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Saturday, January 15, 2022

Sign of dirty people + 3 more


Sign of dirty people


Generally people soil their underwear / undergarments multiple times on a daily basis without even knowing that it happened. And if you raise the point with them they get frustrated. They cannot think that they became dirty. How does this happen?

Well, they go for natural call 5 - 10 times a day. When they finish passing urine then invariably a few drops or more release and stain their undergarments. This is their dirty habit that they think is normal. But those who are conscious about hygiene have the solution.

Overview of point #1

For Ananda Margiis, we follow the system given by the all-knowing Guru, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. He has given point #1 of Sixteen Points to address this very issue. This letter discusses the following points:

(a) Why the use of water after urination is important - why blotting paper should not be used to soak up the urine.
(b) The ideal quantity / amount of water to pour.
(c) The ideal temperature of the water? hot, warm, or cold. Sometimes in the hot season one‘s shaoca bottle gets hot.
(d) How it prevents incontinence.
(e) What is the harm of not following this system.

All this and more is discussed in this letter.

Purpose of cooling that area

Here are some of the great benefits of pouring one full litre of water or more over the genitals during and after urination.

1. It cools down the genitalia and that keeps the tamasik vrtti in check. By keeping that area cool by using lots of water, then that tamasik vrtti will not dominate the mind. This is one tremendous benefit for any sadhaka.

2. Pouring large amounts of cold water over the pubic region creates an exchange of blood in that area which brings freshness to both body and mind. That circulation of blood nourishes all the glands, organs, nerves and cells of that region.

3. The muscles, nerves and overall biological system get strengthened by the use of adequate amounts (1 litre or more) of cold water.

4. It will prevent and eliminate bladder problems faced by older people who cannot control the flow of urine during the nighttime. That happens because the muscles and nerves weaken over time, but when cold water is regularly used then those bodily systems remain strong and intact, in which case one will not suffer from that problem in old age.

5. One other great benefit of using 1 litre of water or more over the entire genital area is that it will ensure that all excess urine is removed from the urinary tract, as well as from the bladder. This keeps the body clean and disease free.

Personal experiment

Experiment with this because by following point #1 of Sixteen Points proper even one time, one would notice a huge difference.

Indeed if anyone just pours one cup of cold water on the genital then there will be a little benefit and perhaps a touch more urine will release; but then if you pour a minimum of one litre of cold water slowly over the entire pubis region and groin, then very soon all the leftover urine that was in the bladder will easily empty. You will see at minimum 100ml or 200ml of urine release from the bladder. Normally that urine in the bladder will not release, but when a full litre of water is poured slowly, then it will. Whereas if just a little water is used then that urine remains in the bladder and even in the urinary tract itself - in which case it will crystallize and block the flow of urine.

Everyone is encouraged to try and experience this for themselves, and surely many margiis may already be using this amount of water, i.e. 1 litre. For those new to this, if one day they slowly pour extra water, they will see and experience the difference first hand. If they use more water, the remaining urine will be expelled.

Disease prevention

Bladder Stones: When excess urine remains in the bladder then there is the possibility for that to crystallize and form stones that can completely block the urinary tract. By pouring sufficient cold water after urination, then all the urine is released from the body and there is no possibility for the formation of bladder stones.

Moreover, if due to some disease the urine remains in the urinary tract then one is prone to stones. And the root cause or main problem is that one is not emptying their bladder regularly. So bladder stones are 100% preventable. The process of pour water slowly ensures the bladder is empty.

If you pour a small amount of water, such as only one spoonful or even just half a cup, then the entire pubic area remains warm, and there is little benefit. In that case the blood just stagnates; it does not vigorously circulate as when a full litre or more of cold water is used. Hence the muscles will not get nourished or strengthened.

After years of not getting adequate nourishment, those muscles and nerves become weak. That is why when people reach 60 years of age, many lose control over the flow of their urine. On an involuntary basis, urine just releases. That is why older people have to use pads or diapers in their undergarments - because anytime in any 24hr period they may suffer from incontinence. They have an ongoing drip. It is unfortunate that many have to face this humiliation when it is so preventable by using an adequate amount of water.

Certainly, this happens with kids too because they do not have the requisite strength to control their urination; hence they do "bedwetting" etc. But in later childhood that strength or ability to control develops. Naturally then all adults have that control as well. Just they lose it over time. However, this is not an eventuality or function of age; it is a only a function of poor life practices. If one slowly pours an adequate amount of water over the entire pubis region, then those nerves and muscles will remain strong even into very late age. Then one will have proper control over the flow or urine.

Unfortunately, most of the population is unaware about this so this has turned into a serious problem with the elderly - 99% of the very elderly people seem to suffer in this way. All in all, this is a well proven formula: It is your choice whether you want to (a) not use any water, or (b) use one spoonful, or (c) one cup, or (d) one litre of water during and after urination.

How cold water nourishes the area

In naturopathy, a similar cooling technique is used to heal and cure the body of problems and Baba has given this as a tub bath. (1) In this practice the core is soaked, but the limbs remain outside the tub. This water therapy is used to treat various diseases. Here the whole point is that cool or cold water is needed to both maintain and cure the body.

If a certain part is weak or diseased then the treatment is to pour cold water over it and by that way the blood will rush all around. Due to this exchange of blood, the area gets properly nourished. If cold water is not used, then there is no exchange of blood and hence no nourishment - it is then that that gland becomes weak and susceptible to disease.

So we should all be vigilant to use at least a litre of cold or cool water after and during urination. Actually this technique of using a full litre or more of cold water after urination has many, many benefits. This pouring of water around the genital area is highly important when doing half-bath too; this is a well-known practice in Ananda Marga.

When Baba first introduced the checking of 16 pts then during dharma samiiksa He explained that when doing half bath then one should pour water over the whole area from the low belly to the feet. That is the best way to do half-bath and that is Baba's system. It is not just that water is sprinkled on the toes and a few drops on the genital. Rather from the pubic region all the way down, lots of water is to be poured in order to cool that entire region. Then one will get the true benefits of half-bath.


Those who use an eyedropper as their shaoca think that using one teaspoon of water is the way - since that is how they do it while traveling - and they use that for the whole day. This is their ritualistic and meaningless way of following this rule.

We should understand that the teachings of Ananda Marga are universal in nature - they are for all. On this earth, there are some places that are extremely cold and other areas that are arid and dry like a desert and suffer from a scarcity of water. In that case, Baba has given the common solution that using even a little water is acceptable. Likewise, when acaryas are traveling by train or plane or bus, they may be carrying just a small shaoca manjusa, in which case using a little water is acceptable. It has some benefit - it is better than nothing. But the shaoca manjusa should not be like an eye-drop container.

To get the full benefit, however, one should pour one litre or more. Whenever circumstances permit we should use a full pitcher of water after urination, not just that small shaoca manjusa we use when traveling. So long as one is not in a drought-stricken area this should be the approach.

We should remember that Baba's teachings are to be practiced - they are not merely rituals. And by practicing we get the realisation of what works best. Although when traveling we may "adjust" and use a smaller container of water, whenever possible we should use a full litre of water, or more.

We should follow Baba's teachings of point #1 of Sixteen Points in a rational manner. Some think that since it is not practical to use a lot of water when traveling then it is fine to not use a full liter of water when at home or in a jagrti. To them the reply is, try it just once and see the benefit.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

"Complete seeds of welfare are embedded in Sixteen Points"

Baba has given us all the teachings for living a healthy life - one which is disease-free. Point #1 of Sixteen Points has much value. By following it and sharing it with others, to margiis and non-margiis alike, then they too can get the benefit. On this matter, as with all His teachings, we should guide and serve as many as we can.

Ananda Vanii states, "...In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to strengthen ourselves in all the arena of life. The complete seeds of welfare in all the spheres – physical, mental, moral, social and spiritual – are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points." (2)

First point of Sixteen Points

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "After urination wash the urinary organ with water." (3)

Unusual circumstances

During times of severe drought and when traveling, then that is a different scenario.

1. Caryacarya - 3, 'Different Yogic Practices: Vistrta sna'na or vya'paka sna'na
2. A'nanda Va'nii #45
3. Sixteen Points, Point #1

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I have wandered around for You

"Tomár tare vishva ghúre, beŕiye chilum shudhu shudhu..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2199)


O’ Parama Purusa, I have wandered around and searched this vast universe looking only for You. You are the most charming Entity of this entire creation. I have traveled to the “holy places” of so many villages, towns, and cities with the hope of having Your darshan. I went to various so-called tiirthas  - Jerusalem, Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, and I also visited Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur in search of You. But my longing was not quenched; You were not seen in any of those places. I did not find You anywhere. Alas, I was unable to get that most sweet Entity of my mind, my Dearmost.

O’ my Supreme One, about You, people say various things. Some give useless logic and empty theories about You; and, others say that You cannot be held by studying the philosophy or by jinana marga, dry spiritual science, devoid of sadhana, O' my Vidhu, my “Moon”.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I do not possess any mundane knowledge or philosophy. Only this much I know that You alone are the essence of my being - my everything. When You shower a wee-bit of grace on me only then will I get You, by Your mercy. This much I understand.

Baba, please be gracious…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Operative strategy of religious exploiters

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Religion is practiced for the fulfilment of mundane aspirations. This is the reason why a class of clergymen emerged centring around the religion. Ultimately the adherents of these religions become mere tools in the hands of vested interests. With the awakening of nityánitya viveka in human minds and the opening of the door of scientific knowledge, it will not be possible to deceive the people in the name of religion or by holding out the lure of happiness in the next world. The vested interests are quite aware of this fact and hence strive to keep the masses lost in the darkness of ignorance. Like parasites, they manoeuvre themselves to misappropriate, by injecting fear and inferiority complexes, a lion's share of what the ignorant masses earn with their sweat and blood." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, The Five Kinds of Conscience

== Section ==

উন্নতি কাকে ৰলে? 

“উৎ + নতি = উন্নতি | উৎ মানে—উপরের দিকে | ऊपर की ओर | Upward | যেখানে উৎ, নম্‌, ক্তিন্‌ | যেখানে মানুষ নমস্কার করছে, উপরে দিকের কোনও সত্তাকে---সেইটা হল তার উৎ নতি, উন্নতি | আর যেখানে মানুষ নমস্কার করছে, শ্রদ্ধা জানাচ্ছে, “অব” মানে “নিচের দিকের, কোনও কিছুকেই, জড়কে, ভেদ-ৰুদ্ধিকে, মানুষের-মানুষের বৈসম্য তথা বৈমনস্যকে”, সখানে সে নিচের দিককে নমঃ করছে | সে নিচে নেমে যাচ্ছে |...

তো, সেই ব্যাপার, উন্নতি-টুন্নতি হয়নি, ৰাপু; মুখে যাই ৰলা হক | তা, এখন যে যুগ চলে গেছে, যে দিন অতীতের অন্ধকারে হারিয়ে গেছে, সে গেছে ভালই হয়েছে | এখন নূতন উষার দিকে তাকিয়ে, আমাদের এগিয়ে চলতে হৰে” [1]

অপ্রকাশিত,আনন্দ নগর ১৯৮৪

== Section 3: Links ==