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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sweet role of Prabhat Samgiita


Sweet role of Prabhat Samgiita

Note: With Prabhat Samgiita Day approaching on 14 Sep, we should all reflect on the below story....


When I think about those days, I still feel the scene was as if heaven descended upon this earth. So blissful and charming, His presence was. Sometimes Baba would open His eyes and look around and then close His eyes and listen quietly.

When one song finished, if the song was new, then playing His divine liila Baba used to ask one and all: "Do you all approve of this song? Should I include it in Prabhat Samgiita?".

Margiis used to respond, "Yes Baba, it must be included! It is very good!"

Then, in His divine liila, Baba used to say, "You are my guardians. If you don't accept it, then I will tear it apart and throw it away."

Hearing this, everyone used to smile. And Baba used to say, "Ok, when you have approved this song, then it will be included in Prabhat Samgiita."

He used to do this type of grand play regularly. Sometimes it seems like He did this with each and every song. And always it was so beautifully done, and everyone basked in the sweet atmosphere.

Everyone must sing

On another occasion, after Prabhat Samgiita had just been sung, Baba asked, "Who was not singing?"

Then immediately everybody became extremely alert. When the next song started, everybody was very careful, and all VSS personnel were keenly watching. That very day I felt that Baba was pointedly telling us that everyone should sing Prabhat Samgiita, and nobody should think that Prabhat Samgiita is for Bengalis only or for a few professional musicians etc.

By this way, by encouraging and attracting us all to step forward and sing, Baba used to come and bless us. And we used to sing Prabhat Samgiita. Those memories are unforgettable. This whole entire scene of receiving Him with Prabhat Samgiita was so blissful. I feel that Prabhat Samgiita is a special, unique gift which has no comparison.


This is a small glimpse into the glorious scene those days of how we would receive Him with Prabhat Samgiita and how He would shower us in His endless love.

The conclusive idea then is that the reception of Baba is the greatest singular event in the life of a bhakta. This is the most cherished occasion and most auspicious moment. Baba has transformed the process and specially designated Prabhat Samgiita as the chosen medium whereby bhakas can receive Him, then that means Prabhat Samgiita has a special value. It has a sanctified role and blessed stance.

So it is our duty to recognize this truth and uphold the sacred standard of Prabhat Samgiita - and not allow others to taint this holy and divine treasure.

It was always so enchanting to be there to receive Baba those days. Still this divine scene is unfolding in the heart and mind of each and every sadhaka. In dhyana, we call for Him to come close and grace us with His presence. As beautiful as it was to be there those days, often I feel that receiving Him now in Guru cakra is even more sweet. Without all the external obstacles, one can openly share and express the feeling of the heart with Him - and always He responds.

In Him,

Receiving Him before 1982

At all the gatherings prior to 1982, whether big or small, Baba was received with the strong force of the slogan, "Parama Pita Baba Ki-- Jai!". After September 1982, when Prabhat Samgiita was introduced, Baba was always received by the more intimate singing of Prabhat Samgiita.

Of course at the large annual DMC programs when thousands and thousands were attending, then surely all were raising the 'Parama Pita Baba Ki- Jai!' slogan in one thunderous voice when Baba arrived in the pandal. So at the global DMC's that was the scene, even up to 1990.

But it should be remembered that at all such grand occasions, when leaving His room at the BQ (Baba Quarters) then those present were receiving Him with Prabhat Samgiita and then when He would arrive at the pandal for DMC, all the bhaktas would raise the Jai slogan. So both were being done. This was the case during His 1984 tour across India when He performed 16 DMC's, as well as in 1987 for the Bhagalpur DMC. Plus this was the normal way when He was in Ranchi, or Ananda Shiila, or Diigha etc. At all these places where DMC was held after 1982, Baba was greeted and received with Prabhat Samgiita when He emerged from the BQ, and then the resounding Jai slogan was raised when He reached the pandal. That is how it was for DMC.

On all other countless occasions, whether coming or going from His house, or for general darshan, or field walk etc, in all those blissful moments of His divine arrival, then Baba was always received with the tender sweetness of Prabhat Samgiita. This was the standard approach after 1982.

To field walk 

Already the driver had the car parked to that spot where Baba would come out from the house. And we would all anxiously crowd around and encircle the automobile - positioning ourselves in any way we could to see Baba when He would emerge from the house. All were involved in singing Prabhat Samgiita - everyone's mind fully vibrated with a strong desire to see Him. With this great anticipation and devotional longing, we would sing Prabhat Samgiita and look anxiously for His grand arrival.

When we sensed that Baba would soon be coming, the inner spiritual yearning would be even more aroused - all wishing to see Him. Finally, the auspicious moment arrived and He would grace us with His exquisite presence. He was always so sweet and charming. On many occasions, Baba would stand there to talk and say something. The car was ready and the door was opened for Him to get in, yet Baba would move slowly to grant us time to gaze at Him. With His beautiful countenance, He would stand there inquiring about our welfare or giving some direction, and we would cherish each and every moment with Him before He would have to enter the car and go for a fieldwalk. It was such a blissful scene - even today - every moment in one mind's eye this can be experienced.

Upon His return a similar scene would occur. Once the gate to the driveway opened and we knew Baba's car was returning then we would quickly rush in and line up along the edges of the driveway. Whatever activities, duties, talks or dealings were going on stopped immediately. All were eager to get a spot to see Him. The vibration were palpable. Everyone came rushing, yet there was not much space along the driveway. There had to be enough room for His car to pass, yet all wanted to be close. Somehow we all managed to grab a sacred space - along that tiny area along the side of the driveway - in hopes of seeing Him. We would all anticipate His arrival, singing Prabhat Samgiita - anxiously watching for His car to come in from the road. Finally, He would arrive and while singing we would carefully watch Him emerge from His car. In this way we would receive Him. All were singing and some were lovingly calling and crying, "Baba, Baba, Baba. " The whole scene was so charged with love and bhakti. And still today and in the future also, sadhakas can intimately experience this same type of closeness - or even greater intimacy with Him.

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The below section is an entirely different topic, unrelated to the above material.
It stands on its own merit as a point of interest and ideological awareness.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Fasting: pregnant & nursing mothers


Baba’s chief guideline about fasting is contingent upon one’s standard of health. If you are of excellent health then you can practice our AM system of fasting.

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states: “Only persons in very good health and with good energy should fast without water. Persons suffering from gall or kidney-stones should never undertake a waterless fast. Sick persons and people in mediocre health should observe fasting taking plenty of lemon juice and water. Persons who are very weak may take a small quantity of fruit and milk.” (1)

So in His above teaching Baba’s fasting guideline delineates three grades of people: (a) very healthy, (b) sick or mediocre health, (c) very weak.

In Him,
Kalpana Devii

Generally, when we women are pregnant we are in the prime years of our life and full of vitality. Our physical health is very good; indeed, it is the ideal time to sustain a new babe.

Hence, we mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding and in very good health are encouraged to follow Baba’s fasting guideline from Sixteen Points. So long as a medical professional has evaluated your condition and can attest to the high overall state of health, then you are welcome and advised to fast. That’s to say, there should not be any confusion about this: There is no health guideline or conduct rule barring any pregnant or nursing mom from engaging in a dry fast. After all, neither pregnancy nor breast-feeding is a disease. You can be pregnant and / or breast feeding and be in a wonderful state of health. In that case, as a mother you may fast.

However, sometimes we may become sick or weakened during these times in which case we should consult a medical professional who is keenly familiar with yogic teachings and our AM way of life and then refer to Baba’s aforementioned guidelines about fasting.

There are times and conditions when Baba has given stipulations for women - and this is for our welfare. For instance:
(a) “A woman should be allowed to rest and abstain from all sorts of household chores for at least twenty-one days after a childbirth.” (Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules)

(b) “During menstruation, pregnancy and within one month of delivery, women must not practise ásanas or any other exercise.” (Caryacarya - 3, Asanas, Rules for ásanas, Point #21)

But there are no such guidelines that bar pregnant / breastfeeding women from fasting. 

1. Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Appendix: Fasting

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Know these three cardinal socio-political principles

  Prout philosophy states, “For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.”
   “There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them. Secondly, people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. Occupation, spiritual practice and mother tongue are very important to human beings. If the sentiments associated with them are hurt, human beings will be deeply affected. So, you should never violate these cardinal socio-political principles.” (1)

   Prout philosophy states, “If any group tries to violate any of these three cardinal socio-political principles, you should immediately oppose them with a thundering voice and sufficient force. Victory will be yours, because you are supporting the collective psychology. But before launching any movement, you should make sure that the masses are conscious of their exploitation, otherwise the movement will not be successful. Although it may take some time to raise the consciousness of the masses, ultimately you will be victorious.” (2)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles
2. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 3: Links ==

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