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Friday, December 30, 2022

Dirty words + 3 more

Dirty words

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.
As every Ananda Margii knows, language is a key part of our sentient expression. A more refined mind will offer more subtle ways of describing the phenomenal and spiritual realms. Unfortunately, in this era of stark materialism, language is often used in a debased manner. We should also be aware about this in order to correct the situation.

Here following is a small collection of the many terms that are a product of a superficial materialistic way of thinking and / or a lustful male mind-set.
(a) 'Chicken breast': Characteristic of lustful thinking, this is one of so many terms designated to give something appeal. It is no different from how they use the pronoun "she" when referring to a majestic ship or a fast sports car. Furthermore, whenever they want to give any ordinary item a grand descriptor they call it 'sexy' - in order to show it is the best of its kind or indescribable. In this way, a tablet can be sexy; a lamp can be sexy; a wine glass can be sexy.
(b) Where materialism and sensual manners have taken hold - whether east, west, north, or south - language is adversely affected. Sentient expression gets replaced by more degrading terminology.
(c) 'Male-female connection': Here a degrading innuendo is used to refer to inanimate electrical components, or what used to be known as a plug and socket. But in  male-dominated, materialistic style they are dragging down human existence where tamasika, sensual desires take expression in every facet of life and everything is calculated according to sensual experience. That is why the plug and socket has been changed to male and female.
(d) 'Lady's finger': This is another concocted male term for making an ordinary vegetable known as okra into a reminder that the female body is nothing but something for male consumption.

Sing, dance & talk their way to hell

(e) 'Meaty': In today's materialistic communities even fruits and vegetables are termed as 'meaty'. Instead of using the more fitting term of 'pulp', the degenerated state of mind infuses tamasik oriented terms to describe even sentient things. In a similar way the term 'sweet meats' is used for desserts.
(f) 'Pig-tail': In order to exploit and look down upon females, and impose an inferiority complex, this phrase and others like it were carried into the society by debased male leaders. Treating females like pigs, as if their hair is nothing but pigtails, helps secure male dominance as they can push down the self-confidence of women, and continue to pave the way for more male domination, ensuring that females remain as objects of sensual enjoyment.
(g) 'Skin': Just as the meat-eating culture of the west had to get through the skin in order to get to the meat of slain animals, such persons infused the 'skin' term to refer to the peel of the fruit.
(h) She: The female pronoun “she” is used to refer to all kinds of inanimate objects like cars and boats to sensualize the expression. This appeals to male buyers whereby items for sale are described as “sexy.” The proper pronoun that should be used is “it.”

(i) ‘Livestock’: Animals are objectified and looked upon as one’s own personal property, just like a stock of rice or stock of grains.
Here Baba points out how lowly expressions in life leads one along the path of ultimate degradation.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If someone makes a sound like “ra, ra, ra – cha, cha, cha,” or if someone sings, “Follow my song! Let us sing and dance our way to hell,” these are sound inferences, but they carry a very crude idea.” (1)
Cause: lack of deeper thinking & spiritual values

The worst part is that this disease of language is unchecked and spreading around wherever materialism and capitalism surface. The two-fold root cause of this entire negative convention is:
(#1) The lustful thinking of a male dominated society that creates words to objectify and exploit females.
(#2) A superficial materialistic mentality where everything is based on selfish pleasure - where there is a distinct lack of deeper sentient thinking or higher spiritual values.
Unfortunately both of these outlooks are spreading all around the globe - wherever materialism and the ensuing pseudo-culture take root.

Language is a measuring rod of mindset

In this way it is commonly seen that language is a reflection of the mental standard of any given community. The status of mind and style of speech are inseparably interlinked. And in this regard - even in the general society - there is a tremendous gap between oriental and occidental expression. As in the current era, the male-dominated materialism of the west has set its own subpar standard. The original culprit is materialism. Where materialism and sensual manners have taken hold - whether east, west, north, or south - language is adversely affected. Sentient expression gets replaced by more degrading terminology.
As we know language is a reflection of the attitudes, aims, and mental standard of the day. So when the male-dominated, sex-oriented materialism has been the driving force behind the development of the English language, it is no wonder why the simple term 'plug and socket' - denoting an electrical connection - gets expressed as 'male and female'.
Not only 'plug and socket', but there are various words and phrases in the English language which get switched over into such type of innuendos - just as such innuendos exist in other languages that have been affected by materialism and the resulting pseudo-culture expressions.
One of the worst victims of all this are females, although many other communities have also been intruded upon. All authored by a suppressive, male-run society operating on debased tendencies. And by this way the language has been fully colored.
Goad motor sensory organs to the Supreme

As Ananda Margiis, knowingly we refrain from indulging in such ways of speaking yet as this disease is spreading uncontrollably wherever materialism and pseudo-culture gain the upper hand, we should also be vigilant not to let it land on the shores of our present Ananda Marga society. And ultimately we should rid it from the general society.
Yet, as Ananda Margiis we have to see this as an important issue. The yogic ideal is to goad all one's thoughts - as well as the ten motor and sensory organs - unto the Supreme. If any motor or sensory organ is not channeled in this direction then the mind will be adversely affected, i.e. degraded. That is Baba's warning: "Cakkhuna samvaro...Sádhu Vácáya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your language... Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it." (Note: Full shloka appended below.)
This matter is of great importance as ultimately we are to help goad all unto the path of sadhana.


In His historic discourse, 'Renaissance In All the Strata of Life', Baba directs us that we are to guide the society and bring a renaissance in all the spheres of existence from language and linguistic expression to politics to economics to culture to spirituality and more. So language is also one key factor that should be purified, refined and made more sentient. Here following is Baba's call for a renewal in all the realms.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "The scope of the Renaissance movement is vast, and you will have to start your work from this very moment: It brooks no delay." (2)
In Him,
Shanti Reynolds

~ In-depth study ~
Sadhaka should have control over motor / sensory organs

Here is the full shloka as referred to above. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "“Cakśuńá Saḿvaro Sádhu” O spiritual aspirant! O Bhikśu! O monk! O devotee! You should have proper control over your eyes; whatever will have bad effect on your mind, you must not see it. “Sádhu Sotena saḿvaro”. Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it. “Ghánena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your nose, “Sádhu Jibháya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your taste. “Káyena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your body. “Sádhu Vácáya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your language also; and “Savvatha Saḿvaro Bhikśu.” If you want emancipation, if you want liberation from worldly fetters, you must have all-round restraint." (3)
Horribly unfortunate & unspeakable
 ~ Warning: strong language ~
In order to thrust various peoples into lowly categories and subject them to endless humiliation so as to break their spirit and make it easier to exploit them, the degraded  class in various countries like the US has invented countless degrading terms. In that way nasty slang expressions and epithets such as 'wetbacks', 'niggers', 'bitch' and the like have been injected into the society in order to press down, embarrass, and dishonor various peoples and persons of the society. The whole scene is tragic and sickening to witness how a certain so-called elite sector of society ruthlessly has executed their exploitative tactics. It is horribly unfortunate & unspeakable that so many of our brothers and sisters around the globe are not getting proper respect - i.e. the respect deserved of a human being. We are all part of the same human family, all worthy of the same dignity and love. Per Baba's order it is our duty to remove such negativity from the society.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Each and every member of the human society should enjoy equal rights as members of the same family, but there is disparity and it is the duty of the Renaissance movement to dispel the disparity and bring about equality, equilibrium, and equipoise amongst human beings." (4)
1. Micorvitum in a Nutshell, Smell and Microvita – Excerpt C
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Fundamental Principles of Life
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, Renaissance in All the Strata of Life

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Now that very dry heart of mine

"Tumi kato liila' kare calecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4116)


Parama Purusa, Your supreme liila is unimaginable and endless. It does not have any beginning or end: You go on playing your cosmic play in so many ways, ceaselessly. You have created soft, tender flowers full of fragrance and nectar, and decorated the sky with the shining cool moon. In Your creation, You did not leave any place unattended to or uncared for. Everything is full of sweetness and charm. Your panoramic presentation is incomparable.

Baba, the flute of my heart was never played, and my inner core never felt any longing for You. Now, You have amazingly aroused that very dry heart by filling it with bhakti and saturating it with bliss. The flute which was never played and whose love did not blossom, You have awakened and filled that with coloured affectionate feelings of bhakti. It is Your cosmic grace. Now that very dry heart of mine is filled with bhava.

Parama Purusa, Baba, those drowned in cimmerian darkness and submerged in dogma were not able to recognise their real status - what they are and what they have come for. Even without their desire or asking, You awaken them with Your eternal truth. In their inner being, You poured nectar - even without their expressed desire or asking.

You have blessed one and all. Baba Your divine liila is unique and incomparable...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How anger hijacks the nervous system

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The fourth bad habit is krodha or anger. What is the nature of anger? When there is too much agitation in the nerve cells and nerve fibres, perhaps after thinking or hearing something, one is affected by krodha. When someone vexes you or humiliates you too much, your nerve cells become agitated. It may also be that no one has insulted or disturbed you, nor have they done anything to provoke you; yet simply thinking about a certain person your nerve cells get tremendously excited. Perhaps someone said something insulting to you as long as fifteen years ago. Even now, when you suddenly remember those words, your nerve cells get excited, your nerve fibres become restless, and you grow angry. As a result of anger, the whole body trembles, and the skin changes colour: one with a fair complexion becomes reddish, one with a black complexion becomes violet. (The Bengali word for anger is “rága”: rańj + ghaiṋ = rágá. In Saḿskrta, rága means to colour something. In Oria it is also “rága”). This is the effect of anger on the human body. Anger is the same everywhere. It occurs when the nerve cells fail to control the nerve fibres.” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Bad Habits Which Should Be Given Up

== Section: Important Teaching ==

When was first democracy

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The first written constitution was framed by the Licchavi Dynasty of Vaeshali (in northern Bihar) in ancient India over 2500 years ago. Prior to that, the words of the king were law and kings ruled according to the advice of their ministers. The first republican democracy was established by the Licchaviis. The Licchavi Republic comprised some portion of Muzzaffarpur, portions of Begusharai, Samastipur and Hajipur between the Gandaka and Kamala rivers, all in the present state of Bihar. It was the first democratic state and they had their own written constitution." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Requirements of an Ideal Constitution