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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Main myths in AMPS + 2 more


Main myths of AMPS

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Enclosed is a list of some common myths propagated these days in our AMPS.

Baba, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, started Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha to eradicate all sorts of dogma and establish dharma. But, unfortunately, after 1990, many so-called purodhas and in-charges infused and inculcated many dogmas. Due to this, AMPS is becoming a pool of dogma.

Why they want to impose dogmas

The question arises: Why have they imposed these dogmas?

History bears testimony that most of the religions have injected their own dogmas and by this way they have profited and thrived. They befool their followers, earn a lot of money, and garner respect. Basically, the public has become prone to dogma. So those coming into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha from these religions have already been groomed to follow dogma. So they readily accept new dogmas. Thus for those Dadas who are imposing and enforcing these days, this is the easiest way to get respect and money.

In contrast, following dharma is not easy; one must sacrifice a lot. So all groups want to inculcate their own dogmas and rule accordingly. Because then they will be able to reap the rewards.

Filth in vogue in your unit or coming soon

If you are an active margii you may be aware about most of these dogmas and myths. Bear in mind that in certain areas, some of these myths are more prevalent, and in other regions less so. Wherever any of these myths are not yet commonly accepted, various interest groups are working hard to infuse them. The following are happening in your unit, or they will be happening soon, if precautionary measures are not taken. Those who oppose them get sidelined.

Prevailing myths & their rebuttals

Myth #1: One must do caran sparsha mudra / touching the feet of a Wt even if their conduct is bad and you do not have respect for that worker. Yet Guru’s teaching from Caryacarya states otherwise.

Rebuttal #1: In Caryacarya part 1 - chapter 7 it states that, “Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be.” (1)

Myth #2: Importance is given to the post. So regardless of their conduct, give salute by touching the feet of one’s higher authority - even if their actions are dirty and reprehensible. Do not care about a worker's conduct, just salute them. See the below for dharmic response / rebuttal of this myth.

Rebuttal #2: In Caryacarya part 1 - chapter 7 it states that, “Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be.” (2)
In numerous discourses, Baba has placed great emphasis on how Wts must maintain dharmic conduct. “Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácá ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words.” (3)

Myth #3: All avadhutas are spiritually elevated. They are above all conduct rules; so do not compare or judge them by whether they follow certain rules or not. They are far above that level, just salute them by touching their feet. See below for dharmic explanation / rebuttal of this myth.

Rebuttal #3: In Caryacarya part 1 - chapter 7 it states that, “Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be.” (4)

Prevailing myths & their rebuttals (cont)

Myth #4: Vishesh yogis & purodhas are spiritually elevated. They are above all conduct rules so do not compare or judge them by whether they follow certain rules or not. They are far above that level, just salute them by touching their feet. Here is the dharmic explanation / rebuttal of this myth.

Rebuttal #4: In Caryacarya part 1 - chapter 7 it states that, “Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be.” (5)
In numerous discourses, Baba has placed great emphasis on how Wts must maintain dharmic conduct. “Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácá ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words.” (6)

Myth #5: To get Baba's blessing one must visit one of their designated tiirtha, i.e. so-called holy land sites. To attain moksa one must go to Kolkata (Tiljala) or Jamalpur - only. See here below Sadguru Baba’s rebuttal of the tiirtha dogma.

Rebuttal #5: Ananda Marga philosophy says, "How strange! All countries have been created by the Supreme Consciousness, so all countries are equal. The universal concept of dharma that God is all-pervasive-- this essence of dharma has been forgotten. Ultimately dharma has been reduced to a geo-sentiment centering around Benares [Kolkata, Jamalpur etc]." (7)

Myth #6: Margiis and junior Wts must salute those holding higher posts.

Rebuttal #6: WT conduct Rule: “Workers should have the dignity of the labor and not the dignity of the post.” (8)


These are a few of the myths or dogmas which must be eradicated from our AMPS. These are not Baba's teachings, but rather dogmas imposed by others. By understanding the rebuttal to all these myths and by making others aware of the solution, then through mass awakening and moral vigour these myths will be eradicated from our AMPS. By this way we can build up a truly dharmic society based on Guru's teachings.

in Him,
Ekbuddhi Deva

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31 , Conduct of an Acarya
2. Caryacarya, “Methods of Salutation”
3. Caryacarya, “Methods of Salutation”
4. Caryacarya, “Methods of Salutation”
5. Caryacarya, “Methods of Salutation”
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31 , Conduct of an Acarya
7. Neo-Humanism, Geo-Sentiment (Discourse 3)
8. 37 Workers Rules, Point #33

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How dogma of preordained used

Prout philosophy states, “Whatever dignity a person possesses as a human being in either the Kśatriya Age or the Vipra Age is dealt its heaviest blow in the Vaeshya Age. In the Vaeshya Age a person's dignity is measured in terms of money. The repercussions of this defective evaluation of human beings are not confined only to the realm of dignity; they have far-reaching effects in all spheres of society.” (1)

Prout philosophy states, “In the Vaeshya Age this religious exploitation is more psychic than physical, because the vaeshyas use the vipras to try to spread intellectual propaganda among the masses to prevent them from finding any philosophical justification for their suppressed grievances against the vaeshya structure. This intellectual propaganda aims to convince people that they are the victims of circumstance. It argues, “Everything is destiny. Everything is preordained.” Such doctrines help the vaeshyas to perpetuate their structure. They destroy the personal force of people and make them the playthings of fate. People accept the idea that everything is preordained, and support the status quo.” (2)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age
2. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age

== Section : Important Teaching ==

Essential difference: sadhakas vs non-sadhakas

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Take the case of the precious metal gold. Whenever you say “gold” you refer to gold in general, the gold of the universe. To be of some practical use, the gold will have to be brought within the limitation of a certain form, such as a gold necklace, a gold bangle, or gold tiara. Women may get a certain pleasure by wearing these gold ornaments, but for the goldsmith has no practical use for them as ornaments. He is only concerned about one thing – gold. Likewise, due to the influence of the static principle, an infinite number of names and forms have emerged out of Parama Puruśa, the Singular Entity. Most people enjoy using these finite names and forms, but to practical spiritual aspirants they have no special importance. Sádhakas are only interested in the original substance and not its finite forms. Thus, their only object of ideation is Parama Puruśa. They only accept Parama Puruśa, the Singular Entity, as the goal of their lives, just as the goldsmith is only interested in the gold and not its different forms.”

“How can one shake off the influence of static inertness? How can one get freedom from the bondages of names and forms? Just as the goldsmith uses a hammer and process of melting (in fire) to extract the real gold from the various ornaments, similarly a practical spiritual aspirant will have to break the bondages of names and forms in this expressed world through the cultivation of knowledge (which is mutative), devotion (which is sentient). By virtue of the heat of the fire of sádhaná and the strength derived from sustained intuitional practice, a sádhaka can overcome the static inertness, the apparent cause behind the quinquelemental universe. Life and the world will become effulgent with the resultant unfoldment of latent consciousness.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, part 7, Form and Formless

== Section 3: Links ==