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Thursday, January 19, 2023

All can’t procreate + 2 more


All can’t procreate


In Ananda Marga philosophy, Baba has given guidelines as to who should be allowed to procreate and who should not. Of course, we all know that Ananda Marga philosophy is perfectly logical, rational, and benevolent. Now let us explore why not everyone is allowed to procreate, and what detrimental outcomes result when everyone does procreate.

How plants and animals procreate

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Good varieties of seed, fertile land, adequate nourishment, light, air and water are all essential for good reproduction in both the plant and animal kingdoms. In this respect human beings are no different from other creatures. In human society the selection of suitable males and females is desirable for reproduction of a high will be detrimental to society if this matter is neglected." (1)

In the last century, tremendous strides have been made in refining the reproductive process in the plant and animal kingdoms. For instance, fruits and vegetables have been safely and consciously bred and crossbred to create the best food crops. The amount of food produced from a single plant has increased dramatically, and so many developments have occurred. These have been a boon.

Before harvesting, farmers select the best seeds and collect them for their seed banks. That is their standard protocol. If a farmer picks up xyz seed they will be bankrupt after their next crop. That is why high-quality seed shops are in the marketplace to supply high-quality seeds. The central idea is that high-quality seeds produce an abundance of strong crops, while poor-quality seeds produce poor crops of low yield. And a similar formula works with humans.

How to procreate ideal humans

According to Ananda Marga ideology, similar steps should be taken for human procreation. Good genes / good seeds produce good offspring.

All should not be given scope to procreate. In various discourses, Baba guides us that only those who are healthy should be given the scope to produce offspring. Side by side, those who are diseased and born criminals due to brain defects should not be permitted to procreate. (2)

For instance, if someone is carrying a gene that is prone to Huntington's disease etc that person should refrain from producing offspring. They should not be allowed to procreate. By taking such firm steps, genetic diseases can be eradicated from society and the overall standard of humans would increase dramatically.

Other steps to have healthy offspring:
(a) Pregnant mothers should not eat junk food, consume alcohol, or use harmful / addictive drugs etc.
(b) Pregnant women should have access to and eat a nutritious and balanced diet.
(c) Pregnant mothers should live in a calm environment. Rates of birth defects rise significantly in regions of environmental hazards such as poor drinking water and / or exposure to noxious chemicals etc.
(d) It is the duty of society to ensure that pregnant mothers are not involved in back-breaking, laborious work.
(e) There should be a code or listing of standards for healthy offspring.
(f) No matter how good the seed, if born into an unhealthy environment then it will not grow properly. The same is the case with humans also.


Today, the media, governmental bodies, big business people, community leaders, members of the public, and heads of state tell the exact opposite. So their understanding is far from the ideals of Ananda Marga. It is our duty to bring these ideas forward.

in Him,

About Baba's below discourse

While Baba has addressed how good seeds produce good offspring in numerous discourses, here below is one key discourse, "Population Growth & Control", for your review. At present, across the planet leaders and thinkers are propagating ideas that are polar opposite to Baba's divine teachings. So we should debunk those false theories - like sterilization methods - that they propose for reducing population growth, and help people understand the rational approach of Ananda Marga.

The more we are able to put forth Baba's ideals on this topic, all kinds of problems will be solved, especially as the common people are educated about the following:
1. Sterilization operations are detrimental to both body and mind.
2. How the global population plateaus.
3. Food production & types of food.
4. No dearth of wealth in the world.
5. Scaring others about overpopulation is a conspiracy of western interests.
6. Global phenomenon: Why economically underprivileged produce more children at present.
7. Who should produce children and who should not.

These are very important points which Baba has uniquely given.

Footnote: One point of caution is the narrowing of the gene pool if one person's sperm is used to produce too many children. So proper record keeping and industry standards are needed.

~ In-depth study ~

The following discourse - Population Growth and Control - was delivered by Sadguru Baba in the late 1950's or early 1960's. While the theory in all of Baba's discourses is timeless, situational facts given in Prout discourses are relative to time, place, and person. In this discourse when Baba states "present socio-economic conditions" and "society is presently incapable of producing enough food to meet human requirements", then Baba is clearly referring to the time period when this discourse was delivered, i.e. about 50+ years ago. One must read keeping this context in mind. Finally, the overall message and solutions offered are applicable today and far into the future as well. 

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Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

The socio-economic environment of society today is extremely restless and disturbed. In this abnormal environment population growth has been projected as a menacing threat to the existence of human society, but in fact this sort of propaganda is nothing but an evil conspiracy engineered by vested interests. No problem is greater than the human capacity to solve it. Like all problems confronting humanity, the problem of population growth should be tackled and solved in a proper way.

In the natural course of evolution, birth and death maintain the continuity of the never ending flow of creation. Every day, with the birth of babies, the parents and the other family members naturally enjoy great happiness. But it is a matter of sorrow that there are some people in the government or other spheres of public life who consider the increase in the birth rate a curse on the society. This negative attitude is definitely a blot on the human race, which has achieved a degree of intellectual development and scientific knowledge.

Nature has generously provided sufficient food

Is the population problem really a natural problem? The population problem should be considered in the context of two vital factors – the availability of food and the availability of space. Today human beings have sufficient means to manage their food. The earth is abundant enough in food resources to feed many times more than the present population. Due to lack of coordinated cooperation, collective effort, a proper ideology and sound planning, society has been fragmented into many belligerent groups and sub-groups, and rich and poor nations have been created. As a result of this fissiparous tendency, society is presently incapable of producing enough food to meet human requirements. The tragedy is that even though there are enough resources to supply nutritious food to all the human beings on the planet, due to the defective socio-economic systems, an efficient method of distribution has not been developed.

Moreover, there is no shortage of living space on the planet if the existing space is properly utilized. Because the earth has been balkanized due to so many arbitrary social, economic and political restrictions and the pervasive influence of evil dogma, people are unable to tackle problems in a natural way. If there were maximum utilization and rational distribution of all natural resources, pressing socio-economic problems could be easily solved.

Why sterilization cannot be supported

It is a law of nature that a mother is provided with sufficient breast milk to feed her newly born baby. In the same way nature has generously provided sufficient resources to meet the food and other essential requirements of all human beings. People need to utilize these natural resources in a proper way. Shortages of food or space cannot be blamed on nature. These problems are essentially the results of the mistakes made by human beings.

It is a fact that the population of the world is rapidly increasing, and consequently many people have become frightened. In capitalist countries there are sufficient reasons for such fear. In these countries an increase in the population means a corresponding increase in the poverty of the people. But there is no reason for such fear in a collective economic system. In the event of shortages in food and accommodation people will collectively convert barren land into arable land, increase agricultural production by scientific methods and produce food by chemical processes using the potentiality of earth, water and air. And if this earth loses its productivity, then human beings will migrate to other planets and satellites and settle there.

If people living in capitalist countries voluntarily adopt birth control methods to avoid economic hardship, perhaps we should not criticize them. But it should be mentioned here that using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or destroy their reproductive powers forever cannot be supported, because this may cause a violent mental reaction at any moment.

Prout’s four factors for controlling population growth

Under the present socio-economic conditions, PROUT advocates a comprehensive, clear-cut policy to tackle the population problem. According to PROUT, population growth will automatically find a natural level if the following four factors exist in society.

First, there should be economic liberty in society so that people may get a nutritious diet. In Scandinavia, for example, the purchasing capacity of the people is high and they enjoy a good standard of living. Because of this they do not face the problem of overpopulation.

Secondly, everybody should have the right to enjoy sound health. If people have a healthy body and mind their glandular system will remain balanced, and they can easily transform their physical energy into psychic energy and their psychic energy into spiritual energy. Through this effort of channelizing the mind in a spiritual direction, the baser mental propensities are easily controlled.

Thirdly, people should be free from unnecessary mental worries and anxieties. When one suffers from mental agonies continually, the mind naturally indulges in baser physical enjoyment to get rid of that unwanted condition. When mental agonies disappear, human beings will enjoy peace of mind and be able to assimilate subtle ideas.

Fourthly, the intellectual standard of humanity will have to be elevated. With intellectual advancement human beings will develop their all-round psychic potentiality and can easily evolve their psycho-spiritual potentiality. Through continuous effort human beings will be able to attain the supreme stance, merging their individual unit existence into Cosmic existence.

Thus, the population problem is not just an economic problem – it includes economic, biological, psychological and intellectual aspects.

Why capitalists propose birth control

Today people give more importance to the political than to the bio-psychological and economic aspects of population growth.

The theory that population increases at a geometric rate while food production increases at an arithmetic rate is completely defective. Such a situation can only occur in an imbalanced economic system. In a progressive and balanced economic system no such problem will exist.

Collective Economy

It is completely wrong to propagate the idea that a rapidly increasing population will affect the collective economic structure. Today capitalists are trying to check population growth by propagating birth control because an increasing population is detrimental to capitalism. In a collective economic structure there will be no need to support birth control. Rather, an increasing population will help in the production of the essential commodities....

If people of sublime intelligence and brilliance reproduce more offspring, it will be very beneficial for society. The responsibility for nurturing and bringing up these children will have to be taken by the society or the government. Similarly, it will be harmful for society if mentally deficient, naturally delinquent or insane persons produce many children. In fact, society will be benefited by the permanent destruction of their reproductive capacity, providing this does not cause any harmful reaction.

Imposing a fear of population growth is a cunning conspiracy

Science has reached such a stage that it can usher in a new era. It can produce synthetic food in the form of tablets to help solve the food problems of the world. A single food tablet can be sufficient to provide sustenance for a whole day, so we need not fear population increases. Future generations will spend more of their time and energy on subtle psychic and spiritual activities, so their demand for physical food will decrease.

Through oceanographic research abundant food resources have been discovered within the ocean and on the sea bed. With the application of science and technology we can harness these resources to meet the challenge of the food problem. The crisis faced by society today indicates that humanity is not encouraging the maximum utilization and rational distribution of the world’s potentialities. Science today is being used to develop increasingly destructive weapons of war rather than for benevolent and constructive purposes.

Society will have to adopt a collective economic system for maximum production and economic security in order to control accumulation; ensure the rational distribution of collective wealth through a well-knit cooperative system; implement decentralized socio-economic planning; and secure the maximum utilization of all types of mundane, supramundane and spiritual potentialities. So far society has not adopted such an approach so it has been unable to solve the food problem.

Instead, certain inhuman birth control practices have been forcibly promoted. Not only are such practices detrimental to a healthy human body and mind, they cause physical deformity, disturbances and misunderstandings in family life, and mental derangement and debility. Those inflicted with such psychic ailments lose the courage to face adversity in life and the power to fight for social justice.

Imposing a fear of population growth is nothing but a cunning conspiracy by vested interests to misguide people and exploit society. Optimistic people throughout the world will have to unite and raise their voices against such a heinous conspiracy, and work together to construct a just and benevolent society. (3)

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Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Good varieties of seed, fertile land, adequate nourishment, light, air and water are all essential for good reproduction in both the plant and animal kingdoms. In this respect human beings are no different from other creatures. In human society the selection of suitable males and females is desirable for reproduction of a high order. Until human beings are produced in scientific laboratories, it will be detrimental to society if this matter is neglected." (4)

Alternate pathway vs passing on hereditary disease

If people love kids and do not want to pass on harmful diseases to their children then those suffering from hereditary diseases should not procreate. They should instead arrange to have a child from a lab using someone else's genes.

Law to protect fetus

Footnote: Another positive development in family health is that some states in the US now regulate the poor conduct of pre-natal mothers. If the mother is living in such a way that harms the fetus. A classic case where this might arise is if a mother is addicted to cocaine. Then the state might assign that woman to live in a drug treatment facility. Here the point is not to punish mothers but to ensure the well-being of the unborn child. According to the trend of thought in Ananda Marga, this is highly advantageous.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control
2. Guide to Human Conduct, Caryacarya I, Talks on Prout etc.
3. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control
4. A Few Problems Solved - 9, Population Growth and Control

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have come to my hut

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart. 

"Esecho ámár ghare, kripár pasará háte kare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3233)


Parama Purusa, You have come to my abode holding a basket of krpá, my compassion-personified Entity. Your august arrival in my home is not due to my calling – it is solely because of Your infinite love for me. Baba, You have taken so much trouble in coming here. You are bliss-personified. I do not have any merit of my own, nor have I done any good deeds or proper sadhana to bring me close to You. Even then, with a deep yearning in my heart, I go on remembering and calling You. Today, You blessed me and entered my abode. It is Your causeless grace.
Supreme Entity, Baba, the brilliant stars of the vast, expansive sky are chanting Your name and singing: “You are the Supreme Being, the only Saviour -- You help everyone.” Everywhere, all the time, You pour Your causeless karuna on one and all. You are the controller of this entire universe. In the blue sky, meteors and galaxies are shining their effulgence for You - to serve You, to please You. Today, You have come to my home. It is Your endless mercy.

Parama Purusa Baba, You have given me so much, but, alas, I did not offer anything to You. Whatever I have in my life is because of Your affection. I do not have any merit of my own. But You have bestowed upon me Your abundant blessings and filled my entire existence with Your fathomless love. Unfortunately, I did not give You anything. Baba, today I have placed tiny fresh flower blossoms along with my entire being at Your lotus feet. Now, You have come to my abode. I am surrendering myself at Your altar...

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