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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Telltale signs: lack of Ista + 3 more

Telltale signs: lack of Ista 


In the life of an Ananda Margii, Sixteen Points is very important. One of the points of Sixteen Points is Ista. Yet in the 16 Pts chart, it is only briefly written that strictness and faith in Ista is very essential. Ananda Marga sadhana has been given by Taraka Brahma Parama Purusa. He is also called Baba; He is the Guru as well as Ista (i.e. God.)

In addition, there are some sadhakas who perform Ananda Marga sadhana, do Guru Puja, and sing kiirtan etc, but when a problem arises in life they pray to some fake gurus or dogmatic religious prophets for help and support. So if anyone worships multiple deities or keeps various photos of different gods and goddesses on their puja table, then that is certainly indicative of a very weak link with Parama Purusa (Ista). We can certainly conclude that that sadhaka does not adhere to non-compromising strictness and faith in Ista. In which case, one is sure to have poor sadhana. Here following is another key indicator of who adheres to strictness and faith in Ista.

Faith in Ista brings courage

As with all these matters, one's strictness and faith in Parama Purusa (Ista) exists along a continuum. It is not all or nothing. As an example, if one has 90% faith in Ista, they will have 90% courage; and, if one has less faith in Ista - such as 30% - then they will have only 30% courage and 70% cowardliness. That is the way it manifests: It varies in degree according to the level of one's faith in Parama Purusa Baba (Ista). And without faith in Ista, spiritual progress will just be one distant dream.

Examples how people lack courage in day to day life

(a) One sadhaka may be invited to a social party with their old friends or new associates etc. That sadhaka knows that there will be meat and alcohol etc at the party, but they attend anyway because they do not have the courage to say, "Thank you, but I cannot attend." So they attend the party and compromise in all kinds of ways. In that case, we can say that sadhaka is severely lacking in strictness and faith in Ista. Firstly, because they do not have the requisite courage to politely decline the invitation, and secondly because once on-site they failed to maintain a proper level of conduct.

(b) One sadhaka might return to their town or village and perform the dogmatic, outdated, religious funeral ceremony for their deceased great-grandfather just to please those exploiters. That margii does not have the strength of mind and requisite faith in Parama Purusa Baba (Ista) to stand on the Ananda Marga principles and state that, "We already performed the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony for my respected great-grandfather." That person shudders to think how those villagers and locals might respond. So he acquiesces to social pressure and performs their ritualistic death ceremony according to those religious dogmatic customs etc. Such a cowardly act is indicative of one who lacks faith in Ista.

A related example might be the one who is called upon to attend a local shraddha ceremony (death ceremony) in his village, and he is afraid to tell the organisers that he will not eat. Rather due to shyness and public pressure, that sadhaka violates Ananda Marga conduct rules and takes food at the shraddha ceremony. Such type of action reflects a distinct lack of courage - which stems from a lack of faith in Parama Purusa (Ista). And without strict faith in Ista, one’s spiritual progress will be severely hindered - i.e. nil or zero. Verily, there are some who treat Baba as Guru and only think of God in an impersonal manner. Such persons are zero on the point of Ista. Because Ista is always personal.

If no faith in Parama Purusa (Ista) cannot oppose wrongdoers

(c) Then there are some who see unideological activities going on in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha but they are scared to speak up and oppose those injustices for fear of losing their post and place. They may see that one group has torn down margii rights, or distorted Baba's original discourses, or imposed some kind of dogma like Fake Ananda Vanii, but they themselves remain quiet. All because they are frightful of the potential backlash. So instead of taking a dharmic stand per Baba's wish and holding firm to the ideological fundamentals, those sadhakas compromise all the way down to the ground. Like a mouse they accept those wrongdoings because the thought of speaking up and taking action is absolutely terrifying for them. Anyone suffering in this way lacks faith and trust in Parama Purusa Baba.

(d) Then there are those margiis who utterly disappeared during Emergency. In order to hide their identities and show they are not Ananda Margiis they began smoking cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and eating onions and garlic. They literally ran from the battlefield when confronted by controversy and clash. And they did not return when Emergency was lifted either. By their extreme lack of courage, anyone can understand that such persons held an extremely low degree of faith in Parama Purusa Baba (Ista).

(e) And verily there are so many other occasions where one might lack the courage to do the right thing. Such as when one cannot stand up for dharmic principles or fight against injustice. All this speaks to a distinct lack of strictness and faith in Parama Purusa Baba. Unfortunately, without faith in Ista, spiritual progress is not a possibility.

Why faith in Parama Purusa Ista makes one courageous

Some may wonder why cowardliness is so closely related with having a weak link and a low degree of faith in Parama Purusa (Ista). The reason is that when one thinks of Ista then immediately they gain strength. It is just like if your uncle is a billionaire and he gives you his full support in your land dispute case, then you will gain great confidence and strength knowing that your uncle's money is behind you and that he will do whatever is needed to gain victory. Same is the case when the state governor is your best friend, then you feel quite brave and strong when you are residing in that state.

Likewise, when you know that Parama Purusa is the most powerful Entity, and when you think that He is your Parama Purusa Baba and He is always with you, then one can never succumb to cowardliness. Rather, you will feel very courageous and strong. Fear only comes when one feels powerless. And it is impossible to feel powerless when you feel Ista's presence along with you. On a related plane, we see this with animals as well. Horses and dogs - even elephants - gain strength and courage when they know their master is with them. And certainly as sadhakas, when one feels that Parama Purusa (Ista) is with them then a tremendous, positive vibration - i.e. great force - is generated from within, by His grace.

The chief difference between the mundane examples noted above and one's link with the Sadguru Baba (Ista) is that the Parama Purusa (Ista) is with you all the time - everywhere. His power is almighty, thus all 24 hrs He can obliterate every problem, even before that problem arises. He is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. In all times and in all situations, He is there guiding you to victory. In contrast, an uncle or a governor may not even realize you are suffering from a particular problem, and even if they do know about your situation, their power and abilities can wane at any moment. In that case, they cannot be depended upon. Whereas Parama Purusa is eternal and always watching for your welfare. And without faith in Parama Purusa Baba, proper sadhana and spiritual progress are but a dream.

Inverse relationship: Relying on Ista vs mundane

There is a very clear way to understand how far one is depending upon Parama Purusa. Here are some key points to keep in mind. You can try this for yourself:

(a) To the degree you are depending upon money or some other worldly quality for support in life is the degree to which you are not depending upon Parama Purusa (Ista). So it is an inverse relationship. The more you depend on worldly commodities, the less you depend upon Parama Purusa Baba and vice-versa.

(b) However, keep in mind that depending upon Parama Purusa (Ista) does not mean one must give away all their money. Rather the mindset should be that, "Only Parama Purusa is my eternal abode and Saviour; material wealth is completely impermanent; if my ship is sinking in the middle of the ocean, my money will not be able to save me; because the reach of that wealth is limited; whereas, Parama Purusa's reach is infinite; there is no place where He is not; so all along I am depending only on Him; my mundane wealth is only for attending to worldly duties and responsibilities." Thus, it does not matter how much wealth one has; the degree of surrender is wholly based on how much you truly rely and depend upon Him.

(c) Your reliance on Him holds great value. All mundane things are limited in scope and reach. They cannot save and protect you in all circumstances. Whereas Parama Purusa is omnipresent and all-powerful. In all situations, He is there to save you. And not just in this life, but after your death and in all future lives - always He is there. In contrast, mundane wealth has a limited reach in this life and absolutely zero value after your death. That is why every bhakta should think, "All these mundane treasures are of limited use, but You, Parama Purusa Baba, Your reach is infinite and Your eyes are everywhere. Always You are present to help and protect me; You are my eternal Bandhu. That is why I am surrendering my everything - my mind and heart - unto You."

(d) Your dependence upon Him is entirely an internal affair. It does not matter how much you proclaim this to others, it is based exclusively on one's own mental feeling. The all-knowing Parama Purusa sees into your every thought. So there is no question of befooling Him with any type of tall talk. That will only compromise and even ruin one's relationship with Him.


Parama Purusa knows what you think. If you depend upon something else - money, post, prestige etc - then Parama Purusa Baba surely knows. In that case, where is there scope to build a relationship with Him when He already knows you are depending upon someone or something else. Parama Purusa is eternal and always watching for your welfare. And without faith in Parama Purusa (Ista), proper sadhana and spiritual progress are but a dream.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Bask in the song & bliss

PS Intro: In this song Parama Purusa is addressing the bhakta and giving him all sorts of guidelines to gain success on the path of spiritual attainment.

“Cir nútane yatane mánas ratane, paráńa bhariyá sájáye dáo…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0577)


O’ bhakta, exquisitely decorate the Ever-New Divine Entity, the inner jewel of your mind, up to your heart’s content. By your kiirtan, japa, sadhana, and dhyana, prepare a place for the Supreme One in Your Guru cakra and serve Him. Forget about the sludge of the past; do not think about those dark days of old. Welcome the new refulgence, and warmly embrace this bright new era of neo-humanism.

O’ sadhaka, those old worn-out dogmas are like torn rags. Shake off those dirty blankets like illogical ideas and cast them away from your mind. Leave all those isms and irrational beliefs. The call of the Ever-New’s message of radiant beauty is resonating. Dye your mind with the sweet call of the Supreme, and then colour the whole world. Spread that eternal message to all the four corners. Let everyone bask in the song and bliss of the Divine.

O’ spiritual aspirant, do not try to bring back the rotten ideas of those lost, bygone days. Give up the dream to be intoxicated by that old wine. Why waste your time thinking about those good and bad recollections of the past. The vibrant sun rays are like a new tonic. Arouse and awaken one and all with this brilliant new vision of neo-humanism.

O’ spiritual soldier, the journey, which began in the past, marches forward and will never stop. It goes on and on. In the blissful new joy of the rhythmic waves of t'al, fill your heart with the melody of the Ever-New by singing the glory of Parama Puruśa - that Eternal Entity...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Overpowered or cured by external stimuli

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The stamina to stand vibrations differs in different people. Hence various degrees of happiness or sorrow are experienced by different people, and these differences depend on their respective mental constitutions. The subtle causes of these different mental constitutions are their acquired samskáras or reactive momenta, and the crude causes are their nerve cells, nerve tissues, glandular secretions, etc. The sudden vibrational impact on the body and mind makes the mind react violently, resulting in the cessation of the cardiac functions. This also explains the death of a person struck by lightning. The sudden contact of the eyes with an extremely dazzling radiance often results in the total impairment of vision. If we look directly at the brilliant sun for a few moments, our visual power becomes temporarily stunned and we cannot see anything for some time. Similarly, when some very high pitched or loud sound strikes the eardrum, the power of hearing may be destroyed. The sensitivity of every organ may be suspended by the impact of any violent vibration; this stupefaction, if the intensity of the vibrational impact is very great, may even become permanent. Yet sometimes powerful vibrations may help stimulate and restore the power of organs which have not been functioning for years. You must have heard of a person who had been blind or deaf and dumb since his childhood, regaining the lost power of his impaired organs in his latter years either by stroke of lightning or by being suddenly informed of an extremely happy or sad news." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Wts: bragging or serving?

Ananda Marga ideology states, “While helping the poor people your vanity may increase. You may think: “I have done this, I have done that. I am not an ordinary man.” This is a psychic disease. Actually, vanity is a psychic disease, a psychic ailment. But if, while helping a man, a poor man, or a diseased person, you ascribe Godhood to him, that is, if you think, “I am not helping a man, I am helping God in human structure,” then vanity will not be encouraged. What will be the reaction within the person? “This body, this mind, this wealth has been given to me by Parama Puruśa, and Parama Puruśa has come before me, God has come before me, as a suffering person, and I am paying back that thing to Him. That is, the actual owner of this body, the actual owner of this mind is He, and His wealth I am paying back to Him.” So there will be no vanity.” (1)

Sadly enough, this ego-centered mentality has taken root in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha amongst some of our Wt cadre - with some Dadas. Yet, Baba has given the divine teaching that our wholetimers are to selflessly serve society.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas." (2)

In this way, some may even brag and loudly expose their feelings to one and all. Some tell tales of the "miraculous work" they performed, without ever hinting how Parama Purusa is the Supreme Doer, or that the work was done by His grace.

These are some of the ailments nowadays with regards to some of our Wts. By this way, one can easily understand that such persons are surrounded by Cimmerian darkness. In contrast, true Wts strictly follow Baba's teaching: do with the ideation of serving Parama Purusa.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam -14, “Prańipátena Pariprashnena Sevayá” – 1 / Yoga – Its Fundamental Factors
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya

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