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Friday, December 9, 2022

LFTs made into slaves + 2 more

LFTs made into slaves

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


For some time now, the LFT system has been a shadow of its former self as nowadays LFTs are the object of exploitation. Yet Baba has given the LFT (Local Full-Time Worker) system as a glorified and dynamic way to bridge the gap between our WTs and the general society. Now, the LFT system is tragically under severe exploitation.

LFT Ac Raghunath was honoured - now LFTs are made slaves

One of the key points for bringing justice back to the LFT position is to bring economic stability to the post. LFTs should not be looked upon as beggars. In the current era, Wts order those LFTs to wash their (Wt’s) dishes and clothes, cook their food, and sweep their floors. Unfortunately, this is the way things have been going on for the last so many years in India, but that is not the way Baba has designed it to be. Only since 1990 or so, certain Dadas have pushed LFTs into positions of terrible subservience. Due to this serious exploitation, no one is interested in joining the ranks of LFT. Let us not forget the case of Raghunathji. He was an LFT his entire life and given great respect, but gradually that status for LFTs waned to nil.

Who has decimated the LFT cadre

Hand in hand with establishing economic stability for LFTs and bringing them up to a level of respectability is the notion that LFTs are not anyone's servant. Starting with their time in LFT training, those LFTs are to follow all of the Wt conduct rules, with very few exceptions. So their standard is very high and they should be given scope to work and serve in a meaningful manner.

But tragically, some Wts have decimated the LFT structure by using them as pawns or tools for washing their laungotas, cleaning the floor and toilets, cooking and serving food, etc. LFTs have been diminished to the stature of indentured servants and slaves. Sadly, nowadays, LFT literally means the one who does all the house chores and this ruins the image of the LFT post and is a misuse and abuse of the position.

Baba's vision and practical approach is that LFTs are dignified, full-time representatives of Ananda Marga ideology, worthy of respect and honor. Yet nowadays, LFTs are mere maids, servants, and slaves of certain big Dadas. No doubt there are always a few exceptions here and there, but the norm for LFT means accepting a lowly status. In that case, who would want to join the ranks and become an LFT.

Big Wts eat dainties & delicacies while LFTs made to starve

In India, food disparity is a key aspect of this type of exploitation. Generally, throughout Delhi sector, we find that wherever there are LFTs, then two kitchens are maintained in that jagrti. LFTs cook and prepare sumptuous meals for some Wts with tasty ingredients and special sauces, while LFTs eat just chapati with salt. Food is a big indicator of one's status. So when big-bellied Dadas bask in eating fancy treats with each and every meal while LFTs cook and clean and do not even get to lick the leftovers, then that is a sure sign of terrible exploitation. And that must be stopped.

Unfortunately, certain Dadas believe that LFTs should give their every last drop of blood for the comfort of Wts. Verily this is a classic case of the exploiters (WTs) and the exploited (LFTs).

Steps to be taken to rectify

In the proper system, LFTs are to be posted to an AMPS institution or within any department or trade to support the organisation and serve humanity etc. Regardless of their posting, the financial needs of that LFT must be met in an honourable manner whereby the dignity and well-being of that LFT is assured - and not compromised in any way. LFTs should receive sufficient economic support to meet their daily needs and related expenses, so long as they are in their post etc. This is a key point to the ongoing survival and progress of our LFT cadre. Failing that, our LFT system will never get an opportunity to flourish.

LFTs must not be deprived of the basics while some big Dadas live in the lap of luxury. Those Dadas must not be allowed to oppress and exploit LFTs. This type of blatant dichotomy between haves (WTs) and have-nots (LFTs) must be eliminated. No society can last where there is such a gross economic disparity.

How LFTs bring stability in AMPS

When our LFTs are rendered as mere servants then that is a big blow to the running of the organisation. Because LFTs are meant to bring continuity and regularity to our Ananda Marga service projects. WT Dadas and Didis are transferred very quickly, whereas LFTs can work in one locale their entire life. They are the glue in that area. They help new Wts get adjusted to the region, and they help ensure our service projects keep running at an optimal level.

On many an occasion, when most WTs are transferred from an area then they unjustly take everything with them: bank accounts, resources, donations. It happens, and we have all seen it. When LFTs are given a responsible status and viewed as valued members of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha then naturally good people will join the ranks. And they will ensure that when any WT enters or departs their area, the overall integrity will be maintained.

Yet that opportunity and strategy is entirely lost when LFTs are viewed as mere pawns whose only value is sweeping and cleaning etc. That is a terrible shame. Unfortunately, now the situation of LFTs is pathetic. Too many good, dedicated people have been badly burned by joining the LFT ranks. Seeing this, the new generation has become startled and terrified. They do not want to become LFTs.

The need of the hour is to create more and more LFTs because LFTs are the full-time link between the common mass and WTs, i.e. the local people and our renunciate Dadas and Didis. LFTs are more aware about their own local areas than WTs. So if our LFT structure is functioning properly then our WTs will more easily manage our social service programs of AMPS and pracara efforts. Otherwise, without the help of LFTs, when Wts are transferred to new places then they face enormous difficulty in having to start everything from the beginning.

Must: circumstantial pressure

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Even if extreme steps, such as threats and circumstantial pressure, are taken, can it be said that the nature of those with vested interests is going to be reformed? Rather, they will always search for suitable opportunities to launch a counter-revolution.”
   “To protect the common people from the clutches of exploitation, as an initial measure we will have to create circumstantial pressure, but to reform the character of these ailing people, long-term arrangements will also have to be made for their psychic and spiritual education. Human society is ready to wait indefinitely to reform their character by psychic and spiritual methods, because by then their fangs will have been broken, and by creating circumstantial pressure, their capacity for exploitation will have been snatched away.” (1)

Key steps for rekindling LFT system

The solution to this whole problem surrounding the ruination of LFT life is really quite simple and can be divided up into a few steps:

(a) WTs must not exploit LFTs;
(b) WTs and senior margiis should guide new and young LFTs on ideological matters;
(c) WTs must feed LFTs the same food as they eat;
(d) LFTs should be looked upon with love and affection and given respect;
(e) No one should falsely state in the name of Baba that LFTs must either get married or become WTs;
(f) LFTs should be given their rightful status and assured that they need not marry if they do not wish to.
(g) LFTs may become Wts if they wish, but on this point there should not be any coercion.

Abiding by the aforementioned points will go a long way toward restoring the honour, integrity, and dynamicity to the LFT post.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “One may say that slavery has been totally abolished from today’s world. It may be true in theory, but a handful of people who deserve no better name than “intellectual satans” have been enslaving people by propagating defective philosophies.” (2)


The root cause behind this entire LFT issue is the following defective mentality: “That we WTs are dedicated and no one else can be treated as dedicated.” This sort of mentality is the cause of ruining the LFT structure.
The truth is that LFTs can and should be regarded as one dedicated full-time to the establishment of Guru’s mission. Dedication is not merely an external display; it starts within. The point is that the inner commitment of sincere LFTs is highly valued and instrumental for our organisation to thrive. When LFTs are allowed and encouraged to express their full potentialities then great things can be done for Baba's mission.

In Him,

LFT must not be coerced to marry

Here Baba warns that those who remain single must dedicate themselves for the welfare of humanity. Remaining unmarried and looking after one's own stomach will not do. Such selfish persons become a liability.

Here is an English summary from the Hindi section of Baba’s DMC address of 1/1/84:

You'll see many people in this world who are bachelors but they are neither monks nor have they got a sacrificing spirit to serve the society. Such people are actually, they are liabilities, not assets to the society. (English summary, DMC, 1/1/84, Ananda Nagar)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The need for marriage differs with individuals. That is why in the opinion of Ananda Marga every individual has complete freedom in matters of marriage. For example, marriage of those ...whose present circumstances are not favourable for marriage (i.e., where marriage can cause unhappiness), is not desirable. Those who are constantly engaged in the fulfilment of an ideal, or those who have to spend the greater part of their day in earning their livelihood or some mental occupations, should not marry, because they will not find it possible to fulfil their family commitments properly. The marriages of such people are harmful to the society in many cases." (3)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “A decision for marriage should be taken with full consideration of one’s physical, mental, and financial conditions and environmental circumstances. No one should exert pressure in the matter of marriage.” (4)

Here are two summary statements on this matter:
  • LFTs should be given their rightful status and assured that they need not marry if they do not wish to.
  • LFTs may become Wts if they wish, but on this point there must not be any coercion.

LFT: Local Full-Time Worker

At present, family margiis generously support WTs, and some Wts falsely preach to those margiis that , “I will take care of my LFTs.” But instead, those Wts pocket the entire money for themselves. As we know, those who have dedicated themselves full-time, as every LFT has, are deserving of financial support and donations. LFTs should not just be looked upon and thought of as beggars - which is what some Wts do. Our LFTs are respected cadre of Ananda Marga and those Dadas should not steal away donations that are meant for LFTs. To solve this problem margiis should not give their LFT donations to Wts, rather they should give the money directly to the LFT. That will be most supportive for those LFTs.

There are many cases where it looks like someone is fully dedicated but in reality that Wt is self-engrossed and involved only in their own belly. It looks like they are dedicated as they wear the dress, but practically they are not. Such persons cannot be entrusted to watch over LFTs.

Food: so-called junior wts treated as servants

The same situation occurs with so-called lower level wts. On matters of food they are treated as servants by their bosses Wts. So while sumptuous meals are served to their bosses, those lower posted wts get 3rd grade food.

While there is much work to be done on this earth, by Baba's fathomless grace and with a solid AMPS structure - including a healthy LFT cadre - success is assured.

1. Problems of the Day, Point #5
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell Part 5, Yatamána – 1
3. A Guide to Human Conduct, Brahmacarya
4. Caryacarya - 1, Marriage Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Way to rectify capitalists

Prout philosophy guides us, “How can the conduct of the capitalists be rectified? In the realm of morality two forces act side by side. One is the internal urge and the other is external pressure. Each and every object in the universe has a vital force which longs for infinite expression. Átman or the witnessing entity supplies the necessary stamina to fight evil forces, but it requires great external pressure to neutralize the evil forces working against the internal urge. External pressure may come in the form of suggestions, advice, punishment and clash. Capitalists are immoral and are fighting a fratricidal war. Their internal urge is meagre and does not function properly. We have to apply external force to rectify their conduct. Nicely worded advice will not do the job.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

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