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Monday, April 3, 2023

Baba cares + 3 more

Baba cares

Here is one Baba story that shows how He always cares for the welfare of His bhaktas and wishes to see Ananda Marga pracara progress and flourish.
Running the Angika press

As we all know, Baba wishes to see Ananda Marga ideas propagated in all kinds of ways and in all the various languages. So back in the 1960's, brother Karmeshvarji's job of writing and printing the Ananda Marga newspaper in Angika was an important and valued work. Because Baba wanted Ananda Marga ideas printed in all local languages, including Angika.
Karmeshvarji worked tirelessly on this endeavour - day after day printing and distributing the Ananda Marga daily Angika paper in Purnea. Karmeshvarji, originally of Purnea, was a family man with children, but he was also an LFT for Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. He had little money, spent most of his time involved Ananda Marga projects, and lived in a relatively simple area, surrounded by poor farmers.
All along he was doing an excellent job of running the newspaper and then he began leasing a printing press to make things more dynamic. He leased the press for RS250 per month and then spent another RS80 per day on paying helpers and distributing the newspaper. Remember, this was back in the 1960's so you can understand that was a lot of money back then.
One other brother, Navalji, used to help collect donations from local farmers and circulate the newspaper. With extremely limited means, Karmeshvarji was doing a wonderful work of running the paper and propagating Ananda Marga ideals.
No food for the family

One day while Karmeshvarji was busy with his newspaper work, one of his small boys, who was just a student in primary school, came to him and said, "Papa, ma says there is no food in the house and ma wants to know what we are going to eat?"
Karmeshvar was absolutely silent. He thought for a moment to ponder the situation; he really did not know how to respond. Then in a quiet manner he stated, "Go and tell your mother to fill a glass with water, ideate and recite guru mantra, and then drink the water. In this manner, she should serve a glass of water to every member of the family. Thereafter you will not feel any hunger."
And then the father promised the boy that he would arrange proper food tomorrow. The small child returned back to the house and told his mother what the father had said. The mother thought, "OK, let's try and see how it works." One by one they all drank the water following this technique and by Baba's grace they all felt satisfied.
The next day
The next day while Karmeshvar was vigorously working on printing his paper, in his busyness he had forgotten about the incident of the previous day. Then the idea flashed in his mind that he had not secured any money to buy food for his family. He did not know what or how he would feed them.
Then he thought for a while and closed his eyes. He connected deep within the inner recesses of his mind and said, "Baba, I can live for 3 to 4 days at a time without food. But I have a family - my wife and small kids need to eat. And if I cannot earn the money to feed them, then I will be unable to continue my work on the Ananda Marga newspaper. I think You are listening."
Karmeshvar felt sad at the prospect of potentially having to stop his work for the Ananda Marga newspaper, but at the same time he had implicit faith in Baba. Then Karmeshvar printed and published the newspaper that day.
Gaunga Sharma's arrival
Directly after publishing the newspaper, a margii brother named Gaunga Sharma of Dhanbad arrived at Karmeshvar's office and immediately gave Karmeshvar 200 rupees.
Karmeshvar felt Baba's infinite grace and asked, "You are not from around here - how did you get here and how did you know that I was in need of money?"
Baba gave me money and sent me here. Hearing this, Karmeshvara immediately felt Baba's sweet touch within and tears began flowing ceaselessly. Karmeshvar felt how gracious Baba is and how as Guru He watches over and takes care of everything.
When Karmeshvar came back into his normal flow then Gaungaji told all the details. Yesterday, I headed out from my home and went to go see Baba in Ranchi. As soon as I got there Baba called me.
When I came before Baba, He told me: "There is some very important work to do. Here is 200 rupees. Travel immediately to Karmeshvar in Purnea. He needs money very badly. If he does not get this money our Angika press will stop and his family will go hungry. So take this money. Our Angika paper must continue and Karmeshvar's family must have a sufficient stock of food for the immediate future. Plus you must direct local margiis that I told them that they should wholeheartedly support Karmeshvar on the economic level. Karmeshvar must not lack the basic needs."
With that Gaungaji received the money from Baba and embarked on the overnight journey from Ranchi to Purnea to go see Karmeshvar.
Food for the family

That was the way in which Gaungaji explained his visit with Baba to Karmeshvar. Hearing this, brother Karmeshvar relayed to Gaungaji all the difficulties he had been facing with printing the paper and his family's needs, and how it is exclusively Baba's grace that Gaungaji had arrived there at this time.
Then Karmeshvar looked at the 200 rupees in his hand and realised that he did not have any blank paper to print tomorrow's news. So Karmeshvar gave 100 rupees to one of his helpers and told him to go get a supply of paper. Seeing this, Gaungaji looked concerned.
Karmeshvar then explained, "Blank paper is absolutely needed and besides, already my helper has gone to go buy the paper." Gaungaji was moved by brother Karmeshvar's selflessness.
Then Gaungaji said, "I am giving an additional 100 rupees from my own pocket and I am taking the remaining 100 rupees from you and going directly to your house to hand over 200 rupees to your wife for food for the family."
Baba had directed Gaungaji that he must ensure that sufficient food was supplied and that if necessary he should speak with Karmeshvarji's wife. Then the matter was resolved - Gaungaji arranged a meeting with local margiis, and settled all matters and concerns about food with the wife of Karmeshvarji. In the due course, Gaungaji returned to Ranchi and gave full report to Baba about what had transpired and Baba was extremely pleased by hearing the news.
Significance of the story
All this goes to show that Baba is carefully watching each and every minute detail. It was true then and it is still true today.He has great interest that the ideas of Ananda Marga should be propagated in all ways to all corners of the globe and beyond. At the same time, He keeps His eyes and ears attuned to the needs and cares of His bhaktas.
Baba neither wants the propagation of Ananda Marga ideals to be hindered nor does He want to see any of His bhaktas in trouble. Our Ananda Marga newspapers and electronic media must continue regularly. That is His explicit desire. All should also know that He listens to our worries and difficulties and that He is always there to help.
Such are the wonderful ways of His grace-compassion.
In Him,

~ In-depth study ~
Samaj & mother tongue
Part and parcel of His Prout philosophy and samaj theory is that all languages are important. No language should be overlooked and that no one should harbour any kind of inferiority complex based on the language they speak. Baba honors everyone's mother tongue and has declared that the teachings of Ananda Marga should be translated into every local language.
Just as Baba highly encouraged in the above story that Ananda Marga ideals must be propagated in Angika, same is the case with all the world's languages, such as the language of the Inuits in Alaska, the Zulus in their area, and the Maoris of Australia. Every language should have its place and become a veritable medium of Ananda Marga ideas.
Baba hears our every word and call

In His below declarations He sweetly assures us that He cares for all and listens to the words of each and every person. Plus His wish is that we should dedicate all our time and energy to building a great society by spreading the ideals of Ananda Marga.
Both of these concepts are repeated themes throughout His discourses, and they are prevalent in one's practical life as well. The story of Karmeshvarji gives proof of this. And indeed there are countless other tales and experiences which show He cares for our every need and inspires us to do the great work each and every moment.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "He has an attachment for every object of the universe; that is, He takes care of each and every object – an ant or a mammoth, an illiterate person or a literate one. Nothing is hidden from Him. Humans cannot conceal anything they do from Him. If you say to somebody, “Don't tell anyone about this,” Parama Puruśa hears you saying privately not to tell anyone. Therefore it is said that He has a separate face for each unit being, with which He sees everyone." (1)
   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "He looks upon a tiny white ant with as much love and affection as on a mosquito. Nor does He think of a large mammoth more than other entities, for a mammoth has a mind just as an ant has. So He thinks equally of all: He thinks of a white ant or a mosquito with the same seriousness as of a mammoth or an elephant, and He attaches same importance to each individual creature as to all the three worlds. So you understand that you are not at all insignificant: your existential value is very great."
   Just as the Macrocosm thinks of the microcosm, so the microcosm also thinks of the Macrocosm: Macrocosm meditates on microcosm and microcosm meditates on Macrocosm. But what happens as a result of this mutual thinking? The microcosms attract the Macrocosm within themselves, and the Macrocosm arouses supreme devotion in the microcosms, and bestows permanent liberation upon them. (2)
1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Náma and Námii
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

MPD is anti-spiritual

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In each and every action you will have to try to realize the Supreme Entity; then and only then will those actions not be binding. When you think He is here, He is nearer than here. He is so near that it is difficult to measure the distance. You search Him in the caves of the Himalayas and wander here and there and He is nowhere. But when you attain awareness of Him, you know that He was along with you in your search and that He was seated in your heart. He shares your joys and pains, as He is with you through thick and thin. He never leaves you even when all others have abandoned you.” (1)

Note: When the mind is influenced by avidya maya, a sadhaka may start thinking that, “Parama Purusa is not along with me.” In that depraved state, the mahaprayan dogma sprouts in the mind. Just as night and day cannot co-exist, similarly the mahaprayan dogma (i.e. “Parama Purusa is no more”) and the above cited idea - that “Parama Purusa is always with me” - cannot co-exist. When a person keeps their mind pure with Brahmabhava then the mahaprayan dogma will not brood in their mind. To understand fully, please read the above quote again.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, God Is With You

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Giving bride away like material object

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The bride wearing ornaments would remain seated in a squatting fashion on a low wooden seat; the guardian of the bride would pick her up along with the wooden seat and give her away to the bridegroom, who would receive her as a gift. The person presenting the gift was called kukuda, that is, one who gives away [the bride after picking her up]. The one who received the gift was called koka, that is, the one who accepts the offered bride as a gift. This marriage custom where the daughter is ceremonially given away is still prevalent among high-caste people.”

“This custom is humiliating for women. Is a woman a commodity like rice, pulse, salt or oil that I pick her up and hand her over to someone? Is a woman a hen or okra that I pack her up in a sack and sell her or give her away?”

“The custom is not only humiliating for women; it also drags the dignity of humanity down to dust. It violates the basic principles of humanism and also Neo-Humanism. I request all rational-minded people of the world to give serious thought to this issue and try their best to abolish this odious custom. I would say that it was not proper for Manu to support this custom." (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 27

== Section 3: Links ==

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