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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Story: How Baba lifted us up + 4 more

Story: How Baba lifted us up


When we reached there we saw that a huge crowd of so many highly respected officials, scholarly professors, wealthy businessmen, and so many other officers and persons of high repute. Many were in queue for getting PC with Baba and so many more were moving around the compound.

We felt unworthy

In comparison, we felt that we were basically illiterate, poor folk, without proper attire, living in a very backwards village. We felt completely overwhelmed by it all and thought: "We do not have money - nobody knows us here - how can we get the opportunity to see Baba." We were thinking that the situation was utterly hopeless.

With this psychic complex looming in the mind, we were just sitting in a distant corner of the campus. We were four: Bhiim Mahato, Labin Mahato, Jharu Mahato, and Kashinath Mahato. We did not dare go close and interact with anyone.

Baba graciously calls us

Suddenly, we heard an announcement over the public address system: "All those who arrived from Harva Dih should come and report to the main booth."

We were completely surprised to hear the name of our small, remote village that is several hundred kilometers away called over the public address system. We thought that only the four of us have arrived from our village, so then why are they calling us. We were feeling insecure and worried. Have we done something wrong by sitting down in the corner of the campus? Why are they calling us? These were the thoughts swirling in our minds.

When we reached there, Dada immediately grabbed us and told us to quickly go because Baba is calling you. We were then hurried and were pushed into Baba's room.

Our meeting with beloved Baba: "never think you are lowly"

With great happiness and sheer astonishment, we entered and did sastaunga pranam.

Baba was smiling. He gently asked each of us how we got there, and how many of us had arrived. Then He inquired about our sadhana, health, and asked about the work and activities going on in our village.

Then Baba became serious and said, "How long will you keep your head down. There is no time left. Never think you are lowly."

All-loving Baba showers His divine blessing

Then in a very gracious manner He said, "You should not think that you are inferior. You should know that you are the worthy sons of Parama Purusa, and He loves you very much." Then He blessed us.

In that moment we all started crying, thinking how Baba is so loving and caring so deeply for us. Since then we got the message that we are not worthless, but rather respected members of society and that we should not entertain any kind of inferiority complex.

in Him,

Note: The above story is the first hand account of a great bhakta, margii Bhiim Mahato of Harva Dih (Vill), Kita (Block), Ranchi.

From our very small, remote, tribal village 4 of us traveled to attend Midnapore DMC in 1967. 

About the above story

The above story told by respected margii Bhiim Mahato is very moving and meaningful on multiple levels. Here are a few thoughts for reflection.

We should understand that Parama Purusa sees us only for our inner quality: How much sincere love and bhakti does one have for the Supreme Entity. That is the only aspect He considers. He does not give an iota of credence or value to any worldly qualification like social status, wealth, nationality, title or any other mundane attribution. He only sees one's inner heart. That is the only qualification He considers. Baba tells this fact in many discourses.

All-knowing Parama Purusa Baba has a connection with each and every entity through His ota and prota yoga. In that manner, all-compassionate Baba understood the feeling of those bhaktas.

~ In-depth study ~

No one should suffer from an inferiority complex

Here below Baba guides us not to fall prey to any type of inferiority complex.

Ananda Marga ideology teaches, "An inferiority complex which generally arises due to a sense of imperfection or inadequacy. The poor feel inferior before the rich, the weak feel inferior before the strong and the sinners feel inferior in the presence of the Lord. This expression of fear is most harmful to human beings as it creates formidable obstacles on the path of progress...What humans should think is, “Whatever I may be, good or bad, I belong to Paramátma, so why should my mind be weakened by hesitation, confusion or an inferiority complex?...One should be free of any kind of inferiority complex or sin. Whatever you may be, you belong to Parama Puruśa." (1)

Maintain mental balance - keep mind free of any complex

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Now, to bring about mental balance you should behave with every created being, every human being, in such a way that neither a superiority complex nor an inferiority complex develops in you or in those with whom you interact."
   "A complex of any sort is a psychic malady, a psychic disease. To consider oneself superior to others is a serious human mistake. Similarly, thinking oneself inferior to others is also a mistake. To suffer from an inferiority complex is also a psychic ailment. You must not encourage either a superiority complex or an inferiority complex. You must maintain a psychic balance, you must maintain a mental balance. That balanced mind will be able to move towards Parama Puruśa." (2)

Inferiority complex & how to cure it

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "People start considering themselves to be inferior to others in all respects – education, social position, etc. Normally such people become unnecessarily nervous and begin to falter or fumble before their elders and seniors: they lack self-confidence and faith in themselves. This is inferiority complex. The best way to cure such people is to generate self-confidence in them by frequently advising them not to feel inferior to anyone. Slowly, gradually, they will free themselves from their inferiority complex and the feeling of superiority will increase. But one must be careful that, after a certain stage, a superiority complex is not allowed to develop."
   "Most psychic diseases, if not all, grow out of the defective control over the objectivated mind. If one is alert, any trouble can be avoided. Those who regularly practise Iishvara prańidhána or dhyána (meditation) can remain free from these diseases, as their minds will remain in a balanced state. One of the numerous benefits of sádhaná is that it keeps the mind free from psychic disease and encourages the natural growth of the mind. This is of tremendous importance since such problems may arise not only in individual life, but in collective life as well. Individual human beings as well as large communities often suffer from some sort of psychic disease." (3)

Baba maintains connection with all

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is said, Otah protah yogábhyáḿ saḿyuktah Puruśottamah – “Puruśottama, or Parama Puruśa, is associated with microcosms and the world through His ota yoga [individual association] and prota yoga [pervasive association].” It is enormously difficult to be Puruśottama: He must always remain associated with everything and everyone. None of His created beings should be neglected or slighted. He must associate Himself with everyone’s mind, listening to their thoughts and alleviating their sufferings, whether they are literate or illiterate, rich or poor, shouldering the responsibility for the entire creation. Only then does He deserve to be called Puruśottama. He who remains motionless like a distant star, indifferent to the sorrows and sufferings of created beings, but accepting their worship, is not Puruśottama. To be Puruśottama one has to remain associated with the created beings both individually and collectively through ota and prota yoga."
   "The personal relationship with each and every individual, with every particle of dust, every drop of water, is termed ota yoga. That is, Puruśottama is aware of your individual thoughts and feelings, your joys and sorrows, and takes suitable steps to remove your distress and afflictions. Here I deliberately used the word “suitable”, for He has to remove one’s afflictions without jeopardizing the collective interest. For example, if the sunset were delayed for one hour for the good of one individual, it would go against the collective interest. This He cannot do. So without jeopardizing the collective interest, He is bound to pay attention to the needs and feelings of every individual. This is His ota yoga."
   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "And prota yoga is Parama Puruśa’s association with the entire creation – humans and other living creatures, the world and the universe – collectively. Here He is obliged to listen not to the individual problems of individual beings, but to the collective problems of the collectivity of all beings. It is not an easy task to be Puruśottama. He has to be associated with one and all in ota and prota yoga." (4)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Do Not Entertain Any Inferiority Complex
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Samatábháva
3. A Few Problems Solved - 7, The Faculty of Knowledge – 3
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 9

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Only acting in a drama

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If the actors in that drama think: “I am merely playing a part,” “I am only acting” they will never be disturbed by undue pain or pleasure. Those who play the role of Sah jahan shout, jump or try to escape from prison. But the persons playing the part of Sájáhán know very well that they are only acting in a drama. They know that after having played their role they will go home and eat rice and curry. But on this universal stage, however, those people, those jiivas, who act in the drama, forget that they are mere actors, that their real home is elsewhere, that this universe is only a stage – a platform and that they will go home and eat rice and curry. While taking part in the drama they think that they are actually the characters of the drama – the real Sájáhán. And as a result they either suffer from too much pain or enjoy too much pleasure. Sometimes out of too much joy they lose their equilibrium – their common sense. In Bengali parlance it is said that when people are puffed up with pride they spurn the world. But why does this happen? It happens because the jiivas forget they are playing a role, acting in a drama. In a drama some play a tragic role – others a joyful role. If those who are sádhakas are constantly aware that they are merely playing a role as an actor, they will never be overcome by sorrow or overwhelmed with joy."
   "Before the creation of this universe, Parama Puruśa was in His Nityánanda stance – He was enjoying Himself. He was overwhelmed with His own ánanda. After the creation of the universe, He had His Nityánanda and also His Liilánanda. To play with lesser jiivas is His Liilánanda. Now the jiṋániis and the karmiis will declare – “Oh, what a terrible game, what a terrible liilánanda our Parama Puruśa is playing with us: He enjoys His liilánanda but we can hardly tolerate it any more. We have to earn a living and buy a house – there are so many problems to face in life. Yet He is playing His game of joy and sorrow with us.”" (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6, Nityánanda and Liilánanda

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Just solution to illegal immigration

Prout philosophy states, "Economic decentralization means production for consumption, not production for profit. Economic decentralization is not possible under capitalism, because capitalist production always tries to maximize profit. Capitalists invariably produce at the lowest costs and sell at the highest profits. They prefer centralized production, which leads to regional economic disparity and imbalances in the distribution of the population. In the decentralized economy of PROUT on the other hand, production is for consumption, and the minimum requirements of life will be guaranteed to all. All regions will get ample scope to develop their economic potentiality, so the problems of a floating population or overcrowding in urban centres will not be allowed to arise." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 21, Economic Democracy

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How today’s filmmakers distort the mind & degrade humanity

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Seduced by the bestial instincts hidden in the secret recesses of their minds, people surrender to base propensities. But improvements in education and the social environment can help to bring this beast under control and make it obey their commands. To achieve this the first thing people have to do is to wage war against their animal propensities, which is no easy task. So cunning exploiters, by encouraging animality, are able to bring people under their sway."
   "The cinema industry suffers from this malady. This industry is controlled by a handful of business persons who make films according to popular taste and demand. While ordinary people naturally run after those films which in their ideas, language or visual images cater to their base propensities, such ideas, language or images instantly distort the ideals of the idealist beyond recognition. It is quite in character for purely commercial film producers to exploit these human weaknesses to their own advantage, and this is exactly what is happening." (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Education

== Section 2: Links ==