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Friday, April 21, 2023

Ejemplo de "héroe" de bajo nivel


Ejemplo de "héroe" de bajo nivel

Nota: Este artículo es solo para aquellos que tienen reverencia por Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji y tratan de seguir Su ideología Ananda Marga.


Como todo bhakta sabe, el divino y santo advenimiento de Mahasambhuti es un evento sin precedentes. Su augusta llegada está más allá de toda comparación y marca una transformación distinta y significativa para la humanidad. Ningún invento o descubrimiento está ni remotamente cerca de la auspiciosa llegada de Parama Purusa en forma humana como Taraka Brahma. Nada está a la par de Su advenimiento divino.

Parama Purusa está más allá de todas las comparaciones

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, "Form and Formless", Baba nos dice: No hay una segunda entidad como Él. Él está más allá de toda comparación. Es la Entidad Infinita, la encarnación de la Bienaventuranza Suprema, la existencia y el conocimiento personificados. (resumen en español)

Rudrananda: comparando a Freud con el advenimiento de Mahasambhuti

Ahora deberíamos ver lo que escribió Dada Rudrananda en el prefacio de un libro. Según Dadaji, el siglo XX será recordado para siempre por la Primera Guerra Mundial, la teoría de Freud y el advenimiento de Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, etc.

Entonces, para Dada Rudrananda, históricamente, el último siglo ha sido muy importante en muchos sentidos, incluida la Primera Guerra Mundial, la teoría de Freud y el advenimiento de Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Por lo tanto, este supuesto avadhuta está poniendo la Primera Guerra Mundial y la teoría perversa de Freud a la par con el advenimiento sagrado de Parama Purusa. Sin embargo, todos sabemos que todas las expresiones mundanas palidecen en comparación con Su presencia divina. Parama Purusa Baba es la fuente de todo. Y todo bhakta entiende esto. Así que no hay forma de que ningún sadhaka verdadero pueda comparar las noticias mundanas que pronto serán olvidadas o superadas con la eterna gloria brillante de Parama Purusa como Mahasambhuti.

También tenga en cuenta que Rudrananda está seleccionando eventos de un solo siglo y comparándolos con la llegada excepcional de Taraka Brahma, que ocurrió después de miles de años. Ese es otro aspecto inapropiado. Entonces, la comparación de Dada de la teoría de Freud con el advenimiento de Mahasambhuti Baba es bastante absurda. Y nuevamente, esto no es algo de lo que estaba hablando casualmente en la esquina de la calle, sino que Dadaji publicó esto en el prefacio de un libro de historias sobre la gloria de Sadguru Baba.

Traicionar su propia mentalidad vulgar y licenciosa

Rudrananda utilizó a Sadguru Baba como comparación con las enseñanzas psicológicas de Freud. Sin embargo, vea aquí lo que la filosofía de Ananda Marga ha dicho sobre Freud y sus enseñanzas sobre psicología.

En un resumen en español de Subhasita Samgraha - 3, "Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)", baba nos dice: Algunos psicólogos [Freud] han sostenido que el impulso sexual, una expresión particular de káma, es la causa raíz de todo tipo de atracciones y actividades mundanas. Esta afirmación es incorrecta, ya que la atracción es la característica de toda unidad y tal atracción ciertamente no será siempre sexual. Esos psicólogos [Freud] que le dan una importancia indebida a la lujuria sexual, traicionan su propia mentalidad vulgar y licenciosa. Como ya he dicho, no todo apego o atracción nace del deseo sexual. Cada ser unitario es vulnerable a la atracción, pero la causa de esta atracción es el impulso imperativo de autoconservación... La felicidad es el último deseo de la vida, no la lujuria. No es una cuestión de pasión sexual o sensual en absoluto. (resumen en español)

En un lenguaje claro, Sadguru Baba señala cómo las enseñanzas de Freud son degradadas, defectuosas y corruptas. En verdad, parece que Rudrananda no está al tanto de las enseñanzas de Baba a este respecto; de lo contrario, ciertamente no habría elegido este ejemplo absurdo y ridículo. No solo eso, seguramente ningún evento mundano puede compararse con el advenimiento sagrado de Baba, sin embargo, Dada Rudrananda seleccionó el evento de la Primera Guerra Mundial para que tuviera la misma importancia que el advenimiento de Parama Purusa. Pero la guerra es siempre el peor tipo de tragedia y, a menudo, el trabajo de personas incivilizadas y tiránicas.


El Señor Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji Baba es esa fuente divina que está más allá de todas las preocupaciones y divagaciones mundanas, etc. Como sadhakas, es nuestro deber ineludible resaltar Su gloria divina en todos y cada uno de los momentos de nuestras vidas.

En Él,
Rudradev Yadav

Para aquellos que deseen leer la página escaneada del hindi, haga clic aquí. Todo esto Rudrananda escribió en el prefacio del libro de cuentos de Baba en hindi de Rameshvarji titulado "Baba Katha".

Parama Purusa Baba está más allá de todas las comparaciones

Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji Baba es esa fuente divina que está más allá de todas las preocupaciones y divagaciones mundanas, etc. Como sadhakas, es nuestro deber ineludible resaltar Su gloria divina en todos y cada uno de los momentos de nuestras vidas.

Lea la página del libro de Rudrananda

Para aquellos que deseen leer la página escaneada del libro en hindi, haga clic a continuación.

Parama Purusa está más allá de todas las comparaciones

Como la Entidad Divina, Su presencia está más allá de toda comparación:

Na tatra súrya bháti na candratárakam'
Nemá vidyuto bhańti kuto’yamagnih.
Tameva bhántamanubháti sarvam'
Tasya bhásá sarvamidaḿ vibháti.

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, "All Shine with His Effulgence", Baba nos dice: En Su presencia, la luna, las estrellas e incluso el brillante sol se quedan sin brillo. La electricidad no tiene luz delante de Él, qué decir del fuego. Todos estos objetos brillantes derivan su brillo de Él. Su existencia depende completamente en Su existencia. Él es una encarnación de la refulgencia. Él es la fuente y el fundamento de toda la vida en el universo. Todas las entidades brillan con Su resplandor. Uno tendrá que aceptarlo como el único objeto de su mente. El que no haga eso es un tonto, y finalmente se lamentará con lágrimas de dolor en los ojos. (resumen en español)

En un resumen en español de Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, "Form and Formless", Baba nos dice: No hay una segunda entidad como Él. Él está más allá de toda comparación. Él es la Entidad Infinita, la encarnación de la Bienaventuranza Suprema, la existencia y el conocimiento personificados. (resumen en español)

Y aquí vemos que Parama Purusa Baba es esa Entidad Divina que está más allá de toda relatividad.

En un resumen en español de Caryacarya, Part 2, "Point 1a", Baba nos dice: El único Parama Brahma (Conciencia Suprema) sin forma, sin comienzo e infinito es la única entidad a ser alcanzada por los los seres vivos. Solo Él es Jagat Guru (el preceptor Supremo), Solo Él ha revelado Brahmavidyá (ciencia intuitiva) a nosotros a través del nombre y la forma de Anandamúrtijii. Se debe hacer que los seres unitarios aprecien Su majestuosidad. (resumen en español)

- Here is a link to the original English posting: Example of lowly "hero"

- Here are more Spanish postings

- Here is a link to Spanish Prabhat Samgiita

Story: my sinful actions + 4 more

Story: my sinful actions


Before ever knowing that I would be promoted and transferred from Bihar to Agartala by my military supervisors, Baba called me to Him.

He said, "I will be sending you to eastern India soon to do some pracara work."

Hearing Baba's words, I was puzzled as a transfer to that area could only be done via a promotion. And I was wondering how will I ever be promoted when my military supervisors do not appreciate my way of life. I was following all Ananda Marga practices whereas my bosses lived in their own way. So how would they give me such a promotion. Those were the types of thoughts swirling in my head.

In a few weeks, I was ordered by my BMP supervisors to appear in an examination. The examiner asked me all kinds of questions, many of which surprised me. But, not only did I pass the examination, I got the top score. I was then promoted and given the assignment in Agartala. This was nothing but Baba's special way of working. Now I would be able to do His pracara work in eastern India.

I became seriously ill

Once I reached Agartala, then by His grace, a lot of pracara work was going on. So many margiis and Wts were created. Baba was arranging everything - there was a huge flow of activity.

After some time however, I became seriously ill and had to return to Bihar for treatment. I was thinking I must have done some mistake, otherwise what could be the reason for my sickness.

When I reached Jamalpur, I went to see Baba. Those who were around told me, "Now Baba is going to eastern India - why have you come to Jamalpur?"

All I could reply was, "Nothing is in my hand. Baba is the One controlling my movements. He sent me to Agartala and now Baba has brought me here."

So I remained in Jamalpur for some time and tried to get better. In due course, Baba returned to Jamalpur and I got the opportunity to see Him.

Flashed in my mind

The first thing Baba told me was, "Why did you commit those wrongs?"

Immediately, I began wondering what wrong I had done.

Baba then said, "What about that incident."

I was mentally pondering my role and duties, trying to figure out where I erred. Still in my mind I was thinking that knowingly I did not do anything wrong. Suddenly a scene flashed in my mind of one encounter when I ordered a shooting where some innocent people were injured.

I said, "Baba, knowingly I did not do anything beyond my call of duty. I was ordered to manage the border security. The government gave me my orders and I had to follow them."

Baba said, "Yes, the government gives you orders, but then it is your duty to use your viveka when carrying out that order."

Actually on the border between India and Bangladesh, people in Bangladesh were chopping and stealing trees from India. Basically they were smuggling wood. My duty was to watch and guard the border as well as protect my troops. I was very concerned that if my troops were attacked and harmed then I will be blamed.

Baba told, "When carrying out your duties, you were excessive in meting out punishment. You took strong punitive measures against even innocent people."

Then that whole fateful scene flashed in my mind, I immediately realised my mistake and understood how some innocent people were also harmed. Baba made everything perfectly clear.

Baba said, "You had to undergo the reaction for your wrongdoing. That is why you became sick and that is why you are here now."

Now I understood why it all happened. In Agartala, I became sick and my senior commander told me to go for treatment. I remained sick for 2 - 3 weeks. My problem would not go away. Finally, the doctor told me that this climate is not good for me and that I should go back to my home area. Thus I made the trip back to Bihar. So the reason why I became sick in the first place was due to my sinful actions.

Never harm innocent people

In the above story told by Mr. B there are many things to be learned.

1. As sadhakas we have to be careful when undergoing any suffering. That moment we should  analyse the matter and do introspection and see if we made a mistake or not. Animals cannot do this type of self-analysis; and ordinary humans do not do it. As sadhakas, we should do it. Because there is no effect without a cause. We should clearly understand the link between our past actions and our present condition.

2. By the grace of Guru one may intuitively receive His guideline.

3. Degraded and egoistic people do not reflect on the reactions of their actions and therefore invite more self harm and more severe reactions. In the case of Mr. B also, if Sadguru Baba had not pointed out the problem, then Mr. B would not have had any idea of his wrongdoing and he may have suffered further.

4. Let's take an example of how those in power might abuse their position: Suppose a policeman is ordered to arrest Mr X, then a very bad and notorious police officer may go to Mr. X and abuse and beat him mercilessly. While a policeman of good conscience will do the job in the right way and arrest Mr X without using excessive force.

5. One should be very careful about their dealing and use their vivek (discrimination) when following orders. That will make things much better.

6. When any non-margii sinner does any injustice then they may not face the consequences immediately. In which case they will continue in their wrongdoing. But for sadhakas it works in a different manner. Ananda Margiis will face their reactions very quickly because in this life a practicing sadhaka will get mukti (liberation). So they have to get the lesson quickly and be deterred from continuing their sinful ways. Otherwise mukti will not be possible. So for Ananda Margiis the cycle of action and reaction has to be exhausted in a very short time period.


Here is Baba's teaching from Ananda Sutram about how people learn from their good and bad actions:

[The requital of an action is guided by the (divine) longing for welfare.]

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Purport: Even behind the requital of an act (the fruits that follow the completion of an act) lies the divine desire of benevolence. The punishment for an evil act teaches one to keep away from evil doings. The reward for a good and benevolent act teaches people that they will never get such a reward if ever they commit an evil act." (1)

Parama Purusa made this type of system (i.e. samskara theory, or action and reaction theory) to help sadhakas remain on the right path. It is His grace.

in Him

About the story teller

Mr. B, i.e. Family Acarya Babanji of Bihar, had many personal experiences with Baba. Then in 1963, as a member of the Bihar Military Police (BMP) he was dispatched to Agartala, i.e, far eastern India, by his commanding officers. Babanji was assigned to do military patrols and border control work along the Indo-Bangladeshi border. It was an unusual and special appointment within the BMP. Above is Ac Babanji's first-hand account of how he became sick while in the course of duty and what Baba told him.


It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 

“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”

This will be treated as the standard protocol.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Quiz on AM Teachings

Do you know who Baba is talking about in the below passage? 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In places where, for whatever reason, intellectual clashes among the vipras were not very intense, their philosophy was very simple. They would say to the people directly, "I am the angel or incarnation of God. The things I have said are not the words of a human being but the words of God," or "I have received the divine revelation that you will eat this and not that, worship in this way and not that, and offer this to God. If you obey my commandments God will bless you and you will go to heaven; otherwise you will be burnt to death in the fire of hell." The people were fooled this easily.”

“The vipras used to tempt people with an imaginary heaven and inject in them the fear of an imaginary hell. In this way they would accomplish their objectives; their exploitation would proceed smoothly; and moreover the fear they aroused in people's minds would turn those people into fanatics.”

“It is noticeable that in the fanatical religious communities that we see in the world today, there is very little intellectual clash among the vipras. However, whenever fanatical religious communities made systems of social rules and regulations – in other words, whenever they made some effort to build a social structure – their social systems would be stronger than those of societies which followed a subtle philosophical theory or those of kśatriya societies.”  (1)


In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is talking about the semitic religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. 

1. Human Society - 2, The Vipra Age

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Inevitability of surrender

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose you meet a great karmi and ask him if he is successful in everything he undertakes. He will certainly say, “No.” If you ask him if he ever gets tired of working, he will say that he definitely gets tired on different occasions. And when he gets tired does he not ask Parama Puruśa to give him more strength? No matter how great a karmii one might be, one will have to eventually take shelter in Parama Puruśa, one will have to eventually surrender to Him." (1)

Note: In the life of a sadhaka on the spiritual journey, the first and foremost ingredient is surrender. In so many ways it is used. In the above quote, surrender is explained in a very simple way.

1. Ananda Vacanartam - 8, Do Virtuous Deeds Day and Night – 2

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे बाबा ! तुम मुझे प्रेम करते  हो इसीलिये मेरे पास आये  हो

टिप्पणी - “भक्ति प्रेमस्वरूप है। प्रेम क्या है? किसी सांसारिक जीव का किसी अन्य सीमित वस्तु के प्रति आकर्षण "काम " कहलाता है; और उसका यही आकर्षण जब अनन्त सत्ता के साथ होता है तो इसे "प्रेम" कहते हैं। “ (1)

Purport- PS #3279

हे परमपुरुष! तुम मुझे प्रेम करते  हो क्या इसी लिये मेरे पास आये  हो? तुम कितने कृपालु हो। तुम अपने स्नेह और अनुराग से  फूलों को महका दिया । हे मेरे परमप्रिय! आज तुम्हारे मधुर आगमन से मेरा पूरा अस्तित्व जाग गया है  और वह प्रेम का अनुभव कर रहा है।

हे परम सत्ता ! तुम्हारे आगमन के पूर्व सभी मानव अंधेरे में थे। भौतिक वाद में डूबे और दिन रात दुनियाबी वस्तुओं के संग्रह में व्यस्त रहते थे। वे संकीर्ण मन में हीन विचारों के साथ लिप्त  रहते थे। वे परम पुरुष के बारे में  कुछ सोच ही नहीं पाते थे। भ्रष्ट मानवता की यह भयावह स्थिति थी। इस अंधेरी घड़ी में तुम कृपा कर आ गये। तुमने नव्य मानवतावाद के बाढ़ के दरवाजे खोलकर सभी के मन को आध्यात्म  के नशे  में भर दिया है तुमने प्रत्येक को बदल दिया है।

बाबा, हे परमपुरुष! तुम्हारे दिव्यप्रेम की   रंगीन मशाल से  मानव जीवन झूमने लगा है। हर व्यक्ति तुम्हारी कृपा से आशा  का झण्डा पकडे़ उत्साहित हो गया है। तुम सबके सामने खड़े हो। तुम कृपा कर प्रत्येक को परम संतुष्ठि का रास्ता दिखाने आगे चल रहे हो।

बाबा! तुमने मेरे ऊपर अनन्त प्रेम  की वर्षा की है, तुम्हारा कीर्ति गान करने के लिये मेरे पास कोई शब्द नहीं हैं। (2)

1. SS-24, Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Puruśa
2. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Rarity of human life

“After millions of animal lives, a created being attains the human form. That is why all the sacred books speak of the rarity of human life. The wise properly utilize all objects and this utilization alone makes the existence of the object worthy. You have achieved the human frame. You must make it meaningful by your sádhaná, service and sacrifice. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits that even your worst enemies have hardly any chance to despise you. Utilize yourself in such a manner so as to satisfy yourself mentally, that you never wasted your time uselessly on this earth.” (Ananda Vanii #33)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.




Thousands of innocent margii infants have been maimed and mutilated
due to the distortion of Caryacarya part 2 - English Edition.

Click To Read The Article

== Section 3: Links ==

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