


[1] Who are You (ke go tumi): A person asks "Who are you?" when they are not fully aware about someone. So they ask, "Who are you?", in order to get more information about that person. But this question can also be raised if you know the person but are not completely familiar with the way they are behaving or relating with you. That is the case in the above Prabhat Samgiita. The sadhaka knows that it is the Divine Entity Baba, but asks "Who are You", because Baba is presenting Himself in a new and more intimate way.

[2] Last Word of the First Stanza: In the 1998 edition of the Bangla Prabhat Samgiita book, the final word of the last stanza is na'ce, meaning "dances". That seems to be the correct word. In past editions of the Bangla book, the last word of the first stanza was  ta'ha'te and in the recorded version of this song, the word ta'ha'te is sung. Because most of those audio recordings were made prior to 1998; hence they sang the song according to the lyrics printed in the older books. Ultimately, I cannot definitively say that na'ce is absolutely, positively the correct term. This could be a typo in the 1998 edition of the Bangla book. But most probably, the 1998 book is the proper version. At the very beginning of the book, the publishers noted that many updates were made in this edition to correct past mistakes. That most likely explains why the word na'ce is used in this text.

Here the song has been written using the phonetic spelling. We think that will be the most conducive way for the most readers to get the proper pronunciation.

For instance, take the English words "know" or "knowledge". Without having first memorized the pronunciation, people will pronounce those words as "Ka-now" or "Kay-Now" and "Kay-Now-La-Di-Ge",respectively. Simply sounding out the letters will not produce the desired result. Because in the English language, spelling and pronunciation must be memorized. Otherwise it is not possible to pronounce words properly.

Same is the case with Bengali.

For example, in the first line of the above song #1156, the actual spelling of the word bolo (2nd stanza, 1st line, 5th word) is bala. But unless one knows Bangla, they will mispronounce it. Hence we have given the phonetic spelling, bolo. By this way even new readers will be able to pronounce the words correctly when listening to and singing the song.

With this phonetic spelling, readers will get the right pronunciation. Another example is the last word of the second stanza: ja'ce. The actual spelling is ya'ce, but many will mispronounce it if it is spelled in that manner - hence the spelling ja'ce. Indeed there are many such examples.

Only native Bengali speakers - or those extremely fluent in Bangla - will pronounce all the words correctly. Yet everyone wishes to listen to and sing Prabhat Samgiita and enjoy the song. If the lyrics are written in a technical manner then people will not be able to pronounce all the words properly. Hence it is written phonetically.

With regards to the repetition of certain lines when the song is sung, while listening to the song you will just have to be alert and adjust accordingly as all the original lines are present.
Varabhaya Deva

== Next Section ==




Good article. (see link below)

Is there a translation of the Hindi discourse you cited from1968 wherein Baba explained how the first human being was born? (Eds: Yes, and that will be posted in the near future.)

On a more lighter note, perhaps you heard or read one of Baba's jokes about which came first, the chicken or the egg? If I may paraphrase, Baba asked if we believed in God above? Those present said yes, Baba. Then He said that God created the chicken first so it could fly down to the earth and lay the egg. He continued saying that if God above created the egg first it would have fallen to the earth and become broken!

Baba is very funny, don't you think?


Note: Link To Initial Letter on This Topic

== Next Section ==


If you would like to read letters on sensitive material from the New Bulletin Blog
then kindly click on the below link(s)...

Here are two recent posts:
(a) Pseudo-Didis & (b) Sinking Purodha

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Women and Exploitation

25 March 2014

This letter contains 3 parts:
(1) Posting: Women and Exploitation
(2) Posting: Samaj, PSS, PBI
(3) Prabhat Samgiita #4857

~ Baba

Women & Exploitation

Exploitation of Women in Advertising

Advertising is everywhere: the average American consumer sees over 3,000 commercials messages each day. In many of these messages women are depicted as sexual objects.

Here is what an expert says:

Carol Moog Ph.D., a practicing psychologist and consultant to multiple advertisers wrote a book called “Are They Selling Her Lips” in 1990. Her book takes a focused look at the psychological effects of ads, what they say, what they actually mean, and how consumers react to them. She describes an ad for Chanel lipstick that is very disturbing. “Some of the most pervasive, persuasive, sexual imagery in advertising is more symbolic than blatant, although the connotations are far from subtle. The ad for Chanel lipstick by Doyle Dane Bern Bach (Milan) shows a women with her upturned , open mouth grasping a tube of the product between her teeth. The red lipstick is fully extended, her eyes are closed, and her face shows pleasure. The image is visually arresting, clearly evocative of fellatio, and symbolically links the cosmetic with the promise of sexual allure”.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so the saying goes, but who feeds the beholder’s view of desirability? I believe the language of advertising over the past few decades has reinforced the notion that the ideal female is white, thin, sexily clad, and above all, submissive. Everybody struggles to develop a sense of security, a sense of personal identity. But most of us end up constantly glancing around to see if we measure up to those around us – and that includes supercharged media models. We hate ourselves for it, especially if we can see exactly what buttons the advertisers are pushing, but many of us buy into the images just enough to wish we could do it all … could be that thin or that rich, or that happy or that confident. And then telling ourselves that we‘re not affected by advertising, we find ourselves shelling out for the product.

Do you let advertisements affect your sense of self-worth? (Courtesy of CSUN Edu)

The Internet

When we talk about the exploitation of women and the use of the Internet we are not merely speaking of Internet porn. The exploitation of women via the Internet holds a host of threats to women and children. The following definition of sexual exploitation is offered by Donna Hughes, a well-known researcher in the area of Women’s Studies and woman’s advocate from the University of Rhode Island, she claims:

“A practice by which a person achieves sexual gratification, financial gain or advancement through the abuse or exploitation of a person’s sexuality by abrogating that person’s human right to dignity, equality, autonomy, and physical and mental well-being; i.e. trafficking, prostitution, prostitution tourism, mail-order-bride trade, pornography, stripping, battering, incest, rape and sexual harassment. Sexual exploitation preys on women and children made vulnerable by poverty and economic development policies and practices; refugee and displaced persons; and on women in the migrating process. Sexual exploitation eroticizes women’s inequality and is a vehicle for racism and “first world” domination, disproportionately victimizing minority and “third world” women. Sexual exploitation violates the human rights of anyone subjected to it, whether female or male, adult or child, Northern or Southern.”

As you can see many forms of exploitation can be manifested via the Internet; i.e. trafficking, prostitution, prostitution tourism, mail-order-bride trade, pornography, and stripping. A recently new phenomenon, Cyberstalking, is becoming more frequent and is another way that the Internet allows for the exploitation of women. In a national survey of college women during the 1996-97 academic years, 13% were stalked and 25% of those incidences reportedly involved cyberstalking. (Courtesy of CSUN Edu)

Television and Sexual Exploitation

Website making plastic surgery fun!

The sexual exploitation of women happens everywhere in our society. It has especially taken a turn for the worst with regard to TV programs. There is a new trend in TV shows, plastic surgery. Some of the shows include The Swan, Extreme Makeover and I Want a Famous Face. Each of these shows are a little different but have the same premise; plastic surgery will fix your problems in your life and make you happy. This premise is completely wrong and it is wrong to portray that your physical image is what makes you happy.

The swan is a show based on turning “ugly ducklings” into swans to win a beauty pageant. Wow, where do you start? Just calling these women “ugly ducklings” (this is the terminology the TV show used) is oppressing. Not only are they giving them plastic surgery to feel better about themselves but then they make them compete against each other. These women do not only go through plastic surgery, they have cosmetic dentistry, a professional stylist, makeup artist and trainer.

The show starts with 16 women and each week they pit two women against each other to see which one looks the best after their makeover and that woman gets to continue onto the pageant. Then the 8 women who make it to the pageant compete in events such as swimsuit, revealing photo shoot and of course lingerie. But to make the competition even worse the women’s kids are sitting in the audience watching their moms being sexually exploited. I really wonder how the judges can determine a woman’s inner beauty and intelligence by having them wear lingerie.

Teen girls are the ones who are watching these shows and this is the age where they are building their self-esteem and finding out who they really are. Seeing this sexual exploitation of women on TV and having the message that you have to be perfect physically has a very negative impact on how these girls see themselves and feel about themselves. This trend towards plastic surgery shows on TV is horrendous and affects not only teenage girls but all women.

Here is an astonishing statistic: According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 11,326 18 year old women underwent breast augmentation surgery last year, up from 3,872 in 2002. (Courtesy of CSUN Edu)

==  Next Letter ==

Subject: How PROUTists should fight general elections in India
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:37:21 +0530
From: Devesh Kumar <>
To: AM Universal




Before Baba elevated Proutist Sarva Samaj (PSS), margi brothesr had earlier fought elections on the banner of Proutist Block of India (PBI). After PSS came in to existence, PBI was confined / limited to those areas where language was no sentiment like Mumbai, Delhi, etc cities. Hence margi brothers started fighting elections in the name of their local Samaj like Amara Bengali, Chhatisgarhi samaj, Sahayadri samaj, Utkal samaj, Bhojpuri samaj, etc.

All 44 Samaj comes under PSS in India. Margi brothers can fight MP and MLA elections in the name of any 44 Samaj in order to have local sentiments. We margis should ensure that there should not be direct election fight between PBI and PSS.

Say, if someone wins election from any of 44 samaj, they will be counted under “PSS” alliance in Parliament. Like Congress party has UPA alliance and BJP party has NDA alliance. Similarly all 44 Samaj candidates will come under “PSS” alliance. Margis should fight general elections in the banner of their local Samaj like Amara Bengali, Chhatisgarhi samaj, Sahayadri samaj, Utkal samaj, Bhojpuri samaj, etc.

Before writing email, we discussed this matter with those margis who had received instructions directly from our beloved BABA.

At HIS Lotus Feet,
Devesh Kumar

1. A Few Problems Solved – 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres
2. A Few Problems Solved – 9, Capitalism in Three Spheres
3. Human Society – 1, Social Justice

Saturday, March 15, 2014

People Eating Wood + 2 More


This emails contains three distinct sections:
1)  Bath Mantra & Cataracts
2) Is Parama Purusa Hungry For Praise
3) People Eating Wood

To: AnandaMargaUniversal1
From: dharm059@lencers
Date: 21:09:34 mar 15 2014
Subject: Bath Mantra & Cataracts


Bath Mantra & Cataracts

In Caryacarya part III, Baba instructs us to do the bath mantra in the presence of an illumined object or light source, i.e. the sun.

So Baba wants that we should do bath mantra facing an illumined object, such as the sun, while there are still water droplets on the body because this has a very beneficial effect. The UV rays on the wet skin nourish the body. That is why it is so important and advantageous to do bath mantra while the body is still wet and not yet covered by clothing etc.

When taking bath in the river or seaside area, one should face the sun but not focus on or look directly towards it during bath mantra (or anytime) because that has a harmful effect on the eyes. It can lead to a condition called cataracts. One must ensure that the sun's rays are not directly on the eyes.

About this there should not be any doubt.

In particular, those living in hot and sunny areas should always refrain from looking directly at the sun, and, in addition, one should wear protective eyewear while outdoors. That will save you from suffering from cataracts, which is a degenerative condition for the eyes.

At His feet,

next letter...

To: AnandaMargaUniversal
Subject: Is Parama Purusa Hungry For Praise
From: Raghuviira
Date: 20:34:45 15 Mar 2014


Is Parama Purusa Hungry For Praise

As sadhakas, we should be very clear about this distinction:
(a) Baba says that one should not be hungry to receive praise from others. One should not long for praise, name, or fame etc.
(b) Side by side, Ananda Marga teachings state that Parama Purusa should always be praised.

Some naive sadhakas or new people may take this in the wrong way - i.e. that Parama Purusa is hungry for praise. But there should not be an iota of confusion.

Firstly, Baba guides us not to seek praise, name, or fame because that will constrict the mind and make one more selfish and dull. Baba is warning us about this pitfall for human well-being.

Secondly, Ananda Marga philosophy guides us to sing the glories and praises of Parama Purusa. This guideline is also for the welfare of sadhakas. Parama Purusa Himself does not long for any type of praise etc, nor is He benefited by praise. In contrast, when sadhakas sing His kiirtan then their minds become expanded and exalted. The tenet is, 'As you think, so you become.' By singing the glories of Parama Purusa, a sadhaka's mind expands tremendously, by His grace. So Parama Purusa should always be praised.

Thus in both of the above scenarios, the directives of Ananda Marga philosophy help sadhakas progress along the path. This matter should be crystal-clear in everyone's mind.

Let us know your thoughts and reflections.

In Him,

next letter...

From: prema
To: AnandaMargaUniversal
Subject: Humans Eating Wood 
Date: 15 Mar 2014


People Eating Wood

These days so-called fancy people depending on company products are eating wood in their food. Because companies add wood in the form of cellulose in their food. 

This following article addresses this issue. One should be careful - always be sure to read the food label before purchasing or ingesting any product. Otherwise, look what can happen. People are in the dark about how they are eating wood in their food.

There's Wood in My Food? 
Wood-derived Ingredients Common in Processed Foods

By P.F. Louis
(NaturalNews) Lately there have been rumors about sawdust used as fiber filling in processed foods. Well, not quite sawdust. The cellulose used in many foods is processed powder or pulp from virgin wood. It's becoming more common. Though not toxic, what good is it?

Wood cellulose explained

Since the virgin wood pulps and powders are not toxic, the FDA says it's okay to use in food. The food industry and FDA classify wood cellulose as fiber. The only limit on wood cellulose fillers is 3.5% in meat. All other foods have no limits for adding wood cellulose.

Obviously, profit is the food industry's main focus. Up to 30% savings are realized by using cellulose over other ingredients. After all, food ingredients are rising in cost. And usually cellulose adds to the shelf life.

The products using cellulose range from junk food outlets, to supermarket shelf foods, and even one known organic food item. The food industry and cellulose manufacturers publicize the health virtues of cellulose fiber. They promote "lower fat" and "high fiber" with their cellulose added foods.

The irony is that in some cases this rings true. Using cellulose to replace some bleached white flour and trans-fatty processed oils could actually be of some health benefit to the SAD (Standard American Diet) consumer.

But the premise of low or no fat dairy products made creamier with cellulose is based on health disinformation to begin with. We need good fats, and the processed food industry is responsible for eliminating good fats (too expensive) and substituting cheap toxic fats.

Wood cellulose is not toxic. But it's not food either. Our enzymes cannot digest cellulose. Yes, we all need to take in fiber. Dry legumes, whole grains, and most fresh plant foods contain fiber. Freshly baked whole grain breads from a trusted bakery contain natural fibers too. These are fibers that are part of actual whole foods.

Relying on packaged foods may lead to your getting more nutrition from licking the wrapping then eating the food. So stick to fresh produce, bulk items for beans and grains, and a reliable bakery.

Cellulose labels

Virgin wood pulp is cooked and chemically processed into a powder to separate the cellulose from the pulp. Minimal processing allows the powder to be classified as organic and can be used in USDA organic packaged foods or labeled with "containing organic ingredients." More chemically modified cellulose is used in junk or SAD foods.

Cellulose in the ingredients list is a giveaway. Another term used for wood cellulose is microcrystalline cellulose(MCC). Cellulose gel and cellulose gum are other descriptions of wood cellulose. A more technical term of carboxymethyl cellulose could appear on an ingredient list as well.

Some products using wood cellulose

Organic Valley uses minimally modified cellulose powder in their shredded cheeses. Kraft uses cellulose in their shredded cheese also. This keeps the shreds of cheese from lumping together.

General Mills (GM) is a devoted woody. They use wood cellulose in Log Cabin syrup, Ice Cream Shake Mix, Smoothie Base (Mango, Strawberry, and Strawberry Banana) Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, and Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce.

GM also uses cellulose in Fiber One Ready-to-Eat Muffins and their tortilla flour. Those items are used with Meaty Breakfast Burrito, Hearty Breakfast Bowl, and their fajita chicken and chicken salad products.

Kellogg's is another good woody. MorningStar chicken nuggets, patties, and veggie wings have their share of cellulose. So does Kellogg's family of Eggo waffles and Cinnabon pancakes and snack bars.

This was just a sampling. Read those labels. You may not be getting poisoned, but you're eating empty calories, albeit less. (Courtesy of Natural News)

In Him, 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ananda Marga Has Move Forward A Lot



This following posting provides us a window into the past: How margiis were communicating on the email networks more than a decade ago.

When you read it you will find that this issue deals with one margii's lack of strictness in Ista. The margii wrote in a special way which we do not see nowadays.

So this letter is very interesting and shows how our Ananda Marga society has moved ahead, through a lot of ups and downs. The standard is far, far improved now.

After reading you will taste the special colour how people were writing those days, i.e. ten years ago. This below posting stands as on record as a historical document for how the people moved ahead through clash and cohesion.


Before reading the below letter, we should examine and embrace the spirit of Baba's guideline about how history should be written.

Baba says, "Let us see how people write history or get it written. In most cases history is written in the interest of a particular vested interest. History books are selected in order to establish the glory of a particular era. For example, the heroic tales of the chivalry of the Kśatriyas era, their war-strategies, etc., form the main basis for the writing of the history of the Kśatriya era. History books are filled with eulogies of the bravery and chivalry of the Kśatriyan rulers. Similarly, the history of the Vipra era is full of praises for the glorious deeds of the Vipra leaders, and the history of the Vaeshya era contains an abundance of stories about the glories of the Vaeshyas. While studying such biased history, the readers lose both interest and patience. Besides that, the study of this sort of so-called history injects some kind of dogma in the readers mind, and consequently chokes the development of a spontaneous human intellect." (1)


   Baba says, "I suggest that in the writing of history there should be a radical change. The history written so far is a history of kings and monarchs. It should be thoroughly overhauled and completely rewritten – rewritten in the interest of humanity and the universal well-being of the human race. If the chronicles of history merely describe who succeeded to the throne and when, who plundered the neighbouring countries or kingdom, and who became a minister, they will be of no importance whatsoever, nor, indeed, of any interest to the common masses. If human beings are to profit from the study of the annals of history, they must reflect the weal and the woe, the hopes and aspirations of the masses."
   "The annals of human history should show which communities brought about which amount of progress and prosperity in which area of social life and in which part of the world – only such significant events are worthy of being recorded. History should also maintain special records of the trials and tribula tions which confronted human beings, how those trials and tribulations were overcome, how human beings tackled the numerous obstacles to effect greater social development, and so on. Only such history would I call the complete history or complete cultural history of the human race." (2)

Keeping the above teachings on history in mind, here following is that letter of 10+ years ago:

From: martin_gillian
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 00:42:16 +0800
Subject: One Pointedness on Ista


One dharmic point clicked in my mind. In addition to this list I am a regular reader of other mailing lists also. And just a few days back on 23 March [2003] I received one letter titled "Who's responsible?" from one of those lists [margii-mail]. And when I read this following sentence which I am quoting here below then what seemed like an endless array of questions came in my mind.

Here is the line which I am referring to from that letter:

"Allah certainly works in mysterious ways."

After reading this word "Allah", which is usually used by Islamic or Muslim people, then I was thinking why this term "Allah" has been used on Margii-Mail. And why it has been written that "Allah works in mysterious ways". Why they did not use the term 'Parama Purusa', or 'God'. Why did they use the term Allah?

According to my understanding, as a principle the aforesaid list is dedicated for the propagation of Marga ideology. Then why the phrase "Allah certainly works in mysterious ways" has been posted to this list. What can be the reason?

All these questions and counter-questions sprouted in my mind.


Then the evening before yesterday my rector Dada arrived at my house according to his pre-planned schedule.

And paying my namaskar and asking about his whereabouts and welfare, then when he was in a relaxed mood I placed my query.

I asked, 'In margii-mail, are all the writers Margiis, or are some believers of Islam?'

Dadaji told, 'As I am aware all members of margii-mail are margiis. Because you have to get permission / recommendation from your SOS in order to join. But tell me why you are raising such question as this'.

I replied, 'Excuse me, Dadaji. One margii wrote a letter and expressed his faith in Allah. First I thought that he may be an Islamic believer, then I thought that how it can be?'

I continued, 'After thinking more I thought this letter is in the English language-- it is not in  Arabic or Urdu. Because if the whole letter is written in Urdu or Arabic or Persian then when writing about God, then naturally the name "Allah" would have come. But when entire letter is in English and God is referred to as Allah then this gives completely different feeling'.

'It gives the feeling that in some corner of this margii's mind, surely some faith towards Allah is there. Most probably. Otherwise he would not have used this term.'

Dadaji replied, 'Your point is valid. It is just if anybody says by the grace of goddess mother Chath or Chandi, then one can reach to conclusion that he is a believer of mother goddess Chat or Chandi'.


I asked, 'Dada do you think he was making joke on this point of Allah?'

Then Dada replied, 'No according to Ananda Sutram Baba's teaching dharma should always be practiced. "Always" means even jokes and humour and all expressions in 24hrs. So such type of loose terms should not be used. It would have been better if he would not have made such expression which is ideologically incorrect, or against the flow of Ananda Margiis.'


Dada continued: 'Baba has given us 16 Pts, strictness in Ista and Adarsha, non-compromising love for Baba, so in our casual speaking also we should not make jokes which go against these vital points of our conduct rules'.

Then Dadaji told that in Subhasita Samgraha BABA tells an important story about maintaining one pointedness on Ista.

Baba says, "In this regard, the story of Hanuma'na is very instructive. Someone asked him, 'Hanuma'nji, you are always repeating 'Ra'm, Ra'm' and never uttering the name of 'Na'ra'yan'a.' What is the matter?' Hanuma'n said that although he knew that Ra'ma and Na'rayana are one and the same, even then he accepted Ra'ma as his only Lord. "Srinatha Janakinathe ca'bhede parama'tmani."

Baba further explains in the same discourse,

"Remember that for you there is only one name of the Supreme Entity and not many...Hence, it is clear that for the sake of psycho-spiritual progress one-mindedness is very necessary. Para' needs only one idea and no confusion. There should be one aim, one way and one name to guide a person on the way. None of these should be two in number." (3)

Dada explained, 'From this story it is clear that Baba's instruction to us Ananda Margiis is that we follow strict vigilance with regard to the singularity of Ista."


After talking with my rector Dada my mind was clear and I thought that this is one good point to be raised for our common margii family. So it is with that feeling in my mind I am passing this whole tale to you with the desire to have some feedback.

Here also I would like to share that as Ananda Margiis, Baba has given us great responsibility which we have to discharge accordingly. In order to move ahead, obeying His guideline is highly essential for all around development.

Namaskar to one and all,
[Old letter of 2003 ends here.]


Nowadays, our various Ananda Marga email forums are more focused and pointed on Baba's divine guidelines and we do not see such types of letters anymore where one is raising the name of Allah in this peculiar manner. Now, the various forums review and discuss organisational, ideological, and devotional topics. So the standard has improved a lot.

In Him,

1. AFPS-4, What Should History Be Like?
2. AFPS-4, Let History Be Rewritten
3. SS part 19


"Pra'n'e ceyechi toma're, tumi ki deve na' dhara'..." (P.S. 4694)


O my Lord, I long for You in my heart - please come in my heart. Won't You please grace me and allow Yourself to be held; will You not allow me to hold You. The same flow which I feel my heart is also resonating through the delicate strings of my viina.

O' Parama Purusa, so many days and nights, so many prahar [1], and so many dates have gone in waste. Baba, so many months, spans of time, years, and ages have passed. Even after learning so many rules and regulations, and so many do's and don'ts from the scriptures - in spite of that I lost the path. 

O ' Dearmost, today, by Your grace I understand this eternal truth: That You can only be bound by love and devotion. All the fixed rules and established systems of the tunes and melodies will go in vain. By that way I will not get You. I can only get You by yearning and longing. Only with devotion can I get You.

O' Parmama Pursua Baba, I long for You in my heart. In my each and every action I want You to be present. I want to feel You all the time. Baba, please grace me so that You are always along with me. Baba, please be gracious...


[1] Prahar: Each day is broken up into eight segments or eight periods. And these periods are known as 'prahar'. In that way, each prahar is three hours length in duration. Here Baba explains more about prahar and various other segments of time.

Baba says, "The verbal root 'mas' means 'to measure'. By adding 'ghain' to 'mas' we get ma'sa whose etymological meaning is 'a measurement of time' or 'a period of time'. Thus ma'sa in this sense means 'era', 'lunar year', 'lunar month', 'lunar day', 'solar year', 'solar month', 'fortnight', 'week', 'solar day' or ahora'tra (from sunrise to sunrise), prahara (three hours), hour, minute, second, fraction-of-second and so forth -- all of these." (Shabda Cayanika-2, Disc: 13)