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Thursday, February 29, 2024

History & significance of unforgettable day + 4 more

History & significance of unforgettable day


The day of Dadhiici Divas is nearing: 05 March 2024. This occasion holds special significance as dharmic sadhakas laid down their lives for the great cause of Ananda Marga ideology. This is a day to honour all those who sacrificed; it is also a time to remember the unprecedented dedication it took to establish Ananda Marga ideology. It is about the rise of bhagavad dharma on this earth.

Prior to '90, under Baba's direction, many great deeds were done. Along the way, many gave their lives for the great cause of dharma. We should reflect upon those sacrifices done for the sake of ideology and take up the vow that once again we should protect and propagate this grand Ananda Marga ideology.

That fateful day

Here is an in-depth look back at the events which transpired on that fateful day of 5 March 1967, as well as the events leading up to it. As is commonly known our Ananda Nagar was first started on over 1000 acres of land in Baglata, Purulia District West Bengal in 1964. And that time so many beautiful projects and programmes were started to materialise Baba's vision. There were primary schools, a college, a medical clinic, a children's home, etc. Many great works were going on.

But by 1967 serious resistance started to come from the nefarious communist party - CPI(M). Those days the CPI controlled the entire local Purulia area and they had a wicked grip on the West Bengal Govt by controlling many high positions. So now we can see how the tensions were mounting those days. Because on the one hand due to selfless service by our Marga wholetimers, Lft’s, margiis in & around Ananda Nagar, the local people / villagers were getting benefited and were coming close. And the villagers began to see how the CPI was exploiting them.

In reaction, the CPI(M) began to instigate local movements to conspire against Ananda Marga. To that end, members plotted and convinced local BDO Ashok Chakravarty against our Ananda Nagar ashram. Then in Aug 1966 this BDO (Block Development Officer) came to our ashram saying he wanted to be a member of the controlling body of our Ananda Marga Degree College.

Conspiracy was hatched

When it was explained to the BDO that unfortunately he (BDO Chakravarty) did not meet our ashram's regulations for such a position, then the BDO became quite furious and irate. Certainly, he was not acting on his own; rather the BDO was just the front-man for the communist party. Then to counter-attack and get revenge, BDO returned in Feb 1967 demanding for our Marga to support the local communist candidate in the General Elections. So our WT and margii brothers and sisters humbly explained about our socio-spiritual approach and told that we do not support any political party, per se. In that circumstance this negative BDO was determined for revenge. In truth, BDO was but a pawn of the ruling communists.

The communists began an intensive campaign to defame Ananda Marga among Purulia locals. And one serious plot was hatched to attack our Ananda Nagar ashram. No doubt local people had developed good relations with our Ashram due to the different service projects. But communist cadres were determined to undermine that good will. And together with the BDO they sabotaged our relation with the villagers through numerous underhanded and conniving plots and ploys.

For example, the communists and the BDO secretly slaughtered many cows and stealthily spread those remains around the villages in the middle of the night. And they spread the false rumours that the Ananda Marga ashramites were responsible for the nefarious work. In result, Hindus were furious since they worship the cow as a mother-goddess. And the CPI(M) misguided the Muslim villagers that these Hindus had been driven out of Pakistan and settled in Purulia with deep hatred toward Muslims, and that they would surely be stealing all their land.

So after drumming up sufficient nasty hatred among villagers, the CPI & BDO held another meeting in Susundi village on March 3rd 1967. And they made all the Hindu and Muslim CPI supporters present that day swear by oath on the Mahabharata and Koran to remove Ananda Marga sadhus by any means, including murder. Fifth March was decided to be the day to carry out their dark plot. It was known by all, including Ananda Nagar ashram residents, all Purulia gov't and police officials and West Bengal gov't that the attack was planned.

Armed communist thugs attacked Ananda Nagar

Certainly Ananda Marga sannyasis appealed to both the Purulia gov't and the police multiple times for protection and security from the oncoming doom. But all of those appeals were ignored. And just one skeletal, paltry force of police was assigned to the ashram grounds. That was the night of March 4th but it was all only to make a show etc. Proof being that by three o'clock in the morning of 5th March, Ananda Nagar was declared as being safe by chief of police. So he left to go back to Purulia, leaving behind only a small show of around thirty men.

But that too was only in show, as in the morning at the time of the attack, not one policeman raised his hand. On that terrible day of 5 March 1967, thousands of armed communist supporters stormed onto the scene goaded by the hatred inculcated by CPI workers. And in that fury the CPI hitmen swept through our Ananda Nagar ashram, destroying everything in sight.

On their horror-stricken path, hundreds of Ananda Nagar residents were seriously wounded and five were struck dead with mortal wounds. And not just killed, but butchered & mauled. Here is a listing of those five victims who fought bravely to defend Ananda Nagar and our Ananda Marga way of life: Dadas Abhedananda, Sachidananda, Ac Bharat Brc, Ac Prabhash Brc, and Ac Avadhesh Brc. Altogether, 5th March 1967 is a day never to be forgotten in Ananda Marga history - a day to recognise those who died for bhagavad dharma.

Observation of the day

In this way, Dadhiici Divas is known as a day of great dedication and sacrifice for the high ideals of Ananda Marga ideology. It can be celebrated with due respect and regard in the following way:
(a) half-day fasting
(b) dharmacakra
(c) slide show: history of struggle for dharma in Ananda Marga
(d) storytelling for children
(e) debate
(f) poetry readings
(g) martial dance - drama: teach and educate new people
(h) talk: review of spread of bhagavad dharma and recounting the efforts of those who sacrificed.
(i) exhibition


On the occasion of this coming Dadhiicii Divas, we should reflect on its special significance and adhere strictly to Baba's dharmic codes and teachings and establish Ananda Marga ideology.

Ananda Vanii states, "Fight for your Ideology. Be one with your Ideology. Live for your Ideology. Die for your ideology." (1)

Ananda Vanii states, "Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for the Ideology." (2)

Surrendering to Him,
Gurucharan Deva

A day to remember all dadhiicis

Since that fateful occasion, many have come forward in our Marga and sacrificed their lives for the cause of bhagavad dharma including the terrible murder of 16 wholetimers and 1 family margii in broad daylight in the early 80's, and after that also all such persons who sacrificed for the special cause of bhagavat dharma are honourably called as Dadhiicis. March 5 is in their memory as well.

Bear in mind that, the next part in this series  addresses how a dadhiici differs from the Christian concept of martyr and the Muslim approach of shahiid. That letter will also list the names of those dadhiicis in Ananda Marga who sacrificed their lives for bhagavad dharma.

1. Ananda Vanii #14
2. Ananda Vanii #15

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I remain awake for You

Note: Only those bhaktas who feel a deep spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Priyo ámár, keno náhi ele mor ghare, janam janam dhare, 
jege áchi tava tare, priiti pradiipe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4765) 


O’ my Parama Purusa, why did You not come to my home. Bby Your blessing, I remain awake for You birth after birth, age after age, holding the lamp of love which is filled with heartfelt longing for You. My most Adored, why have You not come to my abode.

O’ Parama Purusa, You are that Supreme Entity - the mohan of my soul. To receive You, I have decorated a'lpana' on the pathway of Your arrival. I have also spread the colourful fragrant pollen of the niip flower on the entrance gate of my home in honour of Your reception. Baba, by Your sweet will, I have trained the peacock of my manan so that my mind can dance with pure bhakti and ideation for You. 

O’ my Parama Purusa, by Your mercy I have pulverised the noose of that chain of samskaras. I have unlocked all the boosts and opened the doors of my home. By Your ahaetukii krpa', I have removed all the obstacles and bondages which were on my path towards divinity - towards You. After overcoming all fear and public shyness, with immense attraction and longing, I have desperately called You with a very strong desire. Baba, by Your kindness, now that I am chanting Your name with my inner self, I can see You present in my core. You are so gracious - my Dearmost. Please reside eternally in my I-feeling…

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4765:

[1] A'lpana':
These are the colourful motifs, sacred art, or decorative painting done on a horizontal surface (walkway, patio etc) on auspicious occasions. Those who have attended DMC might have witnessed how on the footpath across the stage leading up towards Baba's dais there are some very decorative, colourful, attractive designs. In an artistic manner there is a brilliant array of flower pollen, flower petals, or any colorful scented fragrance which are soft and upon which someone can walk comfortably. This beautiful and colourful decoration is known as a'lpana' and it is meant to pay high respect and adoration to the Divine Entity. In our Marga this is used for Baba's holy and auspicious arrival. 

[2] Ahaetukii krpa': Here Baba describes what is meant by ahaetukii, non-causal krpa’. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Scripture says that in this universe of ours, everything is causal. Everything is haetukii, everything is causal. Only three entities here are of non-causal character. One is transmutation of non-attributional entity into attributional faculty. And second one is creation of this universe, and third one, the krpa' of Parama Purus'a.”

[“Baba, Baba, Baba”]

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Parama Purus'a is not to explain for His conduct when He does any krpa' or when He attracts anybody towards Him. So, these three entities, three items are of non-causal character. So, ahaetukii krpa', that is, non-causal blessing or, say, non-causal gratitude.” (1)

1. Unpublished discourse, transcribed from audio file, GD, 3 June 1989, Ananda Nagar

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Imbalances in today’s world

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Then there is disparity due to birth – disparity between people of higher caste and people of so-called lower caste. People of a particular country die of starvation, and people of another country die due to overeating due to voracity. It is a disparity – it is bad. It is a creation of selfish people, not of Parama Puruśa. The Renaissance movement will have to do something concrete in this respect also. All are equal, with equal glamour as human beings." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved  - 7, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life

== Section: Important Topic ==

Secret behind dreams

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “I said a little while ago that dreaming means thinking or recollecting during sleep. Now the first question that arises is this: Why do people not always think or recollect during sleep? During the wakeful state, people are always thinking or recollecting. Even when people meditate in the wakeful state, they are thinking of, or recollecting, Supreme Consciousness. In the waking state, the mind never remains inactive. Then why does it not always dream during sleep? The answer is, the sleeping state means a state of rest for the mind. But if, before or at the time of sleep, one is tormented with deep sorrow, or becomes overjoyed with extreme happiness, or is afflicted with a serious disease, or is brooding over imaginary pains and pleasures – then during sleep if the gases in the body rise and create vibrations in the nerve cells, one starts thinking and recollecting. That is why people do not always dream during every sleep. (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 16

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Laboratory babes

Prout philosophy states, “With the advent of biological babes, Prakrti will snatch away the reproductive power of human beings and hence they will not be able to reproduce. Instead, they will simply create more laboratory babes. Biological babes will not have much attachment, though they will be subject to pleasure and pain. They will not be required to undergo much physical struggle because through scientific inventions a tablet may be sufficient to sustain them for days together. They will be bereft of family ties, as laboratory babes will be produced in laboratories from chemical compounds. They will gradually develop a tendency of aversion to worldly enjoyment. It is not difficult to envisage a day when laboratory babes may think that nature has lost all its charm, that life is not worth living, and that there is even no use in eating. It is better we do not think further on this. However, it should not be lost sight of that laboratory babes will be great sádhakas or spiritual aspirants, as they will be more conscious of their imperfections. Hence, the more leisure time they have the more sádhaná they will do.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section 4: Links ==