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Saturday, March 15, 2014

People Eating Wood + 2 More


This emails contains three distinct sections:
1)  Bath Mantra & Cataracts
2) Is Parama Purusa Hungry For Praise
3) People Eating Wood

To: AnandaMargaUniversal1
From: dharm059@lencers
Date: 21:09:34 mar 15 2014
Subject: Bath Mantra & Cataracts


Bath Mantra & Cataracts

In Caryacarya part III, Baba instructs us to do the bath mantra in the presence of an illumined object or light source, i.e. the sun.

So Baba wants that we should do bath mantra facing an illumined object, such as the sun, while there are still water droplets on the body because this has a very beneficial effect. The UV rays on the wet skin nourish the body. That is why it is so important and advantageous to do bath mantra while the body is still wet and not yet covered by clothing etc.

When taking bath in the river or seaside area, one should face the sun but not focus on or look directly towards it during bath mantra (or anytime) because that has a harmful effect on the eyes. It can lead to a condition called cataracts. One must ensure that the sun's rays are not directly on the eyes.

About this there should not be any doubt.

In particular, those living in hot and sunny areas should always refrain from looking directly at the sun, and, in addition, one should wear protective eyewear while outdoors. That will save you from suffering from cataracts, which is a degenerative condition for the eyes.

At His feet,

next letter...

To: AnandaMargaUniversal
Subject: Is Parama Purusa Hungry For Praise
From: Raghuviira
Date: 20:34:45 15 Mar 2014


Is Parama Purusa Hungry For Praise

As sadhakas, we should be very clear about this distinction:
(a) Baba says that one should not be hungry to receive praise from others. One should not long for praise, name, or fame etc.
(b) Side by side, Ananda Marga teachings state that Parama Purusa should always be praised.

Some naive sadhakas or new people may take this in the wrong way - i.e. that Parama Purusa is hungry for praise. But there should not be an iota of confusion.

Firstly, Baba guides us not to seek praise, name, or fame because that will constrict the mind and make one more selfish and dull. Baba is warning us about this pitfall for human well-being.

Secondly, Ananda Marga philosophy guides us to sing the glories and praises of Parama Purusa. This guideline is also for the welfare of sadhakas. Parama Purusa Himself does not long for any type of praise etc, nor is He benefited by praise. In contrast, when sadhakas sing His kiirtan then their minds become expanded and exalted. The tenet is, 'As you think, so you become.' By singing the glories of Parama Purusa, a sadhaka's mind expands tremendously, by His grace. So Parama Purusa should always be praised.

Thus in both of the above scenarios, the directives of Ananda Marga philosophy help sadhakas progress along the path. This matter should be crystal-clear in everyone's mind.

Let us know your thoughts and reflections.

In Him,

next letter...

From: prema
To: AnandaMargaUniversal
Subject: Humans Eating Wood 
Date: 15 Mar 2014


People Eating Wood

These days so-called fancy people depending on company products are eating wood in their food. Because companies add wood in the form of cellulose in their food. 

This following article addresses this issue. One should be careful - always be sure to read the food label before purchasing or ingesting any product. Otherwise, look what can happen. People are in the dark about how they are eating wood in their food.

There's Wood in My Food? 
Wood-derived Ingredients Common in Processed Foods

By P.F. Louis
(NaturalNews) Lately there have been rumors about sawdust used as fiber filling in processed foods. Well, not quite sawdust. The cellulose used in many foods is processed powder or pulp from virgin wood. It's becoming more common. Though not toxic, what good is it?

Wood cellulose explained

Since the virgin wood pulps and powders are not toxic, the FDA says it's okay to use in food. The food industry and FDA classify wood cellulose as fiber. The only limit on wood cellulose fillers is 3.5% in meat. All other foods have no limits for adding wood cellulose.

Obviously, profit is the food industry's main focus. Up to 30% savings are realized by using cellulose over other ingredients. After all, food ingredients are rising in cost. And usually cellulose adds to the shelf life.

The products using cellulose range from junk food outlets, to supermarket shelf foods, and even one known organic food item. The food industry and cellulose manufacturers publicize the health virtues of cellulose fiber. They promote "lower fat" and "high fiber" with their cellulose added foods.

The irony is that in some cases this rings true. Using cellulose to replace some bleached white flour and trans-fatty processed oils could actually be of some health benefit to the SAD (Standard American Diet) consumer.

But the premise of low or no fat dairy products made creamier with cellulose is based on health disinformation to begin with. We need good fats, and the processed food industry is responsible for eliminating good fats (too expensive) and substituting cheap toxic fats.

Wood cellulose is not toxic. But it's not food either. Our enzymes cannot digest cellulose. Yes, we all need to take in fiber. Dry legumes, whole grains, and most fresh plant foods contain fiber. Freshly baked whole grain breads from a trusted bakery contain natural fibers too. These are fibers that are part of actual whole foods.

Relying on packaged foods may lead to your getting more nutrition from licking the wrapping then eating the food. So stick to fresh produce, bulk items for beans and grains, and a reliable bakery.

Cellulose labels

Virgin wood pulp is cooked and chemically processed into a powder to separate the cellulose from the pulp. Minimal processing allows the powder to be classified as organic and can be used in USDA organic packaged foods or labeled with "containing organic ingredients." More chemically modified cellulose is used in junk or SAD foods.

Cellulose in the ingredients list is a giveaway. Another term used for wood cellulose is microcrystalline cellulose(MCC). Cellulose gel and cellulose gum are other descriptions of wood cellulose. A more technical term of carboxymethyl cellulose could appear on an ingredient list as well.

Some products using wood cellulose

Organic Valley uses minimally modified cellulose powder in their shredded cheeses. Kraft uses cellulose in their shredded cheese also. This keeps the shreds of cheese from lumping together.

General Mills (GM) is a devoted woody. They use wood cellulose in Log Cabin syrup, Ice Cream Shake Mix, Smoothie Base (Mango, Strawberry, and Strawberry Banana) Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, and Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce.

GM also uses cellulose in Fiber One Ready-to-Eat Muffins and their tortilla flour. Those items are used with Meaty Breakfast Burrito, Hearty Breakfast Bowl, and their fajita chicken and chicken salad products.

Kellogg's is another good woody. MorningStar chicken nuggets, patties, and veggie wings have their share of cellulose. So does Kellogg's family of Eggo waffles and Cinnabon pancakes and snack bars.

This was just a sampling. Read those labels. You may not be getting poisoned, but you're eating empty calories, albeit less. (Courtesy of Natural News)

In Him, 