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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dirty people + 4 more

Dirty people


In this cycle of creation known as srsti cakra, we are fortunate that we have been given the upper-most place: human life, which is completely unique. Only those blessed by Parama Purusa are granted human existence. Even the devatas are always trying and longing to get human life because without getting a human framework - without achieving a human body - one cannot do sadhana.

When bodily pain, the mind is dysfunctional

Of course, it is the mind which does sadhana, yet the mind is situated within the body. Hence there is a deep link between the two. If the body is uncomfortable, sick, or plagued by some type of disease, then the mind cannot function properly. Because the mind needs the support of a healthy body in order to think or concentrate in a pointed manner. Thus for proper sadhana a healthy body is an absolute necessity.

That is why in yoga, the first step is to keep the body pure and fit. In our Ananda Marga scripture, there are numerous teachings and guidelines directly related with the upkeep, maintenance, and purification of the physical body - as this is integral to our movement on the path.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Keep the body neat and clean like a temple." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The physical body should be various physical practices that affect the nerve fibres of the body; because through the nerve fibres, through the afferent and efferent nerves, the first phase of realization comes." (2)

Practices from birth to death

On the path of Ananda Marga, everything is done to reach the goal: To come closer to Parama Purusa. All the practices of Ananda Marga philosophy aim to reduce the radius between the jiiva and the Cosmic Nucleus. That is why from dawn to dusk and from birth to death, all our activities and works - whether small or big, mundane or spiritual, individual or collective - everything is done to come closer to God: Parama Purusa Baba. This entire process, or collection of efforts, is a type of sadhana.

To improve that sadhana, or movement of life, it demands that we become intimately familiar with every aspect of Baba's teachings. Although we are all aware about Sixteen Points, there may be some inner aspects to ponder further.

How cold water helps

Here following then are a few thoughts regarding this first point of 16 Points. Because there are some lesser known health and hygiene facts associated with the practice of this first point:
"After urination wash the urinary organ with water."
The whole purpose behind this initial guideline of Sixteen Points is to clear all the excess urine from the urinary tract. To achieve this, one must pour plenty of cold water on the entire genital area. Then the bladder and the entire urinary tract will contract and release all the excess urine from the system.

To produce this desired effect, one can pour as much as 1 full liter or more of cold water on the urinary organ and pubic region at the time of urination. The entire genital area should be properly covered with water and cooled. That will certainly release any remaining urine from the body, even if one does not have the urge to go anymore.

Think of it this way: Most of the time people do not feel the need to urinate before getting into a swimming pool or lake / river. Yet once they submerge themselves in the water then quickly the desire comes to urinate. This is due to being immersed in cool water. That is why intelligent people always use water before going in the pool, lake, or river, and clear the bladder fully. Then the desire will not arise once in the pool or river etc.

The key concept then is that cold water will draw the remaining urine from the body. Just as being in the swimming pool or river stimulates the further flow of urine, the same effect is achieved by pouring a liter or more of cold water when urinating. By this technique one is sure to evacuate all the urine from the body.

Conclusion: ‘ritual’ will not suffice

Unfortunately some, consciously or unconsciously, have gotten habituated to "following" point #1 of Sixteen Points in a ritualistic manner. They just haphazardly put a few drops of water on the urinary organ after urination - and finish. It is as if they just took a dropper bottle or an eye-drop dispenser and released 1 or 2 tiny drops. This minuscule amount of water is never going to produce the desired effect. This type of half-hearted approach does not give any real benefit. It is just a ritualistic show that has no real practical value. This approach has nothing to do with following point #1 of 16 Points.

To follow this rule properly, one must use a sufficient quantity of cold water: That means 1 liter over the entire pubic region. Dirty people do not wash themselves in the front, and the most dirty people do not wash their backside with water either. 

in Him,

1. Caryacarya - 2, The Body, Point #1, '87 Edn, p.7
2. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order, '98 Edn, p.170

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

The river of melody

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Tomáy ámi ceyechi, shata rúpe, mane mane, práńer devatá keno náhi ele..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3000)


O’ my Parama Purusa, I want You in hundreds of ways, in a multitude of forms, in my mind. My most adorable One, why did You not come and instead remain afar? Is it because I did something wrong which has hurt Your feelings. Please come now, I want You so much in my mental abode, in my sadhana, dhyana, kiirtana etc.

O’ Supreme Being, keeping Yourself invisible, You are singing with delight, making the river of melody flow to satiate my being. The strings of Your viina, with its charming resonance, floats and takes me to the distant sky. My nearest One, I desire Your closeness.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, Your spiritual attraction is impossible to avoid and has affected my whole existence. The entire sweetness and love of my mind and heart races and runs unto You. What a blissfully, heavenly flow You have released which has inundated the universe in bhakti. It is Your grace.

O’ my Parama Purusa, You have filled my entire being with the aroma of that sweet nectar. With its pollen of tune and love affection, it draws me irresistibly close.

Baba, I want You in hundreds of ways, in hundreds of forms, in my mind…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Evaluate by conduct, not dress

WT Conduct Rule: “You will always think in terms of Cosmic brotherhood and act accordingly without fail. Any sectarian view or narrow mindedness such as casteism, provincialism, nationalism, or communalism will not be tolerated.” (1)

Note: In the above rule, Sadguru Baba is giving one golden teaching. Unfortunately, nowadays because some are not following this guideline – and instead falling into the trap of groupism – the present situation has developed. If those entrapped by these diseases of narrow mindedness etc are using saffron dress then they are just fake WTs. We should judge the calibre by seeing the conduct. And these conduct rules are the measuring rod.

1. Point #4 of ‘Fourteen Points’

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Hypocrisy of political left & right

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Abortion is killing the potentialities...there is hardly any difference between you and an embryo...he [the embryo] is now within the body of the mother. And you are outside the body of the mother...You have got no moral right to kill him.” (1)

Note: Many often mistake liberalism for Ananda Marga teachings. Ananda Marga ideology is neither "liberal" nor "conservative"; it has nothing to do with such terms. Rather, AM ideology has only to do with truth, i.e. dharma.

For example, AM ideology teaches that a human being's life begins at the time the sperm and egg join to form a fertilized egg. Due to that we do not support abortion. Abortion represents the murder of a human being. That having been said, nor do we support the "conservative" approach to this issue because the conservatives are unwilling to take responsibility as a society for the babies which are born. If abortion is removed from the table, it has to be recognized that people are going to continue getting pregnant when they did not want or intend to in all sorts of situations. Those babies will be born and society must take responsibility for the proper care and upbringing of those children, so they can grow and develop with all the same opportunities as other children and become successful in their lives. Conservatives are staunchly against "big government", and oppose funding social programs which are vitally needed for the support of all these babies which will be getting born in unplanned / unwanted situations. The conservative position on this issue is completely hypocritical and indeed harmful. They want to stop abortions, yet have no concern or sympathy for the babe once it is born.

In addition, these conservatives raise the hue and cry of "Pro-life!", and then go home at night and have steak for dinner. By this, we are not equating human and animal life, but are saying that to be "pro-life" as a policy one must be sincere in really supporting life. The more developed the creature, the more its life is to be protected. We know Baba's teaching regarding ahimsa; the conservatives are total hypocrites on this point of "pro-life".

We can understand then that Ananda Marga ideology walks the line of truth; it has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. This point should be clearly understood by Margiis around the world. And this only underscores and calls out more, the critical need for ideological discussion. That is the only way difficult, sensitive societal issues can be raised and brought to the fore in light of Ananda Marga ideology. Unfortunately, nowadays many are either scared to speak the truth on these matters, or are themselves blind and in the dark as to what Ananda Marga ideology actually says. All the more need for the young so-called liberal Margiis to study Ananda Marga ideology, discuss these matters in a meaningful way, and come to know how Sadguru Baba is guiding the society forward.

In Him,

Here is the original audio file about Baba’s above teaching on abortion,

1. Unpublished Discourse, 22 August 1970

== Section: Important Teaching ==
Women’s rights

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The status of women in prehistoric human society was the same as that of independent females of any living species. The women, just like the men, spent their days in the lap of nature singing, dancing, laughing and playing. These conditions continued throughout the period when there was no human society as such and continued into the matriarchal age. But when the patriarchal social system came into being, the rights of women began gradually to be curtailed.” (1)

History bears testimony that decades ago - around the globe - females did not have any rights. They were subservient to males in all respects. Females were viewed as not having the same potentialities of men - as if they were far inferior. Because of this repression and suppression, their service to society was also limited in scope. In many regions, females have since gained freedom, and people now recognise that females are not less in any way. They are comparable to men in all types of fields. Earlier they were subservient so their potential was suppressed. The key point is that freedom is important.

So when working with others one should must not suppress them, otherwise society will not benefit from their full potentialities. It is equally true in unit families as in the larger society.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 9, From Matriarchy to Patriarchy – Excerpt A

== Section: ==
Closed door fan is injurious to health

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If a hand fan is used in a small room it certainly generates some breeze but that breeze does not give much relief from the fatigue of summer. Such a breeze within those small confines becomes more and more injurious to health with every passing moment. The breeze of an electric fan within a closed environment is even more harmful. If a person sleeps with this kind of a breeze they feel heavy when they wake up; a weak or sick person feels feverish. The breeze generated by a fan within a confined space is called kut́heru; since ancient times it has been considered as something which should be avoided." (Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 29)

== Section 4: Links ==

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