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Thursday, May 5, 2022

How to catch + 5 more


How to catch


Since long, the various groups have been issuing Fake Ananda Vaniis on the occasions of New Year’s Day and Ananda Purnima. And with the Ananda Purnima on the near horizon, they seem poised to do it again. So every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji should be ready and remove this dogma from this great tradition. Here is a case study of what is a Fake Ananda Vanii, why it is fake, and how to determine if any vanii handed out by any group is fake. Please read the following.

Watch out! The so-called Ananda Vanii being circulated around by Ranchi group for Ananda Purnima is triple fake. And here’s why:

#1: Only Sadguru Baba’s designated Ananda Vaniis are true and unique. The below Fake Vanii selected by the Ranchi faction is from some other place - not from Sadguru Baba’s collection of Ananda Vaniis. So that is one reason why it is fake.

#2: They got this Fake Ananda Vanii from the error-prone 1995 edition of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 1. That book was very poorly made. Those are not Sadguru Baba’s words. What they printed does not match the original Baba audio file. Thus, in the below so-called Ananda Vanii, one is reading the words of those publishers - not Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. That is the second reason why the vanii is fake. 

#3: If they simply picked some accurate lines from a discourses and called it a quote that would be fine. But instead they employ the deceptive strategy of naming it as Anand Vanii. That is another reason why it is fake. It is just like if they called their gathings with PP Dada as DMC. Everyone would know that was bogus. So instead, it is called DMS. Likewise, they should not pick quotes and deceptively repackage them as being Ananda Vaniis. That is the third reason why their vanii is fake. 

How to catch Fake Vaniis
On the occasions of New Year’s and Ananda Purnima many Fake Ananda Vaniis are swirling around. It may be that they have reached to you also for such celebrations.

You know that a Fake Vanii does not give the same benefit as Baba’s True Ananda Vaniis. So there is a critical need to have a tool to quickly identify and catch those Fake vaniis. Then that Fake Vanii can be discarded and replaced by a true Ananda Vanii.

To solve this problem, here is one solution. The entire collection of true Ananda Vaniis have been posted to this link:
Just click on the link and see if the Ananda Vanii you were given for Ananda Purnima is listed on this site of Baba’s original vanis. Then you will know whether the Ananda Vanii you were given is true or fake.

I think that you will easily be able to get the answer by using the search box. If you find that the Ananda Vanii you were given is fake, then kindly alert us that it is fake. If you face any difficulty, let us know and we will try to decipher and catch if it is a Fake Ananda Vanii.

See the equation: one fake + one fake + one fake = triple fake

So the above Fake Ananda Vanii is not just fake; rather, it is triple fake. First because it was taken from some other source, and secondly because the words they chose were not spoken by Baba, rather those words were written by someone else. And thirdly, it is deceptively labeled as an Ananda Vanii. It is just like if they called their DMS gatherings as DMC, which is obviously wrong. 

And if you want to know more details about the bogus nature and origin of this Fake Ananda Vanii, kindly write us.

Hence, everyone should beware and alert about the situation. And here is more about this overall issue. 

Overview: True vs Fake Ananda Vanii

Nowadays in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, there are two types of Ananda Vaniis: (1) True Ananda Vaniis and (2) Fake Ananda Vaniis.

True Ananda Vaniis are those original Ananda Vaniis given by Baba and labeled by Baba as “Ananda Vanii”. This letter details many other qualities of these timeless teachings of original Ananda Vanii. In contrast. Fake Ananda Vaniis have been fabricated and declared by various factional stooges.

Special qualities of original Ananda Vaniis

Baba’s true Ananda Vanii messages which He has given twice annually on New Year’s Day and on Ananda Purnima are very precise and pointed like an arrow. They are complete discourses in and of themselves. They are not part of any larger discourse, and they are not just a quote or partial paragraph. Baba’s true Ananda Vaniis are 100% full and complete and ready to stand as is. Plus they are unique and new in their own particular way – never a repeat of previously released material.

This following list further encapsulates the essence of our Ananda Vaniis:
1) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis are unique teachings not repeated from earlier discourses;
2) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis are complete unto themselves; they are not part of a greater chapter;
3) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis were a special message both for that moment as well as for eternal time; only Taraka Brahma Himself can give such a teaching;
4) Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis are self-contained truths;
5) Many original Ananda Vaniis were hand-written by Mahasambhuti Baba.

In His collection, Baba has given us 74 of these divine guidelines known as Ananda Vaniis. Each with their own special beauty; each with their own timeless message. And Baba has Himself specially drawn them all together and marked them as the Ananda Vanii Samgraha. These alone stand as those unparalleled and dharmic messages which Baba has so blessed us with during the time of His global DMC gatherings. In the realm of Ananda Vanii, Baba’s specially given messages are the biggest asset in this entire universe. These are what Baba wants to call His grand and golden teachings of Ananda Vanii.


Just as fake water and fake food will not quench one’s thirst or satiate their hunger, similarly Fake Ananda Vaniis are not enough. Those Fake Ananda Vaniis are not True Ananda Vaniis. Only Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis should be used. They are eternal teachings of truth that give insight and inspiration for all kinds of situations. Thus on New Year’s Day and Ananda Purnima only these True Ananda Vaniis should be read and discussed.

At His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

What is true Ananda Va’nii

Baba’s true and original Ananda Vaniis are eternal. Here is a rational analysis demonstrating that His true Ananda Vaniis are timeless.

Baba chose to deliver His vast body of spiritual teachings directly to His disciples through venues like (a) DMC (Dharma Maha Cakra), (b) GD (General Darshan), and (c) the reading and discussion of the Ananda Vanii etc. For instance, He conducted a DMC in Varanasi on 29 October in 1979. Every sadhaka clearly understands that that DMC discourse was not just for residents of Varanasi nor were the teachings only relegated for that particular day. That discourse is true across time and space and has been included in the Subhasita Samgraha series and stands as part of our timeless spiritual teachings. If some say the discourse delivered in Varanasi on 29 October in 1979 was useful for that day only then they will be wrong.

In the same way, Baba chose select days and places to put forth His teachings of Ananda Vanii Samgraha. Those He delivered primarily on the occasions of New Year’s Day & Ananda Purnima – as well as once or twice on Shravanii Purnima and Sharadotsava etc. And just like with His DMC discourses, those Ananda Vaniis are not limited in scope to the particular day and place of delivery. Those Ananda Vaniis are His timeless messages for all of humanity. That means that Ananda Vanii #27 given on Ánanda Púrńimá 1967 is as true and relevant today as the when it was given. Baba’s Ananda Vanii was not just for that day only or that place only. If some say that Baba’s Ananda Vanii of Ánanda Púrńimá 1967 was useful for that day only then they are wrong.

Here the point is that Sadguru Baba wanted to put forth Ananda Marga ideology by delivering public discourses and messages during DMC, GD, Ananda Vanii etc. In that case, place and date do not limit the relevance and value of the teaching to the occasion of that DMC, GD, Ananda Vanii. Those spiritual guidelines exist across time and space.

With a vast open mind, one should give Baba’s True Ananda Vaniis the same unquestioned status as His DMC discourses. Those Ananda Vaniis are bullets of inspirational truth for all people of all ages.

For now & the future
Baba’s original A’nanda Va’niis have been given especially by Him to be our guiding force of life as they give us inspiration for the journey of forward movement. His divine Ananda Vaniis hold an eternal quality. The unique aspect of any A’nanda Vanii is that each Van’ii has a special import and holds an eternal teaching. For instance, in 1976, Baba issued an Ananda Vanii specifically about Sixteen Points. He was sending the divine message that if we Ananda Margiis follow 16 Points, then our Ananda Marga ideology will remain alive and certainly we will be victorious. Here is that guideline.

Ananda Vanii states, “Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced.” (A’nanda Va’nii #44)

This same divine message remains an eternal bullet of truth for the ages. That is one of the unique aspects of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis. They will stand tall far into the future of human civilisation. We know Baba’s original Vaniis hold lasting value and eternal teachings for the whole humanity. That is why it is most appropriate to use His original Ananda Vaniis again and again.

Regardless of the circumstance – whether there be exploitative leaders at the helm or whether humanity is on the rise – Baba has given Ananda Vaniis that will perfectly suit the mood of the humanity. Each of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis is a fireball of inspiration and strength for the people. It will guide sadhakas how to progress in individual life as well as resolve collective issues. Hence, no matter the current social milieu, always His divine Ananda Vaniis are appropriate and shed light on the present condition.

Every scripture has it own special application

Every Baba’s teaching has its own special and unique value.

(a) Caryacarya: It is one of our Ananda Marga books but it is not suitable for reading as svadhyaya after dharmacakra. But Caryacarya is absolutely perfect and blemishless for getting guidelines about our social functions because Caryacarya is our smrti shastra – or social code.

(b) Similarly, when we want to know about the depths of Ananda Marga philosophy then we have to read books like “Ananda Sutram” and “Idea and Ideology” etc. Reading Caryacarya is not going to serve that purpose. But surely if one is to perform a marriage, shraddha ceremony, or any other type of social function etc, then Caryacarya has a highly significant role.

(c) Likewise, when singing a song to start the paincajanya or dharmacakra program then the book “Idea and Ideology”’ is not going to help - neither will “A Guide to Human Conduct” or “Shabda Cayanika.” To sing the song, only the Prabhat Samgiita book is suitable.

(d) When reviewing critical matters on politics and economics then books like “Strange Experiences”, “Shrii PR Sarkar stories”, or “Ideal farming” will not be helpful. Rather we should seek support from the Prout in a Nutshell series.

(e) Similarly, if one wishes to venture into outer space, then a bicycle will not help. Rather one must have a rocket ship to blast off into outer space.

Likewise the only work that can serve as an Ananda Vanii are Baba’s original and true messages of Ananda Vanii. The whole point being that all of Baba’s divine books are 100% perfect for their stated purpose – thus all are of equal importance. No book is high; no publication is low. Baba has given each for a particular use, i.e. for their own golden purpose. Taking something from somewhere else and labeling it as an Ananda Vanii is not appropriate. That is a Fake Ananda Vanii.

Merits of dharmashastra

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ““Shásanát tárayet yastu sah shástrah parikiirtita” – i.e., that which leads to permanent liberation is shástra or scripture. Here shásana means discipline. The role of scripture is to lead the human beings towards the Supreme goal through discipline or anushásana…When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmashástra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be áptavákya. A scripture is a guided entity.” (1)

Sample of Ananda Vanii: marching ahead

Ananda Vanii states, "The purport of Dharma Sádhaná is to look upon every person, every object of this universe as one integral entity. To jeopardize the unity of the human race by creating factions is not the purpose of Dharma. Those who encourage vested interests survive on the mental weaknesses of people and their dissensions, and that is why they are scared of the spread of the ideals of Dharma and exhibit their intolerance towards it in all sorts of immoral ways, such as abuse, false propaganda and lies. People must not be cowed by this, they have got to march ahead. It is to be borne in mind that hindrances are beneficial to human beings on the path of righteousness and to continue to fight against them is what is sádhaná." (2)

True Ananda Vaniis are those original Ananda Vaniis given by Baba, and labeled by Him as Ananda Vaniis, on Ananda Purnima and New Year’s Day - as well as on select other occasions from 1955 to 1990. Always they were unique messages of inspiration that had never been printed or published before. This letter details many other qualities of these timeless teachings.

Ananda Marga shastra is tri-shastra: (a) dharma shástra (spiritual treatise), (b) darshan shástra (philosophical treatise) and (c) samája shástra (social treatise). Both dharma shastra and darshan shastra are eternal; they are not subject to change over time. The collection of True Ananda Vaniis is clearly part of our spiritual treatise; they are eternal; they are part of our dharma shastra, just like Ananda Sutram, Subhasita Samgraha, and Ananda Vacanamrtam are part of our spiritual treatise.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell – 4, Our Spiritual Treatise
2. Ananda Vanii #4

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers' stone

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers' stone. Just as the philosophers' stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #36

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

কাউকে শোষিত হতে যেন না হয় |

“সৰাই সুখী হোক |  সৰাই রোগ মুক্ত হোক |
সৰাই প্রত্যেকটি জিনিসের ভাল দিকটা দেখুক |
আর অবস্থার চাপে পড়ে কাউকে কষ্ট ভোগ করতে যেন না হয় | কাউকে শোষিত হতে যেন না হয় |
মানুষের শরীরকে কাউকে যেন পশুর মত জীবন যাপন করতে ৰাধ্য হতে না হয় |” (1)

1. অপ্রকাশিত, DMC 1 January 1989 Ananda Nagar

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे मनुष्यो ! अब जाग जाओ। भौतिक तथा मानसिक जगत
के साथ साथ अधीर मानवता तुम्हें से पुकार रही है ।

प्रभात संगीत 4699 तमसार पारे आशार आलोक, पुवाकाशे रंग एनेछे। ..


आज घने अँधेरे के उसपार, ब्रह्मलोक सेआशा की किरण आई है, पूर्वी क्षितिज में रंगीन ऊषा आ रही है।  हे मनुष्यो ! अब जाग जाओ। भौतिक तथा मानसिक जगत के साथ साथ अधीर मानवता तुम्हें से पुकार रही है । अब और अधिक सोते रहने का समय नहीं है। देखो, ब्रह्मलोक से कौन आया है ।

समाज में अब कोई भी दबा कुचला नहीं रहेगा । निराशा  या हताशा  के कारण  किसी को दुखी होना नहीं पड़ेगा। दुनिया में भवजड़ता और अन्याय का लेश मात्र  भी नहीं रहेगा। घना अँधेरा छटता जा रहा है और उषाकाल की लालिमा उदित हो रही है। देखो, ब्रह्मलोक से कौन आया है ।

भय और कष्टों से अँधेरे के उल्लू और राक्षस भाग रहे हैं, अब निराशा और हताशा में डूबे रहने का कोई कारण  नहीं है,  नया सवेरा आ गया है। सर्वाधिक निकट और प्रिय महासंभूति आ गये हैं, उनके दिव्य आशीष और कृपा से हमें आगे बढ़ते जाना है। देखो, ब्रह्मलोक से कौन आया है ।

Note: If you would like the audio file of the above Prabhat Samgiita kindly write us. 

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Draw up all sorts of plans and programmes 
for the collective welfare of universal humanity

“Human beings will have to draw up all sorts of plans and programmes for the collective welfare of universal humanity. This will accelerate the speed of their movement and enable them to easily remove the thorns from the path. Obstacles are inevitable on the path of movement. In fact, in all actions, auspicious and inauspicious, obstacles arise, but the innate force lying in each thought and every action, from the cosmic perspective, provides the necessary stamina for forward movement. Let us not forget this fact.” (Ananda Vanii #62)

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.