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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Salutation by cowards + 5 more


Salutation by cowards


In our Ananda Marga way of life, there are three types of salutations. One of them is carana sparsha pranama (i.e. salutation by touching feet).

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Carańa sparsha prańáma means to touch the feet of a revered person with one’s hands and then to touch one’s forehead with those same hands. This prańáma should be done only to those who command high regard from the worldly or spiritual viewpoint. As far as possible, do not do carańa sparsha prańáma except to persons such as these. Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (1)

In His above guideline, Baba directs us that we should only do carana sparsha pranam to those for whom we have deep respect based on their conduct and character. This salutation is not meant to be done indiscriminately to anyone. Two factors are needed: (a) one must hold that person in great regard, (b) and that person must be of high integrity.

Philanderer purodhas coerce juniors to touch their feet

Unfortunately, now this special salutation has turned into one dogma where some corrupt purodhas of bad character, poor conduct, and low ability demand that junior workers and trainees touch their feet. They impose this upon their juniors: “Salute me by touching my feet.” By this way, some philanderer purodhas are defying Baba's code of discipline. Guru's order is that if you do not have respect for someone then do not do carana sparsha pranam to them.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never do carana sparsha pranama [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (2)

But some degraded purodhas are enforcing this in the opposite way. They bully and force everyone into touching their sinful feet.

Revenge, harassment & torture

According to Ananda Marga teachings, the practice of carana sparsha pranam [i.e. salutation by touching feet] has nothing to do with a person's power and post. That person may be president or chief secretary etc, but that is not the defining factor whether to do carana sparsha pranam to them. The operative ingredient is to have deep regard for that person. If someone came into power due to their political dealings yet their character is low, one should not do carana sparsha pranam [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to them.

Yet, these days it is a pandemic. Now certain degraded purodhas demand that every junior worker touch their dirty and sinful feet. And if anyone uses their vivek and does not touch their feet, then that philanderer purodha will take revenge and harass and torture them in all sorts of ways. Not wanting to face this abuse, many junior Wts do pranam to undeserving senior Wts just to avoid any type of backlash or confrontation.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never do carańa sparsha prańáma [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (3)

Regardless of how degraded he may be

This problem of touching the dirty and sinful feet of undeserving purodhas is very common amongst junior wts and less so with margiis. Because degraded purodhas cannot pressure and force margiis to do carana sparsha pranam [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to them. Whereas it is much easier for corrupt purodhas to impose this rule on junior workers and trainees. Indeed, Wt trainees are exploited the most in this regard.

Commonly we see that every trainee is forced to do pranam everyday  - many times to all wts who visit the training centre. But especially they must do pranam to their trainer - regardless of how degraded he may be. In this way, some top Wts indoctrinate every trainee.
Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never do carańa sparsha prańáma [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (3)

Dogma: pranam to characterless wts

And although family margiis are less involved in this dogma, some are affected by it. Because throughout India, due to the dogma of Hinduism, the masses shower respect upon those in saffron cloth; they completely overlook the conduct of anyone wearing saffron. Even if a monk is drinking liquor or smoking the common people do not care. They have been indoctrinated into the ritual of saluting the dress. Naturally when Indian margiis see millions upon millions of people doing this ritual on a daily basis across India, then some bring this dogma into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha also.

They do caran sparsha pranam [i.e. salutation by touching feet] based on the dress or post only. That is very gross and unfortunate.

It is the duty of sincere and dedicated margiis to watch out and help those who are unaware about Guru's teaching: Never do pranam to anyone if you do not have respect for them based on their dharmic conduct. The salutation of pranam is not reserved for those characterless Wts with post and power.

The way it is going on now is dogmatic. Sincere sadhakas (Wts and family margiis) are not being respected, and characterless purodhas in power are demanding respect - forcing juniors and trainees to touch their feet.

If any coward person is committing this mistake

Baba created AMPS to root out all sorts of dogmas from our human society. Ironically, now those very dogmas that were rooted out are entering and getting established in our very own organisation, Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. If we overlook the situation then it will be impossible to remove these dogmas. So watch and see if this is going on around you. If any coward person is committing this mistake then bring them onto the right path. Do not let anyone do pranam to those whom they do not respect from the core of their heart. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never do carańa sparsha prańáma [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (3)

Cowards & fools will fall at your feet

Disobeying this rule of Caryacarya is a kind of sin. What Baba warns us not to do - i.e. do not touch the feet of characterless persons - some are doing. Contravening Baba's order is sin. The terrible danger is that those whose behaviour is not good will then get respect in society, setting a bad example to all.

Yet when those same so-called margiis come across a genuine avadhuta who is a real sadhu but has a low post, then those sycophants will pass him by without giving any respect to that veritable sadhu Wt.

In true sense, this rule of carana sparasha is made to honour those whose conduct is pristine while those whose behaviour is not good will not get that respect. Then the general society at large will be inspired to make their character better and better so that they too will be respected. By that way the standard of the entire society will go from better to best.

Sadly, now the exact opposite is happening: Regardless of one's character, those with the post are demanding and getting respect. In that case, building good character and proper conduct are left behind. The equation for getting respect is to (a) indulge in debauchery + (b) get a high post = (c) cowards and fools will fall at your feet in the fake drama of caran sparsha pranama.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Never do carańa sparsha prańáma to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (4)

Political pranam: only cowards do

Some people out of self-interest outwardly express their reverence by touching the feet and doing pranam to worthless Wts for their own personal gain. But behind the back those same people criticise those Wts for their nefarious dealings. By this way they deceive themselves that touching the feet of characterless Wts is ok. That happens due to their cowardliness. Such types of people are amongst us - just look around. But if you challenge them and you ask them why they touch the feet of those Wts with loose character when it is against Caryacarya, then they claim that: “I know that I am touching the feet of a Wt who is of loose character.” But they justify that it is just “political pranam.” They forget that by their cowardly actions their sons and daughters and all fellow members of society are harmed. Because those innocent bystanders get the faulty message that that Wt being revered is really a top dharmika. So they are committing papa, sin of commission. Yet, side by side, they are also committing pratyavaya, sin of omission, by failing to set a proper example for society. Due to these sins they will face the wrath of the Cosmic Operative Principle. Baba condemns such dealings.


Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Never do carańa sparsha prańáma [i.e. salutation by touching feet]  to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (5)

Sadguru Baba’s teaching is that one should only touch the feet of those whom you revere based on their excellent conduct and strict adherence to dharma. At all cost one should avoid touching the feet of sinners and those whom you do not revere, as that invites a negative samskara. Touching the feet of those whom you do not respect is a cowardly act. Only cowards do pranam and touch the feet of characterless people.

In Him,
Chandrika' Devii

Hypocrisy on display

Some so-called margiis who want to get family acaryaship, tattvikaship etc massage and touch the feet of these characterless purodhas. As a reward they get family Ac and maintain those “ships”. Those yes-men touch the feet of degraded purodhas.You can see this hypocrisy on display when you attend meetings, seminars, DMS etc. In India, this is quite prevalent and it is a gauge to know who is a sycophant of whom.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never do carańa sparsha prańáma [i.e. salutation by touching feet] to people whom you do not regard, whoever they may be." (3)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Methods of Salutation
2. Caryacarya - 1, Methods of Salutation
3. Caryacarya - 1, Methods of Salutation
4. Caryacarya - 1, Methods of Salutation
5. Caryacarya - 1, Methods of Salutation

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

If You are the reliever of all sorrow

“Tumi yadi jagat joŕá, ámi kii jagat cháŕá...” (Prabhat Samgiita #0830)


O’ my Parama Purusa Baba, if You are associated with the world through Your ota and prota yoga and care for each and every entity in this entire universe, then am I outside the scope of the universe? Why are You not concerned about me. You have left me by the wayside, completely neglected. If You are the reliever of all sorrow and the remover of everyone’s suffering, then why don't You relieve me of my terrible torment. I am still wallowing in misery. Please be gracious. Being the Supreme Entity, if You are related with the entire universe then am I outside it? I am also part of this world; please look towards me.

O’ Purna Brahma, I do not want happiness, but rather peace. I do not want boons or siddhis from You, just a wee-bit of Your divine grace. Lord, a small shelter above me - a tiny roof over my head - is all that is needed. I do not desire a garland of pearls or anything fancy or luxurious - nor any material gain. But I do want freedom and no longer wish to be imprisoned by dogma or stifled any longer, where my intellect is barred. I want to bask in the vast, unbounded, open-air of neo-humanism. Baba, being the Supreme Entity, if You are related with the entire universe then am I outside it? Certainly, I am also part of this world. Please look towards me.

O’ Parama Purusa, You are great, and I am meagre. You are the vast Cosmic Entity, the Supreme Consciousness, and I am a small, unit being. You are like the sun, and I am like a snowflake. By Your touch, my body melts into water. When my unit mind comes in contact with Cosmic Consciousness, it merges into that and loses its existence. Baba, being the Supreme Entity, if You are related with the entire universe then am I outside it? I am also part of this world; please look towards me.

O’ Prabhu, I want to be immersed in the spiritual colour of bhakti. Kindly be gracious...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Remarkable reversal: humans & Saguna Brahma


The work of Saguna Brahma is related with srsti - creation: To present more and more created beings into this manifested cosmos. Now, however, with the advancement of science, laboratory specialists are taking over that work, day by day. 

Already laboratory babes are being produced. Scientists take one ovum and spermatozoa and combine them in the lab. In that process of fusion, the two initial cells die and an entirely new third entity is created. That is the initial stage of a human life; at that very juncture mind is attached with that entity. And then that newly created being is inserted into the womb of a surrogate mother.

When Baba delivered this discourse in 1958 the aforesaid process was unthinkable. Yet what Baba told has now become a living reality here in earth. Scientists have made such advancements. Now, people are ordering babies according to their liking. Some parents want a mixed baby with certain Asian physical features, along with the height of a Scandinavian etc. In this way, people are designing and ordering their babies. And then scientists get the relevant ovum and spermatozoa from those human communities and join those cells in the lab. 

They even know how to remove particular genes that produce dangerous diseases. And verily this science will continue to develop and become more widely used around the globe. In this way, humans are taking over the work that is normally done by Saguna Brahma.

Verily we have witnessed the dramatic impact humans have made with dog breeding. Each year they are combining favourable breeds of dogs to make an entirely new breed. In this way, humans are introducing new and newer beings into creation. In the past this was all done by allowing prakrti to exert her influence over Saguna Brahma. In that way so many shapes and forms were created in this world: Rivers, mountains, oceans, animals, and human beings. 

And in another discourse, Baba guides us that as human intuition develops, those human beings will know more and more. And when they meet others they will be able to see each others past lives - stretching back several incarnations - and know what they were and from where they came. 

Humans will even be able to restore life to dead bodies

  Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Science is moving fast – it is moving ahead and it will continue to move ahead. Nobody can check the advancement of science by criticizing it. Those who try to make such attempts will themselves lag behind – they will be rejected by the modern world."
   "Human beings will definitely be able to increase human longevity by scientific techniques. In certain special cases they will even be able to restore life to dead bodies. The endeavour to expedite the advent of that auspicious day of science is certainly an important part of social service."
   "One day human beings will also learn how to produce human babes in science laboratories. Perhaps then it will be possible for human beings to place an order for their children and to get children according to their choice. Why should these laboratory babes lag behind modern humans with respect to intellectual and spiritual wealth! Those opposed to science today challenge, “Let human beings demonstrate that they can produce living entities!” By producing laboratory babes, the human beings of the future will give a befitting reply to this challenge."
   "The development of intuition will make human beings more spiritually inclined. What Saguńa Brahma [the Qualified Supreme Entity] is directly doing today will be done increasingly by the human beings of tomorrow. In that age the reproductive capacity of the human body will gradually cease to exist." (1) 

In Him

1. Problems of the Day, Point #25

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Those days Ananda Nagar was always blanketed by snow

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “In the distant past, some areas of India did not exist: There was neither northern India, nor D’aba’k nor Samatat’ areas of Bengal, but there was Old Gondwana. That was about 300 million years ago. At that time, the major parts of Sind, the Punjab, U.P., Bihar and Bengal did not exist. They were all submerged under the vast oceans. The Himalayas also did not exist. But the Vindhya mountain range and its sister ranges, Sa’tpura’, Sahya’dri, Rajmahal and Ra’mga’r’h did exist. These mountains were very high, and always snow-covered.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, The History of Bengal – 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==
Not the policy of a sane being

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One must have a balanced diet. “Whatever I get, that I will eat” – this must not be the policy of a sane being. This human body is a composite of protoplasmic cells, and these protoplasmic cells are made of the food we take in. If the food and drink is defective, then the protoplasmic cells will also become defective, and the human mind, which is the collective mind of so many protoplasmic minds, will also become defective. That is why támasik or static food has a negative influence on the human mind." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Physical Propulsion, Psychic Propensities and Spiritual Attainment

== Section  ==

Entertaining excess sleep brings cowardliness,
confusion, ignorance and stupidity

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Nidrá, one of the main propensities. “Abhávapratyayá lambaniivrttih Nidra”. Nidra (sleep) is a propensity which brings vacuity in mind. In human beings the propensity that brings forth blankness is itself Nidrá. Suppose, you are resting on your bed. Your eyes are on the watch, you fall sleep, but when you get up, you fail to say at what moment actually you slept. Between sleeping and rising things occurred of which you are ignorant. There was vacuum, neither you were seeing anything nor hearing anything. This state of vacuity is Nidrá.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Yoga and Bhakti

== Section 3: Links ==