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Friday, March 4, 2022

Vishes'a yoga & mount + 4 more


Vishes'a yoga & mount


This topic has four basic components: (a) a particular deity, (b) the mount or animal of the deity, (c) how by worshipping that deity one becomes like that animal (mount), and (d) how this approach degenerates the mind.

Baba says, “The problem is that if one meditates on Gańesha, one will have to meditate on his mount also – his mount being a mouse. Think what the consequences could be! Each of the gods and goddesses has a particular mount, or vehicle. Had they been modern gods and goddesses, their vehicle would have been a jeep. But the ancient gods and goddesses had birds and animals as vehicles. Now if you meditate on these birds and animals, yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii [As you think, so you become]. How dangerous it is! It is more dangerous for women. They generally like to remain well-dressed and well-decorated. But if they worship Lakśmii and if they become like an owl which is the mount of Lakśmii (because in meditating on Lakśmii you are meditating on owl also), then would it be good?” (1)

You will become a mouse

In His above teaching highlighted in yellow, Baba explains how dogmatic worshipers meditate on gods and goddesses. These imaginary gods and goddesses have a vehicle or animal by which they travel around. This animal is also referred to as a mount. So if one meditates on the deity riding that animal, they will end up becoming that animal - a mouse.

Now please see the below image of the so-called god Ganesh riding atop his mount - i.e. a mouse. In that case, if you meditate on Ganesh atop of that mouse you will become a mouse. That is Guru’s warning.

~ Ganesh riding atop his mount - i.e. a mouse ~

Baba warns us not to meditate on gods and goddesses - i.e. those deities sitting atop a vehicle / mount or animal. Because, while meditating on these gods and goddesses, invariably you will meditate on that vehicle (i.e. mount or animal) as well. In that case, you will become that animal. So if you meditate on Ganesh sitting on his mouse then you will become a mouse. That is the warning Baba is giving.

You will become an animal

In the above photo:
(a) The deity Ganesh (i.e. the mythological elephant god) is sitting atop one mount, i.e. vehicle or animal. This is the elephant god Ganesh; see how he has an elephant’s trunk.
(b) Ganesh’s particular mount is a mouse. The mouse is noted by its long, wispy tail.
(c) And that is what Sadguru warns us about in His above teaching - don’t meditate on a deity sitting on an animal.
(d) If anyone is meditating on Ganesh, they will invariably be meditating on the mouse as well, whereby they will become a mouse. Sadguru warns us about this in His above teaching - don’t meditate on a deity sitting on an animal.

in Him, 
S. Avadhuta

Remember: Baba’s teaching is that those who meditate on gods sitting on an animal become an animal. If this point is very clear then then you are one step closer to understanding the ongoing discussion about vishes’a yoga because vishes’a yogiis do similar things.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are the jewel of my eyes

“Tumi je ámár nayanera, mańi áge cinite párini…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0556)


Parama Purusa, You are the jewel of my eyes - my most adored One, and the most precious thing in my life. There is nothing I treasure more. Alas, how I did not recognise You in the past. Since my childhood You have been mine, my everything. Yet it is only now that I realise that You are the most important Entity to me. Earlier, I did not know about You - i.e. Your true Self, my nearmost. You were in my mind, as well as in my heart and soul - unfailingly, all-around me and with me in all my works - whatever I did. It is sad that in the past I did not look at You or know the supreme veracity that You were there with me since ages. I missed the opportunity. It would have been very blissful if I had known.

Supreme Entity, there were thunderstorms with strong gusty winds all around in my life. The tornado was ferocious with the loud crashing of squall and gale-force winds. Everything was swept away by torrential rains. There was chaos and darkness in all directions. My life was filled with tragedies; everyone left me. In those deadly dark days unbeknownst to me, You remained with me - helping and wiping away my tears. You did not leave me behind and were never even one step away from me. You were with me day and night, all the 24 hours, protecting me invariably; alas, how I could not recognise You in the past and was not aware that You are my very close. If I had known that the Entity who loves me so much is always with me, I would have served You.

Parama Purusa, Baba, You apply the soothing balm on the wounds of those neglected and humiliated ones. You do not leave anyone all alone where they feel depressed and rejected - drowned in hopelessness. You give the healing touch to those suffering in ignominy and pain. You never hate anyone and always bestow a sense of dignity upon those who lost their respect and status. Unfortunately, those days I did not recognise You and could not realise this eternal truth. It is only now that I understand, by Your grace, that the Entity who runs this universe is my very close.

Parama Purusa, You are my most dear and have been with me on every occasion, my entire life. But I could not recognise You those days. By Your mercy, now I cannot forget this divine truth that You never leave me…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who is wealthier

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those who seek to attain the permanent cessation of afflictions in their lives, have no other way than to follow this path of sadhana. Imagine that a certain person had accumulated vast wealth due to his life long's diligent labor. It may be that the person, in the days of his prosperity, was a central figure in the society. But at the end of his life he may suffered a wretched  existence, bemoaning his losses in the arid desert of his heart. The reason is that the person had an insatiable thirst for material objects and never tried to identify his individual flow with the cosmic flow. On the other hand, a person living in a thatched hut may not forget Parama Purus'a even in the midst of abject poverty and never deviates from the goal of his life. Such a person's life can never lose its charm. Every dust particle of this earth will seem to be as sweet as honey to him. Likewise, his existence will acquire the sweetness of honey." (1)
1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Individual Rhythm and Universal Rhythm

== Section ==

परमपिता साधक को प्यार करेंगे, और पापी को भी प्यार करेंगे 
“जो तगड़े-तगड़े साधक हैं, वे [परमपुरुष] उनके भी पिता हैं | और, जो सुदुराचार महापातकी, वे भी तो उनके बेटे हैं | तो, उनके भी वे ही मालिक हैं | वे साधक को प्यार करेंगे, और पापी को घृणा करेंगे, सो बात नहीं | साधक भी कहेंगे---"तू परमपिता है |" और, पापी भी कहेगा----"तू परमपिता है" | दोनों से समान सम्पर्क---वैयष्टिक relationship | इसलिए मैंने कहा कि पाप के लिए जो अधिक conscious है, और सोचता है---”मैं पापी हूँ |” तो, उन्हें याद रखनी चाहिए यह बात कि--पापी है, तो क्या है  परमपिता का तो पुत्त्र है | इसलिए घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं, कोई वजह नहीं है |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं। Bengalization के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha part 24, chapter 6

== Section ==

তুমিই আমার পরাগতি 

“নিবেদয়ামি চাত্মানং ত্বং গতিঃ পরমেশ্বরঃ |” তাহলে এইটাই একমাত্র পথ; এ ছাড়া অন্য কোনও পথই নেই | ৰাকী জিনিসগুলো কাজ নয়, অকাজ | এইটাই একমাত্র কাজ | আর সৰ সময় তাই এই মনে রেখে অন্যান্য জাগতিক কাজ করতে হয় | কি মনে রেখে ? না, “নিবেদয়ামি চাত্মানং ত্বং গতিঃ পরমেশ্বরঃ |” আমি আমার সমস্ত শারীরিক, মানসিক, আত্মিক সত্তা তোমাকে সমর্পণ করে দিলাম | তুমিই আমার একমাত্র গতি | তুমিই আমার পরাগতি | ৰাঁচৰার, আগে চলৰার নিজের অস্তিত্বকে জ্যোতিতে ঝলমলিয়ে দেওয়ার এই একমাত্র পথ |  নান্যঃ পন্থা বিদ্যতেঽয়নায় |”
কল্যাণমস্তু |” (1)

1. DMC 1 January 1982 Ananda Nagar