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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Uniqueness of PS


Depending exclusively on Him

"Ja'r a'ro keu na'i, ta'r tumi a'cho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3406) 


Baba, for those who feel in their heart that only You are their eternal Saviour-- and no one else, and for those who know that nothing in this relative world is permanent except You, and for those who realize that You are the only One who is the ultimate shelter, You love and shower Your infinite grace. Those who divert all the love of their heart unto You, You are theirs. By Your mercy, when such blessed bhaktas are all alone they sing Your divine love songs-- to please You. And they internally rejoice and celebrate that divine truth that “You are theirs. and You love them”.

O’ Lord, as for the rest of the people-- i.e. those who do not depend on You-- in their crude manner they think that they are everything. In their own way, some of them may haphazardly come onto the path of movement for a second or two, only to wander off again. Lost in the smallness of their unit existence, stuck in their own ‘I’-feeling and retarded by their own speed, ultimately they drift away. Due to their vanity, ego, and selfish outlook, they do not get the strength or inspiration to march ahead. Their life is basically dead. But, by Your grace, those who move on Your path, with the singular, one-pointed desire to please You and serve You, You graciously supply them with all the speed and all the effulgence. Baba, You lovingly fill their entire being with Your divine grace, inspiration, and bhakti. In Your divine way, You draw and attract them towards You. By Your great kindness, their heart is filled with bhakti, and with that desire they rush headlong towards You.

Baba, for those who surrender themselves only unto You, You are their shelter. You are the life of this entire universe; You are the soul of one and all. In the small and in the big, in the meagre and in the vast, You are the greatest and sweetest One. With Your ahetuki krpa, You graciously pull everyone towards You and You fill everyone's heart with bhakti. With that same magnetic pull-- with that bond of love and attraction-- the entire universe is moving in one cohesive fashion.T his is Your grace. Everyone feels that they are the kith and kin of one and all due to the hidden attraction of Your love.

Baba, You are my everything; please keep me under Your shelter eternally...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3406

[1] "Bakira' saunge a'se caler pathe, nij nij bha'v niye, nij gatite": This is the third line of the above Prabhat Samgiita which explains the situation of those individuals who do not surrender to Parama Purusa and instead move according to their own mundane, unit speed and desire. The complete and inner spirit of this line is well explained in Baba's below cited discourse. In this same discourse, Baba also unveils the glorious status of those blessed sadhakas who move with one-pointed feeling towards Him.

            Sarva'jiive sarvasam'sthe brhante
            Tasmin ham'so bhra'myate brahmacakre
            Prthaga'tma'nam' prerita'rainca matva'

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Each and every human being and each and every living microcosm is moving around the nucleus of creation: the difference between them is that human beings are moving consciously and the non-human creatures are moving unconsciously.  Just as human beings have a certain advantage because of their independent minds they have a disadvantage also. The disadvantage is that if they do not move towards Parama Purus'a consciously, then their movement may be towards crude physicality, towards animality. And the advantage they enjoy because of their independent will is that if they so desire, they can move towards their Goal with greater momentum. To make the best use of this advantage is an act of wisdom on the part of human beings. Thus human beings, who have such developed minds, should properly utilise their mental potentialities and moving with accelerated speed, reach closer to Parama Purus'a."

Sarva'jiive sarvasam'sthe brhante:

"Human beings, with their respective radii, are moving around Parama Purus'a.  Those who move consciously gradually reduce their radius, and those who want to remain away from Him increase their radius more and more. But it must be remembered that one is moving around Parama Purus'a and thus there is no way of escape--where is there to escape?  If the radius goes on increasing and thus becomes very vast, even then it remains within Him, not without. Everything is within Him, nothing is beyond or outside Him."

"Thus the entire world of living beings is moving around him with their respective a'jiiva. Here a'jiiva means both physical occupations as well as psychic occupations. Usually physical occupation or physical pabulum is called a'jiiva and psychic pabulum is called a'bhoga. Hence each and every person, with hisphysical as well as psychic pabulum is revolving around Him. All the living creatures are preoccupied with their own worlds of existence, the worlds where each and every entity moves, gathers its food and drink, and discharges its mundane duties. The living beings, moving around Him, are extremely busy with all these objects and activities. Similarly they also survive with all their mental objectivities."

"People, according to their respective physical and psychic pabula, are provided in their next life with the requisite physical bodies. Those who want to eat and drink beyond all proportion may be provided with pigs' bodies; in that case, they can eat as much as they like. Those who are very angry by disposition may be provided with buffaloes' bodies, so they can be as angry as they like. And those who long for the close proximity to Parama Purus'a will attain a developed human frame, a sentient human body." (1)

[2] "Dhara're tumi dhare rekhecho": This is the final phrase of the above Prabhat Samgiita. The inner essence of this line is that, due to His cosmic grace, all feel connected to Him and therefore with those around them as well. Due to the flow of Parama Purusa's universal love, the sadhaka feels that everyone is their kith and kin.

And this neo-humanistic / spiritual outlook is reflected in so many of Sadguru Baba teachings such as the below Ananda Vanii.  

Ananda Vanii states, "All the beings of this universe are the kith and kin of one another. No one is despicable. All are equally respectable and entitled to equal love and affection..." (2)

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 11, The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms
2. A'nanda Va'nii #58, Ánanda Púrńimá 1982

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Uniqueness of PS


Of all the gifts which Baba has graciously bestowed upon us, one could easily make the case that Prabhat Samgiita is the most treasured and the most unique because Prabhat Samgiita carries the inner spirit of all Baba's divine teachings. And it also intimately guides us how to develop a deeper connection with Him in our sadhana, in dhyana. Yet, many of Baba's Prabhat Samgiita are written in a very concentrated manner, where it is incumbent upon the sadhaka to read into the song to understand what Baba is expressing. Indeed to get the full value-- the full loving feeling-- of any Prabhat Samgiita, a proper interpretation is a must.

What it means to be depending only on Him

In the above posted Prabhat Samgiita - song #3406 - Baba makes various references throughout the song to the bhakta depending only on Him. The question then becomes what does it mean to depending only on Him. That refers to the psycho-spiritual state where one has surrendered everything unto Him. That means, regardless of their worldly situation and status, those blessed sadhakas feel in their heart that only He is their eternal abode - their eternal shelter. So the lines in the above song which describe the sadhaka as depending only on Him actually refers to a deep state of surrender.

It does not mean that one really does not have a house or that one really does not have any friends or family in this mundane world. It does not mean that one is rich or poor in the material sense etc. Rather, Baba is describing that special sadhaka whose mind has one-pointed bhakti for Him. In which case the sadhaka is not taking shelter in any relative object or unit being, but is instead depending solely on Parama Purusa. In that sense, Parama Purusa becomes the shelter for those who are depending only on Him. The sense is that He is the shelter of those who do not allow their minds to be crudely attracted to anything in this mundane world. And when their minds are only seeking Him and longing for Him, then He graces them by becoming their shelter. And that is what is happening in the above Prabhat Samgiita, song #3406.

Conclusion: depending exclusively on Him

So depending only on Him refers to that deeply devotional stance where one is only depending upon Him and not depending on any mundane thing in this world: not any physical house, not one's crude wealth, and not one's prestige etc. This Prabhat Samgiita represents the heartfelt devotional expression of that sadhaka who surrenders fully at His lotus feet. That is the quality of depending only on Him, in which case, automatically, Parama Purusa lovingly brings that bhakta under His eternal shelter. Thus, depending only on Him is completely independent of one's physical wealth, or lack thereof, and instead depends only upon one's psycho-spiritual state-- i.e. one's longing for Him.

We should all remember that Baba is always showering His eternal blessing upon one and all. He is that divine shelter.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "This Cosmic Entity alone is the basic shelter of the human beings. It is a strong foundation which shall not, at any time forsake them leaving him forlorn. In this very Cosmic shelter you can establish yourself fearlessly for all time to come." (1)

In Him, 
Parama Deva

From this above discussion, it becomes apparent how important it is to properly interpret and have correct purports to explain His divine songs. Only those who are suitably qualified should provide purports of our beloved Baba’s Prabhat Samgiita.  

1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 1, The Base of Life

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