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Friday, May 14, 2021

Kiirtana & opposite sex + 3 more


Kiirtana & opposite sex

Note 1: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.

Note 2: Unfortunately, this letter can only be understood by sentient people.


Bumping kiirtan quivers lower vrttis

The females are moving in an inner circle around Guru’s photo and there is an outer ring of males moving around. Unfortunately, what is going on nowadays in akhanda kiirtana sessions at some retreats contravenes Guru’s teachings. Because at these akhanda kiirtana programs males and females are often unknowingly bumping into each other. Males and females get completely intertwined - even squished next to each other - where males and females are touching, bumping, and pressing up against one another. This severely disturbs and undermines the whole experience of singing akhanda kiirtana.

For those who haven't seen it, here is a descriptive account of what happens in a typical male female mixed circular dance akhanda kiirtana program. The females form one circle around the puja table which is placed in the middle of the room. And then directly surrounding the female circle is a circle of males. In this way, dozens and dozens of females and males are dancing extremely close by, bumping into each other in an enclosed environment. Females do not even have a pathway to go for natural call without bumping into a male. So some, due to shyness, are forced to keep control for hours unfortunately.

Key organisers of AK are degraded

At this male-female, mixed, circular, dance, akhanda kiirtana (AK) program, invariably bumping, rubbing, and brushing occurs between members of the opposite sex. Because there is an inner circle of females and an outer circle of males, and everyone is moving round and round, so both circles tend to lose their shape and some females rub up against the male’s circle, and likewise some males brush up and bump into the female circle. In that way various types of physical contact happens. Because initially people try to close their eyes, dance, sing, and walk around the akhanda kiirtana circle - all at the same time. In that approach, members of the opposite sex end up knocking into and rubbing up against one another. This happens commonly in the daytime and even more during the nighttime akhanda kiirtana when the room is darker. In that case, varieties of touching is going on between male and females, especially when it is crowded.

The chief cause is that the key organisers are degraded. They have a strong desire to touch the opposite sex so they impose this upon others. And verily that is what has been achieved. See here what happens at such akhanda kiirtana gatherings.

Negative effect of male-female mixed circular dance akhanda kiirtana - 1

The basic idea is that if 2 males bump into each other during an akhanda kiirtana session it is pardonable and not quite so detrimental to one's mental flow. The same is the case if two females touch. But when males and females touch and inadvertently rub or bump into one another during akhanda kiirtana that is completely disruptive to the flow. That is why a growing number of margiis are feeling suffocated by this type of akhanda kiirtana program. Because the margiis are involved in trying to elevate the mind and prepare the mind for sadhana, yet in our akhanda kiirtana program various types of touching and bumping is going on - as well as other distractions - which degrade the mind.

On the one hand, there is the touching problem between members of the opposite sex and then there are other issues. Because in these akhanda kiirtana sessions if any brother tries to look at Baba's photo they end up seeing so many females. Because in between the puja table and the brother's circle is the unbroken chain of dancers in the female circle. In that case, Baba's photo is virtually blocked by the female line. And if a male tries to see that photo there is a swirling movement of females; and, instead of seeing Baba that male will lay their eyes on the faces of so many females.

Negative effect of male-female mixed circular dance akhanda kiirtana - 2

Baba has given the golden rule that after kiirtan then sadhana should be done in order to derive the benefit of kiirtan. But often during mixed, male-female kiirtan, singers sneak out of the circle individually; they do not even do sadhana, and hence could not get the full benefit of kiirtana.

Whenever mixed akhanda kiirtan is held:
(a) Those who are crude close their eyes and dance out of their pathway in order to bump into the opposite sex and create a show of their fake devotion.
(b) Those who are sentient do not close their eyes  out of fear they will bump into the opposite sex. By that way, i.e. keeping the eyes open, their akhanda kiirtan is very dry.
So in both of the above cases kiirtan is disturbed / ruined.

When both males and females are dancing in a mixed way then often they are very self-conscious and that itself is antithetical to spiritual progress. Also my friend Nirmala told me how when she was doing mixed akhanda kiirtan in the hot season then she was scared to raise her arms because she was sweating and she thought males dancing side by would be able to detect a foul smell from her underarms etc. This type of worry and self-conscious feeling also ruins one’s spiritual flow and defeats the whole purpose of doing kiirtan. But when only the same gender is doing akhanda kiirtan then people are not so self-conscious.

In some cases of akhanda kiirtana, when some longer mixed male female mix circle akhanda kiirtan is going on for a long time - hours on end, there is no opportunity to take rest, eat, or attend to natural call. Due to shyness some are forced to keep control while others purposely do not drink water and still others completely fast. A few were even using diapers to save themselves from unfortunate dealings interactions etc. Because those females who get tired will try to sneak out. By sneaking out of the circle they invariably bump into or disturb the opposite sex. That is why so many prefer not to put themselves in that situation so they fast etc. The bottom line is that there should not be parallel male-female circles during akhanda kiirtana.

Tamasik kiirtana degrades the mind: opposite sex collide

A similar type of distraction occurs for those females who wish to exit the akhanda kiirtana circle in order to do sadhana or attend to natural needs etc. Here also a problem occurs because they are surrounded by males. And when the akhanda kiirtana is very energetic, females will try to find an opening whereby they can sneak through the male circle. The male circle is moving around and the female is trying to move through. Often one accident or near accident occurs where the members of the opposite sex collide.

And again, the operative cause is that certain leaders / organisers desperately wish to go close to the opposite sex. That is why they have created this type of kiirtan where both sexes are bumping up against each other.

Due to the flawed approach of mixed male-female circle akhanda kiirtana, one's ideation and concentration get affected and in that way the mind is not able to get purified - rather it is degraded by persistent bumping and touching with the opposite sex etc.

"Do not bump the opposite sex; do not bump the opposite sex”

When both genders are dancing side by side in akhanda kiirtana and they are taking great care not to bump one another, then they are not ideating on Parama Purusa. Rather they are thinking, "Do not bump the opposite sex; do not bump the opposite sex." After all, mind is one so the person doing akhanda kiirtana cannot simultaneously think of  "not bumping the opposite sex" and ideate on Parama Purusa. It is not possible. Only when the akhanda kiirtan is gender separated can sadhakas focus exclusively on Parama Purusa because then they need not think about "not bumping the opposite sex."

For this reason, the male female mixed circular dance akhanda kiirtan degrades the mind, and one cannot concentrate fully on Parama Purusa. That is why it is tamasik. Because most of the time, in one way or another, one is forced to think about the opposite sex, not Parama Purusa.

Sadly, this is all the brain-child of certain key organisers who have a deep inner penchant for the opposite sex. That is why they invented this dirty approach - it is shameful.

Solution of this nasty problem

At our akhanda kiirtan programs, a proper solution is needed. And the best example to follow is Baba's. Here we have the opportunity to advance ahead by following the exact same approach which Baba has approved. Namely, when males are dancing and singing akhanda kiirtana, then females can sit at a moderate distance and do sadhana. Thereafter, we can switch. Females will sing and dance akhanda kiirtana, and the males will be doing sadhana.

On multiple accounts - i.e. for many reasons - alternating sadhana and akhanda kiirtana between males and females is in concert with Baba's system. The main reason being that Baba has guided us that we should do like this. And, in His presence, it was done in this very fashion, separately between males and females. And by that way the whole sanctity of the DMC was maintained - sentient and pure.

During our akhanda kiirtana program at sectorial retreats etc, then males and females can sing akhanda kiirtana separately or alternately, as described above. Then the problem of bumping into or touching members of the opposite sex will be eradicated. Overall males and females can still participate in the same program in the same hall, but akhanda kiirtana would be sung and performed separately. In that way it would be consistent with the spirit of what was done in the kiirtan mandap (kiirtan building) during DMC and our other Ananda Marga programs.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Unrelated men and women should not touch one another." (1)


We have to remember that Sadguru Baba has arranged life for sadhakas on the path of Ananda Marga where we have to maintain our sanctity by adhering to certain codes of conduct. In the realm of male-female relations, our proper standard is separation, not free and sensuous mixing of the sexes.

Baba has mandated that everything in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha should be separate: For example WWD, our relief activities (AMURTL), reportings, social service projects, LFT trainings, etc. They are all separated along gender lines. In Caryacarya Baba guides us that the more separation there is between males and females, the better it is.

It is so unfortunate that such kiirtan organisers are degraded and desperately wish to go close to the opposite sex. That is why they have created this type of kiirtan where both sexes are bumping up against each other. So they create terrible circumstances for innocent male and female participants. To solve this problem, those in-charges should be kicked out from the committee by a voice-vote. And some true sadvipras should be put on that post and they will organise the program according to the dictates of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. By this way, females will not be jeopardised and put in a compromising position.

In Him,

This entire letter is related with akhanda kiirtana and its sentient practice. Under Baba's guidance at DMC akhanda kiirtana was always done.

~ In-depth study ~

During all the DMC akhanda kiirtan programs in the kiirtan mandap, males and females did not sing and dance akhanda kiirtana together at the same time, making 2 circles, one tightly wound inside the other. Rather akhanda kiirtana was always done separately. When males would sing akhanda kiirtan and dance in a circle in the kiirtan mandal (i.e. kiirtan building), the females would practice meditation. And when the females would sing akhanda kiirtana making a circle in the kiirtan mandap (place of kiirtan), males would engage in spiritual practice in the kiirtana mandap.

Note: See above how certain kiirtan organisers became overpowered by avidya maya and introduced tamasika style kiirtan.

No mixed gender in Ananda Marga

Baba has mandated that everything in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha should be separate: For example WWD, our relief activities (AMURTL), reportings, social service projects, LFT trainings, etc. There are all separate along gender lines.

Here is a more complete list for your review:
1. Jagrtis are not shared between males and females for staying over or for office work.
2. Co-education is not practiced with students above 8 or 10 years of age, i.e. or above the age of puberty.
3. During dharmacakra, seminar, and classes, sadhana is done in distinctly different rows.
4. The organisation itself has an entire separate wing for females, WWD or Women’s Welfare Department.
5. Prout, AMURT, VSS etc also have separate sections for males and females.
6. Reporting is done separately.
7. LFT, Tattvika, and Acarya training is separate for males and females.
8. In-Charges are not mixed. Males are in-charges of males and females of females.
Note: Only in Central Office will the head of WWD be controlled by the General Secretary.
9. During DMS, kaoshikii was also performed separately. And still this practice is maintained for DMS.
10. Females do guard duty for females, and males for males; it is not mixed.
11. Akhanda kiirtana is done in a separate manner.
12. Madhur Sadhana is done according to gender, not with the opposite sex.
13. In any gathering, females & males do not participate together for games and sports.
14. All public processions are organised keeping males and females separate.
15. And there are so many systems in place that ensure strict separation of the sexes.

So the photo is a display of this style of bumping kiirtan which has been steadily spreading around, from one sector to the next. Men and women are dancing in an intermingled manner whereby they may rub up against and bump into each other.  Because the females are moving in an inner circle around Guru’s photo and there is an outer ring of males moving around. And while moving around they are ideating - that means walking with the eyes closed. And in this way male and females invariably bump and rub each other. It is unavoidable. Plus by seeing the opposite sex, dancers often become overwhelmed by lower propensities etc. So many problems crop up that make this into a tamasik kiirtan program. It is so sad to see this bogus type of akhanda kiirtan spreading around.

See below and look how this male-female bumping kiirtan has been introduced in more places. Men and women are dancing and bumping into one another.

Posting #320A Mixed Kiirtan in Patna (2017).png

See above and look how this male-female bumping kiirtan is spreading to new places. Men and women are dancing and bumping into one another.

Tamasika style kiirtan reached Tatanagar

In this posting there are two photos - here we are not talking about the aesthetic value of the picture or the photo resolution etc. Rather, please pay attention to how the first photo is single-gender and the second photo is mixed-gender kiirtan where members of the opposite sex are bumping into each other. In result, the mind rushes towards the lower cakras. That is why the second photo depicts tamasik style of kiirtan. Whereas in the first photo which is single gender kiirtan the mind will rise to the upper cakras. The first is sentient and the second is tamasik. For more about this read below.

Below is the sentient style of kiirtana. Why sentient? Please keep reading...

Above is the sentient style of kiirtana. 

Below is the tamasik style of kiirtana. Why tamasik? Please keep reading...

Above is the tamasik style of kiirtana. Why tamasik? Please keep reading...

See above and look how this style of kiirtan has been introduced in Tatanagar by Sunil Anand. Men and women are dancing in an intermingled manner. The sisters are moving in an inner circle around Guru’s photo and there is an outer ring of brothers moving around. It is evident that the outer circle is for brothers - one can confirm this by their dress (i.e. they are wearing shirts, not saris) and mostly they are taller than the sisters in the inner circle..e. they are wearing shirts, not saris) and mostly they are taller than the sisters in the inner circle.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Social Relationship between Men and Women

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Downward spiral of debased thoughts

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Mental purity helps particularly in keeping a person healthy. Impure thoughts increase the acidity of the blood and invite disorders of the stomach, heart and brain. That is why every human being should make as strong a habit as possible of selfless service and iishvara pranidhana (meditation). The best way to attain mental purity is to follow the principles of yama and niyama." (1)

We can say that Baba’s above guideline is wholly ignored and neglected by the general populace in materialistic societies where people’ mind is grossly involved in negative entertainment and doing so many degrading things etc. Such depraving habits are very bad: They heighten the acidity of the blood and harm the major organs of the body. The body is then susceptible and prone to disease. So acidic blood is the cause of disease. By purifying one’s thoughts through a spiritual way of life, a person’s physical health is enhanced and the mind is refined and readied for deeper meditation.

1. Yogic Treatments, Appendix G: Mental Purity