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Monday, November 7, 2022

Relation + 4 more




On the path of Ananda Marga sadhana, bhaktas think of Parama Purusa Baba in a personal way. In dhyana, in dreams, and even in a wakeful state, a sadhaka has a completely intimate and personal link with Baba. And Baba responds and goads us to come still closer. So the inner link with Him is that of the Personal God where one relates to Him as a Father, Friend, or even more close.

A bhakta thinks of Parama Purusa as a Personal Entity, but jinaniis think of Parama Purusa as being like air, electricity, waves invisible energy etc, not a personal Entity whom one can talk to etc. Bhaktas communicate directly with Him as Dearmost Parama Purusa in a very personal and intimate way. Seeing, hearing, and touching Him they express their feelings and seek His grace. It is a very personal affair wherein their heart becomes completely satiated and their longing quenched. In contrast, jinaniis always remain dry.

Just like how mother remembers the child

Think of it this way. If a mother's child is sick then with her deep love that mother will always remember and see her child's face in her mind wherever she goes. Same is the case with bhaktas - they always ideate on Him in a personal way. Bhaktas keep Parama Purusa Baba's divine form in their mind's eye. In this way, they pass their days and nights. So there is no question of any theoretical, jinanii, or impersonal approach. Ours is an intimate link with a Personal God. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Parama Puruśa is Táraka Brahma; He is your iśt́a, your personal God. This is not a theoretical concept. The human mind can be delighted with some philosophical ideas, but the heart is not satisfied thus...iśt́a means the personal God with whom all unit beings can establish a relation of love and affection, to whom they can reveal their pains and pleasures, and surrender themselves and take the safest shelter in Him. That Parama Puruśa, that personal God is not the God of philosophy. Human beings cannot establish a very close relationship with something theoretical. If one closely follows Bhágavata dharma, the final result will be the realization of the Supreme, becoming one with one’s iśt́a."(1)

Joy from personal God

Not only is Parama Purusa Baba with us, but He is with us in the most personal manner. In Ananda Marga, every bhakta thinks of Him, visualises Him in dhyana, and embraces Him as their Personal Entity - their Personal God.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings want a personal God whom they will accept as their object of adoration, who will hold out sublime hopes...“Do not fear, do not be perturbed, Parama Puruśa is with you.” To become involved in useless controversies regarding the Supreme Entity is meaningless. What is really important is to meditate on the personal God and move towards Him. And this personal God is the Singular Entity, the Táraka Brahma...Táraka Brahma is not only the liberator, the object of adoration, but also the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows – not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell." (2)

Jinaniis have impersonal relationship with Parama Purusa

In Ananda Marga, there are three accepted paths: jinana, karma, and bhakti. Suppose a person is an adherent of jinana marga. They cannot comprehend having Parama Purusa in a personal way, but gradually when they proceed onwards then one fine morning they will feel His closeness. It takes time, but eventually it happens, by His grace. Ultimately all have to come on the path of bhakti. 

Jinana margiis follow a dry, impersonal approach. Such dry jinaniis think Parama Purusa is like air, electricity, gravity, waves of invisible energy etc, not a personal Entity. Such dry jinaniis cannot conceive of relating to Parama Purusa in personal way. Whereas bhaktas communicate with Parama Purusa Baba in a very intimate and personal manner.

Jiṋániis, karmiis have no future

Ananda Marga ideology says "For the jiṋániis, the intellectuals, the Goal is merely theoretical and impersonal. How can they expect a theoretical and impersonal entity to help them – and how can the jiṋániis even approach Him when for them His very existence is impersonal? So the jiṋániis, although they have recognized the importance of jiṋána or knowledge, have no future. They simply waste their valuable time, which is a very short span of hardly one hundred years." (3)


On the path of Ananda Marga, Taraka Brahma is the Guru. So this the ideal way to cultivate a personal relation with God. As His disciples, we feel Baba is the Loving Father, the trusting Friend, or an even closer relation. By practicing Ananda Marga sadhana, in each and every work and in one’s day to day existence, it is very easy to develop a personal relationship with Him. Every sadhaka should wholeheartedly embrace this opportunity and delve deep into the realm of bhakti. Adopting an impersonal approach as jinaniis do means that sadhaka will remain dry, and thus cannot reach the final destination. To grow bhakti, a relation with Taraka Brahma is a must. 

in Him,

Personal Entity in human form

Every sincere bhakta and sadhaka has been blessed by Parama Purusa to realise Him in their sadhana, and in each and every moment of their lives. This is the case with all. A bhakta knows that Parama Purusa resides within. That is the specialty of the Ananda Marga tantra meditation and having Taraka Brahma as the Guru.

He reminds us again and again that He resides within each and every human heart, and that He is there in dhyana - always. Every sincere bhakta experiences Parama Purusa internally in their meditation and still bhaktas communicate with Parama Purusa and receive His grace in their sadhana, and in every big and small work, as a Personal Entity in human form.

Personal link - by His grace

In our Ananda Marga, bhaktas think of Baba in a personal way. In dhyana, in dreams, and even in wakeful state, a sadhaka has a completely intimate and personal link with Baba. And Baba responds and goads us to come still closer. So the inner link with Him is that of the Personal God where one relates to Him as a Father, Friend, or even more close.

Verily, of all of the aspects of Ananda Marga tantra, in my heart I hold this aspect the most dear: How Baba has showered His grace and allowed me to have a personal link with Him. This is most special. And I know so many margiis feel this way. Taraka Brahma's form holds tremendous significance for us: Always we continue to connect with His form in our dhyana and ideation.

For Ananda Margiis, Parama Purusa Baba is a Personal God with a distinct form and we communicate with Him always in dhyana, sadhana, and every moment of our day to day lives, always. 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Ádarsha and Iśt́a
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Essence of Spiritual Progress

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are the heart of my heart

"Ámi to tomáre bhávini jiivane, tumi mor kathá bhevecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0643)
Parama Purusa, throughout my entire life I never thought, ideated, or meditated upon You properly, yet with affection You think about me always. Your arrival into my life is just Your causeless grace. In my narrow, shallow, and dry heart, in the deep corner of my mind, You have secretly come and made Your place, making my unhappy life full of bliss. Now You are showering Your compassion; it is Your causeless grace upon me.
Baba, the accumulated clouds of uncertainty and dilemma which were overcasting my mind since ages due to my own ego, vanity, ignorance, and asmitá etc, all that gloom was removed in a flash. With spiritual vibration You pulled me close to You, showering Your causeless grace abundantly. You have done so much.
Parama Purusa Baba, You are the heavenly refulgence of the spiritual world and the life of the lifeless. You are the heart of my heart as well as my most intimate One. Please accept my surrender - my sastaunga pranam. You have showered Your spiritual brilliance and opened my eyes so I may see right from wrong. You have graciously given me patience to remain calm in all situations and lovingly bestowed samvit so that my unit consciousness can merge into Cosmic Consciousness. What have You not done - You have done everything.
Parama Purusa, in my life I never thought of You, nor did I do proper meditation. But even then You have loved me so much. Baba, You are ever-gracious...
Note For Prabhat Samgiita #0643:
[1] Asmita': Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Drkdarshanashaktyorekátmatevásmitá [“When people at the height of their foolishness forget the distinction between the subjective and objective counterparts, or confuse one with the other and say completely nonsensical things, that mental defect is known as asmitá”]. As asmitá is devoid of any discrimination, people with this mental defect lose their power of discrimination. First, they think that since they are so great, there is no need for them to learn anything from others. As a result of this, their further progress comes to a halt. Secondly, the arrogant attitude of this asmitá banishes from their minds the humble psychology of the learner. They lose interest in learning anything useful; so not only in the world of knowledge, but also in the world of practicality, they become misfits in life because of their mountainous accumulated ignorance."
  "It is not that arrogance of this sort simply obstructs their progress. The human mind, like the human body, is dynamic. No one has come to remain here; everyone is moving – for movement is a must. Now, the mind whose further progress is blocked will also have to move this way or that; so when one must move, but the path of progress is blocked, one is compelled to move along the path of degradation. Thus the arrogance born of this asmitá will lead people towards their downfall. This arrogance, which makes them want to display themselves, forgetting all other things, is termed ahaḿkára [vanity]. The predominant vrtti behind it is aham [ego]: “I am everything, there is nothing beyond and outside me.”" (1)
[2] Samvit: Ananda Marga ideology states, "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (2)
1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 10
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Education & mother tongue

Prout philosophy states, “Primary school education should be in the people’s language, and primary school books... should be introduced.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “If people’s mother tongue is suppressed, it is equivalent to strangling them. The suppression of people’s mother tongue is a sin.” (2)

Prout philosophy states, “Students may feel inconvenience if the medium of instruction is English only or if the question papers are in English only.” (3)

Baba's system is: Education in one's mother tongue, with one class being that of English as the current international language. Everything in Ananda Marga is natural; and, it is natural that people should learn in their mother tongue. In addition, people should be taught English so they can communicate with others around the world.

In Spain people learn engineering, medicine, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and all other subjects in Spanish. And in all these fields, in Spain professionals themselves work and communicate in Spanish. The same is the case with students and professionals in France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Japan, Taiwan, China, Russia, Brazil-- all around the world, people study and work in all the scientific and technical fields in their mother tongue. The only places this is not the case are countries which were exploited by another country and had that imposing country's language thrust upon them as something superior. For that reason, students and professionals in Africa study and work using the language of their colonizer country: those who were controlled by France use French; those who were controlled by England use English etc. India falls in this category of countries around the world which were exploited by another country and had that country's language imposed upon them as something superior. That is the only reason English is used in India in engineering and other professional fields. In the rest of the countries around the world-- the great majority of countries-- all the professional fields are taught and conducted in the local language of that home country. And that is how it should be.

Engineering does not need the grammar of any particular language; that is why if one asks an engineering student or an engineer in France what language they would prefer to learn / work in-- French or English-- without having to think for a moment they will say "French". Everyone prefers their own mother tongue; that is the natural way. And that is Baba's teaching. Ananda Marga philosophy is very natural.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 19, Bihar
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
3. To the Patriots

== Section: Important Teaching ==

AMPS leaders following in footsteps of religious exploiters

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The vipras [religious leaders ] have invented and are still inventing new ways of exploiting different communities of people in different parts of the world. In some places they have lured people with the prospect of eternal heaven, injecting into them at the same time the fear of eternal hell. By claiming the doctrine of some particular vipra leader to be the word of God, they have blocked the natural expression of the human intellect and made people intellectually bankrupt. With the intention of permanently securing for themselves an exalted position in the eyes of the ordinary people, some vipra leaders have declared themselves to be the incarnation or the appointed prophet of God. Through their own so-called scriptures, they have indirectly let the common people know that no one can achieve the same proximity to God as they – so that an inferiority complex will remain forever in the minds of the masses, and due to this inferiority complex the masses will always follow their teachings, either out of fear or out of devotion. That is why even intellectual people have fallen into their trap and have been compelled to say, Vishváse miláy vastu, tarke vahu dúr ["The goal is achieved not by reason but by faith"] or Majhab men ákl ká dakhl nahii haen ["There is no room for reason in religion"]. (1)

Note: The above historical teaching given by Baba about the Middle Ages / Dark Ages is also true today in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. The handlers of PP Dada give him a divine status so they can inject a complex in the minds of Wts and margiis that PP Dada is between Baba and margiis. Without PP’s blessing, marriages will not be successful. Whatever PP Dada says everyone must follow blindly. Don’t use your brain - PP has special powers and a direct connection to Baba. These are the types of dogmas the handlers of PP are injecting. Various rituals have been implemented to show that PP is almost equal to Baba. That is why PP is not raising the Jai slogan or attending dharmacakra etc. Unfortunately so-called intellectuals also became trapped: Because of their post they are blindly following this dogma. That is the sad state of affairs. Now is the time for right-thinking Wts and margiis to come forward and oppose this dogma.

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Humans have pushed themselves to the brink

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Due to the foolishness of human beings many creatures and objects will not survive the period fixed for them by nature. Prior to their stipulated period of longevity they will be swallowed up by eternity. Human beings due to their utmost folly have annihilated numerous objects and thus prepared their own funeral pyre. Such folly on the part of human beings is unbearable. Human beings must be cautious from now on. They must restructure their thoughts, plans and activities in accordance with the dictates of ecology. There is no alternative.” (1)

1. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt B

== Section 3: Links ==

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