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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Heaven & hell: real places? + 6 More

Heaven & hell: real places?


In some discourses it is said that He is the controller of heaven and hell, and in other discourses, Baba poignantly guides us that there is no such thing as heaven or hell. Some will naturally wonder: What is the real stand of Ananda Marga on heaven and hell? Do these places exist or not?

As Ananda Margiis, we should have a comprehensive understanding of this topic and be able to explain it to others. Because the various religions hold strong beliefs in the existence of heaven and hell. Terrorists even kill others to gain a place in so-called heaven. So we should know our stand.

Is there any heaven & hell in Ananda Marga

Here in this first series of teachings, one might get confused that an actual place called hell exists - as well as a place called heaven.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Those who remain in hell are also with Parama Puruśa, are also dear to Him. To give them love, Parama Puruśa will have to remain in hell with them." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "If we say that He is only in heaven, it will not be a correct utterance, because He is in hell also. His sons, His daughters, are never alone. He is with you even in hell." (2)

At face value, some may think that the above teachings give rise to the existence of hell, while in other teachings Sadguru Baba pointedly affirms that there is no heaven or hell.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "There is no hell or heaven, and no one will go to hell or heaven for eternity after death." (3)

No contradiction

Ananda Marga teachings are a’pta va’kya - i.e. absolute knowledge. So there are no contradictions in our Ananda Marga philosophy. All that can be said is that Ananda Marga shastra is so deep and vast that it needs to be explained and elaborated upon- otherwise some get confused and mistakenly think there are contradictions.

So here we have to keep two points in mind:
(a) In Samskrta, words often have two or more meanings;
(b) Scripture is written in a very concise manner.

So some elaboration is needed to understand this point of heaven and hell.

Heaven & hell exist in one's subconscious mind

Human beings have various kosas and lokas. The manomaya kosa - also known as svarga loka - is where people undergo happiness and sorrow.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It is Svarloka which is called the Manomaya world and it is in this stratum that a person experiences pleasure and pain." (4)

The svarloka refers to one's subconscious mind. When that subconscious mind is joyous and happy then that person is in heaven and when they are involved in degrading thoughts and misery then they are in hell. (For more about the subconscious mind please refer to the in-depth study section appended below.)

The conclusive idea is that when one does good deeds and undergoes the positive reaction then one feels happy. This joyous reaction and feeling in the mind from a prior action is known as svarga (heaven).

In contrast, the negative reactions are the result of one’s bad deeds, either from this life or a previous life. In that case that person is undergoing their negative samskara. And when one experiences that type of suffering or sadness in the mind, we call a state of hell.

Heaven & hell are a state of mind

Essentially any time one undergoes current suffering or relives past suffering then they are living in hell. That is naraka.

So heaven and hell are wholly dependent upon one's state of mind; they are not physical places. Accordingly, hell is not a particular place, but a condition wherein the mind is immersed in and surrounded by misery; similarly, heaven is not a particular place but a state of mind where one is happy.

Where is heaven & hell

Here is an English summary of Baba’s original teaching in Hindi from MD, May 19 Varanasi, v19-02-(H):

What are the seven lokas (worlds)? They are not separate worlds. Out of these seven lokas, the lowermost bhurloka, i.e. physical world, and uppermost, i.e. satyaloka, are within Parama Purusa; and the remaining five lokas are between these two, i.e. the five kos’as of the human mind. The five kos’as are the five stages of human mind: bhuah, svah, mahah, janah, and tapah. Bhuah is the crude mind directly related to the physical works and the svah loka is the subtle mind, the mental world – manomaya kos’a. Mainly the feeling of happiness and sorrow is experienced... Where? in svarloka, in manomaya kos’a. So, people call this svarloka as svarga (heaven). Svah combined with ga is svarga. Here only, happiness and sorrow are experienced. Viz. the satisfaction in the mind of a person after doing good work is felt in the svarloka i.e. manomaya kos’a. This means svarloka is always with you. When you do benevolent work, you go from being an ordinary human to an extraordinary human being, then the svarloka is filled with happiness. And, having human shape and form, if you do degrading work, then the svarloka is full of sadness and sorrow. The mind gets stained and degenerated. Heaven and hell are not separate, distinct places, rather they are in this world; heaven [and hell] is a state of mind. Hence those people, whether they be scholars or not, who propagate stories of heaven and hell do not do anything except misguide others. They propel people into calamity. Remain aloof from them; they are the propagators of dogma.

Heaven & hell are states of mind, not physical places

Ananda Marga Philosophy states, "Svarloka – this is the pure mental sphere on which sukha and dhuka are experienced; it is also called Manomaya Jagat, Manomaya Kośa in individuals. It is in this sphere that the samskáras exist. According to mythology, after the death of the physical body or Annamaya Kośa, people go to svarga or naraká, heaven or hell. The fact is that the samskáras which determine the individuality of unit being situated in this svarloka. The Christian and Muslim ideas of heaven and hell and also svarga in Hindu Karmakandi Jaemini Partná, were derived from the fact that the samskáras which determine the requitals of actions exists exits in this loka. In reality no kośa will remain after death. The samskáras remains as the object of the átman. Thus the ideas of heaven and hell of the Hindu, Christian and Muslim mythologies are completely false, because after death there remains no mind at all to experience heaven or hell." (5)

Conclusion: heaven, hell, & beyond

Heaven and hell do not exist; they are not actual places. There is no such thing as heaven and hell per se. They are simply states of mind. When one is feeling happy and blissful that is heaven, and when one is feeling sad then that is hell. Thus heaven and hell merely depict one's mental status - i.e. whether one is sad or happy - nothing more.

In any given 24-hour period, people may feel happy or sad. Or maybe they are sad the whole day and feeling blissful the next, or vice-versa. This is the common experience of most people: Revolving in and out of sadness and happiness. That is what is meant by being in and out of heaven and hell.

Those who revolve through periods of happiness and misery are sometimes in hell and sometimes in heaven. Or we can say that when one does good work, cultivates good samskaras, and undergoes those consequences and gets joy, then that state in svarga. And when one does bad deeds, creates negative samskaras, and faces those bad consequences then that state is naraka or hell.

The central idea is that there is no seventh sky known as heaven nor are there any depths below known as hell. Those places do not exist. That is just one’s imagination / religious dogma. Heaven and hell are states of mind one experiences while living on this earth etc.

For Ananda Margiis, those fully ensconced in Brahmabhava are above heaven and hell. When sadhakas reach their final destination they are beyond these states of heaven and hell - and they become one with Parama Purusa. That is the goal of each and every Ananda Margii.
Na svargo na rasa'talah

Ananda Marga Philosophy states, "Purport: There exists no such thing as heaven or hell. When a person does a virtuous act or enjoys the fruits thereof, the environment around him is then called heaven; and when he does an evil act and endures the consequences thereof, then the environment around that person becomes a hell for him." (6)

In Him,
Ram Prakash

Why important to know

Overview: When Baba states that there is no such thing as heaven and hell then He is rejecting the concepts of heaven and hell as deemed by the dogmatic religions. Those religions hold the defective notion that heaven is some glorious place up in the sky, and hell is some torturous place beneath the earth. These illogical notions are wholly rejected by Ananda Marga teachings. In contrast, when Baba references the existence of heaven and hell He is defining a particular state of mind, not any place per se. When one is suffering the torturous reactions of their bad actions that is hell, and when one is experiencing the joyous reactions from their good actions that is heaven. Those bhaktas ensconced in a deep state of supreme bliss and cosmic ideation are beyond these fleeting moments of heaven and hell. Keep these parameters in mind when contemplating this topic.

~ In-depth study ~

About subconscious mind / heaven and hell

What is the subconscious mind? It is that part of the mind which memorises the day to day events. This aspect of mind is the power of recollection. With this subconscious mind you can remember your friends, what you ate yesterday, what you did 10 days ago, or 10 minutes back. Everything is stored in the subconscious mind. This subconscious mind does not need help from the indriyas, i.e. sensory and motor organs, to re-create stored images in the mind. For instance, even if your grandmother lives 100 miles away, with your subconscious mind you will be able to visualise your grandmother in your mind. The motor and sensory organs are not needed.

Without the help of the subconscious mind we cannot do anything substantial because one will not have the required memory or knowledge. One will not even remember one second into the past. One will forget.

In contrast, the conscious mind only works with the help of motor and sensory organs. When those organs are not functioning the conscious mind cannot do anything. It does not store any information. When you saw the monkey at the store then it is the subconscious mind that memorises that image. Later on when you tell your friends and family about the monkey with the help of the subconscious mind then you will be able to clearly visualise that monkey in your mind.

Why physical heaven and hell is illogical

Those who believe that after death they will go to heaven or hell, they are wrong. Because after death your brain does not exist, and without the brain one cannot feel any pain or pleasure. So the theology which teaches that after death one goes to heaven and enjoys its fruits or goes to hell and suffers hellfire is bogus. And yet on this very bogus idea all the religions of the world are standing, and exploiting their followers.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Puruśa
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Stages of Samádhi
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Superstitions About Death
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Base and the Relative Truth
5. Tattvika Praveshika, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy
6. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2-20

*      *      *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*      *      *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your heart is very near mine
"Bhúlo ná prabhú, e tava kańáre bhúlo ná..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3161)


O’ Prabhu, I beg You not to forget this tiny particle of Yours. I am that small atom and ask You to keep me under Your wings. I have come from You and am always within You. Please do not ignore or toss me away outside, rather shower Your grace and grant me the highest bhakti.

O’ my Parama Purusa, since the early dawn of this creation, from the very beginning of saincara, You have invariably been with me in the flow of Your thought waves. Never have I been apart from You. Unfailingly, You have remained very close to me. In both good and bad times of my life, You are always there to save me. In this sweet, fragrant, spring breeze, Your heart is very near to mine. You love me. My Adored One, please do not go away or push me far. Let me remain with You forever.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, normally every living being, each jiiva, has both positive and negative qualities, with a mix of various merits and demerits - virtue and vice. But my case is different. I have very little virtue and a huge amount of vice. My bad qualities are so numerous that they completely outnumber and overshadow a few good qualities. Parama Purusa, I fell into the dungeon of deep, cimmerian darkness and am crying in my pain and suffering. Now, please do not act unkindly by leaving me in misery and sorrow. Be gracious and keep me under Your shelter and care.  

O’ Baba, please do not ever forget me. I have come from You. I am Yours and You are mine. Kindly keep me under your wings.... 

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3161:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The poet Vidyapati also said, “Adi anándika nátha kaháyasi ab tárańa bhárańa tumhárá.” “You are the Lord of the beginning and the Lord of the end also. I am somewhere between the beginning and the end, and so You are also my Lord. Thus it is Your duty to save me, to redeem me, to protect me from danger. You are bound to do that.”” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Paramátmá is the Soul of all souls in the Universe. They receive energy from Paramátmá. The ownership of anything is not yours; it is His. Everything comes from Him and ultimately goes to Him. You cannot create any original object; objects come from Him.” (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Oh Parama Brahma, I am not outside your universe. I surrender to you, ‘Lead me along the path of righteousness, lead me according to your will.’” (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, Supramundane Heritage and Supramundane Desideratum
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Supreme Sun
3. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life - 6, Microcosm and Macrocosm

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ceilings on bank balances & land holdings

Prout philosophy states, “One pertinent question is whether both a ceiling on landed property and a ceiling on bank balances have to be imposed. It goes without saying that both methods have to be adopted, but the latter should precede the former. This will bring immediate cash to the government to help establish new industries on the one hand, and it will check the growth of capitalism on the other. By enforcing land ceilings no direct benefit can be expected to accrue to the nation because the available arable land will not be increased, nor will production be increased, since it is not the function of the government to cultivate land. Such an approach would wound the public sentiment and the public would think that the state had replaced the Zamindars. In the face of food shortages it is not advisable to change land policies immediately.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section : Prabhat Samgiita ==

धन-दौलत वग़ैरह क्या

“माँगना मरन समान है, मत कोई माँगो भीख |" और, बुद्धिमान उसके साथ-साथ जोड़ते हैं—"बिन माँगे मोती मिले, माँगे मिले न भीख |" तो, परमपुरुष अगर कहते हैं कि—"तुम क्या चाहते हो ? धन-दौलत वग़ैरह क्या चाहते हो ?" तो, तुम्हारा उत्तर क्या होना चाहिए ? कि—"परमपुरुष, मैं तुझ से कुछ भी नहीं चाहता हूँ | मैं तुझको चाहता हूँ |"

यही बात तुम लोग याद रखोगे |
कल्याणमस्तु |

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई]  (1)

1. V12-34, EGD 8 June 1979, Bombay

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

এক জন এমনই ব্যষ্টি ছিলেন

“বিশ্বব্রহ্মাণ্ডে আকাশ পাতালে এমন কোনও শক্তি নেই, যে আনন্দমার্গকে ধ্বংস করতে পারে | কারণ আনন্দমার্গ ন্যায়-ধর্মে প্রতিষ্ঠিত | পাপ-শক্তি যদি তার সঙ্গে সংঘর্ষে লিপ্ত হয়, তো পাপশক্তি চূর্ণ-বিচূর্ণ হয়ে যাৰে | এক ফুত্কারে ফড়িয়ের  মত শেষ হয়ে যাৰে | কিন্তু ক্ষমতার মোহে, ক্ষমতার মদে মত্ত হয়ে, মানুষ এই চরম সত্যটা ভুলে যায় | তার পরে যখন শক্তিহীন হয়ে যায়, তখন আফ়সোস করে | কিন্তু তখন আর আফ়সোস করে কোনও লাভ হয় না | যা যাওয়ার তা চলেই গেছে | তোমরা জান এক জন এমনই ব্যষ্টি ছিলেন, যাঁর হাতে ছিল প্রচুর শক্তি | তা যার হাতে ছিল, অভ্রংলেহী স্পর্ধা, আস্পর্ধা, ভাবত “আমি সৰ কিছু করতে পারি” | সে জানত না, নারায়ণের একটা নাম হ’ল দর্পহারী, তিনি কারও দর্প সহ্য করেন না | কারণ দর্প পছন্দ করেন না | তাকে গুঁড়িয়ে ধুল করে দেন |”
[“ৰাৰা, ৰাৰা, ৰাৰা !”] (1)

1. Abhi 4-11 Egiye Cala'i Ma'nus'er Dharma

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

मैं किसी के सामने स्वयं की तारीफ करने जैसा गन्दा काम नहीं करूंगा।

प्रभात संगीत 337


बाबा, तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं आनन्द मार्ग के आदर्श पथ को कभी नहीं छोड़ॅॅूंगा, यह प्रकाश का मार्ग है। तुम्हारे बताये गये रास्ते से  मैं कभी नहीं हटूँगा । तुम्हारी कृपा से मैं अपने को, भीतर बाहर से, तुम्हारी इच्छा के अनुकूल ढाल लॅूंगा, और अनैतिकता तथा  पाप के सामने नहीं झुकूँगा, अपना सिर नहीं झुकाऊँगा ।

बाबा, तुम्हारे मार्गदर्शन में, मैं अपने मन को सीधा तुम्हारे ऊपर केद्रित करते हुये, तुम्हारी यशकीर्ति के प्रसार में लगाऊंगा, और सीधे रास्ते पर चलते हुए स्पष्ट बातें बोलूंगा। मैं कभी भी किसी के सामने अपना प्रचार, अपनी प्रशंसा नहीं करूंगा। मैं किसी के सामने स्वयं की तारीफ करने जैसा गन्दा काम नहीं करूंगा।

 ए मेरे प्रभु ! मैं इस संसार में तुम्हारा काम करने के लिये ही आया हॅूं, तुम्हारा संसार मेरा कर्तव्य क्षेत्र है। तुम्हारी वाणी , तुम्हारा आदर्श  मेरा प्राण धर्म है। चाहे जागता होऊं या सोता, स्वप्न देखूं या प्रगाढ़ निद्रा में रहॅूं, मैं तुम्हारे सिवा किसी को भी मनन चिन्तन नहीं रखूॅंगा।

मैं  अपना नहीं, सिर्फ तुम्हारा  यशोगान करते हुए तुम्हारे आदर्श  का प्रचार करूंगा । ऐ परमपुरुष बाबा! तुम्हारे द्वारा बताये गये रास्ते को मै, कभी नहीं छोडू़ॅॅगा। 

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us.

== Section: Prout ==

How to establish the world government

Prout philosophy states, "The question may arise, Is it possible to establish the world government and Ánanda Parivára without struggle? In reply I will say, “Yes.” The greatest social welfare for the human race will be accomplished if those who aspire to establish the world government or Ánanda Parivára engage themselves only in constructive activities and selfless service, instead of wasting their vital energy in the vortex of politics, or in political conflicts. They will have to go on rendering social service with steadfast commitment, without any ulterior motive in their minds." (1)

1. Problems of the Day #32

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Whom to unite

“Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced.” (Ananda Vanii #44)

Note 1: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.

== Section 4: Links ==