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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Baba’s indirect style + 3 more


Baba’s indirect style


All have seen how Baba would point out the defects of a particular person or group without naming them specifically. That way the general population could get the overall guideline in the most palatable way possible. Side by side, those sadhakas who were keenly aware would always know about whom Baba was speaking. This latter assembly could then benefit most from Baba's discourse.

About Islam

Here is an example of an indirect teaching where Baba is discussing the Islamic faith:

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There are some people who have the opinion that men are especially favoured by Parama Puruśa and that women are not; or that one man is equal to three women. This is dogma. These absurd ideas all originated in dogma. Any intelligent person can easily understand that these propositions are totally hollow and irrational. “The intellect of one man is equal to the intellect of three women” – it is a ridiculous statement. In reality, there may be some cases in which the intellect of one man may be equal only to that of two women. But then there may be other cases where the intellect of one woman may be equal to the intellect of twenty men. Such intelligent women can be found in the world. Or if we speak only of physical weight, then we may find some woman who weighs more than two men. Theoretical statements should not be accepted here." (1)

In His above teaching Baba is not merely denouncing sexist perspectives but is clearly critiquing the dogmatic ways of Islam. Only in Islam is it thought that three women are equal to one male. So here, without stating it outrightly, Baba is denouncing this point about the Muslim faith. Those in the know clearly understand this, whereas those with a less pointed intellect will not. So here Baba is critiquing Islam which claims that three women equal one male.

On Judaism, Islam, & Christianity

Here is an indirect teaching which Baba has given about Semitic religions:

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Almost every religion has claimed that only its followers are God's chosen people and that the rest of humanity is cursed and bound by the chains of Satan. One religion has declared, “Our prophet is the only saviour. There is no escape from mundane sufferings except by taking refuge in him.””
   “Another religion has declared, “I am the last prophet. Prayers must be said before God a specific number of times in a certain manner each day. Special animals must be sacrificed on particular days. These are the wishes of merciful God. Those who follow these injunctions will attain heaven on the Day of Judgement.””
   “Yet another religion says, “Know ye, my son, thy God is the only God. All other gods are false gods.” Just imagine, all these religions preach universal fraternity, and yet this universal fraternity is kept within the confines of their own community. Humanity gasps for breath at such preposterous claims of universal fraternity.”” (2)

Without naming the above religion, Baba is making clear-cut reference to the defects of the various Semitic religions. Baba is indirectly stating that it is Judaism, Islam, and Christianity that each lay claim that, "Our prophet is the only saviour."

About Gandhi

Here is an indirect teaching which Baba has given about M K Gandhi, India.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Who are responsible for the distress of these millions of refugees? Those demons in human framework, whom those poor fellows trusted; to give ovations to whom those people rushed to meetings with thousands of garlands; for whose satisfaction people used to don special kinds of [white] caps to cover up their sins." (3)

By reading the above, some may wonder who are these people in white caps, whereas others may think that Baba is merely talking in general about those who do wrong to the people. Those with greater insight understand that Baba is directly condemning the hypocrisy of M K Gandhi of India. It was Gandhi who divided the country of India, thereby leading to the displacement and death of millions of innocent citizens. And still today his supporters use white caps. Baba is stating that Gandhi is that demon in human framework whom those poor fellows entrusted.

On communism

Here is an indirect teaching which Baba has given about communism:

Propounder of Prout states, "I cannot support the attitude of those who denounce capitalism at every opportunity, because this allows capitalists to become alert and invent more scientific and devious ways to exploit the people. Those who lack a constructive ideology will never be capable of destroying capitalism." (4)

At first glance, some may just conclude that Baba is against capitalism or the enemies thereof, but that is not the main essence of His guideline. The unnamed ism that Baba is denouncing is socialism / communism. Such leftists always criticise the status quo of capitalism but have defective teachings of their own. So that is what Baba is clearly teaching in His guideline. Baba fundamental critique of communism is that it lacks a constructive ideology.

About Shankaracarya

Here is an indirect teaching which Baba has given about Shrii Shankaracarya ji:

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Once a certain mahápuruśa who happened to be an orthodox Máyávádin was walking along the road in Kashi [adjacent to Varanasi] morning a wild bull suddenly started to charge that mahápuruśa, so he ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. A logician who happened to be standing nearby asked the mahápuruśa, “Well sir, if you say that this world is unreal, then the bull is also unreal, so why are you running in fear?” That mahápuruśa would not accept any defeat in logic and replied, “My running away is also unreal.” This is the way things went on for many centuries." (5)

In the above story, Baba is talking specifically about a particular philosopher and his teaching. Some may just think this is a humorous tale or some random anecdote. However, here Baba is referring to the Shrii Shankaracarya ji and his teaching of mayavada, or illusion theory. Baba is telling us, in a psychological and humorous manner, that mayavada is 100% impractical, i.e. just a bogus theory that is impossible to follow in day to day life, and that Shankaracayara was incapable of following his own philosophy. Baba is guiding us that Shankaracarya was the one who ran away as fast as his legs could carry him.

On Semitic religions

Here is an indirect teaching which Baba has given about Semitic religions:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “At one time people were told that this world is for human enjoyment only, so the existence of all the plants, of all the birds and animals, in the world is intended merely to provide objects of enjoyment for human beings. Their hopes and aspirations, their intense desire to live, their pains and pleasures, their affectionate family or community lives are simply without value. However much a baby goat may wish to live, the main consideration is how much meat that kid carries on its frame. This defective philosophy has made people ruthlessly violent – even more dangerous than blood-thirsty tigers. Tigers kill only to fill their stomachs, to preserve their physical existence; whereas human beings kill animals mostly out of greed. Generally people have resorted to hypocrisy to camouflage this instinct of greed; they have killed animals on the pretext of pleasing the gods, while actually their main motive in doing so was to please their own tongues. These are all the inevitable results of such defective philosophies.” (6)

In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us that followers of the Semitic religions (I.e. Judaism, Islam, & Christianity) look upon this earth as a place for their enjoyment

About Indira Gandhi

Here are a few examples of Baba's teaching via His indirect voice. Here first Baba is talking about Mrs Indira Gandhi.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose an evil force says, “I, the lord of a certain country, will destroy Ananda Marga from the very root.” A dha'rmika should maintain patience, should be patient. Because the day is soon to come when that evil force is going to be destroyed. Its weapon will serve as a boomerang for its own death. And this happened in the near past, as you all know." (7)

To innocent people, the above guideline may just be about keeping patience in the face of evil, etc or they may have some other notion. Whereas a proper sadhaka clearly realises that in the above teaching Baba is pointedly referring to the audacious talk and quick demise of Mrs Indira Gandhi. She is the "lord of a certain country" who vowed to "root out" Ananda Marga. So Baba is guiding such sadhakas that just as in the recent past, in the future also no enemy will ever be able to take down Ananda Marga ideology.

And this next guideline is working in a similar manner.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "You have seen with your own eyes that in the past certain powerful persons thought, in their extreme vanity, that they could make or break anything. They perpetrated indescribable tortures and atrocities on Ananda Marga. But even in the face of such torments, Ananda Marga held its head high. There is no power in the universe, in the heaven or in the underworld, which can annihilate Ananda Marga, because Ananda Marga is established on the solid foundation of rationality and righteousness. If those wicked forces engage in fight with Ananda Marga, they will themselves be pulverized: they will be crushed like ants." (8)

In this above teaching Baba is again indirectly talking about Mrs Indira Gandhi as well as other malevolent forces that tried to destroy Ananda Marga. It was Indira Gandhi who upon attacking Ananda Marga was to be pulverized and crushed like an ant.


As sadhakas we are to propagate His teachings to one and all. We have much to learn from Baba's style of communication. Our approach should be both psychological and palatable. We should perfectly follow Baba's example.

We should always evaluate with whom we are speaking and then apply the proper voice. With those whom we are more close we can avoid lengthy talks and descriptions and use very direct language such as "Do this..." or "Don't do that...". And with those who are less close, we will have to take a more measured and calculated approach. By this way, step by step, we will be able to share Baba's teachings with all, in the best way possible.

So understanding Baba's indirect use of language offers two distinct benefits:
1) We can better understand and apply Ananda Marga ideology to daily life circumstances.
2) We can better present His teachings to various types of people.

In Him,

On Christianity

   Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Some people say that human beings will one day have to face the Day of Judgment, Doomsday. Let us see how far this is correct. Rationally speaking, does it make sense? Where will the dead bodies of human beings remain, in their graves? Won't those dead bodies turn into soil beneath the ground? Near the knee, and in some other place, the bones of a dead body remain undecayed for eight to ten years. The remaining portion becomes part of the earth. So where will those bodies stay after death? In the graveyard? Isn't it possible that a farmer will plough that ground? Under such circumstances, when the body, cells and nerve fibres no longer exist, where will the departing minds and souls rest?"
    "Now, what is death? After death the mind becomes suspended, and the mind and átman become dissociated from the decaying body. So on the Day of Judgement, who will rise from the grave? The body cannot rise since it has already turned into soil. And where will the bodiless mind go? And when the mind is suspended, the jiivátmá cannot function either. Here is another point – human beings do not have to wait for the Day of Judgement." (9)

In His above teaching Baba is making reference to Doomsday and indirectly speaking about Christianity.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 15
2. Human Society - 1
3. Liberation of Intellect: Neo-humanism, Disc: 10
4. Problems of the Day, #3
5. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Disc: 10
6. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6
8. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Forward Movement Is the Essence of Life
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Superstitions about Death

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Having human body is not enough to be called as human

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who have established themselves in their spiritual being through the practice of spiritual cult are the real human beings. Others, who do not move on the subtler and sublime path of spirituality, and behave like animals, are humans only in name. Human beings alone have the privilege to do sa'dhana'. Animals, because of their intellectual deficiencies, are unable to adhere to the spiritual cult..."
 "Human beings, on the other hand, have the capacity to develop even in the spiritual realm. Those who do not pay heed to this special gift are animals, nay, even worse than animals. Animals are unable to make efforts for their spiritual development, whereas humans do have this ability." (1)

Note: Generally people think everyone with a human body as being human, but according to Baba's above teaching all are not human. In the above guideline Baba differentiates how and why.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

This earth is not permanent abode

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Human beings come onto this earth for a very short period, and within this short period they are required to complete everything. So there is a great deal of work to be done, but the time is very short. Thus intelligent people make the best use of every moment of their time - wasting one's time is the height of foolishness. Why? Because no human being will remain on this earth for long, and the very goal of human life is to attain Parama Purusa, the Supreme Stance. Human beings, while moving forward towards that Goal which is fixed before their minds, will have to perform many worldly duties. That is why it is said, 'Keep one hand on the feet of Parama Purus'a, and with the other hand do your mundane duties'." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Let Chattisgarh Have a Brilliant Future

== Section ==

उनसे permission नहीं लेकर, उनका पाप ले लेते हैं |

“ये जो तगड़े भक्त हैं, वे नहीं चाहेंगे कि अपना पाप परमपुरुष को दें | वे कहेंगे—"नहीं-नहीं, तुमको मिठाई देंगे, फूल देंगे, यह देंगे, माला देंगे | पाप नहीं देंगे, पाप नहीं देंगे | हमारे पाप का बोझा हम्हीं को ढोने दो"—यही कहेंगे | किन्तु परमपुरुष का तो बहुत प्यारा है मनुष्य | उनके भक्त बहुत प्यारे हैं | तो, इसलिए परमपुरुष क्या करते हैं ? न, उनसे permission नहीं लेकर, उनका पाप ले लेते हैं | किसी से permission नहीं लेकर, अगर किसी की चीज़ तुम ले लिए, तो उसको कहते हैं चोरी करना | To take something without permission | उसको चोरी कहते हैं | तो, परमपुरुष चोरी करते हैं | क्या चोरी करते हैं ? न, पाप | Permission माँगने से, अनुमति माँगने से भक्त अनुमति नहीं देंगे | बोलेंगे—"नहीं, और सब कुछ देंगे, पाप नहीं देंगे, आपको |" तो, पाप को वे चोरी करते हैं | चोरी करते हैं इसलिए उनका नाम है हरि | हरि की शरण में आ गए हो | और घबड़ाने की बात नहीं है |”
[यह बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया, बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्द मार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं]

1. हिंदी, अप्रकाशित,Transcribed ver. GD 12 August 1978 Patna

== Section 4: Links ==
More important letters

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This email contains four sections:1. Posting: Baba’s indirect style
2. IT: Having human body is not enough to be called as human
3. IT: This earth is not permanent abode
4. Links