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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Baba story & flying lizards + 5 more


Baba story & flying lizards

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


As Ananda Margiis, the best memories and most beautiful experiences in life revolve around being with Sadguru Baba: through our dreams, in our sadhana, or being in His close proximity. All these remembrances bring a wave of sweetness and bliss. Truly we are blessed to have His personal touch in life. That is nothing but His unfathomable grace.

Everything Parama Purusa Baba does is aimed towards bringing us closer to Him. His teachings, His stories, His affection, His loving scolding and kindness, His directives, and His humour are all done for one special reason: So we may be drawn closer to Parama Purusa and realise His infinite love. In that way, everything He does is for our progress. This following story leads in this very same direction.

"a flying lizard has told me..."

Baba is the all-knowing Parama Purusa, but in public He did not like to proclaim that, "I know everything." There were times when He did not want to openly say, "I know everything that you are thinking." On such occasions, He would sweetly say, "A flying buffalo, or a flying lizard, or a flying rabbit, or a flying camel has told Me...etc" This was Baba's very kind and humorous way of expressing the idea that, "I am that omnipresent and omniscient Parama Purusa that knows all that goes on in this universe."

Those who were around those days have all heard in reportings Baba express, "A flying buffalo or flying camel or flying lizard or various other types of flying animals have come and whispered in My ear." Parama Purusa Baba would often say this when He was about to reveal the mental thinking of x, y, z, or anyone. This extremely humorous explanation was all-knowing Baba's way of sweetly telling us that He is aware about each and every thing and that He is always with us - caring and watching - helping and saving us in all circumstances. Never are we alone or helpless. He is always present with His loving countenance. Not only is Parama Purusa aware about all we do, but He is with us each and every moment to ensure we are safe in all situations.

This point that "Baba is watching me" is not a myth or a fairy tale. Every sincere sadhaka realises this point in some way. Those doing regular sadhana feel His presence in their practical life or they have realised from His eternal presence from being in reporting sessions or PC with Him. Or with continued practice this feeling will certainly arise in their consciousness. This is one well-recognised and understood idea amongst Ananda Margiis.

What they did anywhere

In reporting Baba used to reveal before everybody the thoughts, secrets, and hidden behaviour of what any particular bhakta did. Immediately, that sadhaka would become wonderstruck how Baba knew what they were thinking or how He could tell all the graphic details of what they had done in secret.

Suppose you thought something and did not tell that to anyone; it was between you and you alone. And then all-knowing Baba reveals that very thought. Or suppose you did something in a very isolated place and no one else knew what you had done. And you never told anyone out of fear or shame etc, and then Baba lovingly reveals the fact to bring sadhakas on the right path. This was done not for self-glorification or to ruin the image of that sadhaka, but to sweetly or sternly goad them onto the path of welfare. Then one can understand that nothing - no thought and no deed - can be hidden from Parama Purusa Baba.

That was the exact scene occurring on a regular basis in reporting. A sadhaka had not told anyone or mentioned anything to anyone about what they had done, yet here was Sadguru Baba revealing everything - every specific detail. And this was not a singular circumstance. Parama Purusa Baba was doing this with everyone. This was His regular manner. In this way He was revealing His divine Self, as well as bringing disciples onto the proper path.

Competition at that DMC

At one DMC in April 1984 in Daltonganj, all the margiis and acaryas had assembled and were joyously and anxiously waiting for Parama Purusa Baba's divine arrival into the pandal. There was great anticipation and so much bhakti in the air. The spiritual vibration was palpable. Those days our Ananda Marga was growing fast. Every day Baba was giving new teachings and every week more and more bhaktas were coming from around the globe to have His darshan. The days of Emergency were now long behind us and everything in Ananda Marga (AMPS) was thriving. New people were quickly entering onto the path of tantra.

In that anxious moment when all were waiting for Baba's august presence, the pandal was filled with the spiritually vibrated chanting of kiirtan. After every round of the kiirtan, we all were sure that at this moment Baba would make His arrival. But alas it was not to be. And again the mystical longing would mount in kiirtan until the thought of Him still not coming was unbearable. We were all lost in His thought and rhythm.

Then just as it seemed that the kiirtan would go on forever, there was a massive call from the front of the pandal, "Parama Pita Baba Ki!" and we all shouted 'Jai!". Still there was no physical sign of Baba's arrival but we could feel that any second He would come forth. Then again came the call "Parama Pita Baba Ki" and in unison everyone responded "Jai!" This went on 4 or 5 more rounds until the sound reached its peak and every cell of everyone's existence was focused on His coming.

Step by step

In that grand atmosphere, Baba emerged from behind the stage and graciously blessed everyone upon His arrival. A wave of bliss spread through the mass of bhaktas who had gathered. And in a regal and majestic manner Sadguru Baba slowly walked across the stage, using His cane in the most dignified way. Cries of, "Baba, Baba, Baba" filled the air. All the while attending Dadas were surrounding Him, watching His each and every step.

When Baba reached the dais and turned to sit down, immediately PA Dada came forward and removed Baba's shoes and helped get Baba comfortably situated on His seat. Pillows were arranged and everything was made neat and clean. A glass of water was offered to Baba and He sipped gently from the glass taking a small amount of water. The pandal was silent; all eyes became fixed on Baba. Everyone was watching Him intently to see what would happen next.

Then in a joyful mood, Baba asked, "How is everyone? Have you had enough to eat? Are you alright?"

And everyone responded, "Yes, Baba."

Baba's flying messenger

Then came the call for brothers kaoshikii. Still at that time, kaoshikii was relatively new, and everyone was learning to improve their rhythm and form. So in that spirit, a kaoshikii competition was arranged. Numerous brothers participated and Baba gently nodded approvingly as they danced.

Spontaneously, at that very moment, the leader of the sister's kaoshikii was thinking to herself that the sisters should not dance kaoshikii in front of Baba. She did not tell this to anyone. Just this idea arose in her mind. After all, she had trained those sisters earlier and while everyone had practiced hard, there were many new people and their form was not up to the mark. So the in-charge Didi was thinking that best will be if the sisters are not called upon to dance kaoshikii. But she did not orally express this to anyone - just it was her own inner feeling.

After the brothers finished their dance, then all-knowing Baba looked around and everyone was waiting for the inevitable - for Him to request the sisters to dance kaoshikii. But it did not happen. Baba delayed and the room was quiet. In the next moment, in Hindi Baba said, "A flying camel has come and told me that the girls do not want to participate in the kaoshikii competition."

After saying this, omniscient Baba was smiling and looking all around the pandal; in response, everyone started smiling and laughing. Seeing this whole scene, Didi understood well that Baba knew her each and every thought. She had not mentioned her feelings to anyone that the sisters should not dance kaoshikii - she had not told a single person. She understood that Baba is that all-knowing Divine Entity who knows her every thought - always. In that moment, the in-charge Didi stated, "Baba, the sisters are ready to participate in the kaoshikii competition."

Then Baba replied, "As you like."

Accordingly those sisters did their competition in kaoshikii and Baba gave His approval.

You can’t hide your thoughts from Him

During reporting and dharma samiiksa etc, and in various circumstances, all-knowing Baba would tell that, "A flying buffalo has told Me..." This was His charming and sweet way of telling us that He is always with us. In all reportings and Personal Contact sessions He did like this.

By this expression, we are to understand that we are not alone and that we cannot do anything hidden or secretly. We should always think that Parama Purusa is watching. Via this approach, a sadhaka becomes pure and sanctified as he will not indulge in any wrongdoing because he thinks that Parama Purusa Baba is always watching. Side by side, we know that He is present with us in all situations to save us from any problems or difficulties.

Certainly, by cultivating this habit and thinking that Parama Purusa Baba is always watching, then one's real spiritual life starts. When any sadhaka ideates in this manner all the 24 hrs, they are established in Brahmahood. In that stage, they cannot do any wrong. Rather one will be filled with perennial inspiration knowing that by His grace victory is assured. Such is the great benefit of His eternal presence.

Verily this entire process is one practical way of doing second lesson. This process is also used in dhyana as well. Because when a bhakta has His close proximity and serves Parama Purusa, then that means He is watching.


The basic characteristic of every bhakta is the realisation that Parama Purusa Baba is present with them always - in all conditions and in all circumstances. That brings infinite inspiration, courage, and spiritual zeal. So when Baba says that  "A flying buffalo has told Me...", He is graciously reminding us that He is that all-knowing, omnipresent Entity and that He is always with us - never are we alone, regarding of the circumstances. Always He is there to help, guide, and save us. That is Baba's loving kindness on each and every sadhaka.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "You are all children of Parama Puruśa. He is always with you, so your victory is assured." (1)

at His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Understanding about the play of flying messenger

First and foremost, it is the unquestioned truth that Parama Purusa knows everything. And sure enough, one approach was for Parama Purusa Baba to come forward and say, 'I know everything'. But in this present era, when the overall humanity is indulged in so much hypocrisy and self-promotion - where every Tom, Dick and Harry is proclaiming their own greatness - then the playing field has become tampered and stained.

In the past however, the people were simple and not prone toward self-glorification, but rather spoke and heard each and every word as truth. So in that era, Lord Krsna did proclaim Himself as Parama Purusa because those bhaktas who were around Him were ready to listen. But in this present era, when the overall society is prone toward self-glorification and even very new sadhakas were coming to those large DMC gatherings, then Baba chose to use a much more indirect and light-hearted approach.

On this matter, Baba opted to resort to humour. So He employed the use of one 'messenger' who would tell Him everything. Sometimes that messenger was a flying camel, or a flying buffalo, or a flying lizard etc. There were so many animals who 'came to Baba as messengers'. This was Baba's chosen style. And bhaktas understood the deeper meaning.

Certainly, internally we all know that Parama Purusa Baba knows everything and no one really believes that the messenger - such as a flying camel - is something real. So this is not something to take literally. It is just omniscient Baba's sweet way of telling us that He knows everything.

Directly to bhaktas only

In conclusion, we can say that in His very talks Lord Krsna proclaimed to those around Him that He is Mahasambhuti Parama Purusa. While in the present era, Baba used indirect language on the public forum, and selectively revealed Himself directly to His bhaktas on an intimate level through Personal Contact, reporting, and through sadhana. Those doing sadhana invariably come to realise that Baba is Parama Purusa, and that He is, was, and will always be. So forever into the future bhaktas and sadhakas will gain this realisation, by His grace.

Baba the Parama Purusa is for everyone - not just Ananda Margiis

Parama Purusa Baba is that eternal Divine Entity who resides with all - always. All are His children; it is not that He is only with Ananda Margii. Parama Purusa Baba is the omnipresent Creator so He resides in all and witnesses everything regarding everyone . All are His loving children.

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "We should not forget that He is master of both "heaven" and "hell." If there is a place like "hell", Parama Puruśa is there because He is omnipresent. If He does not live in "hell", He is not an omnipresent entity. If a sinner (pápii) goes to "hell" Parama Puruśa is also there. Therefore the so-called sinner should not be afraid of anything and should not worry. When he or she goes to "hell", Parama Puruśa will also be there with him or her.”
   “The second meaning of Parama Puruśa; that, He is the father of only sádhus, is not correct. He is the Bábá of sádhus and also of wicked pápiis. A pápii should not think that Bábá is not with him or her. He is the one who lives with every entity, who knows everything. He has to live with every entity. He cannot hate anyone. If He hates how can He live with every entity?”
   “Therefore you have to keep in mind that Parama Puruśa is omniscient, and that is why there is both a disadvantage and an advantage. The disadvantage is that you cannot, under any circumstances, do things in secrecy. He will know everything and therefore, you will have to be careful when you do anything. He will see everything and then punish you if you have done anything wrong. The advantage is that, under no circumstances are you alone. Do not fear any power because Parama Puruśa is with you. You are not weak. This is the biggest advantage. Thus, because of the omniscience of Parama Puruśa, there are both advantages and disadvantages. There is a little disadvantage but greater are the advantages. Victory to you." (2)

The advantage is greater

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us,"You are the dignified children of Parama Puruśa, and He is always with you. You are never alone.”
   “He is with the Universe, that is, the entire Universe is His object. And not only that, He is with each and every expressed unit entity, with each and every individual also. That is, collectively He is attached to the world, to that expressed world; and singularly He is with you. You are never alone.”
   “This thing has got two aspects. Parama Puruśa, the Supreme Father, is always with you and you are never alone. This has two aspects – one advantage and one disadvantage. The disadvantage is that He is always with you and therefore you cannot do anything secretly. You cannot do anything behind the curtain. And not only that, you cannot think anything secretly. Whatever you may be thinking, it will automatically be tape-recorded by Him.”
   “You cannot think secretly. If you say, “You know, my friend, we will do this and that very secretly, and I think Parama Puruśa is over-busy with this Universe, perhaps He’s not hearing what I said,” this thing also will be heard. So that is the disadvantage; nothing can be done secretly.”
   “And “I won’t take part in kaośikii today. Let me see what the first group does. After that I may also take part tomorrow” – suppose you are thinking like this, it will be also heard by Him.”
   “And the main advantage is – the advantage is a very great advantage, and that is – you are never alone. And because He is with you, you are the strongest person in the universe. He is with you. You are never alone. It is the greatest advantage. There is a disadvantage, but the advantage is greater than the disadvantage." (3)

Parama Purusa is always with you & always helps you

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Nothing is secret for Him. You cannot do anything, or you cannot think anything without His existence, with being witnessed by Him. If you think that you are not being witnessed by anybody, then and there He will witness this external utterance of yours, that the boy says, “I am not being witnessed by anybody.” The final assurance, the Supreme assurance to a created entity, given by Him, and will be given by Him forever, is that as a witnessing entity, He is always with you.”
   “Your mental strength will be increased a thousandfold because you are always with the Supreme Entity. The Supreme Entity is always with you to help you, and this is the first and the greatest merit of this fact, of this Supreme Veracity. The only demerit is, as He is always with you, you cannot do anything secretly; you will be caught red-handed. But, the merit is, that because He is with you, you are never alone, you are never weak. You are never helpless. So, the duty of a perfect person, the duty of a spiritual aspirant is always to remember this Supreme Truth, that he or she is never alone. You are always with your Supreme Father, who will always help you, and will always accelerate the speed of your progress." (4)

Parama Purusa Baba does not reside in the distant sky

Parama Purusa Baba resides within, but the various religions dogmatic view God as being a distant, faraway entity that stays in the seventh sky, i.e. "heaven". But that is a false notion. Unfortunately, those religious followers cannot conceive of the idea that the Divine Entity is with them and that He is aware of all their thoughts. They do not think that their God can hear their solitary prayers. That is why they feel the need to pray to a priest or mullah or rabbi etc in some holy house of worship. But the reality is that God is one - He is the creation - so when any living being thinks anything that resonates in His mind.

But the universal truth is that Parama Purusa is that all-knowing Witnessing Entity who lovingly watches our each and every action. And that is what Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us. So we feel He is always along with us. This basic, fundamental outlook signifies one's entry onto the real spiritual path; this is when one's true spiritual journey starts. Before that, one is just in preparatory stage. As Ananda Margiis we know that Baba is the Parama Purusa who resides with us always. This is one veritable boon as He is always present to protect and save us, and we also know well that nothing can ever be hidden from Him.

This letter makes reference to both heaven and hell; but in Ananda Marga we do not believe in heaven and hell. That is why we think of them as so-called heaven and so-called hell; thus, those terms - heaven and hell - have been placed in "quotes" throughout this letter.

1. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, Why Does Supreme Consciousness Descend?
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, The Omniscience of the Causal Matrix
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Everything Comes from Something
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Supreme Truth


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Only You know
"Toma'r liila' tumii bojha, a'ro keu ta'ha' bujhite ki pa're..." (Prabhata Samgiita #0722)


My Parama Purusa, You are so loving and unique. Only You can understand Your exquisite liila. No one except You can know the way You are making Your divine play. Who can understand Your style? Without trying to comprehend Your liila’, first I will realise that Liilamaya (Liila Personified) Parama Purusa. He is the base of my life. He is my everything.

Why does the sun rise in the east, and why does it always make a purple-coloured sunset in the evening? My Lord, only You know. And why is there only one moon floating in the sky of the beautiful moonlit night, and not many. Why this liila? Only You know.

To know Your liila is impossible. Why is there delightful snow that covers the high peaks of the mountains; and, why is the colour of the sky blue. And how come emeralds have a brilliant, green hue. Why is each and every expression the way it is - only You know.
Parama Purusa Baba, please apply heavenly collyrium in my eyes so I can see You everywhere….

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why communists could not get success

The Propounder of Prout says, "I cannot support the attitude of those who denounce capitalism at every opportunity, because this allows capitalists to become alert and invent more scientific and devious ways to exploit the people. Those who lack a constructive ideology will never be capable of destroying capitalism, even if they speak sweet words, use threats, or create circumstantial pressure." (1)

Note: This about Prout teaching is referring to the impractical and shortsighted approach taken by communists.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #3

== Section: News ==

B group capitulates to Hindu dogma


This is an idol photo. Actual photo of Lord Shiva is not available. In addition, BABA said that Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna were fair complexion, Not blue or black complexions.

The Lord Shiva photo shows a crescent moon on the left temple of fake Lord Shiva. This is also one dogma according to Baba. Because the real Lord Shiva does not have a crescent moon on His temple.

Lord Shiva photo portrays a birth defect where there is a third eye which runs vertically on the forehead of the fake Lord Shiva. This is also one Hindu dogma. Ananda Marga philosophy rejects portraying Lord Shiva in this way.

If AMPS will display such dogmatic photos - How will the common people will think that Ananda Marga is a revolution?? rather they will think it is also a collection of Hindu dogma.

Vira't'a Deva

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why are you sitting under this tree on a winter evening?

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Feeling of dislike takes place through the word jhanjhan. The wife of a certain gentleman that I knew was quite ill-mannered. One winter evening I saw this gentleman sitting quietly at the foot of a tree. I asked him: “Why are you sitting under this tree on a winter evening? You’ll freeze.” He replied: “You know, my young friend, if I go in the house I’ll hear only khankhan jhanhan. It’s a lot more peaceful out here.” (1)

1. Varńa Vijiṋána, Disc: 19

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why the wicked can tolerate a strong beating

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Those creatures that pulsate in the darkness of the deep sea are blind due to the darkness; and hence by natural law, just as their bodies possess the power to radiate light, so as weapons some of them possess sensitive spines, some have glandular poison jets and some have attractive voices. With the help of these, they compensate for their lack of visual perception of form-vibrations and preserve their own existence by their subtler reception of other tanmátras or vibrations."
   "The capacity of an instinctively wicked person to absorb vibration differs somewhat from that of an average person. The amount of beating that might endanger the life of average people, may be easily borne by those who are instinctively wicked. Very often they remain quite unconcerned about the bleeding that pours out of their cuts and wounds – rather they feel relieved from such bleeding. Such people can also perceive the premonitory hints of nature. In other words in such matters their ways, to some extent, correspond to those of the sub-human creatures. Yet to attain such power even a virtuous person has to perform sádhaná or spiritual practice most diligently." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 3: Links ==

Mahaprayan Info

Recent postings

Other topics of interest