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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Alert: telltale sign + 2 more

Alert: telltale sign


There are some who normally keep pictures and photos of numerous religious dogmatic gods and goddesses on their puja table. They have photos and pictures like that of Ramakrsna, goddess Durga, mother Kali, Rama, Shankaracarya, Buddha, Christ, mosque synagogue etc. So they do sadhana and also go to their church, synagogue, or the Buddhist or Hindu temple etc—or some other place of worship. In that case who can think that that sadhaka/ wt has one-pointed strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista, Parama Purusa. It means that the sadhaka’s / wts's mind is also divided in that way i.e. his faith in Ista, Parama Purusa is compromised—i.e. marginalised.

Here is more about those sadhakas / wts who pray to multiple gods and goddesses: Their lack of faith and trust in Ista, Parama Purusa, is openly expressed by their keeping so many various deities on their own puja table and / or visiting certain houses of worship—whether it be a church, mosque temple, or synagogue etc. In that case, they do not have firm faith and single-minded bhakti for Parama Purusa. That is why for them their sadhana becomes fruitless.

Everyone is aware that one of the aspects of Sixteen Points centers exclusively on ista.

"Observe non-compromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of Ista." (Point #10 of Sixteen Points)

However, a few may wonder how it is possible to evaluate this - how can one know if someone is strong on the point of Ista - or not. In response, we can say that there are some key factors that indicate one's dedication and faith in Ista. 

Only their sadhana will bear fruit

The situation of multi-deity worshipers is most precarious—it is just like someone trying to stand on two different boats. Their base is very sketchy, unreliable. Any moment they can fall and drown. Similarly, those who worship multiple deities are living on a slippery slope because they do not have a strong foundation in Ista, Parama Purusa.

So this is one point for determining if one is strict in Ista, Parama Purusa. Does that person only rely on Parama Purusa or do they pray to all kinds of religious deities etc.

Those who in their heart truly follow the point of Ista, Parama Purusa, only think of Him. Their mind is one-pointed towards Parama Purusa in all circumstances and at all times. They remember one Divine Entity—not many. Always that sadhaka / wt feels that Parama Purusa is along with them, solving their problems, listening to their difficulties, and taking care of everything. Such sadhakas / wts are top-grade disciples. They alone are strict in Ista, Parama Purusa. Their sadhana will bear fruit while those who are not strict in Ista, Parama Purusa, always think their purodha pramukha, or their group leader, or their friend, or money, or their wife / husband will save and rescue them in their hour of need. Such persons are most degraded and they will not realise anything. Their sadhana will be dry.

“my goal is a singular entity”

In numerous discourses, Baba tells the story of the mythological monkey devotee Hanuman who would only worship Rama—not any other entity. Baba's teaching from this story is for every sadhaka / wt to be very strict on the point of Ista. A sadhaka/ wt must have faith in Ananda Marga sadhana. They must not go to church, mosque, synagogue, temple, durga puja etc.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Once upon a time some of the devotees asked Hanuman, “Hanuman, you are a great devotee and learned scholar also, and you know that Náráyańa means Shriinátha, (Shrii means, Lakśmii) Shriinátha means Náráyańa. Shriinátha, i.e. Lakśmiinátha, Náráyańa and Jánakiinátha i.e. Ráma are the same entity; but you never take the name of Náráyańa. Why?”"

“Hanuman said: You know fundamentally there is no difference between Náráyáńa and Ráma. Nára means Prakrti, Ayana means Shelter. Náráyańa means Shelter of Prakrti i.e. Cognitive Puruśa and Ráma, i.e. the most attractive entity of the entire cosmos is Parama Puruśa. “I also know”, said Hanuman, “that there is no fundamental difference between Ráma and Náráyańa, but you know my goal is a singular entity – singular in name, singular in idea, ideology and ideation. Ráma is my everything, I don’t know any Náráyańa.”" (1)

Those who do not adhere to this tenet will never get a proper fruit from their sadhana. Their approach will be fruitless.

Please pay attention to the yellow highlighted section below, that is the main teaching of this entire letter.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Iśt́a means the object who loves you the most. Because of this Iśt́a there is flow in your incantative form or incantative structure. Only under such circumstances can your existential emanation maintain a parallelism with your entitative structure. So, Iśt́a is a must for movement, Iśt́a is a must for all sorts of living beings in all strata of life. You can not do anything concrete in even a single arena of your life without the help of your Iśt́a. So wherever there is Dharma, there must be Iśt́a. And Iśt́a is the primordial necessity for yoga. Nobody can exist without Iśt́a. The aspirant is a finite entity, but the Iśt́a of that aspirant is an infinite entity. If you practice yoga, then your finite existence will come in contact with that infinite Iśt́a and you will acquire infinity, you will acquire the infinite spiritual stamina and you will become victorious in all the arenas of your existence. So the wise people, the true yogiis should realize it clearly and definitely that their entitative existence along with the entitative force of their Iśt́a, moves towards the Supreme goal. The yogii should know the single name of his Iśt́a and not two names or three names. Wherever the Iśt́a is singular entity in name, form, and idea, in ideation and also in ideology, success is sure, success is fully assured." (2)


The conclusion is that margiis / wts must have faith in Parama Purusa—and faith in Ananda Marga sadhana. And when one is fully linked with Baba, they will not go to church, mosque, temple, synagogue, or engage in religious ritualistic worship like durga puja etc. Nor will they give credence to other so-called gods and goddesses. If some new margii / wt, due to their previously imposed negative samskaras, is continuing to indulge in multiple deity goddess worship, they will not get anything despite their entire life’s effort.

To proceed ahead in the field of spirituality, one must have full faith and trust in one Parama Purusa. There is no other way. That is why sincere margiis / wts do not sing Lord Krsna and Lord Shiva songs in their personal spiritual practices. That would bifurcate and trifurcate the mind.

Ista is a key aspect of 16 points. Every Ananda Margii must have only one Ista, Parama Purusa Baba.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Thus we see that ideation is association with one or the other idea – knowledge, action or devotion – just as meditation is associated with ideology. Thus in meditation and ideology, the spiritual aspirant is moving toward the singular Supreme Entity, the pinnacled goal. If the mind accepts two goals, two Lords, the mind becomes bifurcated.” (3)

~ In-depth study ~

Photos of numerous deities throughout their abode

There are many good margii sisters of India who are very strict in ista—and do not indulge in multi-deity worship and do not keep photos of multiple deities etc.

But this multi-deity worship is very common throughout India. Many ignorant margiis—especially women—are deeply involved in this dogma. They do not like to give up their previous rituals despite coming onto the path of Ananda Marga. When you enter inside their house, it is all quite visible: There are photos of numerous deities throughout their abode.

All Wts know this contravenes the point of Ista, Parama Purusa. But if that family is wealthy, then those Wts who go there for money do not dare tell them that it is bad. Due to their own selfishness and lack of courage, such Wts remain mum and don’t open the eyes of that blind margii. They do not say anything. They know it is wrong but…

Everyone should know that in India, the standard protocol is for non-margii females to continue their family’s ritualistic worship in their house, whereas many males do not do anything in this regard. So females do worship for the entire family. And when coming into Ananda Marga they continue those various pujas and add a photo of Baba. Many go to the weekly dharmacakra and then come home and do those dogmatic, religious rituals as well.

Their sadhana does not work

The central idea is that if one worships all kinds of gods and goddesses and also does Ananda Marga sadhana and attends dharmacakra, then they are wasting their time and they will get nothing—they will not realise anything. Their mind will be divided—it will ruin everything. In that case sadhana does not work. That is why sincere Ananda Margiis only do the sadhana which is taught by Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Those doing Ananda Marga sadhana plus other religious services like church sermons, namaz, Hindu rituals, and Islamic and Jewish call to prayer etc are wasting their time. They always think their purodha pramukha, or their group leader, or their friend, or money, or their wife / husband will save and rescue them in their hour of need. Such persons are most degraded and they will not realise anything. Their sadhana will be dry. Their sadhana will never bear any fruit because this type of toxic worship bifurcates or balkanises the mind.

Note: This below note section is not for everyone. So if you are not strict in Ista then do not read the below as it is not for you—it is for A-grade margiis and A-grade Wts.

Here in this letter, those pseudo-sadhakas / wts might refer to ordinary margiis, or acaryas, or purodhas who do such type of aforementioned things. They are half-baked. There are some Wts who cross the ocean and move around various Hindu and fake yoga ashrams in India (Rishikesh, Haridwar, Varansi, & Yoga Da in Ranchi) and learn and adopt their fake practices. And from India they go back to their posting areas and preach those dogmatic beliefs. They also fall in this half-baked category.

Please forgive me if I have omitted any name

Ananda Marga ideology states, "A person whom I was very close to, a relative of mine, used to recite the following after taking bath: “Victory to mother Káli, victory, victory to Káli, victory to mother Káli of T́han T́haniá, victory to mother Káli of Dakśińeshvar, victory to Bábá Táraknáth, victory to Bábá Vaidyanath of Deoghar. O, Fathers! None of you should think that I am leaving out someone’s name.” After this he would say, “O, gods and goddesses, please forgive me if I have omitted any name inadvertently. Please assume that I have mentioned your name also.” Does this yield anything at all? One says “victory to mother Káli of Kálighát” and in the same breath one says “victory to mother Káli of T́han T́haniá.” It signifies that the mind is moving both towards Kálighát and T́han T́haniá. Can the mind becomes concentrated in this way? Certainly not." (4)

In His above teaching Baba is guiding us that those who subscribe to multi-deity worship can never do proper sadhana. For them, sadhana is useless.

Relation will certainly fail

Or think in this way. Suppose a husband has a photo of his wife on his desk, along with photos of so many other females whom he desires and loves. In that case who can think that that person is a devoted husband. Never. Rather one will think he is unfaithful and lacks a basic level of respect and commitment for his spouse. And the same is the case if one wife has a collection of photos of the various male loves of her life on her bureau. In that case, who can imagine that she is a faithful and committed wife. It is impossible to think in that way. Rather one will conclude that she fails to hold the requisite loyalty to be a proper spouse. In that case the relation will certainly fail.

Worshiping multiple deities: waste of time

There are some sadhakas / wts who perform Ananda Marga sadhana, do Guru Puja, and sing kiirtan etc, but when a worldly problem arises they pray to some other imaginary god /goddess in hopes of being rescued.

For instance, some sadhakas/ wts from a Hindu background who are struggling to find a suitable husband for their daughter may go to the Hindu temple and seek a boon from the mythological elephant god, Ganesh. They think that Ganesh will rescue them by granting them a handsome, well-educated, wealthy husband for their daughter without effort.

But this type of appeal to the so-called elephant god itself reveals that they do not have full faith and trust in Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. They do not have strictness and faith on Ista. Because if they had full faith in Ista then they would have not surrendered to the mythological elephant god, Ganesh etc.

Those who fall in this category can never do proper sadhana - they will not realise anything. Their sadhana is useless.

Some sadhakas/ wts dilute their inner approach

Yet, this is what we see. In various times of trouble and difficulty, certain sadhakas seek out some other entity for help such as Kali, goddess Durga, monkey Hanuman or so many others. And this issue is not just related with those margiis from a Hindu background.

Margiis who grew up in the Catholic faith may go to confession to purge themselves of sin. They do not have the requisite faith in Ista, Parama Purusa. They do not feel that Parama Purusa alone can solve the problem or purify them, so they resort to their Catholic roots and go to confession etc.

And this situation also applies to those sadhakas who come from Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, and Christian backgrounds etc. Essentially, when anyone appeals to any other so-called entity - for any reason - then it means that they do not feel that Parama Purusa Baba alone can solve their problem or grant them the happiness that they seek. That shows that they lack faith and trust in Ista, Parama Purusa.

This lack of faith in Ista, Parama Purusa is not limited to times of problem. There are some who express this lack of faith in their day-to-day living patterns. Sadly, their efforts in sadhana will be fruitless.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Spirit of Yoga
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, The Spirit of Yoga
3. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity Transcends All Colours

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are the crown on my head

"Tumi a'ma'ya bha'loba'so, a'mi ja'ni go keu ja'n na'...” (Prabhat Samgiita #3365)


Baba, You love me. And about this love between You and me, only I know-- nobody else knows. You are so gracious. Without my even asking, You go on providing the fuel for my forward movement. 

Parama Purusa, You fill the cimmerian darkness with Your divine effulgence and the heart of the moon with Your sweet nectar. You are the aroma of all inspiration for all souls. You never remain distant nor go far. Always You are with me as mine alone. You are constantly showering Your grace.

Baba, I continue to make mistakes again and again. Even then You lovingly care for me and guide me with Your sha'shan (discipline) and love. Indeed with the rhythm of welfare, You graciously fill up my whole existence. You are the crown on my head that never gets separated from me. You are the crowning glory of my entire existence and my everything.    

Parama Purusa, our intimacy and loving relation is so deep. Nobody can imagine. Baba, Your grace is unfathomable. I surrender at Your lotus feet…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3365:

[1] Sha'shan: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Hitarthe sha'sanam ityarthe anusha'sanam-- that discipline which leads to the welfare of all human beings." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá 

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