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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Wasted existence + 3 more

Wasted existence


In His teachings, Baba gives a graphic example that clearly depicts the true nature and value of one's endeavours. By His special series of analogies, we can easily understand which engagements are worthwhile undertakings on this earth - i.e. which pursuits yield a lasting result.

Analogy: Like writing on water

First, Baba characterizes the return of certain endeavours as "writing on water." If you have ever tried writing on water you are well aware that whatever you write does not last - rather it vanishes almost immediately. Just try writing your own initials on water. Before you even start writing the second initial, the first one has already disappeared.

So what types of endeavours does Sadguru Baba liken to "writing on water"? The answer is any physical or mundane aim. That means those aiming for physical might, corporeal beauty, mundane riches, and material wealth will never achieve lasting success. One day they will manifest their dreams and desires, and the next moment those achievements will be shattered into dust.

Verily, so many monarchs - kings & queens - have come and gone from this earth. In their lifetime they accumulated so much wealth only to lose it before their very eyes. There are countless examples across history. But not just rulers and monarchs. The wealthy have gained huge riches over decades and lost it all in a single moment - or they invariably become separated from it at the time of death.

Similarly, star athletes and film stars have a short window of fame and then their physical abilities wane. Their glory does not remain. Even normal human beings who claim excellent health will one day become diseased, decrepit and die.

All born into this world want to be successful and acquire something lasting. Everyone wants to leave their footprint on this earth. In their youth, everyone harbours fantastic dreams - and verily over the course of their lives they sacrifice a lot to make those dreams a reality. Verily, all want to acquire something lasting permanent. Whatever they choose, everyone cultivates high hopes for acquiring something meaningful and worthy.

Money provides neither stability nor shelter

All worldly material gains are very temporary - i.e. fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow. That is why Baba warns us that all physical gains are like writing on water. They do not last. Tragically, in this era of capitalism and materialism, the majority of the people on this globe set their sights on mundane gain: Money, wealth etc. These allurements often dominate a person's quest in this world. But Baba categorically states that such things will not last. They are just like writing on water. Before one even finishes writing on water, that is gone.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "People run after money for the only reason that they believe they can maintain their lives under the shelter of money; that is to say, money alone can save them. But they do not know that money can provide them neither permanent stability nor a securely-founded shelter. Even during the span of their lives, money will come and go several times. At times its glamour will dazzle their eyes, and sometimes it will make them cry, hunger-stricken. Not to speak of money alone, all finite objects have this characteristic." (1)

That is why Baba says that although we have to live in this material sphere we should not take that as the summum bonum of life. Because those achievements will not last long - they are like writing in water, the epitome of impermanence, vanishing before our very eyes.

Conclusion: Do not waste time lest you have to repent

So no one should waste their time on this earth scrounging only after material gains, lest their life pass in vain. One should not pass their days on this earth writing on water. Otherwise, one day one will lament thinking that "I did not gain anything lasting."

Ananda Marga spiritual teaching: "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your sa'dhana'. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent." (2)

It would be tragic for anyone to face this predicament of lamenting their mundane losses thinking that was all they had achieved in this world. The solution and only escape is to engage wholeheartedly in spiritual life.

in Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Sadhana needed for Prout

Ananda Marga ideology says, “All the urges and longings should be channelised and directed towards the Supreme. If this is done indomitable psychic force and invincible spiritual energy will grow from within. This will enable people to solve all the world’s problems–economic, social, cultural, big and small. Unless one develops oneself in this way, as an ideal human being, one will not be able to solve any problem, no matter how madly one beats one’s chest or how loudly one shouts slogans.” (1)

Note: In the above quote Baba guides us that spirituality is an indispensable quality for solving the world’s social problems and becoming a Prout leader. That means only with the great force of true spirituality and by serving others can one be an ideal Proutist and lead the society along the golden road of welfare.

However some start thinking that non-spiritually oriented activists can be ideal Proutists. They think that any atheistic so-called social leader who shouts their battle cry for public welfare has all the requisite qualifications to be a Prout leader.

But Baba gives the reply to those harbouring such an imbalanced idea by guiding us that, devoid of spirituality, a service mentality cannot be cultivated in the mind.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 10, Ideation on Brahma

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Facts to know before eating

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The human body is constituted of innumerable living cells. These cells develop and grow with the help of similar living entities. The nature of your living cells will be formed in accordance with the type of food you take. Ultimately all these together will affect your mind to some extent. If the cells of the human body grow on rotten and bad-smelling food, or on the fresh flesh of animals in which mean tendencies predominate, it is but natural that the mind will have a tendency of meanness. The policy of eating, without due consideration, whatever is available cannot be supported in any case, even though there may not be any question of hiḿsá or ahiḿsá. It should not be your policy to do what you wish. You must perform actions after due thought.” (1)

Note: The types of food you eat affects the mind. If one eats animal flesh, cells are formed in their body from that flesh and those cells have mind. Suppose you ate animal flesh then perhaps one million cells took birth in your body from that flesh food. Those cells have protozoic mind, and that protozoic mind will affect the metazoic mind, and that metazoic mind will in turn affect the human mind. In result that human mind will become tamaski and it will move towards animality, i.e. towards sleep or sex, or other degrading tendencies etc. In that case, sadhana will be difficult. That is why sadhakas do not eat animal flesh.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita  ==

आनन्द-मार्गियों के लिए नहीं है, यह प्रभात सङ्गीत

प्रभात सङ्गीत  3355 कानु बिनु थाका नाहीं जाय , से जे मर्मेर माझे झलकाय...

परिचय -यह गीत नानमार्गियों के लिए  है, हमें इसे सीखकर उन्हें सिखाना चाहिए। आनन्दमार्गियों के इष्ट न तो शिव हैं न ही कृष्ण इसलिए  इन्हें यदि कोई आनन्दमार्गी अपने स्वयं के साधना क्षेत्र में प्रयुक्त करता है तो वह उसे हानिकारक होगा। नीचे दिया गया लिङ्क  1  देखिए ।


कृष्ण के  बिना मेरा जीवन दुःखों से भरा है। उनके बिना मेरा और अधिक जीना मुश्किल है। मेरे हृदय में वे एक ऐसी चमकदार सत्ता हैं जो यदि साथ में नहीं हों तो मेरा मन ब्याकुल हो  जाता है ।  मैं  उनके बिछोह  में अपार कष्ट का अनुभव करता हूँ।  मेरा मन  बेचैन है। उनके बिना मेरे जीवन में कोई आकर्षण नहीं है।

मैं चौबीसों घण्टे , हर क्षण अपने हृदय में दिन रात उनकी मुरली की सुरीली आवाज़ सुनता हूँ । उस बांसुरी के स्वर में कृष्ण मुझसे कहा करते हैं कि वे मुझे प्रेम करते हैं। वे कहते हेैं ,‘‘मैं तुम्हें प्रेम करता हॅूं‘‘ इसलिए  पुकारता हॅूं। मैं उनका इस प्रकार पुकारना हमेशा ही सुनता हॅूं।  वे कितने कृपालु हैं।

मेरे जीवन  की यमुना नदी का भक्ति-प्रवाह उनकी चिन्तन धारा में डूब गया है। वह तो  गहरे कुहरे से लड़ता हुआ, ऊॅंचे ज्वार के साथ सैकड़ों प्रकार से उन्हीं की ओर दौड़ता जा रहा है।  मेरे मन में उनके अलावा कोई नहीं है।

मेरे प्रभु कृष्ण के बिना मेरा जीवन बड़ा ही दुःखदायी और खाली सा हो गया है। (1) 

1. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 3: Links ==