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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Warning teens: vital point + 3 more

Warning teens: vital point


At present, misinformation and misunderstandings about procreation are being transmitted by the mass media, textbooks, internet, school boards, government, academic studies etc. In all these agencies and avenues the wrong kind of education is in vogue. The preachings and advice are misguided and that adversely affects our youths.

What to teach to pre-pubescent

In the true sense, education about the reproductive glands means proper understanding and use of those glands in order to goad the mind in a sentient direction. If those glands are misused the results are disastrous. Proper education means informing youths about their developing physical bodies, and teaching them how to goad the mind toward the psychic and spiritual fields. This is what children should be taught upon entering adolescence.

Youths should be fully informed how the right use of their developing bodies can lead them to greatness. With the development of the reproductive glands comes courage, tenacity, idealism, compassion, kindness, intellectual sharpness, and love for the Supreme. All of this Baba clearly discusses in His discourses. The curriculum for adolescents should highlight how those glands help develop the entire human personality. With this clear-cut understanding and empowerment, youths will have the requisite logic and reasoning to steer clear of depraved behaviour.

Right use of those glands make person great

(A) Here Baba guides us how the reproductive glands are linked with high qualities of mind and proper conduct. In this below quote Baba tells us how restraint leads to greater intelligence as the lymph is best utilised.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If the testes function properly and if there is no hindrance from the lymphatic glands, intelligence will develop. Without the testes, the solar plexus will not be developed and intelligence will decrease." (1)

(B) In this below teaching Baba guides us how the reproductive glands promote clear thinking - so restraint is important, otherwise that faculty of mind will not develop.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If the testes are properly-active and there is the proper secretion of hormones, a youth develops the spirit of rationality." (2)

(C) In this next teaching Baba guides us how the right use of those glands make the person great.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If the secretion of the testes glands is normal, a sense of dutifulness will be created in the mind." (3)

(D) Finally, those glands are highly related with spiritual thirst and creating a link with the Supreme.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If there is proper-secretion, a youth acquires the power to transform that longing into universalism. In those of you who have a longing for Parama Purus'a [Supreme Consciousness], a proper-secretion took place in your hormones between the ages of fifteen and seventeen. At that stage the idea to become great comes into the mind." (4)

Best to safeguard lymph

If anyone wishes to become an ideal human being, they should be aware that their glandular system has to be maintained and used properly. This should be reinforced again and again to our youths. We will have to teach the point that the lymph is "food for the brain" and "food for the glands", and should not get senselessly converted into spermatozoa and wasted.

Ananda Marga philosophy states,"In males the testes are the glands which convert lymph into semen. As soon as lymph is converted into semen, the nerves are affected and there is a corresponding change in one’s thoughts. It is the pituitary gland which tells the testes to convert lymph into semen [that is, testosterone and spermatic fluid]. When the production of lymph goes beyond the capacity of the body to utilize it, it is converted into semen and comes out of the body." (5)

Unfortunately, in today's society, the lower vrttis are encouraged by negative propaganda in which case many youths and young adults cannot develop the right qualities in life.

Our aim then is to give youths the right theoretical knowledge to understand that it is in their best interests to safeguard lymph. Those youths should not allow themselves to be lulled in the wrong direction. That would be disastrous for them. If they have the right awareness about this and exercise restraint, they will develop all kinds of great qualities in life. Then they will be in the best position to become a true leader in society and an extraordinary aspirant.

Physically transmitted diseases

Our adolescence education curriculum will be radically different from what the general society is currently doing. At present, they teach self-stimulation to adolescents, use of condoms and other forms of contraception, as well as many other points related with this. They expect teens to engage in this way, and even encourage them in this regard. Whereas the point of our discussion is to goad youths in another direction entirely.

Because those youths who are are encouraged and allured into degrading activities get caught up in so many problems: disease (gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes), crime (date rape, pedophilia, sexual predator), death (AIDS etc) and so many other issues like poor student life, teenage pregnancy etc. That is the outcome of degenerative behaviours. And verily, these outcomes are pervasive throughout the youth population in materially oriented areas.

Female diseases

In particular, young girls should receive extensive education and training about female diseases. Baba has placed much emphasis on the care of women in this regard and young girls should be fully schooled in this way. It is a tragedy that so many females in materialistic nations suffer from such ailments. Males also suffer but generally not as badly as females as the female biological system is more complex. Additionally, the point of teen-pregnancy remains a serious problem.

We should warn our youths about the pains, shame, harm, and depravity of related diseases. Such diseases can make a person sterile, bedridden, and even lead to death. No one ever thinks that they themselves will contract a disease or suffer hygienic problems. But it happens. That is why we should warn our youths about this. They think everything will be fine, but it is not true. Awful problems are destined to mount if anyone travels down that dark road.

Many get caught up in negative relationships

The other danger is that physical contact is not just a vice like alcohol or cigarettes. There is a huge emotional attachment as well - another human being is involved. Youths get attached to the opposite gender and spend all their time with them and their studies get left by the wayside. Even a good student can lose their ability to concentrate and focus, both due to emotional attachment and lack of lymph.

Just the other day, one tragic case occurred where one college student murdered his ex-girlfriend (a student at the same college) due to extreme jealousy. So now the girl's life is over and the boy will spend the rest of his life in jail. Their dreams are shattered and their lives ruined. And both were smart students attending a prestigious school. Yet intimate involvement destroyed all that they had and destroyed their existence. And in materialistic societies, these types of tragic, yet heinous, crimes are occurring on regular basis because people become emotionally entrapped in relationships which they are unable to handle. And it all starts with bodily allurement and a lack of knowledge about their own instincts.

Sadly, there is no shortage of other cases where youths spend all their time arguing and compromising their values because of highly emotional feelings for the opposite gender. Instead of having a successful academic career and paving the way for a bright future, they get caught up in negative relationships and their whole life gets derailed in that way - missed opportunities, or even worse. These represent but some of the many pitfalls and horrors.

We should remind our youths that Parama Purusa is watching everything and He does not like to see His young children absorbed in degrading and deviant behaviours etc. We have now discussed both the benefits of right understanding that lead to the development of the higher human personality, as well as the horrible outcomes of wrong understanding wherein youths get caught up in disease and strife and ruin their entire life. The next matter is how to fortify our youths to move in the right direction. They need to know what to do in order to avoid the pitfalls and progress in a proper manner.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “It is not at all desirable for adolescents and young people to remain ignorant of sexual matters.” (6)

Curriculum: reproductive glands related issues

1) Right Company: Boys should befriend boys and girls should befriend girls. Never should members of the opposite gender be together in a lonely, isolated place. This could start early in the pre-pubescent years, as some girls begin the process of puberty as early as 7-years-old. And some boys start entering adolescence at the age of 8.

2) Yoga: Youths should be encouraged in all kinds of yogic practices like sadhana, kiirtan, asanas, kaoshikii and tandava. This will goad their mind in the right direction as well as keep their bodies healthy, balanced, and sentient.

3) Regular Fasting:
At a young age, students should start fasting. If they are still in elementary school or primary education the fasting can be modified. This type of modified fasting (such as not eating rice or bread on the night of ekadashii etc and instead eat lighter foods) is extremely important for instilling the overall idea and discipline of fasting. Plus those young kids will look forward to the day when they are deemed old enough to do real fasting, i.e. after they enter into puberty.

Another reason why starting early is important is because up until the age of 10 or 12 children are extremely obedient. So they will readily adopt the fasting routine. Once they become teenagers, it may already be too late to implement regular fasting if those kids have not been doing it up until that point. Those teens might rebel; they may think that since their friends are not fasting then why should they fast. Indeed all kinds of problems can crop up if there is a delay.

So starting earlier is best. Once established in the overall idea of fasting, then by early adolescence and young adulthood, our youths should be on a regular fasting program. This will divert their physical energy away from lower inclinations and will give them strength of mind and time for spiritual practice.

4) Proper Dress: From the time of pre-pubescence, our boys should be psychologically taught and convinced about wearing a laungota. Our Ananda Marga has a scientific system that helps in restraint. And this practice should be instilled in our youths at a pre-pubescent age. At the same time, youths should be taught to wear clothing that is not the least bit provocative. Unfortunately now in materialistic nations many of our students wear revealing clothing and that drives the whole existence in the wrong direction. So we should psychologically teach and enforce our code for appropriate dress.

5) Sixteen Points: Our youths should get the full teaching about joint hair, use of water, half-bath, and other key points of health and hygiene such as applying oil to the joints. By this special system, the glands are kept cool and the mind is diverted upwards. These all need to be aspects of our curriculum.

6) "Cakuna samvaro...": Here below Baba guides us that one should have control over their motor and sensory organs.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Caks'un'a' Sam'varo Sa'dhu” O spiritual aspirant! O Bhiks'u! O monk! O devotee! You should have proper control over your eyes; whatever will have bad effect on your mind, you must not see it. “Sa'dhu Sotena sam'varo”. Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it. “Gha'nena Sam'varo Sa'dhu.” You should have control over your nose, “Sa'dhu Jibha'ya Sam'varo.” You should have control over your taste. “Ka'yena Sam'varo Sa'dhu.” You should have control over your body. “Sa'dhu Va'ca'ya Sam'varo.” You should have control over your language also; and “Savvatha Sam'varo Bhiks'u.” If you want emancipation, if you want liberation from worldly fetters, you must have all-round restraint." (7)

This is a key point in this media-centered era, youths should keep away from websites, movies, music, television - and all forms of stimuli that goad the mind in the wrong (degrading) direction. That means our youths need to be introduced to a whole new modality. If we put forth some effort - spiritual clubs, sports, and strict use over technology etc - then our youths can easily get success.


As Ananda Margiis, we should have our stand and present our curriculum to youths. Once established, those in the general society will take shelter in our programs as well. Because our way is for the welfare of the entire society. We should keep in mind that if we do not take the lead on this topic, then our adolescent youths will learn from others such as the media or their peers. In that case, their training will be in the wrong direction.

In Him,
Mother Shridevii

Pro-actively guide our youths, otherwise…

Remember, if we fail to guide our youths, then they will learn from the general society. Their void will get filled with the lowly dogma of pop (pseudo) culture. In that case, our innocent youths will be indoctrinated into the dogma that fulfillment in life comes from intimate relations and that self-stimulation is a key practice for adolescents - among so many other dogmas and myths. These messages are harmful and highly detrimental to youths.

~ In-depth study ~

How Sigmund Freud is wrong

Here Baba clearly rejects the notion put forth by Sigmund Freud that humans are primarily motivated by sexual attraction. Rather, human beings do everything in search of happiness.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Attraction towards material objects is called káma or passion. Here káma does not mean the desire of any particular organ. Some psychologists have maintained that the sexual urge, a particular expression of káma is the root cause of all types of mundane attractions and activities. This statement is wrong, for attraction is the characteristic of all unit entities and such attraction will certainly not always be sexual. Those psychologists that give undue importance to sexual lust, betray their own vulgar and licentious mentality. As I have already said, not each and every attachment or attraction is born of sexual desire. Each unit being is vulnerable to attraction but the cause of this attraction is the imperative urge for self-preservation. It is only because of this urge for self-preservation that unit beings run after crude, subtle or causal expressions. And this urge for self-preservation, too, arises due to the desire for happiness in every living being. So it is clear that behind every attraction between one entity and another, which we call by the name of káma, lies the pure desire for attaining happiness. Happiness is the ultimate desire of life, not lust. It is not a matter of sexual or sensual passion at all." (8)

Duty: protect vitality of our youths

We are to raise our youths into this world in the proper way and teach them all they need to know to get success. This is our way - then society will truly flourish.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Our world needs a great change in order to move forward and progress. A new order, a new wave, will have to take the place of the old to remedy all the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual ills of the world. As the vanguard of this new movement, the youth are indispensable. It is the youth, and the youth only, who have the vigour to bring about the necessary change. It is the youth who have the resilience to change and adapt and implement the vision of a new society. Without this vision, without the youth, the world will continue in the morass of suffering, injustice and exploitation that is our present social condition. It is the youth of the world only who can help bring about the new world order and the vision of a new humanity." (9)

1. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
2. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
3. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
4. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
5. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
6. Yogic Treatments, Appendix
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Fundamental Principles of Life
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)
9. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt G

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

AM, abortion, & politics

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Abortion is killing the potentialities...there is hardly any difference between you and an embryo...he [the embryo] is now within the body of the mother. And you are outside the body of the mother...You have got no moral right to kill him.” (1)

Note: Many often mistake liberalism for Ananda Marga teachings. Ananda Marga ideology is neither "liberal" nor "conservative"; it has nothing to do with such terms. Rather, AM ideology has only to do with truth, i.e. dharma.

For example, AM ideology teaches that a human being's life begins at the time the sperm and egg join to form a fertilized egg. Due to that we do not support abortion. Abortion represents the murder of a human being. That having been said, nor do we support the "conservative" approach to this issue because the conservatives are unwilling to take responsibility as a society for the babies which are born. If abortion is removed from the table, it has to be recognized that people are going to continue getting pregnant when they did not want or intend to in all sorts of situations. Those babies will be born and society must take responsibility for the proper care and upbringing of those children, so they can grow and develop with all the same opportunities as other children and become successful in their lives. Conservatives are staunchly against "big government", and oppose funding social programs which are vitally needed for the support of all these babies which will be getting born in unplanned / unwanted situations. The conservative position on this issue is completely hypocritical and indeed harmful. They want to stop abortions, yet have no concern or sympathy for the babe once it is born.

In addition, these conservatives raise the hue and cry of "Pro-life!", and then go home at night and have steak for dinner. By this, we are not equating human and animal life, but are saying that to be "pro-life" as a policy one must be sincere in really supporting life. The more developed the creature, the more its life is to be protected. We know Baba's teaching regarding ahimsa; the conservatives are total hypocrites on this point of "pro-life".

We can understand then that Ananda Marga ideology walks the line of truth; it has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. This point should be clearly understood by Margiis around the world. And this only underscores and calls out more, the critical need for ideological discussion. That is the only way difficult, sensitive societal issues can be raised and brought to the fore in light of Ananda Marga ideology. Unfortunately, nowadays many are either scared to speak the truth on these matters, or are themselves blind and in the dark as to what Ananda Marga ideology actually says. All the more need for the young so-called liberal Margiis to study Ananda Marga ideology, discuss these matters in a meaningful way, and come to know how Sadguru Baba is guiding the society forward.

In Him,

Here is the original audio file about Baba’s above teaching on abortion,

1. Unpublished Discourse, 22 August 1970

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Story: Ask for that which is permanent

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Ya'jinavalkya asked, 'What would you like?'" "Maetreyii replied: 'Yena'ham' na'mrtasya'm' tena'ham' kim kurya'm'" "'What will I do with things which will not remain with me permanently? Of what use are the objects which will not establish me in immortality?...'Please give me that thing which will remain with me permanently, which I'll be able to preserve forever, which will establish me in immortality. I don't want anything else.'" "Then Ya'jinavalkya gave her a number of instructions, upon which a major part of Raja Yoga is based'." (1)

Note: As described in the above teaching, worldly things do not remain with us very long. That is why ideal people goad their mind towards Parama Purusa. Being Parama Purusa and Guru, Baba has given us the path. On this point, we are extremely fortunate. Now our main duty is to follow His ideological teachings, i.e the path to Supreme fulfillment.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The Place of Women in the Spiritual World

== Section 2: Links ==