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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How to catch falsehood + 4 more


How to catch falsehood


In this vaeshyan era, advertisers are notorious for booming their messages over and over again to consumers through countless media channels. With a constant stream of propaganda 24 / 7, they are able to influence people in various ways and put forth numerous falsehoods based on how a person should look, eat, drink, think, act etc. This is how they get people to buy their products - by booming their message until people accept it as a truism in their subconscious mind. After getting indoctrinated in this way, those naive people repeat and discuss those same ideas with others. In this way, the spread of those faulty notions multiplies.

How communist leaders spread false news

In communist nations, the leaders always project their false propaganda by booming their message again and again. They repeat their bogus views until the common citizens hold those ideas to be true.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Communism has survived long after the death of Marx. It survived only due to the force of arms and constant booming. If constant booming is done for something, then people start thinking that there must be some truth in what is being propagated...Communists are doing constant booming about their theory. Due to this people are being brainwashed, and at this stage it is very easy to inject incorrect ideas into their minds. By constant booming of their wrong theory they are creating their supporters." (1)

So communist leaders themselves repeat their false party propaganda time and again, and by this way draw a legion of followers who accept that communist propaganda as true. 

A similar thing is going on in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha organisation. Take the case of the various tiirthas or so-called holy sites. One group says that Jamalpur tiirtha is the "holiest place" and another group says that Tiljala is the "holiest place". Some think one place is the most important and others think another place is the "holiest". They each think that Baba is tied to their so-called holy land and resides there. For the margiis then, it all depends upon which group influences them most.

How to get the right understanding

As sadhakas we must be able to discern between truth and falsehood, otherwise we will be misled. According to Baba we must use our viveka or discriminating faculty.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Now, human beings are capable of judging between right and wrong because their minds are somewhat developed, but the minds of creatures other than humans are not so developed. Because of their undeveloped minds, they cannot follow the path of rationality, the path of discrimination, which almost every human being can. Those who say that there is no need of study – “Leave your books aside!” – are incorrect. Study is essential, knowledge is essential, and association with learned and enlightened people is essential. Listening to learned discourses, studying and understanding the scriptures, all have their importance." (2)

By educating oneself about Baba's divine teachings, that sadhaka will be able to develop the requisite viveka and hold the course of dharma and not be swayed by groupist agendas.

Blind people cannot discriminate between proper & improper

If however anyone fails to adhere to Baba's tenet and does not study Ananda Marga ideology, then their plight will be similar to that of the bird in Baba's below teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "But animals less-evolved than humans are incapable of this. They cannot follow the path of rationality or conscience. The more-developed animals merely follow the path of sentiment. When an animal likes something, it runs after it; when it does not like it, it does not run after it. For instance, a dog runs toward a piece of bread without looking to either side. Or, for example, some grains of rice are spread under a net. Suddenly a bird catches sight of the grains and alights on the ground. It thinks: “Let me go down and eat them!” So it is caught in the net. But had it pursued the path of rationality, it would have thought: “Hmmm, rice is strewn in such a remote woodland! This is unnatural. There is neither a village nor rice fields nearby – so this is indeed strange. Let me think this over for a while… Aha! A net has been spread and ropes are laid on all sides. I must not alight there!” This is the way of logic. But if it follows the path of sentiment it will alight and be caught in the net..." (3)

In His next teaching, Baba warns us about falling prey to any kind of sentiment like groupist sentiment.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "If someone moves along the path of sentiment instead of the path of rationality, there is a hundred percent probability of great danger. Those who move along the path of sentiment do not discriminate between the proper and the improper, but merely silently accept all superstitions surrounding the goal towards which they have been running. Even the least question regarding propriety or impropriety does not arise in their minds, because they are moving along the path of sentiment." (4)


In this situation, where all the group's are fast propagating their own gospel, the only way to keep firm to the path is to study Baba's divine teachings. And one should be keenly aware that the campaigns stemming from a particular camp will contain news tainted by a given agenda.

The best remedy then is Baba's divine teachings. He has given so many discourses. Only when one is cent-per-cent familiar with Baba's eternal guideline can one keep away from the group agendas. We are not to believe on hearsay. Otherwise, one will invariably be misled and get lured into following a particular group, instead of Baba's dharmic teachings. As Baba guides us, study is very important. That is the only way to uphold, protect, and follow Ananda Marga ideology.

Baba says, "Study is essential, knowledge is essential, and association with learned and enlightened people is essential. Listening to learned discourses, studying and understanding the scriptures, all have their importance." (5)

In Him,

Nowadays, we all receive news instantaneously from all parts of the globe. The news arrives via news sites / newspapers, discussion forums, blogs, emails, text messages, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, television, cell phone conversations, and all kinds of ways. A key point in all of this is how to gather, receive, and best understand that news. How are we to know what is true and what is false - not just about news of the general society, but news from within our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha as well.

~ In-depth study ~

Truth is one - not many

In reality however, the universal truth is always the same, not many. Here are some common examples:
(a) 2 + 2 = 4; it will never be that a 2 + 2 = 3, 6, or 9.
(b) a triangle has 3 sides; it will never be that a triangle has 11, 12, or 14 sides.
(c) a healthy dog has 4 legs; it is not the case that a fit dog has 1 or 7 legs.

These statements are true in all conditions. They are singular in nature not plural. There are not multiple truths. The truth is one. Same is the case with Ananda Marga ideology. It is one dharmic truth - not many.

Repeat “truths” till margiis believe it

In this following teaching, Baba describes the irony of how various religious factions or sects each claim to offer the supreme truth, yet each faction offers a different message.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The supporters of each and every scripture say, “Ours is the message of God, it is the supreme word.” Then if all the scriptures are messages of the same Supreme Being, why do they vary from one another? The Supreme Being is one, and if all the scriptures are messages of that single Supreme Being, then there should not be any variation amongst themselves. This shows that those scriptures are not the messages of that Supreme Being." (6)

Similarly, the theology of various groups differ from one other yet each claims that theirs is the message of Baba. And this leads to serious problems.

Each group promotes their own false propaganda - or their own separate set of "truths" - which gets repeated again and again until all the margiis in their group buy into that propaganda. By this way, margiis of different groups grow very far apart because they are all adhering to a different "truth". Thus the schism deepens.

In this way there are many examples of how each group does booming about their own false notions to their followers. Each group claims to be the path of truth yet all have distinctly different propaganda.

Indoctrinate their followers into their agenda

There are some margiis who think that the observance of mahaprayan is ok and they are telling their friends to participate because it is "consistent with Ananda Marga philosophy". In that case, how can one accuse those innocent margiis of spreading dogma. It is not their fault. Rather some Dada injected this dogma and told them to celebrate mahaprayan and those people did not read and study Ananda Marga scriptures to find out the truth. So they got misled by that hearsay. Those margiis participating in the archaic and dogmatic mahaprayan function are not to be blamed. They were given faulty instructions.

Then there are some who belong to a specific group. Whatever group they join they are taught certain defective ideas and dogmas by those group leaders. This applies to all the groups. They indoctrinate their followers into their own agenda items. Those receiving messages from a particular group should be aware that they are receiving one-sided news, i.e. false propaganda advanced by a factional think-tank.

If the person or place from where you are gathering your news is faulty, or if that person is getting their news from a weak source, then you may be receiving incorrect news. This especially happens when the person telling you the news does not himself realise that what he is telling you is faulty. So with an earnest mind and sincere voice he conveys news to you, yet the information he is repeating is itself spoiled. This is one common way that wrong ideas get propagated.

For instance, some religions or religious sects preach that the world was created in six days. The priests propagate this notion. In response, their followers carry this message to all whom they meet. Because in their heart they believe this dogmatic and false notion. When the source of the news is himself devious, then news may reach your ears via other people yet you may not even realise that those things are incorrect. These are but a few examples from the general society where the common people unknowingly spread false news to others. The root cause is that they are being fed faulty ideas which they hold to be true.

1. Prout Nutshell-15, Defects of Communism – Section C
2. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, Disc: 3
3. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, Disc: 3
4. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, Disc: 3
5. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect, Disc: 3
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Longing for the Great

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Today my spring season is passing away in vain

“A'ji mor vasant jhariya' ja'y avahela'y…” (Prabhata Samgiita #1153)

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1153:

Spring season (vasanta): In this song, the end of the spring season means that the bhakta has been anxiously waiting for Parama Purusa and now at the end of this spring season, still He has not come. It is utterly heart-breaking for the bhakta that still Parama Purusa remains away.

In the hope of His arrival, so many decorations and preparations have been made: flower blossoms, new leaves, a sweet breeze. Indeed the whole atmosphere has been made beautiful by nature for His divine reception. But alas, He has not come and now everything is withering away. This entire episode portrays the deep melancholic longing of the bhakta. That is the basis of this entire song.

The song can also be interpreted that because of not getting Him close, the spring of the bhakta's life is gone - the bhakta’s good days are getting wasted. The bhakta is thinking: My best days are passing by and You are not coming.

It is just like how the beautiful spring season, with its colourful flower blossoms and tender green leaves, gets overwrought by the hot summer when the burning wind dries everything up and the whole earth becomes brown.

So this song can be understood or interpreted on two levels. It can be taken on a more literal level wherein really the spring season has passed in waiting for Him. Or the song can serve as a metaphor for how one's good days (the spring of one's life) are gone and still He has not come close.


O’ Parama Purusa, due to Your “indifference” towards me, my spring season [1] is passing away in vain. It is getting ruined due to Your neglect. The good times are passing me by. There was a time when sadhana was going well and You were appearing in my dhyana. I had Your company, and would receive Your grace. But today in my mental grove a hot wind is blowing; everything is getting dry.

Baba, now the sweet, fragrant breeze has completely disappeared from the flower garden. The lush green beauty, the rolling grass, and the canopy of trees are all scorched and covered with dust. My spring season is passing me by. The climate has become completely suffocating and unbearable. O’ Parama Purusa where are You? Your presence will be a soothing balm.

O’ my loving One, I am not finding You anywhere, my most charming Entity. Please come and smile in Your heart-pouring manner, in Your ever-new attractive form in this difficult hour. Please come and show the path and guide those bewildered people who have lost their way. Please bring this person on the right path. You are my everything. Except You, no one is mine. You are my everything. Without You, my mind is restless; please come close. Without You, my spring season is passing in vain...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

New perspective on psychology

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "According to general belief, psychology is a part of general science, and should therefore not be included as a part of philosophy. Thus psychology has been accepted as a branch of science in the West. But in A'nanda Ma'rga, psychology has been included as a part of philosophy. Moreover, according to A'nanda Ma'rga the scope of psychology is wider than what is usually accepted by psychologists." (1)

Note: Often we find in the west that psychology is taken as an intellectually dry subject, or some utopian idea, or something that does not have a link with our higher Self. Universities commonly categorise psychology as one of the social sciences. This started primarily because the western approach to psychology is dry - i.e. aspiritual. It does not have any link with the Supreme Entity. In true sense, the western approach towards psychology lacks sweetness and spiritual feeling. Perhaps that explains why we find that many western psychologists lead imbalanced lives.

In contrast, Baba's teachings in His book "Yoga Psychology" are completely different. This subject not a purely intellectual study, but a practical approach that is deeply connected with spiritual life. So it is our duty to remove the confusion in the mind of non-margiis about the subject of "psychology" and give it its rightful place.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Our Philosophical Treatise

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मैंने अपने पुष्प वाटिका में तुम्हारा उचित तरीके से स्वागत भी नहीं किया

प्रभात संगीत 2111 ‘‘ के गो तुमी,आजी भरे नीले, साजि, ना बोलिया मोर फुल वने...‘‘


परम पुरुष का एक नाम माखन-चोर है। इस भूमिका  में परमपुरुष जब भक्त पर कृपा करते हैं तो भक्त की सबसे कीमती वस्तु उसका ‘‘मन‘‘ चुरा लेते हैं। यह  एक सामान्य मनोविज्ञान है कि जब किन्हीं दो लोगों में निकटतम संबंध होता है तो वे अपने प्रिय को उनके पास जो सबसे कीमती चीज होती है वही देना चाहते हैं । भक्त के पास परमपुरुष को देने के लिये सबसे अच्छी वस्तु होती है, उसका विशुद्ध  मन।
भावार्थ -

हे परम-सत्ता! तुम कौन हैं जो मेरे मानसिक फूलों के बगीचे में आए, और बिना मेरी जानकरी के सभी फूल तोड़ कर अपनी टोकरी में भर लिए ।  तुम कौन सी आनन्दघन सत्ता हो जिसने यह किया है।  मुझे दुःख है कि, मैंने न तो तुमसे बगीचे में आने को कहा, और न ही  यह कहा कि कृपा कर बगीचे में  बैठिये, यथार्थतः मैंने अपने मानसिक पुष्प वाटिका में तुम्हारा उचित तरीके से स्वागत भी नहीं किया। फिर भी तुम कृपा किए, बगीचे में आए और सभी फूल तोड़  लिए ।

हे परम सत्ता! तुम्हारी कृपा अकल्पनीय है, जब मैं जप ध्यान कीर्तन द्वारा बुलाता हॅूं तब तुम नहीं आते, और आज जब कि मैंने तुम्हें आमंत्रित भी नहीं किया, परन्तु तुमने आकर मुझे आशीष दिया, यह तुम्हारी कृपा है। आज तुम आए, चुपचाप मेरे मानसिक बगीचे में प्रत्येक चीज देखे, परंतु कुछ कहे बिना, मुस्कराते हुए फूल तोड़ने लग गये। यह तुम्हारी लीला अतुलनीय है।

हे परम पुरुष! बाबा, मेरी क्षमता तुम्हारी लीला को समझ पाने की है ही नहीं, कि तुम किस प्रकार की लीला कर रहे हो। तुम मेरे मन के साथ प्रेम का  खेल क्यों कर रहे हो। तुम मेरे मन के बगीचे में अपना प्यार बहाये जाते हो, और बिना बताये स्पंदित करते जा रहे हो, और मेरा मन दिव्य प्रेम और आकर्षण से भरे जा रहे हो।

बाबा! हे प्रभु ! तुमने मेरे पास आने की महती कृपा की है। तुम्हें शत-शत प्रणाम है (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:1. PS #1153: Today my spring season is passing away in vain
2. Posting: How to catch
3. IT: New perspective on psychology
4. Links